IMPORTANT: My mother actually came up with this idea! That was a really important moment for me, because it meant she really took the time to know my interest and even build on it! So thank you mom for this idea!
There’s obvi some Klance, but its not the main plot so thats why its not in the title.
LETS GOOOO! Merry Christmas everyone!!
Santa Clause was real. The big man with the red suit and white beard was real. The magical flying sleigh riding man was real.
Corran and Alurra were surprised when the Paladins spoke of Santa Clause as a myth. Santa Clause was a mighty being throughout the galaxy, whom had the cosmic power to deliver presents to the entire galaxy in one night.
“What do you mean he’s a myth?!” Corran gasped.
“Just what we said,” Shiro said. “On Earth, he’s a myth for children. Parents give their kids the presents and tell them they came from Santa.”
“Well thats simply not true!” Alurra said. “I’ve met the man!”
“Are you sure it wasn’t an actor?” Pidge asked. “We have those on earth.”
“Nope!” Corran said. “He is very much real.”
“Aaaaa this is so cool!” Hunk smiled. “Finally! Some childhood wonder in this war!”
“If Santa Clause is real, how come he never showed up on Earth?” Keith asked.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the Galra have limited his abilities.” Corran saddened.
“Well, that simply won’t do!” Alurra stood up.
Alurra led the Paladins quickly to the bridge, where she began to contact someone.
“Alurra, what are we doing?” Lance asked. “Santa is awesome, but we don’t wanna bother him with galra war shit. And I love Christmas as much as anyone! My family and I used to—“
“Yeah Alurra, isn’t this a bit…Childish?” Shiro asked.
“Perhaps,” Alurra chuckled. “But we are Voltron, defenders of the Univirse. It is our job to defeat Zarkon and bring peace and joy to the universe! Who can help us better than Santa Clause himself?”
“Wait that’s actually a good idea.” Hunk said. “We’ll be just like his elves!”
“Ah yes, the E.L.V.E.S tech unit! They were truely a timeless tool, and probably still useful even these 10,000 later!”
Pidge’s eyes lit up. “T-TECH UNIT?!” She grinned. “Explain! Explain now!”
“The E.L.V.E.S was a tech unit created by Mr.Clause himself. He was truely a great scientist, even dabbled in Altean Alchemy—“
“Get to the point!” Hunk said.
“Yes yes,” Corran chuckled. “Well, the E.L.V.E.S was a highly advanced set of Robots and tools, which were able to determan any individual in the universe’s material desire! Another set of Robots would create that item!”
“No freaking way!” Lance was laughing.
“What is so funny Lance?” Alurra gasped. “The E.L.V.E.S unit was an incredible technological advancement—“
“I-Its not that…” Hunk was holding back his giggles.
“On Earth, we had the idea that there were Elves, a mythical kind of people. And they made the gifts!”
“Oh!” Corran laughed. “That is quite funny!”
“They were human looking, but sometimes short and had pointed ears.” Hunk said.
Alurra gasped. “They had Alteans on Earth?!”
Shiro jumped in. “N-No, no! They were very short. Like…”
“Like, even shorter than Keith!” Lance laughed.
“Pidge is right there, and your used me as the example?!” Keith shouted.
The TV lit up, and Santa Clause himself had begun a call with Team Voltron. Team Voltron was starstruck, but…Santa Clause was too?!
“Voltron, is that you?!” Santa Clause gasped.
“You know who we are?” Shiro asked.
“Of course! Word has spread all over the galaxy of your power and might!” Santa Clause said. “It is an honor to speak with you all.”
“The honor is ours,” Alurra smiled.
“Princess Alurra, is that you?” Santa Clause laughed, a litterl ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!” Laugh. “Why, the last time I saw you was 10,000 years ago! You haven’t changed a bit.”
Alurra chuckled. “Its quite the long story.”
