Inspired by THIS
I imagine Lance looks like this after rescued:

Even if its from the Voltron LOST Au.(You should look it up its great)
Also, intense KANGST for once!
Ok! Lets jump right in!
Lance sat alone in the Galra cell. He had no idea how long it had been sense he had been captured.
A week? Month?
He didn't care. He knew Voltron didn't.
I mean, why else hadn't they rescued him by now?
Suddenly, there was a blast from outside. Other prisoners started shouting for help.
Lance looked out the bars of the cell, and saw people in masks unlocking cells.
"Hey! Over here!" he shouted.
A masked figure looked up, and ran to him.
"Sorry! I didn't see you back here!" the figure said. "Thanks for shouting out!"
"Thanks for rescuing us!" Lance said. "Who are you?"
"Us? Oh, we're just local rebels. No biggie!" the figure chuckled.
He helped Lance up, and they boarded a small ship.
The ship landed on a large planet far away. It was like a desert, markets everywhere. But there were also huge rebel bases.
"Everyone please follow me," one of the masked figures said. "We're going to take you all to the hospital to make sure you're all Ok."
Everyone nodded. Lance followed with the crowd. He was led into an office, where a doctor checked him for wounds or brain damage. When all was well and good, he was led back outside, where the same masked figure that helped him escape was waiting.
"Hey dude!" the masked figure said. "Glad to see your all good!"
"Thanks again for everything!" Lance smiled. "Um, why are you still wearing the mask?"
"Oh! Am I? Sorry," the figure removed the mask.
The figure was a male about his age. He had sky blue skin with soft looking dark blue hair that was tied up in a loose bun.
"I'm Jax," the man said, holding out a hand.
"I'm Lance," lance said, shaking his hand.
"Lets get you back to my place,"
Jax and Lance sat in Jax's living room, sipping a hot drink.
"So, how'd you end up with the Galra?" Jax asked. "You don't have to say if you don't feel conformable."
"No, its fine." Lance put down his cup. "before I was captured, I was a paladin of Voltron-"
"REALLY?!" Jax asked. "That's amazing!"
"Thanks," Lance smiled sadly. "We were in battle, and I got hit. Then, I woke up in that cell. Voltron...they never came for me."
Jax put down his cup. "Now i know you want to get back to Voltron as soon as possible,"
Not really, Lance thought.
They left him to die? Why should he wan to go back?
"But I wanted to make an offer." Jax continued.
"And what's that?"
"Would you like to join the rebellion?"
"I mean, only if you want to. Its your choice."
Lance thought about ti. Voltron never really did apreciate him. Maybe Jax and his friends would?"
Lance nodded. "Sure,"
"R-Really?" Jax said.
"Its not like I could get back to Voltron anytime soon. Not way out here."
"You won't regret this!" Jax smiled.
In the year since Lance had joined the rebellion, he had never been happier!
He was one of the most skilled rebels, and was very respected. He was close to becoming the leader. Just a few more promotions, and he'd be there.
The best part?
It hadn't been long before Jax and Lance had totally fallen for each other. Not long after that to confess to each other. They were now a happy couple living together.
"I can't believe we're not at general level!" Jax smiled as they walked home.
"I know! And Its only been a year!" Lance smiled.
"Hey, lets go to dinner tonight!" Jax said.
"To celebrate our promotion!! My treat!"
"You're too sweet to me" Lance frowned. "I mean, I don't even know how I just got General. I'm such a screw up..."
Jax grabbed his face. "That's not true. Its been a year, you can't let what Voltron said affect you! Your with us now!" he kissed him softly. "Your not a screw up. Your the most talented, handsome, kindest person in the universe!"
Lance smiled, tearing up. "Thank you Jax," he hugged him.
The leader of the rebellion walked into the room. Everyone stood up and saluted.
"At ease," the leader said.
"Today we will be getting a visit from the famous team Voltron,"
Lance's blood ran cold.
"We would like our newest generals, Lance and Jax, to greet them." the leader said.
"Sir, I'm not sure that's a good idea," jax said.
"Why not?" the leader growled.
"Well, Lance has some history with Voltron and-"
"What better way to settle it then? Now go, they'll be arriving soon."
