Saturday, March 30, 2019

Voltron KLANGST oneshot--Familiar

I was inspired by this great animation

If that video doesn't work:

Here's the animation Just in case.

Now, I know its from Steven Univirse, but I don't watch that show(sue me I haven't gotten to it yet)so I wanted to write my own little version of the backstory of this.
Let's go!


It didn't make since. They had defeated Lotor, so why couldn't they find him?!
Lance had been traded to the galra for the teams escape years ago, but it had been the only option at the time! And they had been searching nonstop for him!
But then the team had Lotor join them. You would think he would've known where Lance was, but he didn't. But later, after Lotor's betrayal and defeat, they still couldn't find Lance.
But why?! The galra were at their weakest! Why was it so hard to track him down?!


Keith walked through the galra cruiser. The team had just found it completely abandoned and sent Keith in to find info on Lance.
He sneaked around when he heard crying. But it sounded almost..human! Keith peaked around the corner, and saw him.


Keith gasped quietly and smiled with glee. It was Lance! He had found him! Finally!
He was about to run up to Lance when someone else entered the room.
It was Ezor, one of Lotor generals.

"Oh!" Lance whipped his eyes and fake smiled. "Hey Ezor!"
"Lance, please, you don't have to fake a smile." Ezor said.
Lance's smiled faded fast and he put his head in his knees.
"I know you miss him Lance, we all do. Its ok to cry!" Ezor sniffled. "But Lotor wanted you to be in charge if this happened. You have to move on."
Lance nodded.
"Do you need some water?" Ezor asked.
Lance nodded.
"I'll be right back,"

Ezor left.


Lance finally sat up, letting Keith see Lotor's crest on his chest.
Keith gasped. way....

Lance walked around the room. He walked to a small table and picked up a picture frame. It was Lotor's whole team, including him.
"I bet you would know what to do," lance said. "But I can't ask you...BECAUSE YOU'RE DEAD!" Lance threw the frame and it shattered.

Lance walked over to a huge window and slid down against it. he ripped off his glove, revealing a ring.
" promised me..."
Lance looked up at the ceiling. "Voltron will pay."

Keith had had enough. he started to run back to his ship, but he heard something behind him.


Lance ran after the intruder and tackled them to the ground. He held a dagger to their throat.
"Everyone get here now!" he yelled into his coms.

They were there in seconds.
"Who's this?" Axca asked.
"Lets find out," Lance said and ripped off the figure's helmet. "K-Keith?!"
"Who?" Ezor asked.
"A paladin,"
"Lets kill him!" Zethrid yelled.

Keith looked up at Lance in horror.
Lance looked back down at Keith. "I agree."


Voltron watched through the screen as Keith as tied down to a chair.
"Let him go!" Shiro cried.
"And why should we?" Lance stepped on screen.
"L-Lance?!" the paladins gasped.

"You killed our leader," Axca said.
"Family member!" Ezor yelled.
"Brother!" Zethrid shouted.
"Lover," Lance sneered. "So why not return the favor?"


Ezor twirled a dagger close to Keith's face. She then sliced out Keith's eye.
"An Eye for and Eye!" she chirped as Keith screamed.

Zethrid swung her sword and cut off keith's hand.
"He was the right hand of Voltron!" she laughed.

Axca turned the chair around and put hot iron to Keith's back.
"Who's gonna help you now?" she growled.

Exor handed lance a giant sword. "Will you do the honors?"
"Gladly," Lance took the sword.

He held it above Keith's head. "You destroyed our head, we'll destroy yours," he said to team Voltron, As he sliced Keith's head off.


oof, this was way more intense than I originally thought it would be.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Voltron LANGST oneshot—Lose it all

Inspired by:

 I'm not going to bother reading the " i've trained for days"  skipping right to the somewhat aftermath of the prompt.

Lance rocked back and forth, sobbing quietly and breathing fast. 
Why did he do that?! 

Lance and the team stood on the beach. They had just finished a mission and were scolding Lance. And at one of his favorite places no less.
"This wouldn't happen if you just train more!" Alurra said.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
Lance screamed with rage.
He punched Shiro in the face, kicked Keith in the gut, flipped Hunk to the ground, and slapped Pidge and Alurra.
"Still think I don't train!" He panted.
He ran all the way back to the castle.