“Mr. Santa Clause,” Lance spoke up. “On Earth, your just a myth—“
“Lance! Don’t be rude to freaking SANTA CLAUSE!” Hunk hissed.
“Yeah, you don’t wanna be on the naughty list,” Pidge smirked.
“I wasn’t done!” Lance said. He turned back to the big man in red. “I was going to ask, why haven’t you come to Earth in so long?”
Santa Clause saddened. “Ah Earth, that was such a lovely planet! I miss it so. However, when the Galra Empire began to rise, I had to abandoned certain planets, in hope that I would not lead the Galra there.”
“That makes sense.” Pidge said. “Thank you for keeping our home safe.”
“Of course Katie.”
“Y-You know my name!”
“Of course, I’m Santa Clause.”
“Prove it,” Keith shouted, ever the brooding skeptic.
Santa Clause smirked, and held up a piece of notebook paper. It had harsh hard handwriting in a dull pencil. Keith shrieked, he actual shrieked.
“Ho! Ho! Ho! Alright little one.”
“Keith, what is that?” Lance asked, smiling.
“It’s nothing!”
“Its Keith’s letter to Santa from the Garrison.” Shiro said.
“Shiro!!” Keith blushed.
“Awww Keith!” Hunk giggled. “Thats so cute!”
“You were still writing to Santa then? I thought you would’ve found out he wasn’t real by then!” Lance said.
“Well, I was in the right in the end, wasn’t I?!”
“Well, what did you ask for?” Pidge asked.
“A new knife?” Hunk asked.
“No.” Keith said.
“Your own flying ship?”
“A kiss under the mistletoe?”
“…N-No!” Keith blushed.
“He Hesitated! He Hesitated!” Lance shouted. “He totally asked for a kiss! He did! He did!”
“No I didn‘t!”
“He did.” Shiro smirked.
Santa chuckled. “It is quite the list, little Keith. Sadly, I cannot gift you a kiss for chritsmas. Nor can I gift you a Hippopotamus for Christmas.”
Keith hid his face in his hands, as the rest of the team burst into hysterics.
“A Hippo?!” Lance laughed.
“I like Hippos…” Keith grumbled.
“Santa Clause,” Alurra spoke in a regal voice. “Voltron would like to request your help in deleivering joy to the universe.”
“I would love to Princess,” Santa said. “However, you know I do my best work one night year. Tonight.”
“How can we help?”
“The Voltron Lions are fast, as well as your Altean Castle Ship. By working together, we can reach more planets tonight then ever.”
“wait Wait Wait,” Hunk said. “Is this actually happening? Are we about to help the real live Santa Clause deliver presents across the Galaxy?”
“I think so buddy!” Lance smiled.
“OMG, we’ll get to see the ELVES Units!” Pidge gasped.
“Well of course,” Santa said. “I’ll have to lend you each one if we’re going to make this work after all.”
Pidge almost fainted.
“Don’t use the tech to make yourself a hippo, ok Keith?” Lance smirked.
“I’m not gonna make myself a hippo!” Keith yelled.
“Paladins, suit up and get to your Lions.” Alurra said. “Voltron is going to save Christmas for the univirse!”
“How are you doing Pidge?” Shiro asked Pidge over the coms.
“Great!” Pidge said, but seemed to be panting.
“You ok?”
“Yeah! Its just a little hot in my lion. The ELVES unit is working hard and its making it hot.”
“What planet you on?”
“Olkari! They are all asking for super tech advanced gifts, so the ELVES unit is working hard.”
“What about you Hunk?”
“I’m working on gifts for Shay’s Balmara!” Hunk said. “Everyone there seems to like a lot of simple things.”
“Well make sure to give Shay something extra nice~” Lance giggled over the coms.
“Lance, where are you at?” Shiro asked.
“Great! I’ve made way more gifts then Keith has!”
“yeah, But I got to more planets!” Keith joined the call.
“Is that a challenge?!”
Shiro sighed.
