Lance starts to have episodes in which he can't breath. But he's never had asthma. This takes place at the beginning of season 7, and let's pretend they still have the castle. Slight Alurrance
Also a pic, just to rub salt to the wound MWA HA HA!!!
Lance sat up, gasping for air desperately. His chest felt like it was stabbed, and he couldn't breath. After about a minute, air filled his lungs finally, and he breathed hard.
These episodes had been happening for at least two days. he had no idea where they were coming from. But they were getting worse and worse. he wasn't sure if he'd even survive the next one.
He decided to talk to Alurra about it.
He knocked on ALurra's door, and she opened it.
"Lance, it's the middle of the night," Alurra groaned. "What do you want?"
"Alurra, I've been having these episodes recently, and I'm not sure where they're coming from. I thought you could help me."
Alurra's eyes softened. "Oh. Come in,"
Lance sat down on her bed, and described his problem.
"Out of nowhere, I won't be able to breath, and it feels like I'm being stabbed. It last about a minute, and then it goes away. i'm scared I won't live through the next one..."
Alurra looked at the ground. "lance, do you remember the omega shield?" she asked
"Yeah," Lance said. "I got knocked out and you helped me wake up."
Alurra had guilt in her eyes. "Lance, you weren't knocked out....You had died."
Lance' heart stopped for a second. "Wha-What?"
"You died. But I brought you back with Quintessence," Alurra said. "But I'm must only be temporary..."
"Are you saying I'm dying?" Lance's voice was barely above a whisper.
Alurra nodded slowly.
lance burst into quiet sobs. Alurra hugged him tightly.
"H-How long do I have?" Lance asked.
"I'm not sure..."Alurra said. "Perhaps a week?"
Lance nodded. He stood up. "Don't tell the others," Lance said.
"Why not?" Alurra asked.
"Shiro just got back. I dont want them to think that I'm looking for attention."
"Why would they ever think that?"
"You just have to trust me," Lance said.
The paladins walked into the control room. Well, except Lance.
"Where's Lance?" Alurra asked.
They shrugged.
"Probably sleeping in," Pidge said.
"I'll go get him," Alurra said.
Just as the doors closed behind her, she bolted to Lance's room.
Alurra found lance alseep on his bed. She shook him awake frantically.
"Lance!" she said.
Lance bolted up. "What? What is it?"
Alurra sighed in relief. "Thank goodness! I thought might of passed!"
"I thought you said I had a week?!" Lance said.
"I think you have a week. I just wanted to make sure you didn't go early..." Alurra said.
Lance nodded. "Thanks,"
For the next week, Lance spent as much time with everyone he could. he would help Pidge with whatever she allowed him to, would train with Keith as well as he could, cook with Hunk, catch up a little with Shiro, and give Coran a hug whenever he saw him.
He spent the most time with Alurra. She helped him film a goodbye video for his family for when the others arrived at Earth.
"Alurra?" Lance asked.
"Yes?" Alurra said.
"I need you to promise me something."
"Promise me you'll keep going."Lance said. "When I die, I want you to keep going. I know you probably would, even if I didn't ask you. I mean, I bet the others won't even notice I'm gone a few days after I die! But just...keep going. OK?"
Alurra was horrified. "How could you say something like that?" she gasped. "Of course the others will mourn you! "
Lance just looked away. "Promise me."
Alurra sighed. "I promise."
It was Lance's last day. That day, he found it extra difficult to wake up in the morning.
Lance stumbled into the control room.
"What are you, Drunk?" Pidge joked.
The others laughed, even Lance.
But Alurra just looked at him with sad eyes. "There's a Galra fleet close to us attacking a peaceful planet." She looked at Lance, who nodded at her weakly.
"Suit up," she said.
Alurra stopped Lance just before he got in his lion.
"Please," she cried. "The others can handle it. I don't want you to die, let alone in battle!"
Lance shook his head. "I can't let the others think I'm lazy."
"Why do you think they think so bad of you?" Alurra asked.
Lance got into his lion.
Pidge ripped off her helmet. "Whoo!" she said. "We kicked those Galra's butts!"
Alurra ran up to them, panicked.
"Princess, what's wrong?" Shiro asked.
"Where's Lance?!" she cried.
"Not sure," Keith said.
"I'" Lance stumbled into the room. Suddenly, he fell to the ground.
"NO!" Alurra caught him. "No no no no...not now!"
"Alurra, what's going on?" Hunk asked.
Alurra picked Lance up, and ran to the infirmary, the others right behind her.
(If you really want to feel this part, Listen to "Stay Alive reprise" from hamilton)
Alurra laid Lance down on the bed.
"It's ok," Alurra held his hand. "Your going to be ok..."
"Oh Alurra," Lance breathed. "We both know that's not true..."
"What are you doing?!" Shiro said. "We need to get him to a healing pod!"
"It won't help," Lance said.
"Alurra what's going on?!" Hunk yelled.
Alurra had tears in his eyes.
"Lance I'm going to miss you so much!"Alurra cried, tears falling onto Lance's hand.
"I'll miss you too," Lance said.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Pidge screamed.
Lance winced at the noise. Alurra shushed Pidge.
"He's going to die," Alurra said.
The paladins were shocked.
"Lance no!" Hunk ran to him.
"G-Guys," Lance choked out.
All the paladins leaned in to hear Lance's quiet voice.
"I-I love you all so much..." he whispered. "I now me dying probably doesn't mean a lot to you all. But I just want to let you know I'm going to miss you all so much."
And with that, Lance's hand went limp....and he died.
"NO!" Alurra and Hunk fell to the ground in sobs. "WHY!!!"
Pidge was crying into Shrio's shirt, while Shiro and Keith's expressions were shocked.
"H-How?" Keith finally spat out. "How did he die?"
Alurra stood up. "Back when we were fixing the omega shield, Lance had taken a deadly blow. he died...But I brought him back with Quintessences! But it was only temporary. He begged me not to tell you he was dying. I'm sorry."
"Why did he think in dying wouldn't mean anything?!" Pidge bawled.
"I tried to find out why he thought you didn't think well of him. But he never told me..."
Three weeks later, they arrived on Earth and set a funeral for Lance. Lance;s family, friends, and the paladins all helped bury him.
On hat day, it was raining. And up in heaven...
Lance was splashing in puddles.
Did I make you cry? I bet I did. I'm sorry.
Yes, you definitely made me cry! I loved it so much and the writing was spectacular, but the last bit with the rain and how he didn’t last the final few weeks to see his family. I’m broken now 🥲😭😭😭
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing it, it was truly magnificent