Lance arrives on a planet in which the inhabitants can feel others emotions
Team Voltron landed on the new planet, excited to see somewhere new.
"Now Paladins, be on your best behavior," Alurra said, looking at Lance.
"What?" Lance asked, "I'll be good!"
Everyone rolled their eyes.
Lance looked down.
Recently Lance had been feeling depressed. He was never appreciated a0nd no one ever wanted to spar or train with him. They all said they needed a challenge. That hurt a lot. He was trying to stay his positive self, but it was getting harder and harder.
"Greetings Team Voltron!" the leader of the planet came up to them. She was practically made of flowers. "I am queen Olphila, and I welcome you to our peaceful planet!"
"It's an honor to be here," Alurra bowed.
"Now, before you continue into the kingdom, we must cleanse you of all your bad vibes," Queen Olphilia.
Two young aliens, one blue, one yellow, came up to them.
The yellow one came up and gave shiro and keith a hug. They instantly looked relieved.
The Blue one hugged Pidge and Hunk.
Then the yellow one came up to Lance. "My god..." she breathed. She had a shocked expression.
"Is something wrong?" Lance asked.
"Nyla! Get over here!" the yellow one called the blue one.
The blue came up, with the same expression.
"I'm sorry," Lance said. "If I'm bothering you, I'll just go-"
the two grabbed his arms.
"Wait!" the yellow one cried. "Queen Ophilia, let us take him to the healing center! Please!"
she begged.
"We can help you!" the blue one said.
Lance shook his head in confusion.
"I can see it," the Queen said, shocked eyes. "Take him to the healing center."
The two aliens started dragging Lance into the kingdom.
The others started to follow, but the Queen stopped them. "You are welcome in our kingdom, but we must ask you to stay away from Lance for a while."
"What's wrong?" Shiro asked.
"It is not in my place to tell. But all I can say is that the Blue paladin is not ain a good place right now, and needs some time."
The Queen left, leaving the paladins.
"What does she mean, in a bad place,?" Pidge asked.
"Why is he in a healing center?" Hunk asked.
"We'll have to sneak in and find out," Keith said.
Lance was sat down on a couch, and next to it was a fluffy chair. It reminded him of a-
Oh no.
No no no no, this wasn't necessary!
Another alien-this one red- walked inside.
"Hello Blue paladin," the red alien said. "My name is Naila."
"I don't need therapy," Lance said. "I'm doing just fine!"
"Oh, but your not." the alien sat down next to him. "I can sense your vibes. You give off ones of pain and sorrow."
"Well, this will just make it worse. I have to get back to Voltron!" Lance said.
"Lance, just talk to me." Naila said. "It will help."
Lance sighed. "Fine."
"Good!" Naila smilked. "Why don't we start by you telling me when this all started?"
"It started around a month after I arrived in space."
"Why do you feel this way?"
"It complicated."
Lance sighed again. "I've never really excelled at anything. Literally nothing! And everyone else has a thing. I don't have a thing. So I try to become good at what would be useful for others: someone to lighten the mood. But it seems no one wants someone like that."
"I see..." Nalia thought for a while. "What makes you think they needed someone to lighten the mood?" she finally asked.
"Well, Pidge gets so tense, i make sure I'm the one she lashes out on. Keith is so moody, he also needs someone to lash out on. That's why I tease him. Shiro needs someone to remind him he's a good leader, so he needs someone dumb to mentor. I'm who I need to be for others."
Nailia nodded. Then she whipped her head up, looked at the door, and sighed.
She got up and opened the door.
"I'm disappointed in you, Team Voltron"
Team olron had snuck into the healing center, and were behind a door. They were listening to Lances muffled voice:
"I see..." someone said. "What makes you think they needed someone to lighten the mood?"
"Well, Pidge gets so tense, I make sure I'm the one she lashes out on. Keith is so moody, he also needs someone to lash out on. That's why I tease him. Shiro needs someone to remind him he's a good leader, so he needs someone dumb to mentor. I'm who I need to be for others.
The others gasped.
"So that's why Lance is so...Lance." Pidge said.
Suddenly, they all fell to the ground from the door being opened.
"I'm disappointed in you Team Voltron." A red ALien woman said.
"Quiznack." Keith grunted.
The alien led them into the room. It was walk of shame for team Voltron.
Lance just sat there a look of betrayal on his face.
"You were ordered to stay away," Nalia said. "I will be telling the queen of your dishonesty, and convince her to reconsider this alliance."
"No!" lance stood up. "Please Nalia. I know what they've done is bad-"
"-Unforgivable really." Nailia said. "Listening in on someone private thoughts. When they are to be a place they consider safe?! I thought team Voltron was a symbol of hope. Not of betrayal."
"Naila, please. My feelings being hurt are not worth this."
The team was shocked. After all they had done, Lance was sticking up for them.
"Fine." Nailia said. "But now that you know, I suggest you work this out."Nalia left the room.
The others just stood there for a while, until Pidge spoke.
"Thank you," she said.
"Huh?" Lance looked up.
"Thank you, for all that you do. I never knew why you would always check on me-"
"Or why you would taunt me." Keith budded in.
"Or why you would act so dumb, even when I saw you training on high levels."
"It was all to make us feel better," Hunk finished. "But, we never stopped to think of what we could do to make you feel better."
The team hugged him.
"We'll never forget all ath you do for us,"
Friday, August 31, 2018
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
LANGST/Voltron oneshot--Choesn one
Inspired by this gif/photo:
Yo, I'm just gonna skip over everyone being mean to Lance, because I'm incredibly tired of writing Langst.
Lance need a break from the team's hurtful actions. He decided to go for a ride in his lion. No one would care if he was gone, right?
Lance checked the GPS for any peaceful planets nearby. He found one that the team had already liberated and met. He had been in the castle at the time, helping Coran. And, the team had said it was a formal visit and that it would be best if Lance stayed in the castle.
That hurt.
Lance called the planet.
"Hello, this is Lance Mclain, paladin of the Blue Lion of Voltron. Permission to land, over."
"Hello Lance!" someone said form the other side. "Permission granted!"
Lance smiled and landed the lion
Lance was greeted by a crowd of aliens. The aliens had long, silky hair, and scaly skin. The leader walked up to him.
"It's an honor to meet you Blue paladin," the leader bowed, and Lance bowed back.
"It's an honnor to meet you too!" Lance smiled.
"Please, let me show you around!"
The Leader led Lance all around the planet. Being Lance, he winked at every female. And every female would swoon when they saw him.
"And this is the most important part of the planet." he pointed to a large sword in a stone.
"Cool!" lance said.
"Whoever pulls out the sword, is desntained to be our leader."
"I thought you were the leader?" Lance asked.
"I am only temporary. The true leader is the one who wields this weapon."
Lance smirked. "May I?"
"You may," the leader laughed.
Lance walked up and pulled the handle-
The imetdetly fell on his back when the sword came out.
"GAH!" lance said. "I'm sorry! I'll put this back-"
Every dropped to their knees.
"You have freed the sword!" the leader shouted. "You are our king!"
"What? Me? No way," Lance said.
The leader stood. "Follow me!"
The past leader(Let's call him Zain, I'm lazy) led Lance inside a giant palace.
"Your majesty! It has happened!" he called.
A collection of crashes, squeals, and shouts could eb heard, and in came a female alien, panting hard.
She was the most beautiful thing lance had ever seen. She had bright yellow skin with freckles and scales. She had a short bob of orange hair, and wore a pink gown.
"Is....pant...this...pant...him?" she asked, as she straightend out.
"Yes!" Zain cheered. "And you'll never believe this: He's also a paladin of Voltron!"
"No way!" the female gasped.
"Lance, this is Princess Titania," Zain explained. "She was the daughter of the past leader. Titania, this is Lance Mclain."
Lance bowed and smirked. "It's an honor to meet such a beauty!"
Titania giggled and blushed. "The honnor is all mine," she said.
"Lance, will you stay here, and be our king?" Zain asked.
Lance thought about it...
It all happened so suddenly. He had just disappeared one day. No one knew where lance had gone, and they searched everywhere for the Blue Lion. But they had come up with nothing.
"Alright paladins," Alurra said. "Today we're going to re-visit the Syklies," she said. "We need supplies."
The team nodded, and landed the ship.
"Greeting Voltron!" and alien greeted them "My name is Ophila. I'll be your guide for today!" she smiled.
"Please, take us to King Zain." Alurra said. "We need suplies and must discuss how the war is going."
"King Zain?" the alien started to laugh. "Oh, you don't know! Don't worry, it'll be a surprise! Come with me!" she started to skip along the path to the castle.
The team shrugged, and followed.
"Here we are!" The alein opened the door to the throne room, leaving everyone in shock.
On a throne, was Lance.
Lance wore a large crown and was dressed in blue velvet and gold. He sat regally with his legs crossed, a sword at his side.
"Oh! Hey guys!" Lance smiled and waved.
"Wh-HOW?!" Alurra shouted.
"LANCE!" Pidge ran up and hugged him."I missed you so much!" she cried.
"I missed you too!" Lance smiled. "So, what can I help you with?"
"Lance?! Where have you been?!" Hunk asked.
"Oh! It's a cool story!" lance smiled. "I was taking a ride in Blue, and I landed here! I pulled a sword out of a stone, and BOOM! I'm king. I couldn't just leave them without a leader, so..."
