Inspired by:

I'm skipping over certain parts, such as(sadly) Kelcie's boring versions of the songs and her in general. Please forgive me, Kelcie fans. :(
I'll leave links to the songs.
It was the week before school was about to start, new years' eve. Keith and his family had come to a ski resort for the last week.
"Keith!" Krolia, Keith's mother, called into his room. "There's a party downstairs for all the teens! You should go!"
Keith looked up from hs basketball magazine. He knew that when his mom said, "should", she really meant "You don't have a choice".
He sighed. "Fine, I'll go."
Keith waked into the party. It was dark, only the disco lights letting him see(barely). There were teens dancing and karaoke on a stage. There were comfy chairs and drinks.
Keith looked around and saw a boy around his age reading in a chair. He was very handsome. He had chocolate skin and dark brown hair.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!"
Keith looked up and saw a man with a microphone.
"How's everyone doin' tonight?" the man called out.
Everyone cheered.
"Lets see who's gonna be next to rock the house down!"
Spotlights started to search the crowd. One landed on the cute boy on the couch.
The boy looked up from his book, confused.
Another landed on Keith.
People started to push them towards the stage, no matter how much they pushed back.
"Um, hi?" Keith said.
"What's going on?" the boy asked.
The man handed them two microphones. "You'll thank me later," he winked then left the stage.
Suddenly, music started to play. Keith looked up at screen showing lyrics.
Song: Start of something new
He started to sing quietly, really embarrassed.
When it was the other boy's turn, he sang a little louder, but was as equally mortified.
After a while though they started to get into it. Keith smiled at the boy, and he smiled back.
Keith looked into the boy's bright Blue eyes. They were like an ocean.
The song ended and everyone applauded. The two boys laughed and left the stage.
"I'm Keith," Keith said.
"I'm Lance," the boy said.
Keith and Lance walked outside of the party, where the news year's fireworks were going off.
Keith pulled out his phone. He wanted to ask Lance for his number.
"Hey, I was wondering if I could-" Keith looked up, but Lance was gone.
Keith sat in class, bored out of his mind. He missed winter break, where there was only fun and no homework and...Lance.
The bell rang, and Keith and his best friend Shiro bolted into the halls.
"Aren't you glad to be back in school?" Shiro asked.
"Not really," Keith chuckled.
"But being back in school means basketball season!"
Suddenly, Keith saw a familiar face in the school crowd.
"I'll catch up with you, I have to go check something out!" Kieth said, and ran to the familiar boy.
Keith tapped the boy on his shoulder, and the boy turned around.
"Lance!" Keith smiled.
"Keith!" Lance smiled.
"I didn't know you go here!" Keith said.
"I don't," Lance said. "This is my first day!"
"Well, let me show you around!" Keith smiled.
Lance and Keith talked and walked round for the rest of the period, and finally got each other's numbers.
"Hey Keith look!" Lance stopped in front a bulletin board. "They're putting on a musical here!"
"Oh yeah, we have one every winter." Keith said.
"That's so cool!" Lance smiled.
"It is, isn't it?"
Someone else walked up to the bulletin board. She Pink hair in a ponytail.
"Oh, hey Keith!" she smiled. "Are you signing up?"
Keith shook his head. "I've got basketball."
"Pitty!" she said.
"I might be!" Lance popped up.
"Really? Oh that's great!" her smile seemed forced. "Lotor and I star the leads every year. But it would be great if you joined! There are tons of supporting roles!"
The girl took the pen and signed her name in big letters.
"Bye!" she said.
"Supporting role?!" Lance stomped his feet. "I'll show her!" he took the pen and signed up. "Who was she?"
"That's Ezor." Keith said. "She and her--well, no one really knows what to call them--She and Lotor are the leads every year."
"Oh. Well I'm going to change that!" Lance said. He looked back at the board. "It says here I need a partner. You interested?"
"Maybe," he said, blushing. "I have basketball. But maybe!"
"Text me when you figure it out," Lance said.
The bell rang, an the two parted.
Lance sat in class. Lance didn't really want anyone to know it, but he was a really big geneius. But he was coming to a new school to get a different rep.
Lance looked on the board. The teacher had made a mistake.