He had been doing so well! But here he was, in his room, having a panic attack.
There was a soft knock on his door, and Corran entered.
"Lance!" Corran craddled Lance. "Its ok..."
"I h-hurt th-th-them!" Lance sobbed.

After that, Lance still only trained, but never talked to anyone in fear if hurting someone again.


Voltron KLANGST oneshot—Not my problem anymore

Request by my good friend ari!

Keith stepped off his little space pod and into the castle. 
He was so glad the Blades were giving him a break. He would finally be able to see his "Space Family" again! 
And Lance! He missed Lance so much. The blades were all serious, no time for anything but training. He was excited to have some fun!
The team came running up to him, giving him hugs and praise.
But, where was Lance?
"Its great to see you all again!" Keith's smile weakened. "Where's Lance?"
"Oh, we kicked him off." Alurra shrugged.


"YOU WHAT?!" Keith yelled.
"We kicked him off Voltron and out if the castle," Pidge explained.
"Why?!" Keith asked.
"Keith, he was lacking all the skills needed and wasn't taking the job seriously," Shiro said. @We had no choice." 
"So you just left a teenager out there in the middle of space to fend for themselves?!" Keith climbed back into his pod.
"Wait, where are you going?" Hunk asked.

"To find Lance."


After days of searching, Keith found a lead on Lance. Someone had said they had seen him on planet Vage-S,(yes thats a pun) a planet known for its beaches and vacation atractions.

Keith landed on a empty beach near the east side of the planet. There was only a small house on the coast.

Two children came running out of the house at the lion.
Keith stepped out to greet them, when someone grabbed the two and held them back.
It was Lance. 
He was wearing different cloths and his hair had grown.

"Be careful!" Lance scolded the two kids. "Thats a paladin of Voltron!"
The two kids gasped and hid behind Lance in fear.
"Go inside, now."
The children ran back into the house.

Keith took off his helmet.

"What do you think your doing here?!" Lance yelled.
"What do you think?" Keith said. "I came to bring you back home!
"I am home!" Lance said. "I live here with my girfriend and her kids."
 "G-girlfriend?" Keith asked.
"Yes Keith, and I love her, and my kids, AND my life here!"

"Why were the kids so scared of me when you said I was part of Voltron?" Keith asked.
"Because I've warned them about how dangerous you guys are!" Lance crossed his arms.
"What? But we're saving the univirse!"
"But at the cost of your teammates! The team physically and emotionally abused me after you left!"

"Lance is everything alright?" 

The two looked to see a young woman with blue skin and leaves for hair.

"Yes Gapay, I'm fine," Lance said. "The red paladin of Voltron-"
"Voltron?!" Gapay gasped. "If you touched my kids I swear-"
"Its all fine," Lance said. "He was just leaving."
"Lance, I-"

Keith looked at Lance, and relized that there was no hope.

Lance would never come back.


thanks ari for the request!

Voltron LATTE(Matt x lance) onehsot--I knew him too(REWRITE)

Lets try this again!

Lance sat in his dorm in the garrison. He was waiting for him. 
Suddenly the door opened, and he walked in.
"So, what did they say?" Lance stood up.
"They're still forcing me to go!" Matt stomped his foot. "But I don;t want to go on that stupid Kurberos mission!"
"Why does the Garrison have to be like this?! Its has if once you get in you lose your free will!"
"It sure feels like that," Matt ran a hand through his hair. "I mean, my dad and Shrio are fine with leaving earth, but I'm not! And if my little sister Katie wants to go so badly, let her go!"
Lance hugged Matt tightly. "I don't want you to go,"
"I don't want to leave either...." Matt gave Lance a kiss.

What follows were the worst few weeks of Lance's life. Matt leaving for space, getting a new roommate, Iverson yelling his lungs out at Lance, and worst of all....Matt's disappearance.

That was a year ago. Now, Lance was in the very place is lover vanished: Space.
It was terrifying, knowing his family was probably feeling the same as he did when Matt vanished.
And here he was, on a magical castle spaceship with not only Shiro Takshi, but Katie Holt, Matt's little sister.
And they didn't even know Lance knew Matt.

And why is that? Because Lance kept it secret.
Every time he tried to tell them about Matt, or anything for that matter, they would shut him down. They amused he was trying to flirt. But hi flirting was just how he distracted himself from Matt!
And because they didn't know that, he was afraid to tell Shiro and Pidge that Matt and him dated. Because what if they thought he was taking advantage of Matt? They would hate him!