"But you just left! Taking one of the Voltron Lions with you!" Shiro yelled.
"Yeah, that wasn't my best choice." Lance rubbed his neck. "I'll give her back when you leave."
"Lance, your not coming with us?!" Pidge gasped.
"i'm a King now," Lance aid. "I have a kingdom to take care of....and a wife.
"What now?!" Keith yelled.
Titania ran into the room and hugged lance. "Why didn't you tell me your old teammates were here?" she kissed him n the cheek.
"Voltron," Lance addressed his old team. "This is my wife, Titiana. Titiana, these are the paladins of Voltron."
Hunk looked like he was going to cry. "How could you?" he whimpered. "You got married and didn't even invite us?!"
"Look, you always thought I was a bother. Why would you want to attend a bother's wedding?"
"Your not a bother! Do you have any idea how long we looked for you?!" Pidge said.
"Look, its in the past," Lance said. "So, what did you come here for?"
"Uh, we just needed some supplies." Alurra said.
"Oh, I can do that."
Pideg walked up and hugged Lance. "I understand you have a wife and a planet to run, but is there any way you could come with us?"
"I'm sorry," Lance said.
"But I belong here."
Yo, I'm just gonna skip over everyone being mean to Lance, because I'm incredibly tired of writing Langst.
Lance need a break from the team's hurtful actions. He decided to go for a ride in his lion. No one would care if he was gone, right?
Lance checked the GPS for any peaceful planets nearby. He found one that the team had already liberated and met. He had been in the castle at the time, helping Coran. And, the team had said it was a formal visit and that it would be best if Lance stayed in the castle.
That hurt.
Lance called the planet.
"Hello, this is Lance Mclain, paladin of the Blue Lion of Voltron. Permission to land, over."
"Hello Lance!" someone said form the other side. "Permission granted!"
Lance smiled and landed the lion
Lance was greeted by a crowd of aliens. The aliens had long, silky hair, and scaly skin. The leader walked up to him.
"It's an honor to meet you Blue paladin," the leader bowed, and Lance bowed back.
"It's an honnor to meet you too!" Lance smiled.
"Please, let me show you around!"
The Leader led Lance all around the planet. Being Lance, he winked at every female. And every female would swoon when they saw him.
"And this is the most important part of the planet." he pointed to a large sword in a stone.
"Cool!" lance said.
"Whoever pulls out the sword, is desntained to be our leader."
"I thought you were the leader?" Lance asked.
"I am only temporary. The true leader is the one who wields this weapon."
Lance smirked. "May I?"
"You may," the leader laughed.
Lance walked up and pulled the handle-
The imetdetly fell on his back when the sword came out.
"GAH!" lance said. "I'm sorry! I'll put this back-"
Every dropped to their knees.
"You have freed the sword!" the leader shouted. "You are our king!"
"What? Me? No way," Lance said.
The leader stood. "Follow me!"
The past leader(Let's call him Zain, I'm lazy) led Lance inside a giant palace.
"Your majesty! It has happened!" he called.
A collection of crashes, squeals, and shouts could eb heard, and in came a female alien, panting hard.
She was the most beautiful thing lance had ever seen. She had bright yellow skin with freckles and scales. She had a short bob of orange hair, and wore a pink gown.
"Is....pant...this...pant...him?" she asked, as she straightend out.
"Yes!" Zain cheered. "And you'll never believe this: He's also a paladin of Voltron!"
"No way!" the female gasped.
"Lance, this is Princess Titania," Zain explained. "She was the daughter of the past leader. Titania, this is Lance Mclain."
Lance bowed and smirked. "It's an honor to meet such a beauty!"
Titania giggled and blushed. "The honnor is all mine," she said.
"Lance, will you stay here, and be our king?" Zain asked.
Lance thought about it...
It all happened so suddenly. He had just disappeared one day. No one knew where lance had gone, and they searched everywhere for the Blue Lion. But they had come up with nothing.
"Alright paladins," Alurra said. "Today we're going to re-visit the Syklies," she said. "We need supplies."
The team nodded, and landed the ship.
"Greeting Voltron!" and alien greeted them "My name is Ophila. I'll be your guide for today!" she smiled.
"Please, take us to King Zain." Alurra said. "We need suplies and must discuss how the war is going."
"King Zain?" the alien started to laugh. "Oh, you don't know! Don't worry, it'll be a surprise! Come with me!" she started to skip along the path to the castle.
The team shrugged, and followed.
"Here we are!" The alein opened the door to the throne room, leaving everyone in shock.
On a throne, was Lance.
Lance wore a large crown and was dressed in blue velvet and gold. He sat regally with his legs crossed, a sword at his side.
"Oh! Hey guys!" Lance smiled and waved.
"Wh-HOW?!" Alurra shouted.
"LANCE!" Pidge ran up and hugged him."I missed you so much!" she cried.
"I missed you too!" Lance smiled. "So, what can I help you with?"
"Lance?! Where have you been?!" Hunk asked.
"Oh! It's a cool story!" lance smiled. "I was taking a ride in Blue, and I landed here! I pulled a sword out of a stone, and BOOM! I'm king. I couldn't just leave them without a leader, so..."
"But you just left! Taking one of the Voltron Lions with you!" Shiro yelled.
"Yeah, that wasn't my best choice." Lance rubbed his neck. "I'll give her back when you leave."
"Lance, your not coming with us?!" Pidge gasped.
"i'm a King now," Lance aid. "I have a kingdom to take care of....and a wife.
"What now?!" Keith yelled.
Titania ran into the room and hugged lance. "Why didn't you tell me your old teammates were here?" she kissed him n the cheek.
"Voltron," Lance addressed his old team. "This is my wife, Titiana. Titiana, these are the paladins of Voltron."
Hunk looked like he was going to cry. "How could you?" he whimpered. "You got married and didn't even invite us?!"
"Look, you always thought I was a bother. Why would you want to attend a bother's wedding?"
"Your not a bother! Do you have any idea how long we looked for you?!" Pidge said.
"Look, its in the past," Lance said. "So, what did you come here for?"
"Uh, we just needed some supplies." Alurra said.
"Oh, I can do that."
Pideg walked up and hugged Lance. "I understand you have a wife and a planet to run, but is there any way you could come with us?"
"I'm sorry," Lance said.
"But I belong here."
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Voltron oneshot--Altean Lance...again.
Lance is Altean. He has powers and stuff. Need I say more? It's really bad...
Lance's POV
The battle was long and harsh. A Galra soldier came up from behind Alurra.
"Alurra look out!" Lance shouted.
Alurra turned just in time for the soldier to shoot her in the arm.
"ALURRA!" I ran to her.
"L-Lance?" she looked up with weak eyes.
"Tt's Ok," I told her. "You'll be OK..."
I focused, and put my hand on her chest. I transferred quintessence from me to her, and she was healed.
"Lance?" she sat up. "How did you-"
"I'd rather not talk about it," Lance stood up. "Let's just get back to battle."
"Lance?" Alurra walked into his room.
"Yeah?" lance asked.
"Why didn't' you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"That you're Altean,"
Lance looked down. "Look, I'd rather not talk about it."
"Well we're going too!"
"Look, I've kept this hidden from the others. I'd like to keep it that way!"
"Lance, what do you remember about Altea?"
Lance sighed. "Everything. I remember the flowers, the tech, and the language."
"Anson linch gupta," Alurra asked in Altean. (I miss speaking in this language)
"Gansha" Lance said back. (Me too)
"Lance, please tell the others!" Alurra begged.
Lance thought about it. "Fine. But I'm telling them my way." he smirked.
The next day, Lance shut down the entire act. he wasn't gonna even reveal it to the others. he was just gonna act like it was normal. It would be a totally Lance way to tell them.
Lance walked into the lounge, White hair and Altean marks in all.
"Hey guys!" he smiled. He turned to ALurra and finger gunned. "Ushi,"(Sup?) he said in Altean.
Alurra giggled. This was going to be funny....
"Lance, what happened to your hair and face?!" Pidge asked.
"What do you mean?' lance asked.
"It's white!" Hunk shouted.
"Yeah, like it always was."
"What?" Keith asked. "No, your hair's brown."
"It is when I'm designing my Altean self.
"WHAT?!" The team screeched.
"Yeah, I'm Altean. Did I forget to tell you?" Lance smirked.
"What?! How?! Where?! Why?!" Pidge stuttered.
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Hunk shouted.
"Guess it slipped my mind," Lance laughed.
"Lance, this isn't funny," Shoro said. "How are you being so calm about this?!"
"Well, if I was gonna tell you guys, I thought i'd have a little fun while doing it." he turned to Alurra.
"Akien mik Dooshi?"(And was it fun?) he said.
Alurra giggled. "Disshi ooch!"(It was!) she said back.
"Are you two speakimg...Altean?!" Pidge gasped.
"This just gets weirder and weirder!" Hunk gasped.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Voltron Klance oneshot--A long nap
Keith fall into a deep sleep after being poisoned by a plant, and Lance struggles with trying to awaken him. There will be italics when Keith is dreaming.
The mission was to do as followed: Land on the planet, collect plant samples, and leave.
As simple as that! But nothing in space is ever that simple.
Keith walked around the planet, searching for a bright purple plant Pidge had asked him to find. There were many plants with that color, so he had been carrying a lot.