"Um, sir?"
Mr. Kolivan turned around. "Yes?"
"You made a mistake on the board." Lance pointed.
Kolivan looked and nodded. "That I did! Nice job,....?"
"Nice job, Lance."
After class, Lance felt a tap on his shoulder.
A girl with dark skin and bright white hair smiled at him. "How did you do that?!" she squealed.
"Do what?" lance asked.
"Please Mr. Kolivan! Your so smart! You have to join the decathlon team! We could really use someone like you!"
"Um, I'll see if I have the time." Lance said.
"I'm Alurra by the way.
"I'm Lance,"
Song: Get your head in the game
All throughout basketball practice, Keith was really distracted.
He really did like Lance, and wanted to spend more time with him.
Maybe doing the musical was the best way to do that?
But what would that do to his reputation as star basketball player?
Suddenly, a ball hit him in the face and he fell to the ground.
"Keith!" Shiro helped him up. "You gotta keep your head in the game! Your so out of it today!"
"Sorry," Keith said.
Keith took a deep breath, and shooed the thoughts form his head.
Now the only thing in his head, was the game.
Keith stayed back after basketball practice and went to the theatre. He knew Lance would be there.
He walked in, and saw Lance in the seats.
There were two people on the stage performing.
Ezor and Lotor.
Song: What I've been looking for
Keith sat down next to Lance.
"Hey," keith whispered. "What's going on?"
"Audiotions," lance whispered back. "I didn't find a partner in time, so I might as well just watch." he said sadly.
Keith sighed. "Fine, I'll be your partner."
"Really?" Lance smiled.
"Yeah, I'll make it work."
"Any last minute sign ups?" the drama teacher asked.
"Us!" Lance shouted.
"Oh! Wonderful!" he smiled. "Here is the song," he handed the two sheets of lyrics, and they went to the stage.
Keith started the duet, while Lance came in a second later. The two were pretty good! They almost forgot they were with an audience. Nothing else but the song and each other mattered.
"Amazing!" The teacher clapped. "I hope to see you back on this stage!"
"Thank you!" Lance smiled. "Mr...?"
"Corran. Mr.Corran."
Song: Stick to the status Quo
Word got around that the school geneius and basketball star had been called back for the school musical. It was all people talked about.
And Lotor and Ezor were not happy.
"I can't believe they were called back!" Ezor screeched. "We're supposed to be the leads! US! We're always the leads!"
"Maybe a little competition with strengthen us?" Lotor suggested.
"You don't get it Lotor!" Ezor gasped. "Now that these two have left their cliques, others might follow suit!"
"Hey guys, can I tell you something?" Hunk, a member of the basketball team asked.
"Sure bro!" Shiro and the others said.
"Well if Keith and tell his secret, I can tell mine. I cook."
"Dude, just stick to what your good at!" they scolded him.
Pidge looked up from her textbook. "Hey guys, I have a secret..."
"Oooh! What is it?" The rest of the smart kids looked up.
"I the flute."
Everyone facepalmed.
"Stick to what you know!" the shouted
Suddenly, Lance and Alurra came into the room, and everyone stared.
"Why are they staring at you?" Lance whispered.
"Not me, you." Alurra said.
"Is this because of the call backs?! I don;t like people staring at me, I really-" suddenly, Lance stumbled back and his lunch flew across the room....
Onto Ezaor's shirt. She screamed.
"How dare you!" Do you know how expensive this is?!" she stormed off, Lotor following.
"This is bad..." Shiro said to Alurra as they spied on Lance and Keith practicing their song for the callbacks.
"Yeah!" Alurra cried. "We need lance on our decathlon team! If he's doing this, then we'll never beat the rival school!"
"And if Kieth is busy with this, we'll lose our star basketball player!" Shiro said.
"I got it!" Alurra said. "If we get them to hate eachother, then they'll quit being partners!"
"That's perfect! And I know just how to do it!" Shiro said.
Keith walked into the locker room, to see the basketball team surrounded around a table of trophies and a laptop.
"Um, hey guys!" Kieth said. "What's all this?"
"See all these trophy's?" Shrio asked."This is your legacy."
