
Keith Kogane worked at Cuba's local aquarium. He liked it there, working with the sharks. Keith didn't really have friends, so he would consider the fish his friends.
"Keith! You will not believe this!" his coworker, Shiro, ran up to him.
"What is it Shiro?" keith asked, sipping his coffee.
"Well, the research team was out, and they made a revolutionary find!"
"Really?" Keith put down his coffee. "What did they find?"
"A merman!"
"Now way man," Keith laughed. "You're pulling my leg!"
"Its true! Look," Shiro pulled up his phone, showing Keith a story on the news.
The news showed the research team pulling up a merman n the net. It was a little blurry, but clear enough to see it was real.
"They're bringing him in today!" Shiro said. "And we're in charge of him!"
"What?! No way! I work with sharks, not mythical creatures!" Keith said.
"Not so mythical anymore!"
The research team delivered the merman later that day, and poured him into a huge tank. The mernan swan around in a panic, banging against the glass, screaming for them to let him out.
Shiro and I walked up to the tank in awe.
"I can't believe this is real!" Shiro said.
Keith put a hand on the glass, looking at the merman.
The merman had sunk to the floor in sadness, his head in his hands. The merman sadly swam into a small little cave of coral.
"He seems....miserable." Keith said.
"he's an animal Keith, they don't have feelings." Shiro said.
"But if he really is a merman, then that means he's part man! He has to have feelings!" Keith said.
"He'll get used to it. C'mon, it's time to feed him." Shiro said.
Keith and Shiro dumped a bucket of tuna into the tank.
The merman didn't come out of the cave.
It was the same for days. the merman wouldn't eat anything, no matter how many different things we tried to feed it.
I was getting woried for its health.
I decided to do something about it!
I stayed late at the aquarium that night, and snuck into where the merman's tank was. I slipped off my shoes and put on a wetsuit. Then, held my breath, and jumped in.
I swam up to his little cave, where the merman cowered in the corner. I waved shyly, and tried to coax him out of the cave.
He shook his head.
I was running out of breath, but was determined to get him out.
No matter what I did, he wouldn't come out.
I gave up, and started to swim up, but hit my head on the top of the cave! All I saw was the merman's panicked face before it all went black....
I awoke fast, coughing up water.
I looked to the side, and saw the merman on the edge of the tank!
Now that he was out of the cave, I could see what he looked like: He had bright neon blue eyes, a sky blue tail, and dark skin with chocolate hair.
He was beautiful...
"Wh-What happened?" I asked weakly.
"You hit your head on the top of the cave and passed out. You could've died! What were you thinking?!" the merman said.
"I was just trying to feed you," I said. "You weren't eating and I was getting worried." I said.
"Speaking of which, now that i have you here, what will you eat?" I asked
"I won't eat anything for you! For all I know you're trying poison me!" the merman crossed his arms.
"We-We're not trying to poison you!" I said. "I promise!"
The merman's look softened. "Really?"
"Really!" I said. "Now please, what will you eat?"
"Do you have Jolthead Porgy?" the merman asked.
(I actually did my research on this one! Its a fish that's in Cuba!)
"I could probably find some somewhere," I said.
I came back ten minutes later with a bucket of the fish the merman asked for. He squealed in delight when I set them down, and he started to dig in. His sharp fangs dug into the scales and he moaned in awe of the taste.
"By the way, do you have a name?" I asked.
"It's Lancelot," the merman said. "But you can call me Lance!"
Lance would still stay in the cave after that. He refused to let any guests see him.
Except Keith.
Whenever he was walking by, he would come out of the cave, he would knock on the glass and wave. Keith would wave back, and would continue on his way. then. Lance would return to the cave.
One night, Keith decided to ask him about it.
"Hey," Keith sat at the edge of the tank like he always did at night. "Why do you always stay in the cave? Wouldn't you rather be swimming around your nice big tank?"
"I would," Lance said.
"Then why do you stay in the cave?"
"I don't want anyone to see me. People weren't supposed to know merpeople exist. I feel if I show myself I'll make it worse..."
"I'm that you were taken from your home,"
"At least I met you!" Lance smiled.
"Lance, is there anyway I could get you to show around the tank so that our guest could see you? I don't want me and Shiro to lose our jobs."
"I might be willing to, under one condition..." Lance smirked. He leaned in closer. "You'll have to be in the tank with me!"
"Wh-What?!" I gasped.
"C'mon! Just swim with me once a day! Pleeeeease?" Lance gave me puppy-dog eyes.
I sighed. "Fine," I said.
I dove into the water, scuba gear on my face. Lance swam around me giddy.
He did flips and jumped out of the water.
We played hideNseek in the corals, laughing together.
Suddenly, I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
It was Shiro. He was standing outside the tank with a flabbergasted face.
I awkwardly waved, and Lance swam back into his cave.
"How did you get it out of it's cave?!" Shiro asked. "And what makes you think we're allowed to swim with it?!" his expression changed from amazed to angry.
"First of all," I said, taking off the scuba gear. "He's not an it. His names is Lance."
"Lance? It can talk?!" Shiro gasoed.
"He's not an it!" I said. "And yes, he can talk. he's really sweet and-"
"Keith, we're supposed to take care of him, not swim with him! He's a rare species!" Shiro rubbed his temples in stress.
"A rare species that just wants to go back home! He's very lonely, and likes to swim with others."
