Sorry again for posting this wrong!
Wrath. Extreme anger. Thats what the team felt at Lance. Ever since Keith left for the blade, Lance just couldn't seem to get it together! I mean, c'mon! The team was holding it together just fine!! Why couldn't he?! He kept messing up non-stop!
Now, was Shiro projecting his own sadness and fears onto Lance? Totally. But how was Lance to know that?
All Lance heard was, "Your only friend isn't coming back and your only a replacement".
And he believed it.
Oh, but they weren't done yet.
"Lance, honestly!" Alurra sighed. "You need to work harder!"
"Yeah Lance! Stop being a dick in battle!"
Everyone looked at Hunk.
"I mean, they are kinda right. You do need to get better if we wanna replace Keith." Hunk said.
Lance had never felt so betrayed in his life. His best friend had agreed with the horrible treatment he was being given!
Lance ran out of the room.
"What a cry baby!" Pidge scoffed.
Next mission. Next chance to redeem himself. Lance was determined to do better.
But if he was being honest, he didn't want to. If he kept failing, he would be known as Lance, not Keith's replacement. Just Lance.
Lance was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice he was being pulled in by the galra ships. He didn't hear his teams panicked screams.
All he heard, was a voice in his head saying, "Now you won't be a burden".
Lance stood up from the pilot seat and realized where he was.
"I'm such an idiot!!" He yelled at himself. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"
"I don't think that at all,"
Lance looked to the door, and saw that Prince Lotor had somehow got in.
Lance stood up and revealed his Bayard.
Lotor didn't even flinch.
Suddenly, Haggar appeared behind Lance and grabbed Lance's skull in her claws. Lance went frozen.
"Red paladin, you know they hate you, Lotor looked Lance in the eye. "Let us help you. We will make you strong."
"No!" Lance shouted. "I don't need you!"
Lotor caressed Lance's cheek. "Give in," he whispered.
Lance eyes filled with tears, as he did so.
Keith jumped out of the pod and into the castle ship.
"I came as soon as I could!" He panted, out of breath from panic. "Whats wrong? Whats the emergency?"
"Lance has been captured," Alurra said. "We need someone to fly the red lion."
Keith was shocked. Not only at Lance's capture, but at the team's reaction.
" save Lance, right?" Keith asked.
The others stayed silent.
Shiro put his hand on Keith's shoulder. "Keith, there's no point." He said. "Lance wasn't good enough anyway. We need you."
"NO!" Keith ripped Shiro's hand off of his. "We can't just leave Lance there! Of course he's good enough! And he's a part of this team! If I'm flying the red lion, I'm flying it to that galra ship to get Lance back! Got it?!"
"Keith-" Pidge started but Keith stopped her.
"Don't tell me your on board with this!" Keith yelled. "Suit up, we're going to get him."
Keith and the team entered the galra ship.
"According to my tracker, he should be on this ship." Pidge said.
"Ok team, split up. Meet back here in 30 minutes if you can't find him. AND YOU BETTER ACTUALLY LOOK!" Keith scolded and ran off.
30 minutes. Nothing. No sign of Lance.
"Pidge, you said he was here!" Keith said.
"He is!" Pidge looked at her tracker. "He's right-"
"Going somewhere Kogane?"
Keith turned to see a figure in the shadows. But he knew it was Lance. No one else would know his last name.
"Not without you!" Keith smiled. "C'mon! Lets-"
"Always going somewhere," Lance voice said again. "Going to space, going to the blades. Just...going away."
"Lance what are you talking about?" Keith asked.
Lance finally stepped out of the shadows. His eyes a bright purple.
"L-Lance!" Keith gasped, along with the team.
"I know what you were planning." Lance said. "To leave me here for dead so you could get your precious Keith back." Lance said.
"Oh but Keith," Lance chuckled. "Never one to care about others. The bond he's created with others. Only himself."
"Lance stop! This isn't you!" Keith cried.
"Oh, thats obvious." Lotor stepped out of the shadows. "The Lance you know has been locked away forever. What you see now, is the byproduct of pure anger."
Wrath. Extreme anger. Thats what Lance felt at the team.
This is really good and filled with emotions. I’m so sad for Keith and lance 🥺but I don’t personally think the rest of the paladins would act this way. Even tho it does make a wonderful story between Keith and lance