Suddenly, he looked over and saw something resembling a rose. It was a bright fuschia with hot pink thorns and a dark green steam.
Keith never really marveled at nature, but he seemed drawn to this certain plant. He dropped all the others and looked closely at the rose. It was so bright, it was almost glowing.
He stroked it gently, but got pricked by one of it's thorns.
"Ouch!" he hissed in pain.
The world seemed to get darker, and Keith started to get dizzy...
"Where the heck is Keith?" Pidge asked.
"Probably got in a fight!" Lance smirked. "I'll go find him."
Lance walked through the forest. "Keith?" he called out. "Where are you-OH GOD!"
Lance looked at a clearing. Keith was passed out on the grass!
"Keith!" lance ran to him. "Keith wake up!" he shook the mullet head.
He didn't move.
Lance noticed the rose in his limp hand. He carefully put it inside a plastic bag Pudge had given them. Then, he lifted Keith bridal style and ran back to the group.
"Guys!" Lance cried, as he ran out of the forest.
"Lance! What happened to Keith?" Shiro asked.
"I just found him passed out holding some kinda flower. He won't wake up!" Lance panicked
Shiro took Keith from Lance. "We need to get him to a pod, now!"
Keith laid on a medical bed in the infirmary.
"What's going on? Why isn't he in a pod?!" Lance asked.
"He's not hurt," Corran said. "He's just in a coma."
"WHAT?!" the team shouted.
"The healing pod can only heal physical wounds," Corran said.
"When will he wake up?" Hunk was getting nervous.
"Soon I hope," Alurra said. "We can't form Voltron without him!"
Pidge entered the room. "Guys! I analyzed the flower Keith was holding!"
"What is it?" Lance asked.
"It's thorns are poisonous, and can cause people to fall into deadly comas. if we don't wake him up in at least two months, he could die!"
Lance started to shake keith. "Keith! Please wake up!" tears were in in his eyes.
"Lance! That won't help!" Shiro pulled him away. "C'mon, let's get him to bed."
Keith walked through the desert. Well, at least that's what he guessed it was. It was all tinted red instead of a dusty yellow. He saw his old shack in the distance. he started to run tom it, but the ground began to shake.
It shook and shook, and Keith fell to the ground.
But, suddenly, i stopped.
"Huh," Keith stood up. "Must've been a small earthquake." he continued to his shack.
Keith pushed the door open. Everything was how he left it: His conspiracies up on the wall, his bed unmade, and a melted smoothy on the coffee table.
Keith sighed in relief and fell onto the bed. He had been in space for so long....
Shiro laid Keith down on his bed. He looked so peaceful......
"Is he going to be Ok?" Hunk asked.
"If he stays asleep passed two months, we won't be,"Pidge said. "His body will sh down, and he'll die."
"How do we wake him?" Shiro asked.
"Maybe talking will work? Reminding him he's just asleep?"Alurra asked.
"That could work," Pidge pushed up her glasses. "We'll take turns."
Keith sat up suddenly. Where were the others?! If he was back on Earth, why weren't the others there?!
He looked out the window. He saw no indication he had made it to Earth in the Red lion.
"Is this even real?" he took out his knife, and swiped it against his skin.
Nothing happened.
"This isn't real," Keith said. "Ok, what can I remember?" he started to go over his memories.
"I was picking purple plants for Pidge. then, I found that purple rose, and picked it up. I started to get dizzy, and now I'm here!"
"I have to wake up...but how?"
First was Pidge:
"Hey Keith," she said. "Whatever your dreaming about, you have to know it's not real. None of it. This war in space? That's real. Lance and your's rivalry? That's real-well, I think. Your space family? That's real."
Keith stayed asleep.
Next was Hunk:
"Hey buddy," he held a bowl of food goo under Keith's nose. "Do you remember this smell? Remember the time we all had a food fight with it? That was fun...Can you please wake up? Then we could have more time like that?"
Keith stayed asleep.
After that was Shiro:
"Keith, you're my brother." he said. "Please, I know how you deal with abandonment. You wouldn't want to make me feel the same thing. Please, wake up!"
Keith stayed asleep.
Last was Lance....
Lance entered the room. He saw Keith sleeping peacefully.
"Hey," Lance sat next to him on the bed. "I know I probably won't be the one to wake you up. I mean, you and I were anything but close....
"But gosh, how I wish we were."
"The way you were the best flyer in the garrision, I would've loved to be your friend! But I got jealous, and it clouded my emotion. My love for you...turned in to hatred. How stupid is that? Look," Lance held Keith's hand. "I really like you. And you don't even have to like me back. Just wake up...please."
Lance leaned down, and kissed Keith on the forehead.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." Lance stood up to leave.
Lance spun around, and saw Keith sitting up.
"KEITH!" Lance cheered and wrapped his arms around Keith.
"What happened?" Keith asked.
"You fell into a coma after touching some kind of plant," Lance said. "Oh I'm so happy you're awake!"
Keith hugged him. "Lance, being in that dream helped me realize something..."
"I really like you. Love you even. being in a world without you? It was unbearable!" keith leaned in and kissed Lance.
It was hard and quick.
Keith gasped for air. "I'm sorry," he aid.
"Don't be," ance smiled. "I loved every bit of that....and you."
The mission was to do as followed: Land on the planet, collect plant samples, and leave.
As simple as that! But nothing in space is ever that simple.
Keith walked around the planet, searching for a bright purple plant Pidge had asked him to find. There were many plants with that color, so he had been carrying a lot.
Suddenly, he looked over and saw something resembling a rose. It was a bright fuschia with hot pink thorns and a dark green steam.
Keith never really marveled at nature, but he seemed drawn to this certain plant. He dropped all the others and looked closely at the rose. It was so bright, it was almost glowing.
He stroked it gently, but got pricked by one of it's thorns.
"Ouch!" he hissed in pain.
The world seemed to get darker, and Keith started to get dizzy...
"Where the heck is Keith?" Pidge asked.
"Probably got in a fight!" Lance smirked. "I'll go find him."
Lance walked through the forest. "Keith?" he called out. "Where are you-OH GOD!"
Lance looked at a clearing. Keith was passed out on the grass!
"Keith!" lance ran to him. "Keith wake up!" he shook the mullet head.
He didn't move.
Lance noticed the rose in his limp hand. He carefully put it inside a plastic bag Pudge had given them. Then, he lifted Keith bridal style and ran back to the group.
"Guys!" Lance cried, as he ran out of the forest.
"Lance! What happened to Keith?" Shiro asked.
"I just found him passed out holding some kinda flower. He won't wake up!" Lance panicked
Shiro took Keith from Lance. "We need to get him to a pod, now!"
Keith laid on a medical bed in the infirmary.
"What's going on? Why isn't he in a pod?!" Lance asked.
"He's not hurt," Corran said. "He's just in a coma."
"WHAT?!" the team shouted.
"The healing pod can only heal physical wounds," Corran said.
"When will he wake up?" Hunk was getting nervous.
"Soon I hope," Alurra said. "We can't form Voltron without him!"
Pidge entered the room. "Guys! I analyzed the flower Keith was holding!"
"What is it?" Lance asked.
"It's thorns are poisonous, and can cause people to fall into deadly comas. if we don't wake him up in at least two months, he could die!"
Lance started to shake keith. "Keith! Please wake up!" tears were in in his eyes.
"Lance! That won't help!" Shiro pulled him away. "C'mon, let's get him to bed."
Keith walked through the desert. Well, at least that's what he guessed it was. It was all tinted red instead of a dusty yellow. He saw his old shack in the distance. he started to run tom it, but the ground began to shake.
It shook and shook, and Keith fell to the ground.
But, suddenly, i stopped.
"Huh," Keith stood up. "Must've been a small earthquake." he continued to his shack.
Keith pushed the door open. Everything was how he left it: His conspiracies up on the wall, his bed unmade, and a melted smoothy on the coffee table.
Keith sighed in relief and fell onto the bed. He had been in space for so long....
Shiro laid Keith down on his bed. He looked so peaceful......
"Is he going to be Ok?" Hunk asked.
"If he stays asleep passed two months, we won't be,"Pidge said. "His body will sh down, and he'll die."
"How do we wake him?" Shiro asked.
"Maybe talking will work? Reminding him he's just asleep?"Alurra asked.
"That could work," Pidge pushed up her glasses. "We'll take turns."
Keith sat up suddenly. Where were the others?! If he was back on Earth, why weren't the others there?!
He looked out the window. He saw no indication he had made it to Earth in the Red lion.
"Is this even real?" he took out his knife, and swiped it against his skin.
Nothing happened.
"This isn't real," Keith said. "Ok, what can I remember?" he started to go over his memories.
"I was picking purple plants for Pidge. then, I found that purple rose, and picked it up. I started to get dizzy, and now I'm here!"
"I have to wake up...but how?"
First was Pidge:
"Hey Keith," she said. "Whatever your dreaming about, you have to know it's not real. None of it. This war in space? That's real. Lance and your's rivalry? That's real-well, I think. Your space family? That's real."
Keith stayed asleep.
Next was Hunk:
"Hey buddy," he held a bowl of food goo under Keith's nose. "Do you remember this smell? Remember the time we all had a food fight with it? That was fun...Can you please wake up? Then we could have more time like that?"
Keith stayed asleep.