"Yeah, and this singing is getting in the way of it." Hunk said.
"So I like to sing," Keith said. "What's wrong with that?"
"What's wrong," Shiro said. "Is that you were with this team first. And the team should come first."
"Look, I really like Lance, and I like to sing!" Keith said.
The team glared.
"FINE!" Keith shouted. "I'll stop the musical, and stop hanging out with Lance! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!"
The team nodded, and turned off the camera they were recording him with.
Lance walked into the science lab, where the decathlon sat around a computer.
"Alurra," Lance said. "I told you I don't have time to join the team!"
"That's not why I called you here," Alurra said.
"We're here to try and protect you," Pidge said.
"From what?" lance laughed.
"Keith." ALurra said.
"Keith? What do you mean? We're friends!"
Alurra pulled open the computer. "Basketball players are self obsessed and only care about themselves and their team."
"Guys, Kieth's different!"
"Just watch," Pidge pressed play on the video.
The video showed Keith looking at his team. He was shouting:
"FINE! I'll stop the musical, and stop hanging out with Lance! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!"
The video was over, and lance was crying silently in shock.
"Lance, we're so sorry," Pidge said.
lance nodded. "Is it OK if I join your team?" he asked. "I could use some friends. Real ones."
They smirked. "Totally."
Song: When there was me and you
Lance stayed after school that day. He was just too devastated to go anywhere, even home.
Lance walked around the school.
"How could he?" he thought aloud. "I thought we were friends? maybe even something more. But then he had to go and just drop me entirely...."
Lance opened a random door, and felt like crying.
It was the music room.
He couldn't hold it in anymore. he fell; to his knees and wailed.
Kieth took a breath tapped Lance on the shoulder.
"Oh, hey." Lance said.
"Why have you been ignoring me?" Keith asked. "We need to practice for the callbacks!"
"Do we?" Lance glared. "I heard everything. "I'll stop the musical, and hanging out with Lance"?! You think I want to talk to you after you dropped me entirely?!"
"I....I didn't mean-"
"Save it." Lance said. "I joined the decathlon team, so I don't have any time for a silly musical."
Shiro and Alurra just stared at Keith and lance in horror. They both looked miserable. Keith had been skipping basketball and Lance studied non-stop.
"We've made a huge mistake." Shiro said after class.
"I thought it would nice if Lance joined the decathlon team, but now its all he does!" Alurra said.
"And now Keith is so miserable he told me he might quit basketball! We've just made things worse!" Shrio cried.
"We have to make this right!" they both said.
Alurra tapped lance on the shoulder, and he looked up from the microscope.
"Lance, we need to tell you something." she said.
The rest of the team was behind her.
"What is it?" Lance asked.
"Its about Keith."
"Look, I've joined the team! What more do you want?"
"What you heard Keith say? We kinda teamed up with the basketball team to make him say it."
"Wh-Why would you do that?" lance asked.
"We wanted to separate you two so we could get what we wanted. But it was wrong, and you two are miserable without each other...."
"I really am..." lance sighed. "But he probably hates me now..."
"No, he doesn't!"
Lance walked into the the music room where Keith was.
"Keith?" he called.
"L-lance?" Keith looked up from the sheet music he was reading.
"Hi," lance said.
"Lance, please let me explain! The basketballs guys, they were pressuring me to stay on the team! I just said it to get them to stop!"
"I know." lance said. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you out earlier."
"If you want to, I still would really like to do callbacks with you."
"But, tryouts are in ten minutes!" Lance said.
"Then we better get going!"
Lance and Keith burst into the theatre just as Lotor and Ezor finished their audition.
Song: Bop to the top
"Mr. Corran! Sorry we're late!" Lance cried.
"Oh! You mad it!" Mr. Corran smiled. "Just go on ahead!"
Song: Breaking free
As Keith and Lance sang, it was just like the first night they met. Only each other mattered.
When the song ended, they were met with applause from Mr. Corran, the decathlon team, the basketball team, and even Lotor!
Keith looked deep into Lance's eyes. He planted a kiss on Lance's lips. Lance was surprised at first, but melted into it.
Keith let go, and Lance had tears in his eyes.
"I love you so much!" he said.
"I love you too."
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