Monday, May 6, 2019

Voltron LANGST oneshot—Succubus

Wow! My english class is useful!

Lance awoke with a start. He was sweating like a horse, breathing hard.
He quickly looked at his hands.

Still real.

He looked to his side and saw the Succubus. 
"Darn!" She said. "I really thought I had you that time!"
Lance sighed. "Shut up," he fell onto his back. "Why are you even here?"
"I told you!" The succubi said. "I've been sent by Haggar to kill you and steal your soul!"
"Why mine?" Lance asked, getting annoyed. "Its not even worth anything."
"C'mon Lance! I've seen your greatest dreams! You want to die. Let me do it for you!"
"No!" Lance yelled. "Yes, I want....that. But I still want my soul!!"

There was a bang on his door.
"Lance!" It was Pidge. She sounded annoyed. "Your sleep talking again! Shut up!"
"Sorry!" Lance called out.

Lance turned back to the little demon. "You shut it!" He hissed. "You can try again tomorrow, but just let me have a dreamless sleep til morning!"
"Fine." The Succubus said.


The succubus had a plan. It was obvious Lance longed for Death. But he never explained why. So if she could find out the reason, she could whip up a horrifying nightmare and BAM!! Lance soul would be hers. Then Bada Bing! Bada Boom! She's praised by the galra has a hero!

Her plan for the day was simple. Sneak out of Lance's room and watch him throughout the day. Figure out what caused him misery.


The Succubus hid in the ceiling of the dinning room, watching Lance run in late.
He had dark eye bags. Probably from her nightmares. She's done good!

"Lance! Why are you late?!" Shiro commanded.
"Sorry," Lance kept his head down. "I didn't really sleep-"
"Then go to bed earliar!" Shiro yelled. "Your personal health is not our concern!"

Everyone stiffened at that, even the Succubus. How could he say such a thing about his TEAMMATE?

"Its not my fault you can't sleep! Just do  your job that your failing at!" Shiro sighed and sat back down.
Lance just ran out of the room.


The Succubus followed Lance into a small closet. Lance cried and cried.

"Th-they re-really don't c-care!" he wailed.

Ah, there it was. The Succubus's golden ticket to Lance's soul.


Finally bed time came. Lance walked into his room to see the Succubus very excited.
"I just know I can do it this time!" She giggled.
"Good luck," Lance sighed as he got into bed.


Lance was once again in an all white area. Its how all dreams start before they form.
Suddenly, it all went pitch black.

"Well this is new," Lance said.

There was a loud clang, and Lance realized the spotlight was on him. He looked out to see millions of  aliens from different planets in the audience. His family was in the booth. Suddenly there was a mic in front of him.

"How does it feel to be the worst member of Votron?" One alien asked.
"Wh-what?" Lance stuttered.
"Whats it like knowing everyone hates you?" Another asked.
Just then there was another spotlight. It hit the booth where his family was. His family booed him, and not in a funny way.
The whole crowed booed. Lance covered his ears.

Suddenly, Lance fell through the floor. He landed on another stage, the spotlight still on him.

Another light came on. It was Hunk!

"Hunk thank god!" Lance cheered. "The worst thing just-"
"-you mean yourself?" Hunk sneered.

"Lance, cut the act!" Pidge appeared behind him. "Your useless! You know it, we know it.
"Please stop!" Lance cried.

"And why should they?" Alurra, Shiro, and Corran appeared. "They're just telling the truth...." they hummed in a errie harmony(thank you Sasha!!).

Finally, Keith appeared.
 He stood in Lance's face. "You'll never be loved."

Lance screamed at the top of his lungs.


Lance sat up screaming. He looked down at his hands and screamed louder. He was see through!!

"NOOO!!!!" He shouted.
"HA HA!!!" The Succubus cheered. "I did it! I did it I did it I did it!!"

Lance was about to cry when the Succubus slapped him. 
"No time for that!" she scolded with a smile. "C'mon! We have to get to Haggar!"


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