
Let's jump in!
Team Voltron landed on the new planet. It seemed as if adults almost didn't exist: There were so many children. It reminded Lance of home. He was always surrounded by his nieces and nephews at home.
"Lance?" Hunk nudged him.
"Oh, yeah?" Lance asked. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
"Are you ever?" Keith snapped.
"Hey!" Lance snapped back. "You little-"
"Guys, stop it." Shiro said. "Lance, don't start fights."
"But Keith started it!" Lance objected.
A glare from Shiro shut him up.
"Welcome!" the leader of the planet came up to them. " I am Zain," he said. "And welcome, to Aquaris!"
"Its a pleasure ti be here," Alurra bowed down to him, and the paladins followed.
The leader took a look at each paladin s Alurra introduced them.
"And this is Lance," Alurra said.
Lance waved and put on a fake smiled.
The leader looked confused. "Are you sure?"
"Um, yes?" Alurra said. "I know he's not much, but he gets the job done!"
Zain nodded slowly. "I see. Well anyway, let us discuss this alliance!"
The paladins were standing up to leave, when the king raised a hand. "If I may, I would like to discuss something with the Blue paladin Lance in private."
The others looked nervous, but nodded and left.
"Did I do something wrong?" Lance asked.
"No," Zain said. "I'm just concerned for you. I had heard rumors that the Blue paladin was very energetic and lighthearted."
"I am!" Lance said. "I don;t know why you think I'm not.
"But you see, I am leader due to a magical ability I have: I can feel what others are feeling. And Lance, I feel such pain in you..."
Lance looked at the floor. "Oh, that."
"I might be able to help you. But first, tell me: How bad is it."
Lance rolled up his sleeve to show multiple scars and bandages.
"Oh my!" Zain gasped. "It is bad. Come with me!"
Lance and ain walked into a large science lab.
"Lance, do you know why we have so many children on this planet?" Zain asked.
"No sir," Lance sad.
"It's because its a cure. many of my people are depressed. Children are an outlet for them. It makes them happier and it increases our population, which had been incredibly lowered by Zarkon.. It's a win-win."
"Are you saying-"
"Lance, would you let us help you by gifting you with a child?" Zain asked.
Lance thought about it. "I don't know if the team would like that."
"Why not?"
"They already don't like me. Why would they allow me to have a child on the ship?"
"I understand," Zain said. "But if they didn't matter, what would your answer be?"
Lance thought again. "Definitely." he said. "I love children. They remind me of my own siblings and make me feel better."
"So, what's your answer?"
"No," Lance said. "The team would hate me."
"Normally I wouldn't advise this, but if the child will make you feel better, then why not just keep the child a secret?"
Lance looked up. "How? Babies cry and need constant attention. I won't be able to give that if I have to hide the baby."
"You lion is somewhat alive. It can help, can it not?"
Lance thought about it. "I just can't...."
"Then the only other thing I can think of to make you feel better is to tell your team how you feel."
Lance froze. "So, how are you going to make me a child?"
"Alright, there are some side effects to this," Zain said, as he took Lance's blood.
"Like what?" lance asked.
"Well, you won't necessarily give birth, but you will experience cramps and morning sickness. Also, your body will turn a bit more feminine. You won't grow breasts, but you will be able to breastfeed. Do you still wish to go through with this?"
Lance nodded. "I've always acted a bit feminine. About time I had the body for it."
"You know, you don't have to do this. You can always just tell the team how you feel."
Lance shook his head. "They would just think I'm being selfish."
"I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully this little light will help you." he ejected the blood into a small machine and the machine powered up."
"The process of when the child comes out will be painful. It will feel like giving birth," Zain warned.
"I'm ready." Lance said.
"The child will be ready in about a month."
Lance sat alone in his room. He wasn't feeling too well. He thought back to the week before. Guess the morning sickness was kicking in. He ran into the bathroom and puked.
"Oh god," he moaned. "I hate this-BLAAAA" he puked again.
Finally, after what felt like ten whole minutes, he finally stopped puking. He flushed the toilet, washed his face off.
Lance tried to pull on his pants,but they kept falling down. He looked at himself in the mirror: His waist had shrunk, and his hips had also shrunk. He gotten much skinnier. Guess is feminine form was coming out. He grabbed a piece of of robe he kept in the emergency supplies back, and wrapped it around his waist as a belt.