"Lance, everything will be fine," Jax said.
"But what if it isn't?" Lance asked. "What if they'r mad at me?"
"I'll protect you, OK?" Jax held his hand.
Jax and Lance looked up, as the castle ship landed.
Team Voltron walked out of the caslte ship.
"Greetings Voltron!" Jax smiled. "Welcome to our rebellion!"
They completely ignored Jax, running up to lance.
"LANCE!" they cheered.
They piled on top of him in one giant hug.
"Where have you been?!" Keith asked.
"We searched everywhere!" Hunk cried.
"Back off!" Jax pulled them off of him. "Your making him overwhelmed!"
Lance sighed in releif. "Thanks,"
"Voltron," Lance said, a serious tone. "We welcome you to the rebellion. We hope we may form an alliance."
They just looked at him confused.
"Lance, seriously, where have you been?!" Alurra asked.
"We searched for months!" Shiro said.
"We don't have time for this-" lance started, but Pidge interrupted.
"NO! Tell us where you've been! How did you get here?!" she yelled.
Lance sighed, and Jax put a hand on his shoulder.
"These rebels recused me a year ago. I joined them, and now I've been promoted to general." Lance said.
"This alliance can wait," Alurra said.
"What?! No, it can't!" Lance said.
"No, we need to talk." Shiro said, turning to jax. "Alone."
Jax walked up to Shiro.
"With all due respect, I'm not going anywhere." jax said. "And with lance has told me, I don't think its safe to leave Lance alone with you!"
"What did he tell you?" Shiro asked, confused.
"Jax, NOT. NOW!" Lance panicked. "We have a job to do!"
Jax sighed. "Fine. Follow us,"
"Lance, where are you going?" Keith asked.
Jax and Lance turned around.
"Uh, Home?" Lance said.
"What do you mean?" Hunk asked. "Your home is with us!"
"No, it really, isn't.." Lance sighed.
"What are you talking about?!" Pidge asked.
"Look, I have a life here. I can't just leave it all behind because you supposedly missed me!"
"Lance! Please, come back to us!" Keith cried. "We all fell apart without you!"
Everything stopped.
"Hey babe," Jax put a hand on lance's shoulder. "Let's go home."
Lance wiped away his tears, and nodded.
Lance collapsed onto the bed in tears.
"I can't believe they have the nerve to ask me to come back! After all they did!" he sobbed.
"Listen babe," Jax lied down next to him. "What they did was totally unfair, and I'm so sorry. If you want, I'll make sure you don't have to see them for the rest of the visit."
Lance sat up and hugged Jax. "I would like that.."
"Why doesn't he want to come back?!" Keith yelled.
"What did we do?" Hunk cried.
"What was Jax talking about when he said Lance wouldn't feel safe with us?" Shiro asked.
"Whatever the problem is, I don;t like the way Jax was acting around Lance!" Keith said.
Everyone started at him. Confused.
"I mean, he touched his shoulder, called him babe-"
"Keith, are you jealous?" Pidge smirked.
Keith blushed.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
The doors flew open, but here stood jax, not Lance.
"Sorry, just me," Jax said, seeing everyone disapointed. "i just wanted to check and see if you needed anything?"
"We need Lance," Hunk mumbled.
Apparently, Jax heard, and glared at Hunk.
"Look, I get that you miss lance, but he doesn't want to come back! OK?!" he scolded.
"Sounds like you just don;t want him leaving," Alurra said.
"Of course i don;t want my boyfriend to leave!" Jax said. "Now if you excuse me, I have to go check on Lance."
"Did he say...boyfriend?" Shiro asked.
"I'll....I'll be in my room." keith walked out of the room.
Keith slowly snuck out of the room he was in.
He couldn't accept that lance loved someone else. He had to be brainwahsed or something! There was no way Keith would lose Lance to this Jax guy.
Keith snuck through the neighborhoods until he arived at Lance's house.
He knocked softly on the door.
Lance answered it.
"K-Keith?" he gasped. "What are you doing here?"
"Look, I don't to talk to you. Or anyone from Voltron!"
"Lance, they've brainwashed you! Your a part of Voltron, not the rebellion!"
