ART SOURCE: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/88/9d/a0/889da0377dce15357c3a3b5cde706752.jpg
WARNING: Smut??? But it kinda skips over it. and attempted assault
Being Quirkless was hard enough, and yet he had to be an omega too? Izuku at this point was surprised he had survived this long. Yet thats what he always thought when he goes into heat.
And here he was, alone in his dorm, in his nest, soaking wet from sweat.
izuku hadn't really told anyone he was an Omega but was pretty sure everyone knew. He didn't exactly hide his scent or instincts. For sure he knew Bakugo knew. He had told them when he first presented back when they were childhood friends.
Izuku had always feared what Bakugo would do with this knowledge. And now that he's in heat bakugo could easily take him out!
Had his fear of bakugo really gotten to the point he's fearing his life?
Suddenly, there was a knock on his door.
"Wh-Who is it?" he tried to keep his voice normal.
"Its Tenya Iida," Iida said in his orderly voice. "May I enter?"
"N-NO!" Izuku cried.
"Midoryia is everything alright?" Tenya's voice went slightly tender.
Oh god it was so alurring...No! Izuku couldn't think like that! Tenya was an alpha and he couldn't risk-
"Midoryia I'm coming in," Tenya opened the door.
"No wait-!"
But it was too late. Tenya had not only seen Izuku in heat, but had gotten a strong wave of his heat pharamones.
"I-Izuku..." Tenya was trying to stay in control of himslef and his alpha instincts. "A-Are you in heat?"
Izuku whined in pain, but nodded. Reasoning was starting to slowly slip...
"Do you...want...ACK!" Tenya slapped himself. "I'm sorry! Its just hard to...Oh god!"
Izuku's scent was so strong! Not that it was bad, it smelt like watermelon and cherries. It was intoxicating-
"Help..." Izuku cried quieltly.
"Help me!" Izuku sobbed in pain. "Oh god it hurts so much!"
With the omega's cries all reason left the both of them. Iida slapped on a condom.
Izuku awoke the next morning half naked with his heat over.
He looked over and saw Tenya by his side, also half naked.
No frickin way.
Did he-
Izuku yelped as he shuffled away.
Tenya awoke and also seemed incredibly flustered.
"Oh my goodness!" He screeched. "Izuku I'm so sorry I-" he stopped himself. He gathered his clothing onto himself and left quickly. "I'm so sorry!"
Tenya quickly rushed back to his dorm, hoping to get clean before classes taht day.
I can't believe myself! he thought. I can't belive I did that! I lost all control! How could I have done that?! To him....
"Tenya?" Uraraka stood in front of him.
"O-Ochaco!" he stuttred.
"Oh my gosh you're a mess!" she laughed what were you doing last night?"
"NOTHING!" Tenya cried as he rushed past her and into his dorm.
As he entered his room Tenya sighed in relief. He put his head in his hands.
"I can't believe I just committed a violation like that!" he said to himself. "And to Izuku? How will he ever forgive me. How can I forgive myself...?"
Izuku sat in his nest crying.
"I can't believe I did that!" he said to himself. "I just forced Tenya to help me in heat! And now he probably hates me...How can I possibly forgive myself...How ill he forgive me...
As Tenya Iida made his way through the halls he practiced how he would apologize to Midoryia today.
"Izuku Midoryia, I deeply apologize for my behavior and violation," he practiced quietly. "It was wrong of me to lose my control and I can onl beg your forgivness."
Tenya took a deep breath. "Lets hope he'll even talk to me."
Iida walked into the room. Everyone was talking with eachother when he spotted Izuku talking to Uraraka.
Tenya cleared his throat to get Izuku's attaention.
"Izuku, may I please speak to you for a moment?" Tneya asked in his orderly voice.
"O-Of course..." Izuku kept his head down as the two walked outside the room.
"Tenya I-"
Tenya raised his palm to silence Izuku. "Izuku Midoryia, I deeply apologize for my behavior and violation." he recited. "It was wrong of me to lose my control and I can only beg your forgiveness."
He bowed his head.
"Iida I...what? No! I'm the one in the wrong!" Izuku cried.
