Saturday, February 16, 2019

Voltron KEITOR/KLANCE oneshot--We thought we could trust you Lotor

(Note: lets say Galra have hypnosis abilities for this one)

"What? Molly writing that is the OPPOSITE of Lancelot?!"

ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! I don't ship this! I just was inspired by this:


And this:

Recently a lot of people got into my spy au I made from a while back. Thus, because I live for the spy au and a lot of people wanted more from it, here you go! Other spy au content Iรข€™ve indulged myself with: + + + +

To make this:

Keith and Lance walked around the ballroom of the castle of lions. Lotor had won the Kral Zera, and the whole collation was celebrating with a ball at the castle.
"Keith!" Lance ran to Keith. He hadn't seen his boyfriend since he left for the blades three months ago.
"Lance!" Keith smiled and ran up to his lover.
The two embraced.
"I'll go get us some drinks!" Lance smiled.
Keith nodded.

"Hello Keith!" Lotor walked up beside Keith.
"Oh! Hey," Kieth said.
"How have you been?" Lotor asked. "I know it must be hard to work with the blades. What with their ways of "Knowledge or Death"."
"To be fair, yours is "Victory or Death"." Keith said.
Lotor laughed. "True."

Lotor took Keith by the hand. "I have missed you a lot, Keith." Lotor said. "After all, I am in love with you."
Keith was shocked.
"I-I'm sorry," Keith looked down. "I can't return your feelings I already have someone."
"I understand," Lotor said. "But at least be able to look me in the eye again."
Keith looked up.

Suddenly, everything seemed to vanish. His relationship with lance, his time with the blade, it all faded. All that was in his head was, 'love Lotor'.
Lotor held Keith in his arms, and Keith didn't move.
"You're so beautiful darling," Lotor hushed. "I just want to kiss you,"
"Yes Lotor," Keith said robotic.

Suddenly glass shattered.
Lotor looked up(while Keith kept his head down) and saw Lance, his hands open. The champagne glasses he had dropped on the floor below him.
"K-Keith," Lance breathed. "Keith what are you doing?"
Keith looked up at Lance. His eyes were a foggy pink.
"Lotor what did you do to him?" Lance asked.
"I did nothing!" Lotor said. "We simply confessed our love for each other."

"No, you did something to him!" he shouted, getting the attention of the other paladins.
"How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" Lotor held Keith closer, whose gaze had fallen back to the ground.
"If you didn't. then why does my beautifully violet eyed boyfriend have foggy pink eyes?!" Lance said.
"Lotor, how could you?!" Alurra came into the convo. "I thought you were better than this, using your powers for such a cruel thing!"
"What powers?" Lance asked.
"Rare Galras have hypnosis abilities. He's put Keith into a trance."

Lance walked up to Lotor and punched him in the face hard. Lotor ell to the ground, dropping Keith as well.
Keith fell limp to the floor.
"Keith!" Lance ran to him and held keith in his arms.
Keith looked blankly at Lance.
"Keith C'mon, wake up!" Lance cried. Lance kissed Keith on his forehead.
Keith blinked and his eyes returned to normal.


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