Everyone sat in the control room. Lance was on his phone, looking at pictures of Matt. He knows Pidge missed Matt, and he missed him just as much.
Lance looked up at Shiro.
"Will you please actually talk to us?" Shiro scolded.

Excuse him?! They hated it when lance talked!

"Yeah, get off your phone." Keith said.
"What are you looking at thats so important?" Pidge snatched his phone.
In utter panic,m Lance grabbed her arm, twisted it harshly, and grabbed his phne back. "DON'T TOUCH MY PHONE!" Lance screamed and ran away.


Lance heard knocking on his door. He opened it, and it was Shiro, looking down at him with calm anger.
"What?" Lance sighed.
"You need to apologize to Pidge." Shiro said.
"What? Why?"  
"You hurt her!"
"She grabbed my phone without asking!"
"Lance, that's not a big deal."
"Yes it is! She gets mad at me when I grab her stuff even when I do ask! And then she yells at me."
"Lance that's not the same."
"Think whatever you want Shiro, but words and physical contact can both be abusive." 
Lance slammed the door.



"Guys Guys Guys Guys GUUUUUYYYSSS!!!!!" Pidge screamed.
"What is it Pidge?" Alurra asked.
"I found him! I found Matt!"

Lance dropped his drink and it shattered to the ground.
No way. No effing way! 

"Lance!" Shrio growled. "Stay here and clean that up!"
"But what about-"
"You can't mess this up," Keith said. "That better be clean when we come back!


Stupid team, lance thought as he picked up the glass. He picked up a shiny piece and looked at the tip. He suddenly got am idea. 
Once lance finished cleaning up, he went to the kitchen's junk drawer. He found a pocket knife that Hunk had left in there. He went to the sink and started to slice his arms. It was calming, the most calm he'd felt since he got to space. Lance washed the blood down the drain and bandaged his arm. He pocketed the pocket knife.
"I'll have to do that more often," Lance said to himself.
(Do NOT do it often people! In this I like to think Lance is unaware cutting is self harm and wrong.)

Suddenly, the castle rang a little chime to signal that the paladins were back. 
Lance jumped for joy. He was finally going to see Matt again!


Matt! Lover! Happiness! Finally! Lance thought as he ran to the hangers.
But before he could enter, Shiro stopped him.
"Lance, go to your room." Shiro said.
"What? Why? I want to see Matt!"
"We're not going to let you annoy Matt with your flirting,"

Shiro walked Lance to his room. "
Your going to go to your room and only come out when we say you can." Shiro said.
"But what if I need to train?" Lance asked.
"Do it when we say you can."
"But what if I'm hungry or need water?"
"Then starve."
Shiro pushed Lance into his room and locked him inside.
"No! Please!" Lance banged on the door. "Let me out! I'll be good! I won't annoy Matt! Just let me see him! PLEASE!"



Matt walked around the castle. There seemed to be something missing from it. Whenever he walked past the Blue lion, he heard a voice saying, "Help him, please!".
Which always reminded him, he still hadn't met the blue paladin.
Today he decided enough was enough.

"Hey everyone!" Matt crossed his arms as he walked in. "When can I meet the Blue paladin? I know there is one."
Everyone looked at him.

"You don't wanna do that." Keith said.
"Yeah matt, he's annoying as eff!" Pidge laughed.
"I don't care, I want to see him!"
"Fine," Shiro leaned into a walkie-talkie. "Lance, get your lazy ass down here."
"I'm busy," a voice said back.
"Well stop and get down here. Matt wants to see you."
"I can't stop,"
"Well then get down here an dcontinue to do it! JUST GET DOWN HERE!"


A few minutes later the doors opened. Matt gasped.
It was Lance. Lover, Happiness, FINALLY!!!

But Lance wasn't talking or smiling. He hadn't even looked up yet. He was too focused on cutting his skin open to notice there were other people.
"L-LANCE!!!" Matt screamed and ran to him. He tackled him to the ground and ripped the knife out of his hands then threw it acorns the room.
He grabbed Lance's face and forced Lance to look at him while sitting on him.
"Lance!" Matt sobbed. 
"M-Matt..." Lance looked up at him with empty eyes.

The others were confused. Why was Matt so concerned? Its just Lance. And he was just cutting himself like always. Its not like it was a big deal!