Keith and Lance were in a fast paced contest of who could make the most gifts and deliver the most. Some would say it was not in the spirit of Christmas to compete as they were. But the spirit of Christmas is too have fun with those you cherish. And even though neither would admit it, thats exactly what they were doing.
“So Keith,” Lance smirked. “Who did you ask for a kiss from?”
“I-I didn’t ask for a kiss!” Keith cried.
“Yeah you did! Santa said so!”
Keith blushed.
“C’mon, don’t lie! It’ll put you on tube naught list!”
“Fine! I did ask for a kiss.”
“I knew it! Who from?”
“I’m not telling you!”
“It was back at the Garrison. Was it Jane?”
“Was it Sarah? Her hair was really pretty. I could totally understand.“
“Was it Bethany? She was awesome on the simulator—“
“It wasn’t a girl!”
“I…I shouldn’t have said that.” Keith said.
“N-No! Keith, thats totally fine.” lance said.
“It is?”
“you don’t think it’s weird?”
“What? No! Dude, I’m Bi!”
“Wait, you are?”
“Is that…ok?”
It was a fond silence between them. A mutual understanding and thankfulness of trust.
(NOTE: My mom and I had this funny idea of the mission having to be urgently redone entirely because Keith kept giving everyone Hippos π. However that obviously didn’t make the cut LMAO)
Voltron succeeded in their mission, and by the next day every planet in the far univirse had received a present from Santa Clause. In thanks, Santa allowed the Paladins to use the ELVES unit to create Christmas gifts for eachother. And so the Paladins sat in a circle with eachother, sharing their gifts.
Shiro Received: A pride flag from Lance, which made him blush from embarrassment. But he did really like it. A “I’ll drop everything a make you a meal” coupon from Hunk. A knife with a pitch black blade from Keith. A super strong decorative magnet for his arm from Pidge.
Hunk Received: A Golden Blade knife from Keith. A super tech blender from Pidge. A bunch of different Alien fruit seeds from Shirogane. And a bunch of already grown. Alien fruit.
Pidge received: A knife with a shiny emerald blade from Keith. A huge jar of Earth Peanut Butter from Hunk. A special ship building tool from Shiro. And a hologram video from Lance.
“Whats this?” Pidge asked.
“Play it,” Lance asked.
Pidge played the video, and it was a video of her brother Matt and her Father in the Green Lion’s hanger. They were waving to her. Staying hello and that they love her. Pidge teared up. She was so happy she had found them, but still missed them terribly.
“H-How did you…”
“I actually had planned to give that to you this Christmas long before we met Santa. Right before they left for the Rebel base, I asked them to let me film them for you.”
“Lance, thank you!” Pidge gave Lance a hug.
Lance handed Keith his gift. It was a rather large box. Keith opened it nervously. Inside was a big soft plush hippo. It had a big red bow around its neck and shiny marble eyes. Keith’s own eyes lit up.
“H-Hippo!” He smiled.
“Ha, yup!” Lance smiled. “Do I know my rival or what?”
Keith grabbed his gift for Lance and handed it to him.
“B-But you haven’t finsihed your gifts yet—“
“Open it.” keith demanded.
“ok! ok!” lance laughed.
“So, a Blue knife?” Lance laughed.
Lance opened the box, and was surprised. It was a small garnish—It was mistletoe. Lance held it up, to get a closer look at it. “Mistletoe? Who knew you were such a sappy-“
Keith gave Lance a peck on the cheek. The two blushed as red fire-trucks, or at least the space equivalent. The rest of the team giggled and laughed at the two lovebirds.
“I…It was you. I wanted to kiss you at the Garrison.” Keith mumbled.
“I wanna kiss you HERE.” Lance grabbed Keith’s face and gave him an actual Kiss.
“Well, Merry Quiznacking Christmas!” Corran laughed. “Now, where’s my kiss?!”
The rest of the team laughed.
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