Tenya raise his head.
"I'm the one who lost reasoning and forced you into..that. Please I should be the one begging for your forgiveness!" Izuku bowed his head, "I'm sorry..."
"But you did nothing wrong!"
"Neither did you!"
The two were sieltn until they chuckled.
"Friends?" Tenya held out his hand.
"...Friends." Izuku took his hand.
Both felt uncertain about being just 'friends'.
(Short time skip)
Ever since then, the two were closer. They both felt as if they were...together? Not like a couple(yet)but as if they were bonded. As if Tenya was Izuku's alpha and Izuku was Tenya's Omega.
Tenya would protect his Omega from a distance and Midoryia would give the subtle omega affection every alpha craved.
However as much as the two wanted it, they never spoke to eachother about their feelings for eachother even though they were very apparent to the rest of the class.
Midoryia was having an odd day. He felt dizzy and hot, and could tell his heat was arriving.
"Izkuku, are you alright?" Ochaco asked once classes were over.
"Y-yeah!" Izuku winced.
"Izuku, what is it?" Tenya whispered.
"I-I think I'm starting my heat for this month.." Izuku said.
"You get to your dorm, I'll be there soon."
Izuku walked slowly to his dorm as it kinda hurt to move by the second.
"Hey Deku!"
Oh god no-
"H-Hey Kacchan!" Izuku said weakly. "Can we chat later? I really need to get to my room-"
Bakugo walked closer. "Your scent is getting stonger. Such an annoying Omega."
"bakugo I really-MFF!"
Bakugo shoved Deku against the wall and covered his mouth.
"Move and I'll blow your face to bits." he smirked.
Bakugo leaned into the Omega's scent gladns and sniffed.
"I'd just love that smell in my bed..."
Izuku's eyes widened when he relized what was happening. He kicked and strugged but Bakugo was too strong!!
Tneya, Uraraka and Kirishima were all walking together to their dorms. Tenya wanted to get to Izkuku, but they had kinda talked him into walking with them to the dorms.
"Hey, its Bakugo!" Kirishima pointed down the hall far down.
"What is he doing to Deku?!" Uraraka cried.
They squinted and saw Izuku struggling.
"Lets go get the teacher-TENYA?!" Kirishima gasped.
Tenya was growing fangs and growling.
"OMG is he going Ferral?!" Ochaco gasped.
Tenya activated his quirk and zoomed down the hall.
He socked Bakugo in the face and he was blown away bu the alpha force of it and landed far away.
But he wasn't done there. HJe grabbed Bakugo by the shirt and smashed him into the wall.
Just as bakugo was about to use his quirk it vanished. The two turned to see Awaiza using his quirk on them.
"What are you doing?!" he demanded.
Suddenly Tenya heard a whimper. He wipped his head to the side to see Izuku in the corner being comforted by Kirishima and Uraraka.
he stomped up to them and growled. They quickly got away from Izuku as Tenya picked up his Omega.
Izuku held onto Tenya tightly.
"Put the boy down Tenya and calm down." Awazia said.
Tenya did not calm down. His Omega was being threatened thus so was he.
"My Omega," he growled.
Gone was calm and orderly Tenya. This Tenya was angry.
Tenya ran to Izuku's room and locked the door.
Tenya laid Izuku down in his nest. Izuku released safer scents and Tenya began to calm down.
"Izuku what happened?" Tneya asked.
"bakugo..." Izkuku said.
"What did he do?"
"he assulted me...wanted to share my heat..."
Tenya growled, but a whine fro Izuku moved his focus onto his Omega again.
"Its hurts Tenya!" Izkuku cried. "W-Will you help me...?"
Tenya blushed.
He relized that Izuku still had reason. he was really asking this time!
Tneya leaned down and softly kissed Izuku. "I love you Midoryia..."
Izkuku let go. "I love you to Tenya Iida," he kissed him again.
And so the two got to work once again.
I hope you all liked this!
this was fun to read
ReplyDeletewish there was more yk
ReplyDeleteI am a huge fan of lida x midoriya ,reading this was fun ngl,(My Gay Ass is jealous)
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