Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Voltron LATTE(Matt x lance) onehsot--I knew him too(REWRITE)

Lets try this again!

Lance sat in his dorm in the garrison. He was waiting for him. 
Suddenly the door opened, and he walked in.
"So, what did they say?" Lance stood up.
"They're still forcing me to go!" Matt stomped his foot. "But I don;t want to go on that stupid Kurberos mission!"
"Why does the Garrison have to be like this?! Its has if once you get in you lose your free will!"
"It sure feels like that," Matt ran a hand through his hair. "I mean, my dad and Shrio are fine with leaving earth, but I'm not! And if my little sister Katie wants to go so badly, let her go!"
Lance hugged Matt tightly. "I don't want you to go,"
"I don't want to leave either...." Matt gave Lance a kiss.

What follows were the worst few weeks of Lance's life. Matt leaving for space, getting a new roommate, Iverson yelling his lungs out at Lance, and worst of all....Matt's disappearance.

That was a year ago. Now, Lance was in the very place is lover vanished: Space.
It was terrifying, knowing his family was probably feeling the same as he did when Matt vanished.
And here he was, on a magical castle spaceship with not only Shiro Takshi, but Katie Holt, Matt's little sister.
And they didn't even know Lance knew Matt.

And why is that? Because Lance kept it secret.
Every time he tried to tell them about Matt, or anything for that matter, they would shut him down. They amused he was trying to flirt. But hi flirting was just how he distracted himself from Matt!
And because they didn't know that, he was afraid to tell Shiro and Pidge that Matt and him dated. Because what if they thought he was taking advantage of Matt? They would hate him!


Everyone sat in the control room. Lance was on his phone, looking at pictures of Matt. He knows Pidge missed Matt, and he missed him just as much.
Lance looked up at Shiro.
"Will you please actually talk to us?" Shiro scolded.

Excuse him?! They hated it when lance talked!

"Yeah, get off your phone." Keith said.
"What are you looking at thats so important?" Pidge snatched his phone.
In utter panic,m Lance grabbed her arm, twisted it harshly, and grabbed his phne back. "DON'T TOUCH MY PHONE!" Lance screamed and ran away.


Lance heard knocking on his door. He opened it, and it was Shiro, looking down at him with calm anger.
"What?" Lance sighed.
"You need to apologize to Pidge." Shiro said.
"What? Why?"  
"You hurt her!"
"She grabbed my phone without asking!"
"Lance, that's not a big deal."
"Yes it is! She gets mad at me when I grab her stuff even when I do ask! And then she yells at me."
"Lance that's not the same."
"Think whatever you want Shiro, but words and physical contact can both be abusive." 
Lance slammed the door.



"Guys Guys Guys Guys GUUUUUYYYSSS!!!!!" Pidge screamed.
"What is it Pidge?" Alurra asked.
"I found him! I found Matt!"

Lance dropped his drink and it shattered to the ground.
No way. No effing way! 

"Lance!" Shrio growled. "Stay here and clean that up!"
"But what about-"
"You can't mess this up," Keith said. "That better be clean when we come back!


Stupid team, lance thought as he picked up the glass. He picked up a shiny piece and looked at the tip. He suddenly got am idea. 
Once lance finished cleaning up, he went to the kitchen's junk drawer. He found a pocket knife that Hunk had left in there. He went to the sink and started to slice his arms. It was calming, the most calm he'd felt since he got to space. Lance washed the blood down the drain and bandaged his arm. He pocketed the pocket knife.
"I'll have to do that more often," Lance said to himself.
(Do NOT do it often people! In this I like to think Lance is unaware cutting is self harm and wrong.)

Suddenly, the castle rang a little chime to signal that the paladins were back. 
Lance jumped for joy. He was finally going to see Matt again!


Matt! Lover! Happiness! Finally! Lance thought as he ran to the hangers.
But before he could enter, Shiro stopped him.
"Lance, go to your room." Shiro said.
"What? Why? I want to see Matt!"
"We're not going to let you annoy Matt with your flirting,"

Shiro walked Lance to his room. "
Your going to go to your room and only come out when we say you can." Shiro said.
"But what if I need to train?" Lance asked.
"Do it when we say you can."
"But what if I'm hungry or need water?"
"Then starve."
Shiro pushed Lance into his room and locked him inside.
"No! Please!" Lance banged on the door. "Let me out! I'll be good! I won't annoy Matt! Just let me see him! PLEASE!"



Matt walked around the castle. There seemed to be something missing from it. Whenever he walked past the Blue lion, he heard a voice saying, "Help him, please!".
Which always reminded him, he still hadn't met the blue paladin.
Today he decided enough was enough.

"Hey everyone!" Matt crossed his arms as he walked in. "When can I meet the Blue paladin? I know there is one."
Everyone looked at him.

"You don't wanna do that." Keith said.
"Yeah matt, he's annoying as eff!" Pidge laughed.
"I don't care, I want to see him!"
"Fine," Shiro leaned into a walkie-talkie. "Lance, get your lazy ass down here."
"I'm busy," a voice said back.
"Well stop and get down here. Matt wants to see you."
"I can't stop,"
"Well then get down here an dcontinue to do it! JUST GET DOWN HERE!"


A few minutes later the doors opened. Matt gasped.
It was Lance. Lover, Happiness, FINALLY!!!

But Lance wasn't talking or smiling. He hadn't even looked up yet. He was too focused on cutting his skin open to notice there were other people.
"L-LANCE!!!" Matt screamed and ran to him. He tackled him to the ground and ripped the knife out of his hands then threw it acorns the room.
He grabbed Lance's face and forced Lance to look at him while sitting on him.
"Lance!" Matt sobbed. 
"M-Matt..." Lance looked up at him with empty eyes.

The others were confused. Why was Matt so concerned? Its just Lance. And he was just cutting himself like always. Its not like it was a big deal!

"Lance, look at me," matt said.
Lance did. But his eyes were so empty, soul so blank.
"Lance, what happened? How did you get here? Why were you cutting? What did they do?!"
"I came with the others here." Lance answered calmly. "Cutting alms me down. And they locked me in my room. I wasn't allowed to socialize since you got here."
"That was a week ago..." Matt breathed.

Matt stood up and truned to the team. "THAT WAS A WEEK AGO!!!"
Lance punched Shiro in the face. "You kept him locked up for a week?!"
"What does it matter?" Pidge asked. "You don't know him. He deserved it." 
"Don't know him?! HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!!!!"
Matt ran to Lance and picked him up bridal style. "We're leaving!!"


Matt strapped Lance into his seat on the escape pod. 
"It will be Ok Lance," Matt said softly as he gave Lance a kiss.

"I'll fix you,"


WOW! Much better!

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