After that was Shiro:
"Keith, you're my brother." he said. "Please, I know how you deal with abandonment. You wouldn't want to make me feel the same thing. Please, wake up!"
Keith stayed asleep.
Last was Lance....
Lance entered the room. He saw Keith sleeping peacefully.
"Hey," Lance sat next to him on the bed. "I know I probably won't be the one to wake you up. I mean, you and I were anything but close....
"But gosh, how I wish we were."
"The way you were the best flyer in the garrision, I would've loved to be your friend! But I got jealous, and it clouded my emotion. My love for you...turned in to hatred. How stupid is that? Look," Lance held Keith's hand. "I really like you. And you don't even have to like me back. Just wake up...please."
Lance leaned down, and kissed Keith on the forehead.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." Lance stood up to leave.
Lance spun around, and saw Keith sitting up.
"KEITH!" Lance cheered and wrapped his arms around Keith.
"What happened?" Keith asked.
"You fell into a coma after touching some kind of plant," Lance said. "Oh I'm so happy you're awake!"
Keith hugged him. "Lance, being in that dream helped me realize something..."
"I really like you. Love you even. being in a world without you? It was unbearable!" keith leaned in and kissed Lance.
It was hard and quick.
Keith gasped for air. "I'm sorry," he aid.
"Don't be," ance smiled. "I loved every bit of that....and you."
Voltron Klance oneshot--Movie Magic

It was a simple trip to the space mall. At least, that's what it was supposed to be. lance and Keith had no idea what was coming for them...
Lance spun around to see a short yellow alien in a french hat(I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT!)
"Um, can I help you?" lance asked.
"Your perfect!" the alien said.
"Thanks!" Lance smirked, and started to walk away.
"Wait!" the alien blocked his way. "I meant that your perfect for the leading role of my movie!"
"Movie?" Lance asked. "You have those out here?"
"Come with me! You must audition! Now!" The alien started to drag him onto the set.
Keith spun around, his knife in his hand. he looked down and saw a green alien.
"Your perfect!"
"Um, thanks?" Keith asked. "What are you talking about?"
"The script!" she held up a pile of papers. "You fit the character perfectly! You have to come with me!" the alien started to pull him towards a set.
Lance stood on a stage, lights shining down on him. Lance held a script, and was pretty confused. Suddenly, Keith stumbled onto the stage, holding a script as well.
"Keith?" Lance gasped.
"Um, do you know what's going on?" Keith asked. "Where are we?"
A spotlight turned on, and shown on the yellow alien. "Alright!" he said. "In this scene-page 23- the two love interests are in the rain, confessing to each other. And....action!"
Lance and Keith just looked at eachother. Love interests?
Lance was shocked. He was going to have to act in love with Keith? his crush?! ....This was the best day of his life.
Keith just stood there, thinking the exact same thing.
"I said, ACTION!" The director yelled.
"Oh!" Keith started to fiddle with hs script "Ok, Uh...Ah! Here!" he started to read: "Andrew, I'm sorry. I'm just too scared."
"Scared of what?" Lance read.
"I'm scared that if I fall in love with you...I'll never feel anything else again. Only my lust for you."
Lance looked up, not even looking at his script. He walked over to Keith. "Then it's time to be brave." he said. "Throw away that fear, and just fall into my embrace."
Keith looked into Lance's sky blue eyes. He leaned in,
The two lips smacked together. They both melted into it. Everyone was clapping at their performance as they released from each other, breathing hard.
"That..." Keith trialed off.
"Keith," Lance put his hands on Keith's shoulders. "Was any of that real?"
Keith stook a deep breath.
"Every bit of it."

It was a simple trip to the space mall. At least, that's what it was supposed to be. lance and Keith had no idea what was coming for them...
Lance spun around to see a short yellow alien in a french hat(I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT!)
"Um, can I help you?" lance asked.
"Your perfect!" the alien said.
"Thanks!" Lance smirked, and started to walk away.
"Wait!" the alien blocked his way. "I meant that your perfect for the leading role of my movie!"
"Movie?" Lance asked. "You have those out here?"
"Come with me! You must audition! Now!" The alien started to drag him onto the set.
Keith spun around, his knife in his hand. he looked down and saw a green alien.
"Your perfect!"
"Um, thanks?" Keith asked. "What are you talking about?"
"The script!" she held up a pile of papers. "You fit the character perfectly! You have to come with me!" the alien started to pull him towards a set.
Lance stood on a stage, lights shining down on him. Lance held a script, and was pretty confused. Suddenly, Keith stumbled onto the stage, holding a script as well.
"Keith?" Lance gasped.
"Um, do you know what's going on?" Keith asked. "Where are we?"
A spotlight turned on, and shown on the yellow alien. "Alright!" he said. "In this scene-page 23- the two love interests are in the rain, confessing to each other. And....action!"
Lance and Keith just looked at eachother. Love interests?
Lance was shocked. He was going to have to act in love with Keith? his crush?! ....This was the best day of his life.
Keith just stood there, thinking the exact same thing.
"I said, ACTION!" The director yelled.
"Oh!" Keith started to fiddle with hs script "Ok, Uh...Ah! Here!" he started to read: "Andrew, I'm sorry. I'm just too scared."
"Scared of what?" Lance read.
"I'm scared that if I fall in love with you...I'll never feel anything else again. Only my lust for you."
Lance looked up, not even looking at his script. He walked over to Keith. "Then it's time to be brave." he said. "Throw away that fear, and just fall into my embrace."
Keith looked into Lance's sky blue eyes. He leaned in,
The two lips smacked together. They both melted into it. Everyone was clapping at their performance as they released from each other, breathing hard.
"That..." Keith trialed off.
"Keith," Lance put his hands on Keith's shoulders. "Was any of that real?"
Keith stook a deep breath.
"Every bit of it."
Langst oneshot-The curse
It was supposed to a simple mission: get in, get out. But no, life would never be quite simple.
The team had been caught by the Druid Haggar. The tension in the room was high. Everyone was waiting to see who would strike first.
"My, My," Haggar's raspy voice spit out. "What an interesting group." She looked at each one. "The smart one, lovable one, leader, lone-wolf, and-" she stopped at Lance, and grinned evilly. "Perfect." she blasted lightning at him.
Lance shouted in pain and fell the the ground.
"Lance!" Hunk ran to him.
"We don't have time for this!" Shiro yelled. "Retreat!
Lance fell from the healing pod, and into Hunk's arms.
"Uhg, what happen?" Lance rubbed his head.
"You were hit with Haggar's magic." Hunk said. "It was pretty brutal."
"Oh god," Lance said. "How long was I out?"
"About two days," Hunk said. "C'mon, let's get you some food."
Lance and Hunk entered the dining room.
"Hey guys!" Lance smiled.
"Oh, Hey Lance!" Pudge didn't look up from her computer.
"Glad to see you up!" Shiro said.
Keith just waved.
Lance felt a burning on his back, but wasn't sure where it was coming from. He shrugged it off as a side effect from the healing pods.
He sat down and started to eat some goo.
"Alright paladins!" Alurra said. "Today for training we'll be comparing scores. Lance, you go first!"
Lance nodded, and the training level started.
Three bots fell from the floor, and he took them out in three minutes. He ended up getting a score of 35.
"Good work Lance," Alurra smiled. "Keith, your up next!"
Keith ended up taking the bots down in two minutes, and gto a score of 75.
"Wonderful!" Alurra beamed.
"Awesome!" Pidge said.
"That was great!" Hunk said.
"Keep it up!" Shiro said.
"Good job," Lance said.
Lance felt a pit in his stomach. And also a pain in his chest. Where was that coming from?
After training, Lance left for his room to freshen up. He took his shirt off and gasped.
There was a small gash across his back and chest!
"What the heck?!" Lance gasped. He grabbed some bandage, and quickly wrapped them around himself. "Where did those come from?"
"Why, me of course!"
Lance spun around, but saw no one. "Who's there?" he called out.
Suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared. It was Haggar!
Lance revealed his bayard, and sung at her. But it went right through her.
"I'm not actually here, idiot." she said.
"What do you want?"
"I've put a spell on you child," she said. "Any emotional pain you feel, will be turned into physical pain. And I know you feel a lot of pain, Blue paladin."
"Why are you telling me this?" Lance asked
"I will easily remove the curse if you decide to join me."
"Never." Lance said. "I will never join the galra!"
"The pain will only increase. And you will not be able to tell anyone of this curse."
"Then so be it," Lance said. "I'm not joining you."
Haggar glared at him, and vanished.
Lance had never felt weaker in his life. He couldn't tell anyone of the curse, and it was only getting worse! His skin was now littered with bruises, scars, and gashes. He now kept bandages on him 24/7, just in case.
"Lance!" Pidge shouted at him.
Lance's looked up.
"Were you listening at all?"
"I'm sorry," Lance said.
"Pay attention!" Pidge groaned.
Lance looked at his wrist, and saw it was bleeding out.
"I'll be right back," Lance stood up.
"Oh no you don't!" Keith said. "Your not skipping training again!"
Guess I'll die, Lance thought sarcastically. "I'm not skipping training-"
"The what have you been doing?"
"I can't tell you." Lance said.
"That's it! You. Me. Duel. Let's go." Keith dragged him out of the room.
Lance and Keith stood, their swords drawn, waiting to see who would make the first move.
"Is this really necessary?" Alurra asked.
