Saturday, December 1, 2018

Voltron Klance/Langst omehot- Omega Lance


Lance was trying to calm down, but it was next to impossible. He stared down at the empty pill bottle in his hands.
Lance was the only omega on the ship and he planned to keep it a secret like he had been. He took suppressants to hide his scent and stop his heats, but they had just run out!
Lance had been taught all his life that Omegas were useless burdens that were only breading tools. He hated himself for it! That's why he made sure everyone thought he was a alpha.
But now that he was out of pills, he wouldn't be able to hide is instincts!

"Lance?" Hunk knocked on his door. "You Ok in there? It smells pretty bad,"
Lance panicked.
"Uh, yeah!" Lance said. "Just...I ran out of my favorite facial!"
"Well Ok," Hunk said. "No need to get worked up over it though!"

Lance sighed in relief when Hunk left.

This was going to be hard.


Lance walked into the lounge, and was hit with the overwhelming urge to cuddle. He pushed it deep down and sat down.
"Lance, why weren't you at breakfast?" Pidge asked.
"He was having a meltdown about with facial cream," Hunk said.
Everyone rolled their eyes.

Then keith walked in. "What's that smell?" he asked.

Shoot! Lance had forgotten about his scent! He couldn't hide it without his pills! It was probably awful..

"It smells like....pineapple and the ocean." he said.
"Where's it coming from?" Shiro asked.

Shiro and Keith were alphas, so their sense of smell was enhanced.

"Um, it's Alurra!" I said. "I got her a new perfume they were giving out at the space mall."

That was actually true. I did get her a sample. But it was rose scented.

"But, Alurra isn't in here," Keith said.


"It was very strong perfume. Must've stayed." I said.

Everyone shrugged it off.


Lance was in the training room, training on level four. He was about to strike when his inner omega started to scream:

Nest! Nest!

While Lance was distracted, the droid attacked, and threw Lance across the room. Lance quickly stood up, and went to strike again. He punched the bot in the stomach, and it stumbled back. He then shot it in the head.

Lance then fell to the ground in pain.
Nest! Nest now! His omega cried.
"No, this can't be happening!" Lance groaned.

There was only one reason Lance needed to nest.  His heat was coming! He had been skipping his heats by taking the pills, which meant this one would be extra painful without an alpha.
But if Lance didn't nest, he could get sick or die!

Lance' thoughts went to Keith. He was an alpha. Strong and handsome...

NO! Lance thought. There's no way he's love an ugly omega like me....


Lance walked through the halls of the castle. He was desperate for somewhere to nest, but he didn't feel safe anywhere. Not in his room, not in Blue, nowhere!
Lance groaned in annoyance,
"Why is this so hard?!" he hissed.

Lance walked into the lounge. Suddenly, a  wave of calmness hit him. He felt safe here somehow.

Here! Nest here! His omgea said.
But what if the others come in? They'll see the nest! Lance thought.

But somehow Lance was already gathering pillows and blankets to build with. He just couldn't stop myself!


Lance was laying down in his new nest, the pain subsiding. His heat could finally begin now that he had a nest.
Lance was about to fall asleep in confort when he heard yelling.

He looked up and saw the team there, angry.
"Lance, what is this?!" Pidge yelled.
"Yeah!" Keith said. "You wrecked the lounge!"
"Lance! Clean this up, now!" Shiro commanded.

They rejected my nest! Lance thought. I don't feel safe! 
Not safe! His omega echoed. Not safe! Not safe! Not safe!

Lance bolted out of the room in tears, without cleaning up his nest.


Why was he so sad? Keith wondered. He made a mess, he should have to clean  it up!

He looked at the pile of pillows and blankets. What a mess.
Suddenly, there was a scream of pain from the hallway.

Keith's alpha instincts to protect arose, and he bolted to whatever made the scream.
He found Lance on his knees hugging himself, tears running down his cheeks. He was releasing a horrible scent of pain.

Protect! Keith's alpha shouted at him. Protect omega!
Omega? Keith thought.
Then it all clicked. The pile of blankets was a nest! Lance was an omega and was going into heat!

Keith got down on his knees and gave Lance a hug.
"It'll be Ok," he cooed. "I'm so sorry Lance..."

Lance's breathing calmed down.
"S-Sorry..." Lance sniffled. "I was just-"
"Lance, why didn't you tell us you were an omega?" Keith asked.
"Because!" Lance shouted. "They're useless burdens and discussing breeding tools!"
"Lance, none of that is true!" Keith hugged Lance tighter. "Now tell  me, are you in heat?"
Lance nodded.
"Ok, tell me where you feel safe. I'll help you nest."
"I feel safe..."

"With you"

Oh god this sucked...

1 comment:

  1. OMG...
    I'm not English and Google helped me but I really liked this One-Shot!
    That's beautiful ;-;
