Here's my photo for the oneshot:
And here's a real photo.

Lance held on tightly as Keith sped through the canyons. They had just saved his life-long hero, Takashi-Shirogane, or just Shiro for short. He was so excited!.....and terrified! He was currently running through the law on his rival's hover-bike!
Suddenly, they hit a bump in the road, and Lance tumbled off the bike!
"Lance!" hunk cried. "Keith, go back!"
"We don't have time!" Keith said,
"But he'll be caught!" Hunk said.
"Then he should've held on tighter!" Keith said, and the bike flew off a cliff.
Lance had been running after the bike, so he heard every word. He was going to be caught if he didn't hide. So he found a small cave off the the side and hid like his life depended on it.
It kinda did.
Lance heard the authorities pass, and sighed in relief. But sounded..louder than usual. Like there were two sighs of relief. He looked to his side, and saw a dark figure.
He shouted in surprise, along with the figure.
"Who are you?!" Lance whispered.
"Who are you?!" the other figure asked too. Judging by his voice, he was male.
Lance look out his phone and activated the flashlight. he could now see the figure clearly and gasped. The figure was tall with purple skin and long white hair. he had yellow eye-whites with purple pupils.
"Don's scream!" the figure cried.
Lance nodded. "Are alien?" he asked.
"By your terms, yes. I am a Galra." the man said. "My name is Lotor."
"I'm Lance." lance said. "Aren't Galra...the bad guys?"
"Some see us that way." Lotor sighed. "But Voltron is the real baddie."
This was getting very confusing for Lance? Who was he supposed to believe? Shrio, or Lotor?
Suddenly, Lotor smirked at Lance.
"What?" Lance asked.
"I just was thinking, I've had this for a while," He pulled out a beautiful emerald necklace from his pocket. "I think it would look wonderful with those ocean eyes" he winked.
Lance blushed heavily. "Well, uh, thank you!"
Lotor held up the necklace. "May I?" he asked.
Lance nodded, and allowed Lotor to attach the necklace onto him.
Suddenly, Lance's mind felt blank. What was he doing here again? Who was he again? He looked up, and saw a very handsome man in front of him.
"Hello Lance," the man smiled.
" that my name?" Lance asked.
"Yes Lance. And I am Lotor. Do you not remember?"
Lance shook his head.
"I am Lotor, the prince of the galra empire. You are my loyal lover. We came here to retrieve a part of Voltron, our enemy. But you suddenly lost your memory."
"Oh, I'm sorry." Lance said.
"Conme, lets get back to our ship and get off this dangerous planet."
Lance was very content with is life with Lotor on the galra ship in the empire. Lotor always made time for him and was very kind. He wore the necklace everywhere. Lotor said it was a promise necklace, that they would be together forever as long as he wore it.
Lance opened his eyes, so see Lotor watching him sleep.
"Good morning," Lotor smiled softly.
"Morning," Lance smiled back.
"You look so beautiful when you wake up," Lotor said.
Lance blushed.
Lotor's watch alarmed, and he sat up.
"I must go. Voltron is getting stronger everyday, and we are coming up with a plan to stop them today." he said.
"I don't like how you have to fight them all on your own. Isn't there anything I can do?"
"I don't want you to get hurt my dear," Lotor kissed Lance on the cheek.
Lance nodded.
"Who could it be?!" Alurra groaned.
The paladins, well, 4 of them, had been searching for the blue paladin for two months.
"If don't find them soon, the universe would be worse than when you arrived!" Shiro said.
"Why don't we just, you know, ask the lion?" Hunk said.
"Haven't we tried that?" Keith asked.
"Not that I remember," Pidge said.
"It just might be simple enough to work!" Corran said.
The team walked up to the Blue lion, and she opened her mouth to let them all in.
"Blue, would you please tell us where we can find your paladin?" Alurra asked,
Coordinates appeared on Blue's screen: They were for a galra ship.
"There's no way can just approach a galra ship without Voltron!" Alurra said.
"We have to try. We need a Blue paladin." Shrio said.
The team arrived at the galra ship. Pidge and Shiro went to get the blue paladin while Hunk and Keith kept the ship distracted.
"It says the paladin should be in this room," Pidge said,
Shiro burst down the door. A scream was heard from inside, and a figure lept behind the large bed.
"Hello?" Shiro cried out. "We're not going to hurt you."
"Yes, you are!" the figure said. The figure then gasped, realizing they gave themselves away.
"We're with Voltron, we want to save you." Shiro said.
"If your with Voltron, your definitely gonna hurt me!"
"What makes you think that?"
Pidge stepped closer. "Will you come out? Please?"
The figure didn't make a noise.
"Look, we're dropping our weapons. Except Shiro, he's deactivating his arm thing." Pidge put her bayard down. "Will you come out now?"