"How did you learn all this?"
"Well, I kinda sneak in at night to talk with him...."
"WHAT?! You could get fired!"
"Only if you rat me out!" I said, poking him in the chest. "Are you?"
Shiro looked conflicted. "Fine," he said. "But I had nothing to do with this!"
"Lance?" I walked up to the edge of Lance's tank.
lance's head popped out of the water. "Is the scary big man with you?" he whispered.
"No, it's just me," I said.
He swam up to me. "Thank god! He scares me to death!"
"He's not so bad. just a little strict." I looked down.
Over time, I had grown to like Lance. A lot. Tonight, I plan to tell him just how much....
"Hey Lance?" I asked.
"We've known each other for a while now..."
"We have," Lance said.
"And...it's been the best time of my life!" I smiled.
Lance blushed. "R-Really?"
"Yeah! And well, I feel really strongly for you. Like-"
Lance slammed his lips against mine! At first I was surprised, but then I melted into it. I slipped into the water with him. We fell deeper into the water, until I had to go back up for air.
"I feel strongly about you too," Lance smiled.
I laughed and kissed him again.
I arrived to work very tired, and still a little wet from last night. We had ended up together most of the night. Even so, I didn't feel so good that day...
"Whoa, what happened to you?" an intern, Pidge, asked.
I groaned. "Nothing, just a long night."
"You don't look so good Keith," Shiro walked up to me. "You should take the day off."
"No, you know why I can't do that!" Keith said.
"I can take care of him! Now go home and rest. I'll take care of everything!" Shiro said.
Last night was the best night of my life! The love of my life, keith Kogane, kissed me! Like, multiple times! I was so excited to see him again today!
I heard someone coming near my tank, and looked up.
It was the other one. The one that caught Keith and I swimming together. I think his name is Shiro.
"Hey Lance?" he called.
Did Keith tell hi my name?
"Keith had to go home sick today, so I'll be with you most of the day." he looked down at me from above the water.
I peaked out. "How did Keith get sick?" i asked quietly.
He looked surprised that I was talking to him. "Um, I'm not sure."
"Can you tell him I hope he gets better?"
"Of course,"
Shiro isn't nearly as fuh as keith. All he does is feed me. He doesn't spend time with me, and inly comes to check on me. So, I was back in the cave.
"Hey Lance, last meal for the day!" Shior called me to the top of the tank. '
All Shiro had been feeding me was tuna, which I didn't really like. But, I knew Keith would want me to be well behaved for him.
"So, what do you and Keith do together?" Shiro said.
FINALLY! He's actually trying to talk to me!
"Oh we just swim and talk," I said. "What do you like to do with him?"
"Oh, pretty much the same thing. Except we like to go out and eat too."
I nodded. "That's nice,"
"Well, goodnight Lance," he got up and left, closing the door to my tank.
It was very lonely that night, in my little cave. I missed Keith...
The next day, I felt much better. I was excited to see my new boyfriend again.
"Lance?" I walked to the edge of his tank.
"KEITH!" Lance flew out of the water and wrapped his arms around me.
I laughed. "I missed you too," I hugged him back.
"You have no idea what it was like with Shiro yesterday!" Lance sighed.
"Why? What happened?"
"I don't think he likes me. He fed me only tuna, and barley talked to me!"
"Shiro's just doesn't understand you yet. He'll come around." I said.
Lance perked up again. "Can we swim now?"
I chuckled. "Sure," I said. "let me just grab the scuba gear."
Lance and I swam around his tank like last time. Except this time, love filled the water. We swam so gracefully we were practically dancing.
He looked at me seductively, and removed by scuba(face)gear.
I held my breath.
He kissed me and I kissed back.
Then, he suddenly pulled back and swam quickly into his cave.
I turned, and saw what had scared him:
A crowd of guests had gathered around Lance's tank. Photos were being taken, and there were parents covering their children's eyes from the sight.
I was caught.
"You idiot!" Shiro shouted. "You kissed another species! What is wrong with you?!"
"Look Shiro-"
"No, you look!" Shiro interpreted me.
He held up his phone in front of me which showed multiple posts, ranging from "Little merman!" to "Aquarium finally reveals merman!" to "Disturbing romance!"
Shiro sighed. "We could lose our jobs for this!" he yelled.
"I'm sorry," Is aid. "We just...happened!"
Just then I realized something: Lance had been seen. He never wanted to be seen.
I ran out of the room and to Lance's tank, Shiro shouting after me.
I dove straight into the water and down to Lance's cave. Lance was in tears.
"They saw me," he cried. "Now my whole species is in danger!"
I pointed up to the surface, letting him know I needed air. He nodded and swam up with me.
"Lance's I'm so sorry," I said. "I promise I'll make it up to you!"
"How?" Lance asked.
"I'm getting you out of here."
The next night, I bought a giant cooler of water in the back of my truck, and snuck into the aquarium.
I carried lance to my truck, where his dug his hand into it so he could breath with his gills. Then, I sped down to the beach.
I carried Lance to the sea. I set him down in the water, and he cheered.
"I'M FREE!" he shouted, as he swam around.
I started to cry.
"Keith, what's wrong?" he asked.
"I'm gonna miss you so much!" I said. "I love you Lance..."
"I love you too Keith. I promise, I'll always come and visit!" he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodbye Lancelot," I said.
"Goodbye Keith," Lance said, as he swam off into the sunset
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