Lance and the team flew through the wormhole to safety. Lance landed his lion and ran to the control room where everyone was.
"Hey guys?" he asked. "I don't think you saw, but I had a run in with Haggar and-are you even listening?!"
No one batted an eye at Lance. No one seemed to be paying attention, at all.
"Guys! I think Haggar might have hit me with some magic!" Lance yelled.
Still nothing.
"GUYS!!!!!!" Lance screamed.
Lance's eyes filled with tears and he ran out of the room.
He ran into his own and slammed the door. he fell to the floor in sobs.
"I get I'm annoying, but I've never been flat out ignored!" he sobed.
Lance calmed down and stood up, wiping his tears.
"I don;t care if I'm being annoying, this is important! I'll just have to make them listen!"
(My little boy taking a stand!)
Lance walked up to Shiro.
"Shrio, I know I'm bothering you, but this is really important." Lance said.
Shiro's back stayed turned to him.
"Shiro," Lance lifted his hand to pull Shiro to him. "I really think Haggar-"
Lance gasped.
His hand went straight through Shiro.
"Oh my god..." Lance breathed.
"I'm invisible..."
Keith was very paranoid. He had no idea why The quiet just didn't feel right. He always felt like something was following him...
(This next part will make no sense)
Suddenly, the mice ran past his feet speaking in joy. They were running into the empty training room.
The mice were speaking at nothing and then, one started to float!
Suddenly, Keith felt dizzy. His vision was going blurry. But suddenly, he saw someone in the training room holding the mice!
"L-Lance..." Keith breathed.
All his memories flooded in. Going to space in the blue lion, forming voltron, and the bonding moment.
Lance looked up at Keith who was staring at him.
"C-Can you see me?" Lance gasped.
Keith just ran to Lance and hugged him.
"Oh my god...Lance..." Keith breathed.
Lance hugged back.
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