The figure stood up and stepped into the light.
He was tall with dark skin and hair. He had beautiful ocean eyes, and a emerald necklace with a alarge jewel.
"L-Lance!" Pidge cried.
"Who?" Shiro asked.
"Lance! He helped rescue you!" Pidge said.
"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Lance scowled.
"L-Lance! Its me, Pidge!" Pideg said.
"I've never met you. Either of you. Now leave me alone." Lance said.
"No, Lance! We're with Voltron! The good guys!" Shrio said.
"That's wrong! Voltron are trying to stop the galra empire, and that's bad!"
"Lance, don't you know what the galra do?!" Pidge yelled.
Shiro stopped them. "We don't have time for this! We have to get out of here!"
Shiro through Lance over his shoulders.
"LET ME GO!!!" Lance screamed. "LOTOR HELP ME!!!!"
"Who's Lotor?" Pidge asked.
Suddenly, someone was chasing them.
"LOTOR!" Lance reached his hand out, but they boarded the green lion and blasted away.
"Let me go!" Lance shouted, ripping out of Shiro's grasp.
Shiro and Pidge led Lance to the main bridge.
"LANCE?!" Hunk ran to Lance and hugged him.
"GET OFF ME!" Lance screamed.
"Lance what's wrong?" Hunk asked.
"He doesn't remember us," Pidge said.
"What..." Hunk breathed. "Lance its me! Hunk! We're best friends!"
"Like I would ever be friends with a paladin of Voltron."
"He thinks Voltron is the bad guy," Pidge said.
"You are!" Lance said.
"Wait, so who is this?" Alurra asked.
"This is Lance. He was with us when we saved Shiro, but we lost him on the way here. He's apparently the Blue paladin!" Pidge said.
Corran walked up to Lance. "Nice necklace. May I ask where you got it?"
Lance smiled, calming down. "My lover gave it to me,"
"And who is your lover?"
"IF you must know, its Prince Lotor."
"PRINCE?!" the others gasped, but Corran stayed calm.
"May I ask you to remove it?"
"Sorry, but I made a promise to never take it off."
"That explains it." Corran said, and ripped the necklace off.
"NO!" Lance cried.
Lance tried to reach for it, but he suddenly fell to the ground, passed out.
"Corran what did you do?!" Hunk cried, running to Lance.
"This is actually altean tech." Corran explained. "They were used to restore memories when lost. But it seems Lotor used it to trap them."
Lance groaned and opened his eyes. He saw Pidge and Hunk iver him.
"Ulg, where am I?" he asked.
"First, what do you remember?" Pidge asked.
"I remember falling off the hover-bike, and meeting some guy named Lotor. I think he gave me some jewelry or something. That's it."
"Lance, that was two months ago," Hunk said.
"That necklace Lotor gave you? It trapped all your memories." Pidge said. "The memoreis you made before we rescued you will return, but it will take time."
Lance looked deep into the yellow eyes.
"I love you Lance," the person with the yellow eyes said.
"Why?" Lance asked.
"Why do you love me?"
The yellow eyes showed deep thought. "In the most simple way to say it, your the day to my night. Your the voice to my song. Your my life Lance."
Lance felt tears in his eyes.
"I love you Lotor," Lance smiled.
Lance awoke in a cold sweat. He was breathing hard. It had been another memory about his time with the galra.
The more he spent time with Voltron, the more he thought being with Lotor wasn't bad.
He wasn't treated very nicely, and was there for no other purpose than to fly the Blue lion.
But with Lotor, he was loved and cared for.
Lance looked at the clock, and noticed he was late for training!
"Lance, your late!" Alurra scolded.
"Sorry," Lance said.
"Whatever," Shior said. "Lets just train."
Lance didn't do so well. He hadn't been there for 3 months like the others, only one. And they all expected him to be an expert with a weapon! He had never held a gun in his life before a month ago!
"Lance, that was horrible!" Keith said.
"Lance, you need to practice more." Shiro said.
The others stared leaving the room.
At least with Lotor I was treated well.
"WHAT?!" Alurra screeched.
He must've said that aloud.
"N-Nothing!" Lance said.
"How dare you!" Alurra yelled. "Lotor is evil Lance! Whatever he made you think is wrong! When will you get that?!"
"Well there's one thing that I know about him: He loves me. And none of you do!" Lance stormed off.
That night, Lance blasted away in a small escape pod.
Lance walked into the throne room of Lotor's ship.
Lotor stood, smiling with pity. He lifted up a new necklace. This one was amethyst.
Lance allowed Lotor to put it on his neck, and Lance's face was blank for a second, then he looked up and smiled at Lotor.
"Welcome back Lance," Lotor smiled.
So proud of that ending...
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