Lance face palmed.
"Your this desperate, huh?" he chuckled. "Look Keith, I'm done with Voltron!"
"Are you...done with me?"
"Lance, I need you. Please don't leave me!" Keith leaned in, and Lance pushed him away.
"NO!" Lance yelled. "What is wrong with you?!"
"Lance please-"
"What's going on over here?" Jax walked up to the door. "What are you doing here?"
"Keith here was just trying to make a move on me." Lance glared.
"Excuse me?!" Jax gasped. "How dare you!"
"How dare you!" Keith yelled. "You've brainwashed him!"
Jax grabbed Keith by the shirt. "You come to my planet, to my home, and accuse me of brainwashing my boyfriend because your jealous?!"
Jax threw Keith to the ground. "If this happens again, we will be telling our leader."
And they slammed the door.
"Lance, baby, are you OK?" Jax asked. He checked him over. "Did he hurt you?"
"Just emotionaly," Lance sighed.
Jax hugged him tightly.
"Lance I'm so sorry all this is happening!" Jax said.
Team Voltron and Jax and Lance stood on separate sides of the large meeting table.
"Alrighty!" The leader walked in. "We have very important matter to discuss." he said. "Team Voltron had requested you lance, join them on their team."
"What?! NO!" lance stood up.
"Why not?" the leader asked. "Have you not resolved your history yet?"
"No," Lance glared at them.
Jax stood up. "and I'd rather my lover bot be near the red paladin."
"And why is that?" the leader and Voltron were confised.
Keith shook his head violently.
Jax sneered at him. "He sexually assaulted Lance last night."
"WHAT?!" Team Voltron turned to Keith.
"Keith, what. Did. You. Do!" Shiro scolded.
"I just went over and tried to break the brainwashing on Lance! I mean, its obvious Lance would neve leave me-Er, us ,unless he was forced!"
"But, what do they mean by sexually assaulted?" Alurra asked.
"He tried to kiss me without my consent!" Lance yelled.
Everyone stared at Keith.
"We get that your jealous, but are you serious?!" Pidge stood up.
"Yeah!" Hunk says. "No one does that to my best friend!" He started to stomp over to Keith, but Shiro blocked his way.
"Stop!" he cried. "Yes, what Keith did was wrong, but he had good intentions! Lance, please! Come back to Voltron!"
"That's it!" the leader shouted.
He pulled the treaty off of the table and ripped it in half.
"No!" Alurra cried. "Please sir, don't-"
"Its very clear you do not have respect for us. You accuse of of brainwashing, and you still expect a treaty?!"
"Sir!" Lance cried. "As much as I hate this, we have to work with Voltron if we want a chance against the Galra."
"But lance, they-" Lance stopped Jax when he saw the desperate look in his eye. "Please sir," he looked at the leader.
"Fine," the leader said. He turned to a servant. "Get the tape!"
"lance please-"
"NO!" Lance screamed. "i am NOT going back with you! All you ever did was yell at me and make me feel useless! You never appreciated me!
Jax stepped in. "Your lucky Lance got you the treaty back. Now count your blessings, and leave."
"But lance, they've-" Keith was slapped in the face by Jax
"We have not brainwashed him! For the last time!" Jax yelled.
Keith revealed his knife, and started to attack.
"NO!" Voltron yelled.
Jax revealed his own blade, and the two started to battle.
"Get away from him!" Lance treid to pull Keith away.
"lance, i'm trying to protect you!" Keith cried.
Keith stopped.
"When will you get that?" Lance asked.
Shiro pulled Keith onto the castle ship.
"We're sorry lance," Shiro said. "We're sorry we couldn't convince you to come back."
"Don't be," Jax glared.
Pidge and Hunk gave lance a hug.
"We promise we'll come visit! If that's OK," Pidge said.
"As long as I don;t have to see Keith, sure." Lance said.
Keith started running away from Shior and into the castle.
Jax and Lance sat on their couch, and sighed.
"Lance, I'm so proud of you," Jax smiled softly. "You finally stood up to them!"
"Thanks," Lance sighed. He grabbed Jax's hand. "Thank you for giving me the courage to do it."
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