Lance and the rest of Team Voltron ran up to the planet's leader who was in a panic.
"Sir, what's wrong?" Shiro asked.
"My daughter is about to commit suicide!" he cried. You must get her down from that cliff!"
Team Voltron nodded, and headed up the cliff.
They saw the girl at the edge of the cliff.
"Miss, step away from the cliff!" Shiro called out.
The girl turned around.
"Please, your making a mistake." Keith said.
"Shut up, you wouldn't understand." she said.
"She's right," lance whispered. "You wouldn't understand. Let me handle this." he slowly walked up to the girl, ignoring the others shouting things like, "Now is not the time to flirt!".
Lance sat down next to the leader's daughter. "Hey," he said.
"Look, don't tell me there's worth in living, cause there isn't." she growled.
"I agree," Lance said.
The girl looked at him, shocked.
"I'd given up on thinking my life was worth something a long time ago."
"So you understand why I've decided to jump?" the girl said.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'll let you."
"What? Why not?"
"Because there might not be any worth in our lives, but our lives are connected to those that do." Lance said. "For instance, if I leave, the universe won't have Voltron, and many worthwhile lives will be taken. If you leave, your people won;t have a future leader."
Lance stood up and held out his hand. "If you decide to jump, I'll jump with you. Or, we can both decide to live for those with more worth.. And eventually, find our own."
She stood up and took Lance's hand. Then, she gave him a hug, crying. "Thank you", she cried.
"Let's go talk to your father." Lance smiled.
The two walked passed the rest of team Voltron, who were in utter disbeleivement
"Lance, what was that?!" Pidge yelled.
Lance turned around. "What?" he asked, a little scared.
What had he done this time?
"How did you get her down from the cliff?" Hunk asked.
"Look, It wouldn't be fair to the leader's daughter if I told." Lance said.
Shiro grabbed his arm. "Lance, we can;t have any secrets form each other. We're a team!"
Lance chuckled. "Sure Shiro," he said. "Sure."
Alurra was on the bridge when a call appeared on screen.
The leader's daughter appeared on screen.
"Hello Ms. Tani!"(Yes, I'm just now naming her.) Alurra smiled. "How have you been doing?"
"Much better, thanks to the Blue paladin." Tani said. "Speaking of which, may I speak with him?"
"Oh, of course!" Alurra stuttered.
Alurra fetched Lance, and left the two alone.
Lance walked into the room. "TANI!" she cheered.
"LANCE!" Tani beamed
If they could, they would be hugging.
"So, what's up? How have you been feeling?"
"Wonderful! I've found a reason of my worth!" Tani smiled.
"Well that's amazing! What is it?"
Tani held up her hand, where a diamond ring laid on her finger.
"OMG TANI!" Lance screamed. "Your engaged?!"
"YES!" she squeaked. "Thanks to you, I was able to get help, make more friends, and finally find love! As thanks, I wanted to invite you to my wedding! Just you though. I know how you feel about the other paladins...Speaking of which, how are you feeling?"
"Still like crap," lance sighed. "But hearing your news has made my day! I'll be there!"
"I'll send you the invite! Farewell!" Tani hung up.
A invite was printed out later.
"Alurra?" Lance asked.
"Yes?" Alurra turned around. "How was your talk with Tani?"
"Good! I was invited to her wedding!"
"Oh that's wonderful! We all need a break from this dusty castle." Alurra said.
"Um, actually, it was just me...." Lance said.
"Are you sure? She should've invited all of us. It was probably a mistake."
Lance sighed. There goes that day without judgment.
The paladins of Voltron arrived for Tani's wedding on her home planet.
"Lance!" she gave Lance a great big hug. She noticed the other paladins of Voltron, and her face turned professional. "Um, hello." she said.
"Hello!" Hunk siad.
"It was a honor to be invited to your wedding." Shiro said.
"As I recall, I didn't invite you." Tani scowled.
"Oh, well, we thought you invited all of us."
"No, I only invited Lance. I would like for you to all please leave." she gestured for the door.
"Oh, of course," Alurra said. "We're very sorry for the misunderstanding. Enjoy Lance!"
Lance sighed in relief. "Thanks Tani,"
"No problem. Now come and help me get ready!" Tani pulled lance into her room.
The wedding was beautiful and tear-jerking. Lance was so happy Tani had found purpose in her life, even if he hadn't yet.
They were all mingling, eating cake, and drinking after the ceremony.
Suddenly, someone tapped Lance on the shoulder. Lance turned around, and saw it was Tani's new husband.
"Oh, hello!" Lance smiled. "Congratulations!"
"Thank you," Tani's husband nodded. "I actually came over to thank you."
"Me? Why?"
"If it weren't for you, my wife wouldn't be alive. It mean so much that you were able to relate."
"yeah," lance said. "I still do."
"Oh, I'm very sorry. Is there anything I can do?"
"Not right now, but thank you. Lets just enjoy your wedding!"
The other paladins sat in the lounge, a little upset. Why was Lance the only one invited? They were honestly way better than him!
Just then, Lance walked in.
"How was the wedding?" Hunk asked.
"Awesome!" Lance said. "I brought some leftover cake for you all. Its in the fridge."
'Your the best!" Huk smiled.
That meant a ton to Lance hearing that.
"Lance, can I ask why you were the only one invited?" Pidge asked.
"I think its because she's a lot closer with me than with you all." Lance said.
"Why though?" Keith asked.
Did they forget he had freakin saved her life?! Guess so!
"We call and chat," Lance said. "Now I'm exhausted, I'm heading to bed." he said.
Lance and Tani kept talking for a long time. They had kept in touch for months. Tani kept Lance alive.
That was, until Voltron took away contact with her. They said he was getting distracted.
He grew more and more depressed until they finally had to revisit Tani's planet for suplies.
Lance stood on the edge of the cliff where he first met Tani. He was done. He just couldn't find his worth, no matter how hard he tried.
Lance turned around and saw Tani.
"Lance you helped me, now let me help you!" she cried out.
"I'm sorry Tani, not everyone can be fixed." he looked down the cliff. "I won;t ask you to jump, but I will ask this:" he held out A NOTE. "Will you give this to my team?"
Tani took the note. "Lance, please, your my best friend!"
"And you're mine," Lance said.
Those were his last words, before jumping.
Tani walked through the halls of the castle of lions, holding the note tightly. She entered the lounge where the paldins were.
"Hello Ms. Tani!" Alurra smiled. "Is Lance with you?"
Tani shook her head.
"Well, do you know where he is?" Shiro asked
Tani nodded.
"Lance....has committed suicide." she said, tears falling silently.
"WHAT!!" Hunk screamed.
"No, there's no way that he-" Pide looked up at Tani, who was nodding.
Pidge fell to her knees in tears.
"He left you all a note," Tani handed the note to Shiro.
Hey guys,
If your reading this, I've jumped.
Its funny, I met my best friend convincing her not to jump.
Look, unlike you all, I couldn't find my worht, no matter how hard I tried. But don;t worry! Since I didn't have any, it won't be to hard to replace me!
Hunk, I'll miss you and your smile.
Pidge, I'll miss you and your little giggle.
Keith, I'll miss our constant bickering.
Shiro, I'll miss your kind eyes.
Alurra, I'll miss that beautiful accdent.
Corran, I'll miss your stories.
And I'll miss Tani most. You were my best friend. Please don't be mad. I want you to live happy life with your husband.
A happy life I could never have.
Dang, this is not where I saw this going! Well, I hope you enjoyed my intense angst!
Bro Im literally crying so hard right now.