"Nope," Lance said. "Can we not do this?"
"I'm sick of you skipping training. Let's see if you can actually be useful!"
Lance felt a strong pain in his back.
Keith charged at him, and Lance blocked with his shield. he tried to attack, but Keith blocked and ht him with the sword. Lance gasped in pain, the sword opening up on of his scars. Lance as getting dizzy. He hadn't bandaged up his wrist, and his was bleeding out too much.
Keith kicked him the stomach, and he fell to the ground. He head head the floor, and he passed out.
"God Lance," Keith said. "Get up, I didn't kick you that hard.
Lance didn't move.
"Lance?" Shiro and Alurra walked over to him.
Alurra knelt down to take his pulse, but gasped. "He's bleeding out!"
"What?!" Shiro looked at his wrist, and saw it stained red.
"Keith! Get a healing pod!" Alurra said. "Shiro, help me carry him!"
"How do you think this happened?" Hunk asked.
"He's just weak," Keith said. "Just one hit, and he bleeds out. Gees,"
"Then how do you explain this:" Corran walked in, reading a clip board. "Intense burns, cus, and gashes. Lance is covered in them."
Everyone gasped.
"Maybe their from battle?" Pidge asked.
"Some of these were made just yesterday," Corran said.
"Could he be....?"Hunk trailed off.
"Could he be what?" Shiro asked.
"No..." Pidge gasped. "He wouldn't!"
"We'll ask him when he gets out," Alurra said.
Lane fell into strong arms. He looked up and saw Hunk. But we wasn't greeted with smiles, but with concerned looks.
"Is...everything Ok?" Lance asked.
"No, it's not." Pidge pushed her glasses up.
"Lance," Hunk looked him in the eyes. "Are you doing self harm?"
Lance's eyes widened. Of course they would find his scars!
Lance shook his head.
"Lance don't lie to me!" Hunk yelled.
"I'm not!" lance shouted back.
"Then where did you get these burns? These Gashes? These scars?!" HUnk screamed.
"I can't tell you!" Lance said.
"Why not?" Keith asked.
"I can't tell you that either," Lance sighed. "I wish I could, but I can't." he hung his head, and left the room.
The next morning, Lance had a brilliant idea! He ran into the lounge, where everyone was, smiling brightly.
"Guys!" he gasped.
"Lance, what is it?" Shiro asked.
"I thought of a way to tell you how I got the scars!" he ripped off his shirt.
"Lance! What are you doing?!" Pidge covered her eyes.
"Just trust me," Lance said. "I know this is gonna be hard-on me and you-but I need you to say one bad thing you think of me. And it has to be the truth."
"Lance, why would you ever want to hear something like that?" Alurra asked.
"Just trust me, and do it."
"Um, alright." Keith said. "I honestly hate the way you think everything is about you."
Lance held his breath, and a gash ripped across his chest.
"Oh my god!" Pidge ran to him. "What just happened?!"
Lance pulled out the bandages. "Keep going, I can take it."
"You could stand to train more profenally," Shiro said.
A burn appeared on Lance's arm. He started to wrap bandages around his wounds.
"Lance's what's happening to you?" Pidge ran to him.
"I can't tell you," Lance sighed. "Can you try and guess?"
"When did this start happening?" Hunk asked.
"When we got back from fighting Haggar," Lance said.
"That's when you were hit with her magic-" Corran gasped. "Oh Lance!" Corran ran and hugged Lance gently.
"What's going on?" Pidge asked.
"Don't you see?" Corran said. "He's been cursed by Haggar!"
Everyone gasped.
"Lance, is this true?" Hunk asked.
Lance nodded.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Keith asked.
"I can't tell you."
"It must be one of those spells." Corran said. "One where you can't tell anyone your under it."
"Is that right?" Alurra asked.
Lance nodded.
"Well, can you break it?" Shiro asked Alurra.
"Haggar's magic is very strong, but I can try." Alurra stood up, and put a hand on lance's chest. Lance's chest started to glow white, and his scars and gashes and burns started to vanish.
"There, \" she said. "let's see if it worked. Pidge?"
"um Ok," she said. "I hate it when you joke around during missions."
Lance winced.
"Did you feel anything?" keith asked.
"Other than emotional pain, no!" he said, smiling. "I thought I'd never be so happy to feel emotional pain!" he laughed.
"Lance, can you explain what the curse was now that your free from it?" Shiro asked.
Lance sighed. "Any time I felt emotional pain, Physical pain would follow. any time there was some sort of unnecessary comment about me, or when I was one upped, burns and gashes would appear."
"I had no idea that that would make you feel so bad," Pidge looked at the ground.
"It's OK!" Lance said. "I should've told you how I was feeling."
Hunk got up and hugged him. "I'm so sorry!" he bawled.
"Hunk, really! It's Ok!"
"I'm better now."
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Langst oneshot--Memeories
Lotor kidnapped and erases Lance's memory. Also, Lance and Keith were dating. Enjoy!
Lance awoke in a large bed. He looked around. The walls were lack and purple, and there was a bathroom across the room.
Where am I? Lance thought. He furrowed his brow. Come to think of it, who am I?
A door opened, and in walked a tall man. He had lilac purple skin, long flowing white hair, and blsck armor.
He was beautiful...
"Oh good, you're finally awake!" the man beamed.
His voice was very smooth and luxurious.
"Um, hello," Lance said. "Would you be able to tell me where I am? And who I am? I can't seem to remember."
The Man sat down next to Lance. "You don't remember?"
Lance shook his head.
"You are Prince Lance, my significant other." the man said.
"I am?" Lance looked guilty. "I am so sorry, but I don't remember you."
"I am Prince Lotor of the Galra empire." the man said.
"Oh, nice to meet you!" Lance smiled and shook his hand. "I'm sorry I don't remember you..."
"It's not your fault," Lotor carrased lance's smooth hair. "I'll explain later. Why don't you go into the bathroom and freshen up. I'll have a servant then guide you to the throne room."
Lance nodded and went into the bathroom.
Lance started to undress when he noticed his appearance in the mirror. He had scars of all kinds on his chest and murky green eyes. Was that normal? he wasn't sure. He shrugged it off, and got in the shower.
Lance arrived in the throne room. He saw Lotor sitting on a glorias throne. Lotor gestured for him to sit on the throne next to him. Lance sat down, and Ltor started to talk.
"It's a tragic story of how you lost your memory," Lotor said. He pulled up a picture on a piece of tech. "Do you know who these people are?" he asked.
Lance shook his head.
"This is Team Voltron. The Galra's sworn enemy." Lotor said. "They captured you and erased your memory to to try and weaken me. For without you, I was nothing."
Lance blushed.
"But luckily you've awoken! And we can start to rebuild our relationship!" Lotor smiled and held his hand.
Lance blsuhed again. "i'm..excited to get to know you again!" he smiled back.
Keith sat in Lance's room. He had been sleeping there for almost half a year now. He missed his boyfriend. They had finally confessed to each other, and were finally happy. But then lotor had to come and take him.
Why? Keith thought. Why can't we find you? Will I ever be able to kiss you again?
Someone knocked on the door and entered.
"Keith, you have to eat. All you do is sulk and train! What's even fueling you?" Hunk asked.
"I'm fine," Keith said.
"Seriously, I will force this down your throat." Hunk said.
"Fine," Keith said, and took the bowl of food goo from him.
"I know you miss him, we all do." Hunk said. "But we're all doing our best to find him."
"I know..." Keith said. "And I should be doing more than sulking. But loved him so much. He was soulmate!" Keith put his head in his hands.
"He was my best friend too," Hunk said. "I wish we could find him faster."
"I'M TRYING MY BEST!" Pidge yelled from the hallway.
Hunk ran out of the room ato try and tell her i wasn't her fault, leaving Keith all alone.
"Keith!" Shiro ran inside. "You're gonna want to see this!
Lance sat on Lotor's lap in the throne room.
"You don't have to do this," Lotor said.
"No, it's OK." Lance said. "I want to face them."
Lotor sighed, and pulled up a video chat.
On the other side was a woman with long white hair, like Lotor's except it was more wavy and less luscious.
"L-Lance?!" the woman gasped.
"How do they know my name?" Lance asked Lotor.
"Everyone knows your name in the Galra empire," Lotor said. "Your a prince!"
"What?!" the woman gasped.
"Lance, are you OK?!" Another person was on the screen. She was small with glasses.
"I'm fine!" lance glared. "Now that I'm safe from you!"
"What? No!" a large person with yellow on cam into view. "Lance, whatever he's told you is a lie!"
"Why would my boyfriend lie to me?" Lance glared at them.
"BOYFRIEND?!" a boy with a mullet and red jacket walked up to the creen. "He's not your boyfriend! I am!"
"Why would I date someone who helped erase my memory?!" Lance shouted, hugging Lotor tighter.
The boy in red had tears in his eyes. "Please Lance! You have to remember! It's me! Keith! Mullet! Samurai! Anything?"
Lance just gave him a confused look. "Look, I don't know who you people are, but I was told you erased my memory. So thnks for that!" he got off Ltor's lap. "I need to go." and he left the room.
Lotor smirked at team Voltron.
"How dare you!" Hunk shouted
"Whaaat?" Lotor said innocently.
"Give me back my boyfriend!" Keith screamed.
"He's my boyfriend now," Lotor then shut off the video call.