"Lance, look at me," matt said.
Lance did. But his eyes were so empty, soul so blank.
"Lance, what happened? How did you get here? Why were you cutting? What did they do?!"
"I came with the others here." Lance answered calmly. "Cutting alms me down. And they locked me in my room. I wasn't allowed to socialize since you got here."
"That was a week ago..." Matt breathed.

Matt stood up and truned to the team. "THAT WAS A WEEK AGO!!!"
Lance punched Shiro in the face. "You kept him locked up for a week?!"
"What does it matter?" Pidge asked. "You don't know him. He deserved it." 
"Don't know him?! HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!!!!"
Matt ran to Lance and picked him up bridal style. "We're leaving!!"


Matt strapped Lance into his seat on the escape pod. 
"It will be Ok Lance," Matt said softly as he gave Lance a kiss.

"I'll fix you,"


WOW! Much better!



Monday, March 25, 2019

Voltron KLANCE oneshot--Dance au

Apologies to any real dancer out there, I know nothing. Also, I LOVE classical music so prepare for a lot of that inserted.

Keith and his older friend Shiro went to the gym every Wednesday night. They would go lift some weights for about an hour, then leave. That was the normal routine.
At least, it was.

Keith and Shiro walked past the dance studio on their way out one night, when Keith saw something.
It was a young boy around his age, dancing. He had ballet shoes on, and was dancing to classical music.

"I'll catch up with you Shiro," Keith said as they started to pass the the studio.
"Meet you in the car," Shiro shrugged and kept walking.
Keith watched as the boy danced. His movements were graceful, loose, and flexible.
Keith was memorized.
The dancer suddenly started to turn around and caught Keith staring. The dancer had chocolate skin and deep blue eyes. He waved and Keith blushed and ran to Shiro's car.


Each Wednesday Keith would stay behind to watch the dancer.
But today, he wasn't there!


Keith turned around and saw the dancer!

"Oh, um, hey!" Keith stuttered.
"I noticed you'v been watching me for a while while I dance," the dance said. "Can I at least know the name of my admirer?"
"Oh! Sorry, its Keith. I didn't mean to bother you. I just think you look so beautiful and amazing
and-" Keith stopped when his blushing became to much.
"Thanks!" The dancer said. "I'm Lance!" he held out his and and Keith shook it.
"I like an audience! I practice every Wednesday and Friday night! Feel free to come! Who knows, maybe I'll teach you some moves!" Lance winked and walked into the studio.

Keith was a blushing mess.


Sunday, March 24, 2019

Voltron KLANGST oneshot--Get them off


I swear there was a photo of what I'm going to write but I couldn't find it. :( So this is all we get:

WARNING: Knives. I'm not gonna say cutting because its not cutting in a way.

Lance looked in the mirror. His altean marks were glowing. It made him miserable.
All he wanted to do was move on, bu how can you do that when your ex is forever on your face?

Lance looked at his watch. The dinner was in half an hour and was two hours away. But Lance couldn't bear to go sit by that statue.

Lance swore he was moving on! But its just so hard when Alurra was forever with him!
Don't get Lance wrong, he loved Alurra! He forever would! But he was allowed to live his life!

Lance picked up the knife by the counter. He wasn't going to live like this anymore. Lance held the knife to his cheeks.


Keith walked up to steps to Lance's home. He was on his way to the dinner when he got a call from the others. Lance hadn't arrived yet. Lance was always the first one at the Dinner every year. So when Keith saw Lance's farm on his way, he stopped by.
Keith knocked on the door, but no one answered. Keith looked to his side at the driveway and saw that Lance's car was still there. (I would say they're on their way to the space airport to get to Altea through car.)

"Lance?" Keith knocked again. "Lance are you in there?"
No response.
Keith turned the handle and opened the door.
"Lance?" he called.
Keith could hear a faint sound from upstairs so, up he went.


Keith went into what he assumed was Lance's room. It was a mess. He saw shattered glass and a photo of Lance and Alurra.
Lance would've never dropped this, Keith thought.
He looked at the wall and saw a dent.
No way...

Keith heard a sound come from the bathroom. he opened the door, and found Lance on the floor, covering his face while sobbing.
"Lance!" Keith cried and ran to him.

"lance, look at me, are you ok?" Keith asked softly.
Lance looked up at Keith. Blood and tears treaming down his face.
"Get them off..." he whispered before passing out from bloodloss.


Keith sat next to Lance's hospital bed. The doctors had to banage Lance's cheeks and give him rest. Turns out he hadn't been sleeping.

