

And many more HERE
I'll be basing this off the Disney version. Also, the big climax won't be the same as the one in the movie, because I'm lazy.
Once upon a time, in the magical under water kingdom of Altea, the was little merman. His name was Lance. He was incredibly curious, and longed to know more about the world above him.He would always go on adventures to the surface with his best friend Hunk. But his cruel father, King Alfor, forbade him to explore.
He never listened.
Today, Lance had forgotten a very important concert he was supposed to star in, and was being scolded:
"How many times have we been through this?!" King Alfor groaned. "The surface is dangerous!"
"No it's not!" Lance cried. "You've never even been up there!"
"They killed your mother! Isn't that reason enough to hate them?!" Alfor yelled.
"But that was years ago! They've changed!"
"And how would you know? Have you met one?"
Lance looked at trhe ground.
"Please Lance," Alfor sighed. "I just want to protect you-"
"FROM WHAT?! I bet you've never met a human either!" Lance swam away, his best friend Hunk behind him.
Lance and Hunk sat in Lance's secret grotto. It was where he kept all his secret treasures he had found form the world above. He was fiddling with a fork in his hands, humming a song.
"What are you humming?"
Hunk and Lance looked up to see Pidge, another one of their friends, enter the grotto.
"It was a song I wrote," Lance said. "I haven't found any words for it yet though."
"Oooh! What's that!" Pidge pointed to the fork.
"I don't know. I found it today!" Lance smiled.
"What should we call it?" Hunk asked.
"A...Dinglhopper!" Lance held the object up high.
"I like it!" Pidge said.
Just then, a large shadow appeared over the grotto.
"What's that?" hunk asked.
"Let's go find out!" Lance smiled and swam to the surface.
Lance arrived at the surface, to see a giant ship on the water. colors shooting into the sky, and music fiulled the air.
"Oh no no no," Hunk said. "Exploring is one thing, but actually getting this close to humans-"
"-This is our chance!" Lance smiled. She started to swim to the ship.
"But Lance!" Pidge said. "They could see you!"
"I'll stay hidden!" Lance said.
Lance climbed up to a ledge next to the ship, and peeked on board. Humans were everywhere! Most of them wore blue and white stripes, but there was one human wearings red tunic.
He was beautiful...
Pidge sat up on the ledge with him "What are you looking at?" she asked.
"Him," Lance sighed, and pointed to the man in the red tunic.
Pidge looked at the man. "He's getting awfully close..."
Lance smiled even more.
"Oh no.." Pidge facepalmed. "This can not be happening. Of all the people-"
"Shh! He's talking!" Lance listened closely to the man, who was now with a older man.
The older man had brown hair with a tuff of white.
"I don't want to put a downer on your party Keith, but your officially 17. You need to be looking for a bride." the man said.
"What if I'm not looking for a bride, Shiro?" the boy, Keith, said. "Maybe it's a groom I'm looking for..."
Lance squealed with excitement and Pidge shushed him.
"So Keith, it's tradition that every prince gets a statue on their 17th birthday. And I know you don't like attention, so here!" he held out a small box.
Keith opened it, and inside was a tiny figurine of him in paladin armor.
Keith laughed. "I love it," he said. "Thank you!"
Just then, a strike of lightning came out of no where, and hit the ship!
Lance and Pidge were thrown into the water, along with the crew.
"Pidge! Go help the crew!" Lance said. "I'll save Keith!"
Lance swam and swam, and eventually saw Keith. he was hanging on to a piece of drift wood, unconscious. He slipped off, and started to drown.
"No!" Lance cried. He dove down after him.
Lance panted hard, sitting on the beach. Keith was laid down next to him, unconscious still.
Hunk swam up to the shore next to him. "Lance! Thank god you're Ok!" he said.
"Hunk, have you ever seen someone so beautiful?" he looked at Keith was longing eyes.
Hunk thought about it. "Well, that girl Shay from the village I think beats him."
Lance rolled his eyes and laughed.
Lance started to stroke Keith's hair and hum his long.
"What would I give, to be where you are," he mumbled lyrics. "What would I give, to be here beside you?"
Keith's eyes peeked open....
Suddenly, footsteps could be heard. Lance and Hunk dove back into the ocean.
"Prince Keith!" Shiro woke him up, and helped him to his feet. "Are you alright?"
"That man," he mumbled. "He...he saved me. He had...such a nice voice...."
"You must of breathe to much water," Shiro said. "Let's get you back to the castle!"
The next day, Lance couldn't stop thinking about Keith. Every time he thought about hi, his heart would flutter. Lance was practicly dancing everywhere that day, his heart fluttered so much.
Lance picked up a flower, humming.
He bumped into his father.
"Oh!" Lance smiled. "Good morning Daddy!" he tucked the flower behind his fathers ear, and swam away singing.