Team Voltron stood in silence. But then a sniffling caught their attention.
It was Keith. he was crying.
"I've lost Lotor..." he cried.
"I don't think that's right," Pidge said. "Did anyone else notice his eyes? They were a murky green."
"He must be under some kind of spell," Shiro said. "Coran, do you know if there's any way to break it?"
"I'm not sure, Altean spells are difficult to crack." Corran said. "I can try and create an antidote, but I can't guarantee it will work."
"That's good enough," Shiro said. "Now we need to come up with a plan to rescue Lance."
Lance awoke in a bright white room. Blue lights lined the room.
Where am I?! Lance started to panic. Where's Lotor?!
Suddenly, the door opened and six people walked in. He recognized them as team Voltron!
"Where am I?! What do you want with me?!" Lance backed away from them.
"Lance!" Keith hugged him.
"Get away from me!" Lance cried and pushed him away. "Where's Lotor?!"
"We rescued you from him," Hunk said.
"Rescued me?" Lance was confused. "Why would you rescue me from my boyfriend?"
"He's not your boyfriend!" Keith said. "I am!"
"No, your not!" Lance yelled.
"Lance," Pidge kneeled down next to him. "He's telling the truth."
"I don't believe you. Now take me back to Lotor!"
"Corran, get the serum," Alurra said.
Corran came up with a needle.
"Gah!" lance gasped in fear. "No! Get away from me!"
Corran stabbed him with the needle, and Lance passed out.
The team looked at Lance, asleep on the bed.
"I can't believe he doesn't remember me-I MEAN US!" Keith said.
"Hopefully the serum with work, and he'll remember." Pideg said.
"It's weird, seeing how much he wanted Lotor." Shiro said.
"I miss him," Hunk sighed.
Suddenly, Lance's eyes flew open, and he gasped for air.
"Lance!" Keith ran to him and held his hands.
Lance finally calmed down, and held his head in his hands. "Uhg, my head hurts..." he groaned. He looked up at them. "What happened?"
"Lance, do you remember me?" Keith asked.
"Why would I forget my boyfriend?" Lance laughed.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Voltron oneshot--Altean Lance
So basically it goes like this: lance was born Altean, and kept it a secret from everyone. He tranforms his hair and everything. But now that they found the colony, they're all meeting Alteans, and Lance's sees his parents. I know this doesn't align with season 7, but its just a short story.
Here we go!
Lance was an Altean. He had been since he was born. But he kept it hidden from everone. Even Alurra, his princess! The minute she fell into is arms, he wanted to scream. His people were alive?! But soon after, he found out he was wrong, and that him, Alurra, and Corran were the last living ones.
But later, he found out there were Alteans alive! Lotor had been keeping them safe(well, sorta)! And so once they defeated them, they made their way to the colony....
Team Voltron watched as the giant statue of Lotor was pulled down, and cheering erupted from the living Alteans. Soon after, team Voltron started to mingle.
But Lance didn't mingle: He searched.
"Excuse me?" he went up to an Altean. have you heard of the Portia family?"
"I'm sorry, I haven't," the Altean said.
"Oh, well. Thank you anyway." Lance sighed.
"But why are you looking for them paladin?" the Altean asked.
"They're my family..." Lance said. "Don't tell the others though!"
"I won't. I hope you find them!" the Altean left.
After a while, it was time to board the Alteans to the castle and leave.
But I haven't found my family yet! Lance thought. They have to be here!
"Lance, it's time to go," Shiro said.
"Oh, Ok..." Lance was about to cry.
"lance, are you Ok?"
"Oh, yeah," Lance whipped his eyes. "It's nothing."
Lance's head shot up. No one else knew his real name....
He spun around to find a Altean man, woman, and child.
"M-Mother? Father?!" Lance cried.
He ran to them. he was swept up in their embrace. Happy tears were everywhere.
"Mommy? Daddy?Who''s this?" the little girl looked up at them.
Lance crouched on his knees. "Pandora..." he hugged her. "You've grown so much!"
"What's going on?" Pidge asked Shiro.
"I'm not sure..." Shiro said.
"My son, what happened to your hair?" Lance's father asked.
"Oh! Sorry," L:ace took a deep breath, and White hair replaced his brown along with Altean marks appearing on his cheeks.
"Now that's my son!" Lance's mother hugged him.
"L-Lance?" Alurra walked up to them.
"Your majesty!" Lance's family bowed.
"Lance, what's going on? What happened to your hair and face?!" she was ranting.
"Alurra, calm down." Lance said. he turned to the rest of the team. "I'm an Altean."
"WHAT?!" Team Voltron shouted.
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Pidge gaspped.
Lance looked at his feet. "I-I'm not sure." he sighed. "I guess I never found a good time to tell you."
"Lance, who are these people? how do you know them?" Keith asked.
"This is my family. My Mom, Dad, and little sister Pandora!"
"It's an honnor to meet Team Voltron," they shook hands.
"Lance," Alurra hugged him. "I can't believe there was Altean with me this whole time!"
Corran came up and hugged him too.
Lance looked back at his family. He was fianly home.
Here we go!
Lance was an Altean. He had been since he was born. But he kept it hidden from everone. Even Alurra, his princess! The minute she fell into is arms, he wanted to scream. His people were alive?! But soon after, he found out he was wrong, and that him, Alurra, and Corran were the last living ones.
But later, he found out there were Alteans alive! Lotor had been keeping them safe(well, sorta)! And so once they defeated them, they made their way to the colony....
Team Voltron watched as the giant statue of Lotor was pulled down, and cheering erupted from the living Alteans. Soon after, team Voltron started to mingle.
But Lance didn't mingle: He searched.
"Excuse me?" he went up to an Altean. have you heard of the Portia family?"
"I'm sorry, I haven't," the Altean said.
"Oh, well. Thank you anyway." Lance sighed.
"But why are you looking for them paladin?" the Altean asked.
"They're my family..." Lance said. "Don't tell the others though!"
"I won't. I hope you find them!" the Altean left.
After a while, it was time to board the Alteans to the castle and leave.
But I haven't found my family yet! Lance thought. They have to be here!
"Lance, it's time to go," Shiro said.
"Oh, Ok..." Lance was about to cry.
"lance, are you Ok?"
"Oh, yeah," Lance whipped his eyes. "It's nothing."
Lance's head shot up. No one else knew his real name....
He spun around to find a Altean man, woman, and child.
"M-Mother? Father?!" Lance cried.
He ran to them. he was swept up in their embrace. Happy tears were everywhere.
"Mommy? Daddy?Who''s this?" the little girl looked up at them.
Lance crouched on his knees. "Pandora..." he hugged her. "You've grown so much!"
"What's going on?" Pidge asked Shiro.
"I'm not sure..." Shiro said.
"My son, what happened to your hair?" Lance's father asked.
"Oh! Sorry," L:ace took a deep breath, and White hair replaced his brown along with Altean marks appearing on his cheeks.
"Now that's my son!" Lance's mother hugged him.
"L-Lance?" Alurra walked up to them.
"Your majesty!" Lance's family bowed.
"Lance, what's going on? What happened to your hair and face?!" she was ranting.
"Alurra, calm down." Lance said. he turned to the rest of the team. "I'm an Altean."
"WHAT?!" Team Voltron shouted.
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Pidge gaspped.
Lance looked at his feet. "I-I'm not sure." he sighed. "I guess I never found a good time to tell you."
"Lance, who are these people? how do you know them?" Keith asked.
"This is my family. My Mom, Dad, and little sister Pandora!"
"It's an honnor to meet Team Voltron," they shook hands.
"Lance," Alurra hugged him. "I can't believe there was Altean with me this whole time!"
Corran came up and hugged him too.
Lance looked back at his family. He was fianly home.
Langst one shot-The Heart
The team glared at the wicked Galra on the screen.
"Why hello Voltron!" Prince Lotor beamed.
"What do you want Lotor?" Alurra groaned.
"Why, I only come with a warning!" Lotor tried to look innocent. Then, a wicked smirk appeared on his face. "In three Quintants time, the heart of Voltron will be destroyed, and I will be coming for the lions." then the video cut out.
"What kind of idiot just tells us when he's coming?" Pidge said.
"That idiot!" Lance laughed.
he only revived glares
"That's not important," Shiro said. "We have to protect the heart of Voltron: Alurra."
"I can protect myself!" Alurra said.
"We can't risk it," Keith said. "You have to let us protect you."
"It's for the best," Corran said.
Alurra sighed. "Fine."
Lance walked around the castle, trying to find something to do.He walked into the hangers and found Hunk. Hunk was seemed to be working on his lion.
"Hey Hunk!" Lance smiled.
"Oh, hey Lance," Hunk didn't look up.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm updating the Lion's forcefeilds so that they can be protect during Lotor's attack."
"Is there anything I can help with?"
"No thanks."
"Ar you sure? I could hand you tools!" Lance reached for a wrench, but accidentally tripped knocking over the tool box.
"Lance!" Hunk groaned.
"Sorry!" he started to clean up the mess he made.
"Just leave!" Hunk groaned.
"Oh, Ok..."Lance walked away.
Lance walked into the control room, where he found Pidge on her computer.
"Lance not now!"
Lance just stood there for a minute before leaving.
Well if I can't help anyone, I could at least train, Lance though.
As he walked in he saw keith.
Perfect! He could help someone after all!
