Monday, January 13, 2020

Voltron Klangst/Lancelot onehsot—Omega lance

I made this prompt on my Wattpad and everyone kinda wanted me to write it so here we go!

Lance was in his nest. Recently he had been feeling sick in the mornings so he thought he might need some quality nest time. He was a little nervous to tell Keith he was sick. They had recently made love for the first time with each other, and Lance didn't want to worry his boyfriend.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

It was Keith.

“Lance you didn’t come to breakfast? Are you ok darling?” Keith asked.
“I’m f-fine!” Lance put a hand to his mouth realizing he stuttered.
“Lance you stuttered are you sure?”
Suddenly a wave of pain hit and Lance’s whined in pain.
“Lance I’m coming in.”

Keith entered to see Lance squirming in his nest.
“Lance, what’s wrong?” Keith knelt down next to the nest.
“I-I think I’m sick...” Lance whimpered.
“Wh-Why didn’t you say something! C’mon lets get you to Corran!”


“Corran! Come quick!” Keith walked into the med bay with Lance.
“What is it my boys?” Corran asked.
“Lance is sick, can you check up on him?” Keith asked.
“Of course! Lance, hop in the healing pod.”

Lance hopped into the healing pod and was out again in a second after the scan.
“So, what’s wrong with him?” Keith asked.
“Nothings wrong with him,” Corran said. “He’s just pregnant”


“WHAT?!” Keith gasped along with Lance.
“If you wish to get rid of it-“

“WHAT?! NO!” The two screamed, then looked at each other.
“ want it?” Lance gasped.
“Do you?” Keith asked carefully.

Keith swept Lance into his arms as Lance laughed. “We’re gonna be parents!”


Lance’s stomach was beginning to grow an bump. Keith’s favorite thing in the world was that bump.
Right there, his husbands stomach.
His children.
Right there!

“Lance stay in you’re room!” Keith cried as Lance ran to his lion.
“No Keith I can still fight!” Lance said shoving this helmet on.
“Please be careful!” Keith said.
“I will darling,” Lance smiled softly.


No. This wasn’t happening. Lance’s lion hadn’t just been shot. lance’s lion wasn’t being sucked into the galran ship.
“O-Omega!!” Keith cried.
“keith! We’re retreating!” Shiro demanded.
“B-But! Lance! The kids!!!”
“We’ll get the most back, but we have to leave, now!!” Pidge cried.
“OMEGA!!!” Keith cried as Alurra’s wormhole sucked them away...


Lance awoke chained to the bed, his shirt removed.
“Hey, what’s going on?” He called out into nothing.
“My, My,” Prince Lotor walked in. “The blue paladin is quite chubbier than I expected...”
“Rude!” Lance said. “I’m not chubby I’m pregnant you prick!”

Lotor gasped and lance bit his lip.
“Well then, I guess we’ll be having quite the family,” Lotor smirked.
“Excuse me?!” Lance yelled. “These are not your children!!”
“Oh, they will be soon enough...”

Suddenly, a gas mask was placed on Lance’s face. He tricked and screamed and held his breath but the gas could not be stopped. As Lance breathed it in his memories became fuzzy...


Lance awoke to his beautiful alpha standing over him.
“Are you alright Omega?” Lotor asked.
“I think so,” Lance replied. “Are the pups ok?” Lance’s hands went to his stomach.
“They seem alright.” Lotor placed a hand on the bump and Lance purred in delight.
“I love you Alpha,” Lance leaned into Lotor’s touch.
“As do I, Omega.”



Keith raged as he tore through every solider in his path. He was going to find his Omega, no matter what.
Suddenly, Keith heard giggling coming from a random room.
He peeked in and saw a horrible sight.

Lotor. Was touching. Lance’s. Stomach.
Lotor gave it a soft kiss and Lance smiled.
“Our pups will be the best in the galaxies,” Lotor smiled up at Lance.

Keith growled.

The two looked up to see him, breathing hard. Lance his behind Lotor.
“Wh-Who are you?!” Lance cried.
“he’s an enemy.” Lotor said.
“I am no such thing I’m youre boyfriend!”
“But Lotor’s my alpha!” Lance said.
“Lance, stay back, keep our pups safe,” Lotor said.

“THOSE ARE MY CHILDREN!!!” Keith roared

He launched himself at Lotor and kicked him to the floor.
“Alpha!” Lance cried.
Keith slammed his heel into Lotor’s head, drawing blood from the scalp.
“DIE!!!” Keith screamed but Lance pulled him away.
“Leave my Alpha alone!” Lance cried.

“Lance no, I’m your alpha!” Keith said.
“You are no such thing!!” Lance screamed.

Keith was heartbroken. His Omega didn’t remember him. Worst of all, he didn’t know his children were Keith’s!

“lance please its me!” Keith wanted nothing more than for it to be the way it was before. Keith, kissing lance’s tummy...


“Release me this instant!” Lance yelled as Keith dragged him out of the red lion and into the castle.
“Whats going on?” Hunk asked.
“He’s been brainwashed,” keith said. “he thinks-“
“Take me back to my Alpha!” Lance ripped his arm from Keith’s grip.
“But Lance, keith is you’re alpha?” Pidge said.
“No, Lotor is!” lance said.
“-That.” Keith finished.

“Let’s get him to a healing pod, maybe that will help?” Corran said.
“No! Let me go!!” Lance screamed.


Keith looked up at Lance in the healing pod. There was a little screen next to it that was preforming an ultrasound to make sure the pups were safe. Keith’s looked at them squirm and kick and smiled.
Those were his kids.
But unless they broke the brainwashing on Lance, he might never get to see them.

Suddenly the pod opened and lance fell forward. Keith ran to catch him.
lance looked up at him. “k-keith?”
“Lance...” Keith smiled. “Oh my god Lance!!” keith hugged Lance tightly and swung him around in the hair.
“keith! What happened?” Lance asked.
“You we’re brainwashed! Oh god it was so scary! I thought I’d lost you! The pups! I thought I lost you all-“
lance cut him off with a kiss.
“But you didn’t.” Lance smiled.