"Oh, he's got it good." Coran, King Alfor's advisor swam up next to the king.
"Got what?" Alfor asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Coran fiddled with his mustache. "The young Prince is in love!"
"Lance? In love?"
Lance swam into his grotto, to find Hunk and Pidge already there.
"Hey guys!" lance smiled.
"Lance, we have a surprise for you!" Pidge said.
"Ooh! What is it?" Lance was eager. He loved sunrises.
Hunk and Pideg side-wimed, and revealed a tiny figurine of Keith behind them.
Lance squealed. "I LOVE IT!" he squeaked out.
"I knew you would!" Hunk said.
Lance swam up and looked at the figurnine.
"Hello Keith?" he played with it. "What's that? Run away with you? Wow! This is so sudden!" he laughed.
Suddenly, a large shadow fell upon Lance.
He looked up, and saw King Alfor, furious.
Pidge and Hunk quickly swam away.
"F-Father!" Lance cried, and hugged the figure tight.
"What is all this?!" Alfor yelled. "I told you to stay away from humans!"
"But I met one!" Lance blurted out.
"He's handsome, kind, and I love him!"
"You don't even know him!"
"I don't care!"
Alfor raised his magic Tritant and started to destroy Lance's collection.
"Father no!" Lance screamed. he put down the Keith figurine, and swam to stop his father.
Alfor looked at the little toy, and pointed his Tritant.
"FATHER NOOO!!!!" Lance screamed as the figurine was destroyed.
Lance fell to the ground in tears.
Lance cried for hours and hours. He looked up at his broken toy. He picked up Keith's tiny head in his hands. He started to cry again.
Sudeenly, something fell in front of him: it was a large purple bubble.
Lance carefully picked it up in his hands, and an voice started to speak.
"Gah!" Lance gasped.
"Calm down child," the bubble said. "I know someone who can help you."
Lance wipped his tears.
"Haggar, the sea witch."
Lance had heard lengands about Haggar, but never thought she was real.
"Follow me, I can take you to her!" the bubble started to float away.
Pidge and Hunk looked up to see Lance following some kind of purple orb. They swam up to him.
"Lance, where are you going?" Hunk asked.
"I'm going to Haggar, the sea witch," Lance said.
"WHAT?!" the two shouted.
"But she's a monster!" Pidge said.
"If she can help me see Keith again, its worth it!" lance said.
Lance arrived at a dark cave, and the purple orb led him iside.
"Lance, please reconsider this," Hunk said.
"It's the only way!" Lance said. "Why did you even come?"
"To protect you if anything goes wrong!" Pidge said.
"Welcome," said a voice, and the three merpeople looked up.
The sea witch Haggar, sat in a large throne made of bones.
She swam up to Lance, and help his chin up with one finger. "Oh, you poor unfortunate soul! What seems to be troubling you?"
"I uh, need to become a human." Lance said. "To be with my true love."
"I see, but it will come at a price." Haggar said. She started to put various liquids inside a large pot.
"I'll make you a potion that will make you a human for three days." she finished it and put it in a bottle. "And if you can get this True Love you speak of to kiss you, then you stay human forever! But, if you don;'t then you turn back into a mermaid..and become my servant for the rest of your life."
"Don't do this-!"
"Deal." Lance interrupted Pidge and Hunk.
"But I will need one more thing," Haggar grinned. "Your voice."
"But without my voice, how can I-"
"You'll figure it out!" Haggar snapped. "Do we still have a deal?"
A large scroll and quill appeared in front of him.
Out of adrenaline and impulse, he sighed it quickly.
"NO!" Hunk and pidge cried.
Lance's breathing started to get faster, and his waist started to ache. He feet hurt, and his legs were stinging. Suddenly, he couldn't breath!
Pidge and Hunk swam up to him, and pushed him other surface....
Lance gasped for air as he reached the surface. Pidge and Hunk pushed him to shallow waters, where he could sit.
"Thanks guys!" he said, but no noise came out. He rubbed his neck. It felt so empty...
"I can not believe you just did that!" Pidge said.
"Your dad's gonna be ticked." Hunk said.
"Chill guys, he can't get to me here!" lance tried to say as he smirked.
"Lance, you have no voice." Pidge rolled her eyes.
"Let's get you some of those thing human's wear. What's it called...oh yes! Cloths." Hunk found a wet piece of a sail, and some robe, and wrapped it around Lance.
"Now go find that boy!" Hunk patted his friend on the back.
Lance tried to stand, but fell back into the water.
"Right, he doesn't know who to use those things yet," Pidge said.
Lance tried again, and managed to stay upright, He tried to take a step, and stood on the sand. He made his way over to a rock, and sat down, out of breath.
The other two cheered him on.
Suddenly, they looked shocked, and dove into deeper water.
Lance looked behind him, and saw Keith walking his way!