"Hey Keith!" lance waved.
"Oh, hey," Keith wipped sweat from his brow. "What do you want?"
"I thought we could spar! You know, to prepare!"
"Thank Lance, but I kinda need an acual chalenge." Keith went back to training.\
Ouch, Lance thought. That wasn't really nice.
Lance ran into Shiro and Alurra in the hallway.
"Oh! Hey!" Lance smiled.
"Oh, hey Lance!" Shiro and Alurra said.
"Do you need a break Shiro? I could watch Alurra for a while." Lance said.
Alurra looked nervous. "Um, no! That's not necessary!" Alurra waved franticly.
"Well I want to help out with something!" Lance complained.
"Just stay out of everyone's way Lance," Shiro groaned, and he and the princess walked passed him.
Lance just stood there.
All I want to do is help, he thought. Why am I even here if I can't do anything?
Lance awoke bright and early a Quintent later: the day of the so called attack. He got dressed in his arm, and headed down to eat breakfast.
Everyone was already there, and wasting no time to eat quickly. lanc egot a bowl, and took a bite. It tasted grosser than usual, and that was saying something!
After that, they all went down to the hanger.
"Where's Alurra?" lance asked when he arrived at the hanger.
"Corran's guarding her in her room." Keith said.
"Now get ready," Shiro said. "Lotor will be here any second. Hunk, are the lions protected?"
"yes," Hunk said. "I made the forcefeilds twice as strong."
"And I programmed them to run if anything goes wrong." Pidge said.
"Good. Now we wait."
They waited for about two hours.
"Well this sucks," Lance said. "The guy tells us he's coming and he doesn't show up!"
Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Lance, be quiet." Shiro said.
Lance cleared his throat.
"He said shut up!" Keith said.
Lance started to cough. Then, his hands flew to his throat and he started to choak.
"Lance?" Hunk started to get nervus.
"Are you Ok?" Pidge asked.
Lance fell to his knees, choaking to death.
"Lance!" Hunk ran to him. "Breath!"
Lance looked up at Hunk for a second, before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.
"Lance!" the whole team was surrounding him.
"Pidge! Check his pulse!" Shiro cried.
Pidge checked it, then let out a blood curtailing scream.
"HE'S DEAD!" she screamed.
Alurra ran into the room."Who's dead?!" she cried.
Pidge and Hunk were in tears, and Alurra saw Lance's dead body.
She gasped. "No..."
"Princess!" keith said. "You have to get back to your room!"
"Don't you see?!" Pidge shouted. "Alurra was never the heart of Voltron!"
"Lance was."
The team glared at the wicked Galra on the screen.
"Why hello Voltron!" Prince Lotor beamed.
"What do you want Lotor?" Alurra groaned.
"Why, I only come with a warning!" Lotor tried to look innocent. Then, a wicked smirk appeared on his face. "In three Quintants time, the heart of Voltron will be destroyed, and I will be coming for the lions." then the video cut out.
"What kind of idiot just tells us when he's coming?" Pidge said.
"That idiot!" Lance laughed.
he only revived glares
"That's not important," Shiro said. "We have to protect the heart of Voltron: Alurra."
"I can protect myself!" Alurra said.
"We can't risk it," Keith said. "You have to let us protect you."
"It's for the best," Corran said.
Alurra sighed. "Fine."
Lance walked around the castle, trying to find something to do.He walked into the hangers and found Hunk. Hunk was seemed to be working on his lion.
"Hey Hunk!" Lance smiled.
"Oh, hey Lance," Hunk didn't look up.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm updating the Lion's forcefeilds so that they can be protect during Lotor's attack."
"Is there anything I can help with?"
"No thanks."
"Ar you sure? I could hand you tools!" Lance reached for a wrench, but accidentally tripped knocking over the tool box.
"Lance!" Hunk groaned.
"Sorry!" he started to clean up the mess he made.
"Just leave!" Hunk groaned.
"Oh, Ok..."Lance walked away.
Lance walked into the control room, where he found Pidge on her computer.
"Lance not now!"
Lance just stood there for a minute before leaving.
Well if I can't help anyone, I could at least train, Lance though.
As he walked in he saw keith.
Perfect! He could help someone after all!
"Hey Keith!" lance waved.
"Oh, hey," Keith wipped sweat from his brow. "What do you want?"
"I thought we could spar! You know, to prepare!"
"Thank Lance, but I kinda need an acual chalenge." Keith went back to training.\
Ouch, Lance thought. That wasn't really nice.
Lance ran into Shiro and Alurra in the hallway.
"Oh! Hey!" Lance smiled.
"Oh, hey Lance!" Shiro and Alurra said.
"Do you need a break Shiro? I could watch Alurra for a while." Lance said.
Alurra looked nervous. "Um, no! That's not necessary!" Alurra waved franticly.
"Well I want to help out with something!" Lance complained.
"Just stay out of everyone's way Lance," Shiro groaned, and he and the princess walked passed him.
Lance just stood there.
All I want to do is help, he thought. Why am I even here if I can't do anything?
Lance awoke bright and early a Quintent later: the day of the so called attack. He got dressed in his arm, and headed down to eat breakfast.
Everyone was already there, and wasting no time to eat quickly. lanc egot a bowl, and took a bite. It tasted grosser than usual, and that was saying something!
After that, they all went down to the hanger.
"Where's Alurra?" lance asked when he arrived at the hanger.
"Corran's guarding her in her room." Keith said.
"Now get ready," Shiro said. "Lotor will be here any second. Hunk, are the lions protected?"
"yes," Hunk said. "I made the forcefeilds twice as strong."
"And I programmed them to run if anything goes wrong." Pidge said.
"Good. Now we wait."
They waited for about two hours.
"Well this sucks," Lance said. "The guy tells us he's coming and he doesn't show up!"
Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Lance, be quiet." Shiro said.
Lance cleared his throat.
"He said shut up!" Keith said.
Lance started to cough. Then, his hands flew to his throat and he started to choak.
"Lance?" Hunk started to get nervus.
"Are you Ok?" Pidge asked.
Lance fell to his knees, choaking to death.
"Lance!" Hunk ran to him. "Breath!"
Lance looked up at Hunk for a second, before his eyes rolled back and he passed out.
"Lance!" the whole team was surrounding him.
"Pidge! Check his pulse!" Shiro cried.
Pidge checked it, then let out a blood curtailing scream.
"HE'S DEAD!" she screamed.
Alurra ran into the room."Who's dead?!" she cried.
Pidge and Hunk were in tears, and Alurra saw Lance's dead body.
She gasped. "No..."
"Princess!" keith said. "You have to get back to your room!"
"Don't you see?!" Pidge shouted. "Alurra was never the heart of Voltron!"
"Lance was."
Friday, August 24, 2018
LANGST oneshot-River of White tears- PART 4: FINAL
After around two days the four finally found Lotor’s ship.
“Alright, here's the plan:” Lance said through the coms. “Me and Hunk will be distracting Lotor, while Pidge and Matt go in and rescue Alurra, Shiro, and Keith. Corran, look after the castle.”
“Simple enough,” Hunk said. “We’re gonna die though with only two lions out here.”
“Not with White,” Lance said. “She’s fast, has incredibly thick armor, and has the powers of all the lions combined. She really is amazing.”
“Alright, let’s go!” Pidge and Matt cheered.
Team Voltron, or what was left of it, approached Lotor’s ship.
“Team Voltron!” Lotor appeared on lance’s and Hunk’s screens. “When did you get a White Lion?”
“Lotor, give us back the rest of the team.” Lance demanded.
“Ah! So you learned of my little spies. About time!” Lotor laughed.
“Give us back our friends!” Huk shouted.
“You’ll have to fight for them. I’m not giving them up too easily.” Lotor laughed
Thousands of fighter drones flew out, and started to attack. But while they fought, Pidge and Matt snuck under the ship.
“Alright, where are we headed Pidge?” Matt asked.
“They’re just down this hall and two lefts!” Pidge said.
The two made their way down the hall, but ran into three guards. Pidge wiped them, and two of them fell the the ground. Matt shot the last one with his gun he had from the rebels.
They kept having to fight though guards, until finally they made it to the cells.
“They should be right….here!” Pideg looked up at cell 23
Pidge opened up the cell, and inside were Shiro and Alurra!
“Pidge! Matt!” Shiro and Alurra gasped.
The four hugged---Wait. Four?!
“Where’s Keith?!” Pidge gasped.
“He was taken to fight in the arena when we first got here,” Shiro said.
“We haven't seen him since,” ALurra said. “We don’t even know if he’s alive.”
“Matt, get them to the Blue Lion. I’ll go get Keith.” Pidge said.
“Wait, Matt’s in Blue? What happened to Lance?!” Alurra asked.
“No time to explain!” Matt said. “Just follow me!”
Pidge arrived at a large door. Inside, screaming could be heard. She snuck inside, and saw rows upon rows of Galra, in a large stadium. Below was an arena. In the arena was a large lizard-alien fighting a smaller figure…
“Keith…” Pidge whispered to herself.
Pidge used her jetpack to fly to the top and look down at Keith.
The lizard swung at Keith with a club and keith rolled under it and stabbed the lizard with a spear. The lizard cried out in pain, hit Keith with the club. Keith flew across the arena, and hit the wall. A loud crack could be heard.
Pudge had seen enough. She flew down and picked up Keith.