Suddenly, the others came in.
"What happened?" Shiro asked.
"When you said he was late to the dinner, I went by his house to see if he was OK." Keith said. "But when I found him he was sobbing and his cheeks were bleeding. All he said was, 'get them off' before he passed out."

Suddenly, Lance groaned and opened his eyes.
"Lance!" everyone gasped.
"What happened?" Lance asked.
"You tell me!" Keith said. "You were in the bathroom sobbing with blood on your face."
"Oh, that..."

"Lance, what's wrong?" Pidge asked.
"I hate them," Lance said. "I hate these Altean marks! How am I supposed to live my life when its forever connected to Alurra's?!"


I'm tired.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Voltron SHANCE(If you can call it that. More like Lance x Kuron again) oneshot--Galra/Druid au REPOSTED

OK, the title makes zero since I know. Just trust me. Inspired by:


Also, I'm not announcing the flashbacks. They'll mostly be in italics.

Lance had been raised by the galra most of his life. Ever since he had been abandoned by his abusive family...

Lance's three-year old self was thrown to the dirt by his dad. 
"You scumbag," his father spit in Lance's face.
Lance looked to his mother for help, but she just glared down at him in disgust.
"Time to get rid of you one and for all!" His father lifted him by the arm and walked over to the cliff.
Lance screamed in horror.
"Papa no!" Lance cried as his father threw him off the cliff.

As Lance fell to his death, his screams were lost to the wind. But suddenly, he felt warmth. He opened his eyes to see a hooded figure.
"Its alright young earthling," the hooded figure croaked. Lance had to amuse it was a woman by the pitch of the raspy voice.


Lance and the hooded woman walked through a large ship. It was black, gray, purple, and dimly lit.
"Miss, where am I?" Lance asked. "And who are you?"
"I am the high priestess Haggar," the woman said. "And you are on the main ship of the Galra empire."

Lance had been raised to become a druid, and considered Hagagr a mother. As did the other druids.


Lance looked up to see, his lover, Kuron. Kuron was a project he and the other druids were ordered by Zarkon to create. A clone of the black paladin of Voltron. But it turned out it was more sentient that they knew, and Lance and Kuron developed feelings for each other!

Lance sat with Kuron as he got his circuits repaired.
"Kuron, you need to be more careful when training!" Lance said.
"But I have to be ready for when I go undercover!" Kuron said.
"But Kuron, the real Paladin has been gone for a month," Lance explained. "It will be more believable if you were weaker,"
"But if I'm weak, how will I fight?"
Lance sighed.

"Alright!" the galra repairing Kuron said. "He's all fixed up. We just have to reboot him."
"Aw man!" Kuron whined. "I hate doing that!"

"Well, I'll leave you to it." Lance stood up, but Kuron grabbed his hand.
"Wait Lance," Kuron said. "Will you stay with me?"
Lance's face softened.  "Why?"
"Its scary being rebooted. I'm just left here in the dark, where anyone could tamper with my wires without me being awake! Besides....I like your company."
Lance blushed. 
"Sure, I'll stay."

"What are you thinking about?" Kuron sat next to Lance and rubbed his back.
"Oh, just spacing out." Lance joked.
Kuron laughed.
"So, what brings you here?" Lance asked. Normally Kuron was off training at this time.
Kuron's face saddened.

"Its time for my mission," Kuron said.
"What? Now?!" Lance gasped.
"Yes, I was allowed a brief moment to say goodbye." Kuron held Lance's hand.
"Promise me you'll be careful?" Lance hugged Kuron tight. "I don't want to lose you..."
"I've been training my whole life for this mission. Don't worry, I've got this!"
Kuron gave Lance a kiss.
"Call me any chance you get, ok?".

And with that, Kuron left for his mission.


Lance and Kuron stayed as quiet as possible as the guards walked past the room. When, they were gone, they burst into laughter.
"Oh my Quiznak!" Lance wheezed.
(Quiznak is a word everyone learned from Haggar after years of being around her.)

Lance had snuck Kuron out of training for a little bit of fun.

Kuron looked down at Lance in awe.
"What?" Lance looked up at him.
"You look your best when your happy," Kuron stroked Lance's cheek.
Lance blushed.
Kuron leaned down...


