Tuesday, November 1, 2022

VLD LANGST/KLANCE Drabble — Walk the Plank

I'm not sure why i wanted to write this or WTF it is but here we are


The Paladins had been on a mission on a dangerous firey planet, when they found themselves ambushed. A Galran Captain had captured them on their ship — which could only be described as a Pirate Ship which sailed upon the lava seas of this planet.

Currently the Paladins were on the deck of the ship, their hands tied behind their backs as soilders forced them on their knees.
"What a brilliant catch we've captured today, haven't we boys?" The Captain declared to his crew.
"Are you guys gonna sing us a Sea Shanty of what?" Lance antagonized the galra. "I mean c'mon, this is just boring!"
"Shut up, Lance!" Pidge hissed
"Just play nice until Alurra can get here with the castle." Shiro said.

"Now, before we hand the Paladins over to Zarkon, I say we have a little fun with them!" The Captain held up a small vial filled with some sort of liquid. "After all, Zarkon wants the paladins dead anyway! I'm sure he won't mind if we kill one first."
The crew cheered with excitement.
"Now, which one?" The Captain paced the line of immobilized paladins.

Lance watched as the Captain considered which one to kill. Lance knew exactly what he was going to happen: The Captain would chose the person either most valuable to Voltron or most Valuable to the Team. So before the Captain could even think to figure out who it was, Lance offered himself.

"Give it to me," he cried out.
Every head turned to him.
"What? No!" Keith yelled.
"Lance, we're not letting you die." Shiro said.
"No No No, Lance what are you doing?!" Hunk cried.

"Hm, interesting offer." The Captain approahced Lance.
The other crew members strengthened their hold on the other paladins, so that they couldn't do anything to stop the Captain or Lance.
"You offer up yourself, Blue Paladin." The Captain noted. "How strange, not many give such a sacrifice so willingly."
"Just give me the poison." Lance demanded
"Oh no, this is not posion." The captain smirked. "Its much more entertaining."
Lance was a bit more hesitant than before now, but he didnt say anything. He was going to die for his team today, no matter what.
"I don't care." Lance said. "Give it to me!"
"If you insist!"

The Captain knelt down and forced the mystery potion down Lance's throat, another crew member forcing Lance's head back. Lance didnr hesitate to willingly drink it, despite its awful taste. If Nunvil tasted like hotdog water, this tastes like rotten milk and mold— just as creamy too. Lance gagged when he finally finished the bottle.
His team was crying out in panic beside him, but he couldn't find it in himself to say anything. Actually, he was having trouble doing anything at all. It was like he had fallen asleep, and when everything when black he realized he must have.


Lance's head fell to his chest as he fell asleep. He looked strangely at peace, even breathes and calm face. The paladins shouted and yelled, trying to wake him up.
"Oh don't shout now," the Captain laughed. "The fun hasnt even started yet!" 

The crew member behind Lance cut the ropes off his wrists, and his arms fell to his sides. But Lance still remained upright?
"Blue Paladin," the Captain commandes. "Stand up."
Effortlessly, Lance rose to his feet. But he still remained perfectly asleep.
"What have you done to him?!" Keith shouted.

"Oh its such an exciting execution!" The Captain smiled. "The poor thing is simply asleep, now a just a living puppet to jump when we pull the strings."
The Paladins gaspes while Lance simply stood still.
"And its so amusing to watch the sleepwalker walk right off the plank and into the water, completely oblivious to the fact they're practically committing suicide!" 
The rest of the Galran Crew laughed and cheered.
"You can't do this!" Pidge screamed.
"Oh, but we can!" The Captain said. "Now, just watch! Blue Paladin, come and stand on the edge of the ship."

The Paladins struggled hopelessly against thier captors and bindings as they watched Lance slowly cross the deck of the ship…


Keith could feel the ropes burn his wrists as he struggled to free himself. He never took his eyes off of Lance, helplessly asleep and obeying. He slowly walked to where the Captain had directed him. 
Keith hated how even now Lance looked beautiful and alurring. His back was straight and his steps light, he looked like a goddamn princess as he walked to his death. He slowly lifted himself onto the railing of the boat, and stood waiting for further orders.
"Now Blue Paladin," the Captain smirked. "Walk all the way across the boat's railings until you reach the plank on that side of the ship". He pointed to the back of the ship, which had a long board of wood the dropped straight into the firey lava. "Go slowly, and keep your arms behind youd back."
The Galra cheered in excitement as Lance began to walk. He kept his head high as he paced one foot in front of the other. 
"And one more thing," The Captain turned back to the paladins. 
The Captain beconned a lucky Galran Crew Member to his side, and handes them a dull staff. 
"If you even think about escaping, my buddy here will push the Blue Paladin straight overboard!"
The Paladins stared terrified, as Lance kept walking.


It was agonizingly slow for the paladins, but it was the show of a lifetime for the galra. The cheered like it was a sporting event. Every once in a while the ship would rock, and Lance would slightly wobble. It drive the crowd wild.
It drove Keith Wild, weirdly enough. Even asleep Lance had incredible grace and balence, like he had walked a tightrope thousends of times before.
But Keith would compliment Lance on that AFTER they saved him. Which, how were they going to do that? They were closely momitared by the crew and any attempt at escape would send Lance straight to his boiling doom.

"Oh god," Hunk cried quietly, his voice lost hours ago. "Lance stop…please!"
"Fuck that idiot and his self sacrificing ass!" Pidge let out a sob.
Shiro had silent tears running down his face as he didnt take his eyes off of Lance.

Lance was getting closer and closer to the back of the ship. The Galran crew up there cheered, as the Blue Paladin was so close to them—Like he was a celebrity or something.

But suddenly, a shout was heard and the galran next to lance fell dead. Everyone looked up to see the Castle of Lions and a few BOM fighterjets attacking. The ship fell imto chaos, as the crew rushed around. The Paladins took the chance to free themselves and get their bayards. They began to fight the galra while dodging lasers from above.
"Where's Lance?!" Hunk shouted.
Keith scanned the ship, he spotted Lance, approaching the Plank. "THERE!" He shouted, pointing to him. 
"Lance no!" Shiro shouted. 

Keith didnt wait a moment more to run through the battle to get to Lance. Keith killed galra by galra as Lance's delicate steps made their way down the plank.
"Lance! Stop!" Keith cried out.
Lance didn't listen, and kept walking. It was like Lance couldn't even hear him!
Keith made it to the Plank, but Lance was so far down in now that if Keith stepped on it would wobble Lance right off.
Keith looked to his side and saw a tall pole with nets for the sail. He began to climb them as fast as he could. Keith untied the longest of the ropes he could, looking down to see Lance inches away from the edge.

Lance took his final step off of the Plank, and plumitted towards the lava.
"NO!" Keith screamed.

Keith swung down with the rope—Like a Swashbuckler!—And caught Lance in his arms before he died. They tumbled back onto the deck, where a huge battle was still going on.
"Lance? Lance! Wake up!" Keith shook Lance's limp body.
Lance's eyes finally fluttered open, the impact of the landing having shocked him out of the trance. "Keith? Whats happening?" He asked.
Before Keith could answer a laser barely missed hitting the two of them.
"I'll explain later, C'mon we have to get off this ship!"
Lance tried to stand up after him, but fell to his knees. He was dizzy, and tired. Maybe be should just go to sleep again, like before? Yeah, a nap. Nap sounded nice…
"No Lance, don't fall asleep!" Keith yelled. "Stay awake!"
Keith scooped Lance into his arms and carried him off of the ship.

(Yeah im tired stfu)

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