It was a simple trip to the space mall. At least, that's what it was supposed to be. lance and Keith had no idea what was coming for them...
Lance spun around to see a short yellow alien in a french hat(I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT!)
"Um, can I help you?" lance asked.
"Your perfect!" the alien said.
"Thanks!" Lance smirked, and started to walk away.
"Wait!" the alien blocked his way. "I meant that your perfect for the leading role of my movie!"
"Movie?" Lance asked. "You have those out here?"
"Come with me! You must audition! Now!" The alien started to drag him onto the set.
Keith spun around, his knife in his hand. he looked down and saw a green alien.
"Your perfect!"
"Um, thanks?" Keith asked. "What are you talking about?"
"The script!" she held up a pile of papers. "You fit the character perfectly! You have to come with me!" the alien started to pull him towards a set.
Lance stood on a stage, lights shining down on him. Lance held a script, and was pretty confused. Suddenly, Keith stumbled onto the stage, holding a script as well.
"Keith?" Lance gasped.
"Um, do you know what's going on?" Keith asked. "Where are we?"
A spotlight turned on, and shown on the yellow alien. "Alright!" he said. "In this scene-page 23- the two love interests are in the rain, confessing to each other. And....action!"
Lance and Keith just looked at eachother. Love interests?
Lance was shocked. He was going to have to act in love with Keith? his crush?! ....This was the best day of his life.
Keith just stood there, thinking the exact same thing.
"I said, ACTION!" The director yelled.
"Oh!" Keith started to fiddle with hs script "Ok, Uh...Ah! Here!" he started to read: "Andrew, I'm sorry. I'm just too scared."
"Scared of what?" Lance read.
"I'm scared that if I fall in love with you...I'll never feel anything else again. Only my lust for you."
Lance looked up, not even looking at his script. He walked over to Keith. "Then it's time to be brave." he said. "Throw away that fear, and just fall into my embrace."
Keith looked into Lance's sky blue eyes. He leaned in,
The two lips smacked together. They both melted into it. Everyone was clapping at their performance as they released from each other, breathing hard.
"That..." Keith trialed off.
"Keith," Lance put his hands on Keith's shoulders. "Was any of that real?"
Keith stook a deep breath.
"Every bit of it."
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