Kuron slammed the alarm clock off.
Another memory, Kuron thought.
Oh how he missed Lance. All his jokes and magic.
But here things were different. With Voltron, he was expected to be serious, and have all the answers. Yeesh! What stress the real Shiro must've been under!


Kuron walked into the dinning room. he was the only one there. He began to eat the disgusting goo. Were the paladins this under stocked with supplies?!

Princess Alurra walked in. She smiled at Shiro, but her smile seemed strained.
"Good morning Shiro," she said as she sat down.


Kuron always had to remember that was him. That he was made to be this person.

Lance always loved me, Kuron, Kuron thought. Not this Shiro guy...

"Whom?" Alurra pipped up.


"What?" Kuron asked.
"Who's Lance?" Alurra tilted her head.

Thank god, she didn't hear it all...

"Oh, uh, no one. Just someone from my home planet." Kuron lied.
"Oh, tell me more!" Alurra smiled.
"I'd rather not." Kuron lied again. "Too much homesickness..."
Alurra nodded and went back to her meal.



Lance looked through Kuron's eyes.
He hated having to be put on Kuron watch. It wasn't that he didn't love every moment he heard Kuron's voice, but he was worried he would slip up and die!

Haggar put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm just worried..." Lance sighed.
"Don't be," Haggar smiled softly. "It is time."

Today was the day! The day they retrieve Kuron from the paladins! Then, they would download the rest of the info!
Lance was so excited to see Kuron again!


Lance's and a small group of galra soldiers road a ship through space to wear Kuron had sent out the signal.
As they flew into the castle's hanger(Kuron had shut down all the security of the castle) Kuron smiled and waved.
Lance smiled and waved back.
But suddenly, the paladins rushed into the hangers.

"KURON!" Lance cried.
Kuron turned just in time for the paladins to tackle him.
"No!" lance screamed as the ship retreated.

Lance looked back on Kuron as he was knocked unconscious and pulled away.

"I will save you," Lance whispered. "I promise..."

This was orginally gonna be a part two but I desided agasinst it:


Lance ran to Haggar.
"Haggar he's been compromised!" Lance cried into her cloak. "Please, you must let me go and retrieve him!"
"Kuron has become family," Haggar said. "I will gather a group of the best druids and will send you a ship to go and get him back!"


Kuron sat in the cell in the castle. Alurra and Keith stood on the other side of the glass.
"Who are you?" Keith asked.
Kuron said nothing.
"WHO ARE YOU!" Kieth yelled.
"Like I'd ever tell you anything." Kuron grumbled.
"There's no reason to hide the truth," Alurra said. "Your not getting out of here, so give up."


Lance and the other druids flew up to the castle. The castle tried to shoot back, but the druid's magic kept the shots away like a forceful.
"I'm going it!" Lance shouted. He used his magic to teleport into the ship.


Lance appeared in the ship's main control room. The paladins turned to him and gasped.
Lance started to blast magic at them, while the paladins dodged.
The paladins started to gang up on him, when Lance noticed an old ginger haired man in the corner. He teleport ed to him and held a ball of lightning to the man's neck.

"Put down your weapons or the man dies," Lance warned.
The paladins slowly removed their weapons. All but the green one, who shot out her grappling hook and lnocked Lance's mask off.
Lance looked at them in rage.

The paladins gasped.
"You're human!" the yellow paladin gasped.
Lance stormed up to the yellow paladin and used agic to choke him.
"Where is Kuron!" Lance yelled as the paladins panicked. "WHERE?!"
The princess spoke up. "In the cells!"

Lance stopped choking the yellow paladin and ran to the cells.



Kuron looked up to see Lance running to his cell.
"Lance!" Kuron gasped.
"Stand back!" Lance shot a magic ball at the glass and it shattered. "C'mon lets go!" Lance cried.


Lance and Kuron ran back onto Haggar's ship.

"Thank god your OK!!!" Lance cried.

"The  paladins will pay..."


Yeah, I know it got bad around the end but I don't care I WORKED HARD!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Wish now animatic

I  LOVE the "Star Darlings" and wanted to animate this song. I suck tho and didn't finish.

Staring the HOLTTs

A girl like you--Voltron Klance-animatic

Barbie rules, and klance just as much! Lets combined them!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Shera CATRADORA angst oneshot--Taking sides

I don't ship this, I'm just doing this to torture a friend.๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Image result for she ra catradora angst

Shera stood on the bare battle field. The battle was over. The horde had been defeated. She had tears in her eyes. But they were anything but happy.