“P-Pidge?” Keith breathed. “Is that you?”
“It’s me,” Pidge lifted him up. “C’mon, we’re getting out of here!”
She lifted him and blasted out of the room.
The two ran into the green lion.
“How long have we been gone?” Keith asked as they blasted off.
“Around...three months.” Pudge said.
“THREE MONTHS?!” Keith gasped. “Are Alurra and Shiro OK?!”
“Their OK. They got out with Matt.”
As they flew back to the castle, they passed Lance in the White Lion.
“What is that?!” Keith gasped.
“That’s the White Lion. It’s a long story. We’ll fill you in later!”
“Everyone!” Corran called through the coms. “We have everyone! Let’s get out of here!”
Lance walked into the lounge, where Shiro, Alurra, Keith, and everyone else was. It takes him awhile to land his lion due to its size.
“Lance!” Shiro, Alurra, and Keith ran to him.
Lance backed away. “Please don’t hurt me!” he cried.
“What?” Alurra stopped.
“Why would we hurt you?” Shiro asked.
“Are you OK?” Keith asked.
Lance stood up. “Y-yeah,” he rubbed his neck. “I’m going to my room. Glad your back!” he smiled weakly, and left.
“What was that about?” Keith asked.
“Why did he think we would hurt him?” Shiro asked.
Pidge and Hunk looked at eachother.
“While you were gone, you had been replaced by imposter Galras.” Hunk said.
“And those imposters, weren’t too kind to Lance.” Pidge said.
“For around 3 months Lance would come to me telling me how worthless he felt.” Corran said.
“You even kicked him off the team.” Pidge sighed.
“WHAT?!” The three shouted.
“He took one last ride in Blue, and found he White Lion. Apparently King Alfor made in case of emergencies.” Matt said.
“When he came back, you tried to take that from him too. So me and Pidge decided if he couldn’t be on the team, neither could we.” Hunk said.
“We tried to leave, but you tied us up and poisoned Corran.” Pidge said.
“Luckily, Lance killed the imposters, and we rescued you” Matt finished.
Alurra, Shiro, and Keith were speechless.
“He must hate us…” Alurra was in tears.
“He doesn’t hate us,” Shiro sighed. “He’s scared of us…”
“That’s even worse!” Keith grunted.
“Look, it’s gonna take a while for him to adjust to you,” Pidge said.
“We understand Pidge.” Shiro said. “We’ll do our best.”
Lance walked into the dining room, to see everyone already there.
“Lance?” Alurra called.
“Yes?” Lance asked.
“I just...wanted to apologize for what my imposter might have said to you.”
“Us too,” Shiro and Keith said.
“Thanks,” Lance smiled.
Alurra stood up. “Lance, may I hug you?”
“Um, sure.” Lance said.
Alurra hugged him tightly, and after a while Lance hugged back.
It would take some adjusting, but after a while, they would become a family once again.
I hope you enjoyed this short story!
Langst oneshot-River of White tears- PART 3
“Excuse me?” Shiro let go of Matt.
“You can’t do that!” Keith yelled. “We need you!”
“We also need Lance!” Hunk said.
“But if you refuse to have him, you can’t have us.” Pidge said, as they walked towards Lance.
“Don’t do this…” Lance whispered. “The universe will suffer if you leave! Don’t do this for me…”
“Lance, we have to!” Hunk said.
“Your worth the universe!” Pidge hugged him.
Lance pushed her away. “I’m not!” he cried through is tears. I’m not worth anything!” he ran back into the White Lion, and put the forcefield up.
“Paladins!” Corran called through the coms. “The princess has called a meeting.”
The Paladins sat down at the meeting table. She was greeted with glares from Hunk and Pidge.
“I’ve brought you here to discuss ideas on how to attain the WHite Lion from Lance,” she said.
“Excuse me?!” Hunk and Pidge gasped.
“We could try and break the bond?” Keith suggested.
“You’re a monster!” Pidge shouted at Alurra.
“He’s not even part of Voltron anymore because of you! And now you want to take something that doesn’t even belong to you?!” Hunk shouted.
“Lance is too weak to handle such a weapon,” Keith said. “We need it to be in the right hands so it can reach its full potential.”
“LIES!” Corran shouted. “Lance is not weak!”
“Yeah!” Hunk said. “We’re leaving!”
Pidge and Hunk stood up, but Shiro blocked the way. “No.” he said.
“You can’t keep us here against our wills!” Pidge shouted.
“Can, and will.” Keith said.
Lance sat inside the White Lion, as she was giving him calming vibes, like Blue would do.
“It’s amazing your friends are willing to leave to help you,” the White Lion said. “I will gladly accept them aboard.”
“But Voltron needs them,” Lance said. “They can survive without me. Not without them.”
“I sense...trouble.” White said.
“What is it?”
“It’s Yellow and Green. They are in distress!”
“The Lions or the paladins?”
“I’ll be right back! I’ll go check on them!” Lance ran out of the lion and into the meeting room.
Lance ran into the meeting room, and his blood went cold. Pidge and Hunk were tied up, unconscious.
“What he heck is going on here?!” he screamed.
“Lance, surrender the White Lion.” Alurra said.
“What?! Why?! You have five of your own!” Lance yelled.
“You're too immature to handle such a weapon.” Shiro said. “This is for the best.”
“Why have to tied up Pidge and Hunk?!” Lance ran to them.
“To keep them from leaving.” Keith said.
“Your holding them against their wills?!” Lance screamed. “What monsters have you turned into?!Wait….WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO CORRAN?!”
Corran sat in a chair, asleep.
“Simply poisoned him to sleep for a while.” ALurra rolled her eyes.
“You would do that to your own kind?!”
Lance was so confused. What had happened to the kind souls that-
Then it hit him.
Lance revealed his bayard, and turned it into a sword. He charged at Alurra and stabbed her into the chest, the sword going straight through her.
Alurra face as frozen in shock. Then, the scary part:
Her hair and skin started to melt off. Her skin was revealed to be purple, and her eyes turned yellow.
The galra woman fell to the ground, dead.
He looked up and saw Keith and Shiro, unphased.
Lance did the same to them. Their skin melted off as ell, revealing them to be Glara’s.
“That explains a lot.”
Lance shook Pidge and Hunk awake.
“Wha-What happened?” Hunk mumbled.
“Lance!” Pidge gasped. “Allura's going to try and take your lion!”
“That wasn’t Alurra.” Lance sidestepped to show the dead Galra on the floor.
“Wha…?” Pidge and Hunk trailed off.
“They had been replaced by Glara.” Lance said.
“These past few months….no wonder they were so cruel!” Pidge gasped.
“There’s no time to reminisce on that! We have to get Corran to the White Lion and get out of here!”
Lance picked up Corran and the gang ran to the hangers.
Lance entered the White Lion and put Corran in the ealing pod that it included.
“Please be OK…” Lance breathed. “Your like a father to me...I can’t lose you.”
“Lance? What happened to Corran?” Pidge asked through the coms.
“They poisoned him,” Lance said.
“The let’s get him to a healing pod!” Hunk said.
“No need,” Lance said. “There’s already one in my Lion.”
“Kay, let’s get out of here quickly.” Pidge said.
“Lance, where do you think the real Shiro, Keith, and Alurra are at?” Hunk asked.
“They must be with Lotor,” Lance said. “No way he would put such important prisoners on any ship but his own.”
“Then, I guess that’s where we’re headed!” Pidge said.
“Wait! Someone has to look after the castle. Pide, would you mind staying behind?” Lance asked.
“Fine.” she grunted.
Corran fell out of the healing pod. He looked at his surroundings.
This doesn’t look like the castle, he thought. What happened?
He heard a noise coming from the down the hall. He walked towards it and found a cockpit.
“Where am I?” he asked aloud.
Lance jumped out of the pilot seat and hugged him.
”You’re OK!” he cheered.
“What happend Where are we?” Corran asked.
“We’re inside the White Lion. The reason that Alurra, Shiro, and Keith were acting so cruel these last few months was because they had been Glara’s in disguise! They poisoned you and I had to put you inside a healing pod that’s in the White Lion. Hunk and I are currently on our way to rescue The real Alurra, Shiro, and Keith from Prince Lotor. Pudge is looking after the castle.”
“Oh my!” Corran gasped. “How did I not notice?!”
“None of us did,” Lance said. “But the imposters are gone now, and we have to get the real ones back.
“Wait, what do you mean their gone?”
“Oh, I killed them.”
“ didn’t know that they were imposters. You were willing to kill them based on a hunch?!”
Lance looked at the ground.
“The minute Alurra said she poisoned you is when I knew it couldn’t be her. She would never poison you. She cares for you too much to do that to you.” He looked back up to him. “So no, it wasn’t based on a hunch.”
Pidge heard a gasp, and turned around. She saw Matt, shocked.
“Wh-Where did these Galra come from?!” Matt gasped. “Where’s Alurra, Shiro, and Keith?!”
“Matt, calm down,” Pidge said. “Those Galra had been disguised as Alurra, Shiro, and Keith. Lance killed them, and now I’m trying to find Lotor’s ship to rescue them.”
“I missed all that while napping?!” Matt yelled.
“But we need you to fly Blue. Without Voltron, we barely stand a chance. We only have four lions!”
“Alright, I’ll help you look for Lotor’s ship.”
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