Suddenly, something in his pocket vibrted. He dug in his pockets and found a communicator ringing. He picked up.
"Hello?" he said.
"Hello Lance!" Zain said from the other end. "i just wanted to check up on you. Are you feeling any symptoms yet?"
"I am," Lance said. "I got morning sickness and my clothes barely fit anymore due to my new body form."
"I see," Zain said. "Well, the child is starting to even up a body and brain. We believe it is a female. Start thinking of names!" '
"I will," Lance chuckled, and hung up. Then, he headed down to breakfast.
"Lance, why are you wearing rope?" Keith asked annoyed.
"I needed a belt," Lance said. "I couldn't find one though."
"Isn't that uncomfortable?" Pidge asked.
"It works," Lance said. "That's all that really matters" he shrugged. he sat down and started to eat.
But the others gave him weird looks the whole time. lance stopped eating.
"What?" he asked.
"have you...lost weight?" Shiro asked carefully.
Lance looked at himself and shrugged. "I guess," he said.
Lance was training in the training room. A robot fell from the ceiling and Lance shot it down in an instant. But another one snuck up behind him and kicked him to the floor.
"End training sequence," Lance said.
He slowly sat up and gripped his stomach. It was stinging, even though he hadn't been truck there.
Were these the cramps, Zain told him about?
Lance tried to breath, but it hurt too much. It took short breaths, and tried to stand. He walked slowly back to his room.
Lance laid on his bed, tears threatening to spill. He hadn't felt such pain in his life...
Hunk knocked on his door. "Lance?" he called. "Are you Ok in there?
"I'm...Fine...." Lance whimpered.
"Uh, you don't sound fine. I'm coming in!" Hunk entered and saw Lance curled up on his bed.
"Lance! What happened?" Hunk asked as he kneeled at lance's side.
"It's just cramp," Lance choked out. "It'll pass,"
"Dude, how did you get a cramp?" Hunk asked.
"I don't know," lance said.
Slowly, the ramp passed, and lance sat up. "Ok...I'm good." he said.
"Thank god," Hunk sighed. "We should ask Coran for some pain killers in case it happens again."
After three weeks, Lance awoke in horror to see he had wet the bed.
"Oh my god," Lance gasped. "My water just broke!"
He quickly picked up his cominutcator. "Zain!"
"Lance!" Zain picked up. "The child is almost about to-"
"My water broke!" Lance said.
"You must get here as fast as you can," Zain said. "Your about to go into labor!"
lance ran as fast as he could into his lion.
"My cub!" Blue said. "What is wrong?"
"It's a long story, but I'm going into a kind of labor! I'm going to feel the pain of having child and have to get to Aquaris!"
Lance blasted off as quickly and quietly as possible.
Lance stumbled into the medial room of Aquaris' castle.
"Lance!" Zain ran up to hi and laid him on a bed. "We'll put the numbing medicine in you, then bring in the child's pod. But stay calm! We've done this before."
Lance nodded as the pain started to increase.
After a painful hour, it was the final stretch.
"C'mon Lance!" Zain yelled. "Just push a little harder!"
Lance pushed and screamed. "GAAAAH!!!"
Suddenly, the sound of crying filled the room. Everything stopped. Lance stopped screaming, and tears filled his eyes. He felt the sudden urge to do anything to stop the crying.
He had done it...
Zain came to Lance, holding a small punk bundle. He handed it to Lance, and Lance gasped.
Inside the bubble, was a baby girl. She had tan skin and dark brown hair. Freckles littered her skin, and she slept soundly.
Tears of pride filled Lance's eyes. For the rest of his life, he wanted nothing more but to see her smile. He never wanted to see her cry, ever.
"Well Lance," Zain smiled. "What's her name?"
"Isabelle" Lance said.
Zain helped fill his lion with everything he would need to raise his child: A small bed, a stuffed animal(Some weird mermaid like thing), and a milk bottle that never ran dry. It would always refill.
"Just remember, she'll need to breastfeed for the first two weeks. It'll come naturally. Zain had said
He also packed him with with dippers, a parenting book, clothes for the child, and baby food.
"Thank you," Lance said. "For everything!"
"Your welcome." Zain said. "I advise you tell your team eventually, but you can tell them anytime. I'll be checking in every once in a while. Feel free to visit anytime!"
"I will," Lance said. "Thank you,"
Lance awoke inside the Blue lion. he had moved all his stuff there so that we would never be apart from Isabelle longer than he had to be. He yawned, and looked over at Isabelle. She was sleeping peacefully in her little crip.