She looked down at Catra, who was slowly dying. She knelt down and transformed back into Adora.
"H-Hey Adora," Catra choaked out.
Adora held Catra in her arms.
"I'm so sorry Catra," Adora cried. "I never wanted to do this to you!"
Catra slowly lifted her hand to Adora's cheek and corsssed it slightly.
"I know," she said.
"Why..." Adora said. "Why couldn't we have been on the same side?!"
"Some thing just aren't meant to be Adora,"

"But one thing is for sure," Catra said. "I love you, so much."
"I do too," Adora leaned in softly kissed Catra.

It took her a full minute to realize, she was kissing a corpse.


Monday, March 4, 2019

Voltron KLANCE prompt--Glara omegaverse

Ok, this is an omegaverse galra keith au. Keith is a galran prince and an alpha. Lance is a servant(not galra tho? I'm confusing myself and an omega. I was inspired by something i rad(but never finished).

This is just a quick prompt-ish thing.

Keith's father, King Zarkon(*Throws up writing this*), had ordered Keith to find a mate. Keith walked down the large staircase into the ballroom where many eligible alphas, betas, and omegas were waiting.
Keith walked around for a little while until he spotted him.
Bright blue eyes, dark skin, wide hips, clearly an omega.
Keith tapped his shoulder.
"Oh! Your majesty," the boy bowed.
"Are you here to possibly win my hand?" Keith asked.
"Oh no! I'm just a servant sir," the boy blushed.
"No one has to know that," Keith smirked and pulled the boy onto the dance floor.

"Tell me, what's your name?" Keith asked as the two danced.
"Its Lance," the boy blushed.
"Pretty," Keith said.
Lance blushed and giggled.

Suddenly, Lance and Keith were separated.
King Zarkon stood between them.
"Keith, what is the meaning of this?" Zarkon growled.
"What do you mean father?" Keith asked.
"You are here to find a mate!"
"As I recall, you said I could choose anyone in the room."
 Keith walked over to Lance
"And if it is alright with Lance, I chose him."

Anyone feel free to use this prompt! Just make sure to send me the story you write based on it!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Voltron Altean Lance au/ LANGST onehsot--Blue paladins

Inspired by/ based on this lovely guy:

I liked this AU where Lance is Haggarรข€™s kid so I drew a scene I liked. The Son of Haggar part 1

Lance stood face to face with the druid Haggar. The others were being held back in the other room.
Hagagr--suprising just stood there. She slowly walked closer to Lance.
"Stay back!" Lance yelled, lifting his gun.
Hagagr motioned her hand towards the gun, and it flew out of Lance hand.
Lance tried to back away, but Haggar lifted her hand, and Lance was frozen.

"Shhh..." Haggar cooed. She put an arm around Lance and a hand to his cheek. "I was once where you are now,"
"What are you talking about?" Lance grunted.
"I too was the blue paladin. Guardian of water. Paladin of loyalty..."
She started to apply pressure to Lance's face.
"Let me show you your true form,"

Lance's ears started to ache and bleed and his cheeks burned.
"Stop! It hurts!" Lance cried.
"Shh..." Hagagr cooed. "Embrace it my child,"

Suddenly, the doors burst open and Haggar vanished. Lance fell to the floor, the magic taking a tole on him.

"Lance!" Shiro cried and ran to Lance and scooped him up.
"What did she do to him?" Pidge asked.

Lance had longer ears and long blue marks on his cheeks.

"Lets get him back to the castle," Keith said.


Lance laid on a cot in the medical bay unconscious.
"Alurra, do you know what's wrong with him?" Keith asked.
"Yeah, what's up with his face?" Hunk asked.
"I...I was afraid of this." Alurra said.
"What is it?" Pidge asked.

"Haggar was the past paladin of the bue lion. She's using her past connection to the blue lion to turn Lance into a mind slave." Alurra said.
"What's a mind slave?" Shiro asked.
"Lance's mind and soul will belong to Haggar and he will be nothing but a walking shell of what he once was."
"There has to be a way to stop this!" Hunk cried. "Can't we get his mind back somehow?!"

Lance groaned and sat up.
"Lance!" Keith ran to him.
But Lance just looked down, his eyes an empty grey.
"No..." Keith breathed.

"I'm sorry," Alurra said. "But we're too late."

"He's gone."

I'm lazy bye