Keith walked up to Lance.
"Excuse me, but have we met?" Keith asked.
Lance nodded.
"It's you!" Keith smiled. "The one I've been looking for! What's your name?"
"LANCE!" Lance cheered, but remembered he didn't have a voice."What's wrong?" Kirth asked.
Lance patted his neck.
"You don't have a voice?" Keith sighed. "You must not be him then..."
Lance leaned forward a little, and accitdentaly fell off the rock!
Luckily, keith caught him.
"Are you Ok?" he asked.
lance wobbled on his legs, but fell to the ground.
"Can you not walk?" Keith asked.
Lance shook his head.
"Come with me," Keith said, and helped him up. "We'll get yup figured out."
The next day, Lance and Keith walked around town together. based on what lance could explain without a voice, Keith amused Lance had been a part of a shipwreck, and had lost his muscle memory of how to walk.
But Lance was getting better at it! He could now take more than tweet steps without falling!
Lance was fascinated by everything!
At the end of the day, Keith took Lance on a boat ride.
It was incredibly romantic, and fireflies lit up the sunset blue sky. Keith and Lance looked at each other with longing in their eyes. Keith leaned in, and Lance leaned in oo. The two lips brsuhed...
But then the boat tipped over!
"I got you!" Keith helped Lance up.
Haggar looked at the two lovebirds through her crystal ball. "that was close!" she growled. "Too close!"
She drank a potion, and put on her neckline that contained Lance's voice
"Time to take things into my own hands!"
Lance awoke the next morning. he had been staying in Keith's castle for the time being. This was his last day as a human....
Lance looked out his window. Below him was the ocean and Pidge and Hunk were looking up at him.
"We were listening to the humans talk, and we heard that Keith is planning on getting married!" hunk said.
"You did it!" Pidge cheered.
Lance started jumping up and down.
"Go!" Hunk said.
Lance nod dded fast and started running down the hall.
Lance looked down, and saw Keith, but he was with a woman. The woman leaned on him.
lance was confused.
"We'd like to married this afternoon at sunset if possible," Keith said to Shiro.
Lance felt tears in his eyes and ran away.
Lance looked out in the distance as the wedding ship left the harbor. He cried and cried. His life was over. He was going to be a slave to the sea witch, and never see Keith again...
"Lance!" Pidge and Hunk popped out of the water.
Lance looked at them, his eyes red from crying.
"Lance! The woman isn't a woman!" Hunk said.
lance made a confused face.
"That woman Keith is marrying? It's Haggar in disguise! She's taken your voice and put a spell on Keith!" Pidge said.
Lance's eyes widened. He pointed to the ship frantically.
"We have to get you to that ship!" Pidge said. She quickly tried soem rope around a barel, and Hunk grabbed thje roipe.
"Hunk, pull Lance to the ship! I'll distract the wedding!" Pidge dove into the water.
Lance jumped in and grabbed onto the barel as Hunk pulled him to the ship.
Lance pulled himself onto the ship. He could see Pidge chucking seashells at the guests.
But Keith and imposter Haggar didn't seem to care as they kept walking down the isle.
Lance ran to Haggar, and tackled her. The guests gasped.
"Let go of me!" Haggar said in Lance's voice.
lance ripped her necklace off, and smashed it on teh ground.
"NO!" Haggar said, her normal voice back.
Lance's voice flew back into Lance's throat, and he gasped. "It's...it's back!" he cheered.
"Lance!" Keith ran to him, the spell on him broken. "You can talk! Your the one I've been looking for!"
"Oh Keith, I tried to to tell you!" Lance sighed lovingly.
The two leaned in, and werw about to kiss...
Suddenly, Lance let out a cry of pain, and fell to the ground.
The sun had set, and his third day was over. He had turned back into a merman.
"Ha!" Hagagr crawled over to them, her own tail back. "You're too late!" she grabbed Lance.
"let me go!" he cried.
Haggar dragged him back into the water.
"Let my son go!" Alfor held his Tritant to Haggar's neck.
"AhAh!" Haggar said. "We made a deal!" she held up the contract.
Alfor tried to blast it, but it stayed in one peice.
"HA! THE CONTRACT'S LEGAL!" she yelled.
"Daddy I'm sorry!" Lance cried.
Suddenly, a splash was heard. Haggar turned around just in time for Keith to stab her with a knife. She screamed in pain, and fell to the ground. She turned into sea foam(Grim brothers reference!)!
Keith swam back up to the surface and to the shore.
Lance looked out at Keith on shore. Keith looking back.
Both longed for each other.
Suddenly, a bright light shined from Lance's hip. Lance looked down, and saw a pair of legs!
He looked out, and saw his father, smiling. lance smiled back, and ran through te water to his true love.
Keith and Lance shared a strong embraced, and fianally kissed.
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