"Good morning Blue," Lance said.
"Good morning," Blue said. "I still can't believe you've become a father!"
"Mother," Lance corrected.
Isabelle started to whine a little.
"Well good morning!" Lance smiled. "I bet your hungry again, aren't you?" Lance pulled off his shirt and brought Isabelle up to his chest. She started to suck his nipple.
It had felt weird at first, but now Lance had gotten used to it.
After Isabelle was done eating, Lance ser her down to nap, while he got dressed.
Lance looked at his clothes. He hated them. they didn't fit and didn't feel right now that he had become more feminine. Suddenly, Lance had an idea. He walked out of his Lion and to ALurra's room.
"Oh, it's you." Alurra seemed a little down that it was Lance at her door.
"Sorry," Lance said. "I just came to ask for a favor."
"What do you want?" she sounded annoyed.
"I just wanted to borrow some clothing. My cloths don't fit anymore."
Alurra looked surprised. "bu lance, all I own are dresses."
"And?" Lance looked unphased.
"Oh well, um...be right back!" she shut the door. She opened it as second later holding a long, but casual blue and with dress. "Will this do?"
"Perfect!" lance said. "Thank you so much!"
Lance put on the dress. Isabelle sat on the bed and clapped her hands together. "Mamma pretty!"
"Thank you!" Lance smiled. "Blue, what do you think?"
"If you like it, I love it!" she said.
Lance chuckled. "Well, time to go to breakfast!"'
Lance entered the dining room to shocked faces.
"L-Lance?" Keith was cracking up.
"What are you wearing?" Hunk asked.
"A dress," Lance said. "Alurra let me have it."
"Did Pidge dare you to do this?" Shiro asked.
"What?" Pidge said. "Why do you blame me?!"
"Don't blame Pidge," Alurra said. "He really asked me for it. Said he clothes didn't fit him anymore."
"Lance, you could've just asked me," Coran said. "I have tons of spare clothes!"
"That's OK," Lance said. "I really like this dress!" he spun around in it, and the skirt floated.
"Why don't your clothes fit anymore?" Keitt asked. "If you grew, there's no way you'd fit into Alurra's clothes."
"I think I just lost weight." Lance said.
"You sure did!" Hunk walked over to him. "Have you been eating! Your skin and bones man!" He lifted up his dress(He had shorts Alurra lent him on) and gasped. There was a hickie on hs nipple.(From Isaelle suking it. Does that happen? let's just roll with it.)
"Hunk!" Lance pulled his dress down. "What the heck?!"
"What the heck indeed!" Hunk said. "You have hickey! Who the eff is effing Lance?!"
"No one!" Lance said.
"Then where'd that hikey come from?!" Pidge asked.
Lance sighed. "Fine." he said. "I guess I couldn't hide her forever-"
"HER?!" The team gasped.
"Just follow me."
Lance and the team arrived at his lion. "Now what I'm going to show you is shocking. But you have to promise to be quiet."
The team nodded in confusion.
They entered, andLance led them to the crib.
"HOLY CROW!" Pidge screamed.
Isabelle woke up, and stated to cry. Lance picked her up and cradled her.
"Pidge!" he scolded. "You said you'd be quiet!"
The baby started to whimper.
"Shh..Shh..It's Ok! Mommy's here!" lance cooed.
"Lance, what is going on?!" Shiro said.
"Remember when we went to Aquaries?" Lance asked. "How Zain wanted to talk to me in private? Well, apparently he could read my emotions. He saw how depressed I was, and suggested a cure. Isabelle. They helped give me a child. There were some side effects. Such as me feeling he process of pregnancy and turning a bit more feminine."
"So that's why you're wearing that dress!" Hunk said.
"Also because I generally like it." Lance said.
Alurra spoke up "C-Can I hold her?"
"Of course!" Lance smiled.
Alurra took Isabelle in her arms. "She looks just like you!" she laughed.
"lance, why didn't you tell us about this?" Shiro asked.
"I thought you'd not want me to have a child on the ship," Lance looked at the floor. "I'm sory if that's still true...."
"Lance, its fine." Keith said. "Sure, it would've been good to have been prepared, but we're not gonna kick her or you out."
"She's kinda stuck with us now," Pidge laughed.
Lance took Isabelle back.
"Welcome to team Voltron, Isabelle"
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