Thursday, November 24, 2022

VLD LANGST Oneshot — Black Paladin Lance AU

 (Happy Thanksgiving 2022!)

I’ve had this idea for a while, I’m excited too finally get to it lol. 


- Insecure // Underestrimated Lance
- NO Kuron (Shiro Clone)
> Lance wears black, Alurra wears Blue, etc


“Thats just what Shiro wanted!”

Of course Keith would be Shiro’s successor, why did Lance think any different? Keith was the star fighter pilot, best paladin on team Voltron, and personally close with Shiro. Why would Shiro bother to think about anyone else, think about Lance? Lance was nothing. He was a cargo pilot, a shitty one at that. He was the worst in training and was always behind the other paladins. Shiro never even bothered to spare him more than a glance.
But as Lance watched Keith Stress-Train himself to exhaustion throughout the days, he realized this wasn’t about him. Who cares if he doesn’t pilot the Black Lion? He already has an amazing and kind Blue Lion and he’d never trade her for anything. As much as Keith frustrated him with his unattainable perfection, Lance needed to be a good teammate and help his future Leader.

“Hey Leader!” Lance smiled as he interrupted Keith.
Keith stopped training. “Don’t call me that, I’m not a leader.”
“Not yet,” Lance shrugged. “But you will be once you hop into Black!”
“You don’t know that!” Keith shouted. “I’m not like Shiro, I can’t lead you guys! I’m reckless, and can’t Voltron Bond with the rest of you like he does!”
“Thats true,” Lance nodded. “But you’re not Shiro. Your you, so of course you bond with us different than him!”
Keith just glared at the floor.
“Just try Keith,” Lance said. “We all are behind you, no matter what.”


Everyone in The Castle of Lions stood outside the Black Lion. They stood regally and stoic, awaiting the Black Paladin. And everyone held their breath as the new Black Paladin walked up the ramp. 
“Why are we nervous?” Lance tried to shrug it all off. “We all know Keith is gonna be fine!”
“Yes, yes you are correct Lance.” Alurra nodded. “Keith will be a powerful leader, I am sure of it.”

The Black Lion remained still, no sign of life. 
“He’s taking forever!” Hunk whined. “The suspense is killing me!”
“Hey Keith!” Pidge called. “Hurry up in there!”
“You got this Keith!” Lance cheered on. 

But nothing happened. Keith returned from the Lion, walking down the ramp with his head hung.
“Keith, what happened?” Alurra asked 
“It didn’t work…” Keith mumbled sadly.
“What? C’mon Keith!” Lance said. “It has to be you! Are you sure you were trying?”
“I swear, I was trying!” Keith said. “I tried to reach out to the Lion, to Shiro. But, nothing.” 

The team began to panic. What were they going to do without a Black Paladin?
“HEY! What gives?!” Lance marched up to the Black Lion. “That’s Keith! Your Paladin—“

The moment Lance stepped a foot onto the ramp, the Black Lion’s eyes lit up and her engine rumbled. Lance fell back onto the floor in shock. Then Black Lion rose up before kneeling down again for their face to meet Lance’s. 
“I-I’m sorry I yelled at you I didn’t mean it!” Lance cried out in fear.
The Black Lion let out a rumble, it sounded like…a chuckle? 
‘No need to concern my Paladin, I am not upset with you.’
“Oh, thats good—“

Lance stopped. The Black Lion spoke with him. And called him their Paladin. 
“N-No way,” Lance gasped.
“Lance, the Black Lion has a accepted you has their Paladin!” Alurra gasped.
“I never would have excepted that.” Pidge said.
“I’ll ignore that insult for the time being,” Lance noted before standing up. “But also, HOW?! I’m the worst Paladin here, why me?!”
‘ Do not look down upon yourself my cub, ‘ The Black Lion said. ‘ No matter the current confusion, Team Voltron believes in you and will follow you. You will be a powerful Leader ‘


And so Lance became the Black Lion, leader of Voltron. It took a while for everyone too find a rhythm. Lance was very unsure of himself and it reflected into his leadership. And the team, as supportive as they were, had trouble taking him seriously. But over time and many trials and tribulations everything evened out. Lance led Team Voltron while keeping strong moral and self care strong in his team.
But Lance reminded himself that this was temporary. No one could replace Shiro, and they continued to search endlessly for him. 
And finally, they did! He had crashed on an ice planet, in its frigid wastelands. When he was discovered by the natives, the cold Aleins proceeded to Alert Voltron. In doing so, a Galra battleship had followed them there. The Battle was short thanks to Lance’s leadership, and soon Shiro was home on the Castle of Lions.

Currently Corran sat with Shiro, whom he had wrapped in a blanket and given a warm drink. The other Paladins rushed in after landing their lions, still in their armor. Lance stayed behind to talk to the Native Aliens, and schedule a time to discuss a treaty after they took care of Shiro.
“SHIRO!” Keith shouted as he ran into his brother’s arms. “You’re alive…I knew it!”
Shiro embraced Keith. “You found me, thank you.”
“We were so worried!” Alurra said. 
“How are you feeling?” Hunk asked. “Corran helping keep you warm?”
“Yes, very.” Shiro smiled. “Thank you Corran.”
“No problem, we’re all happy to have you back safe and healthy!”
“Well, healthily can be debated.” Pidge said. “After you warm up a decent amount we should probably get you to a pod.”
Shiro nodded.

“I saw Voltron up there defeating some Galra,” Shiro said. “You all were amazing out there!” 
“Not as amazing without you.” Hunk smiled.
“And Alurra! Blue Paladin, thats amazing!” Shiro said. 
“Thank you,” Alurra chuckled. “I am honored to wear this armor.”
“It looks great in you! Keith, sticking with the red armor huh?”
“U-Uhm…yeah?” Keith raised an eyebrow.
“You should have changed to the Black Armor, I wouldn’t have been mad.”
“Oh! Oh, uhm, I’m not—I’m the the leader…”
“Oh don’t be modest,” Shiro said. “I saw you out there, You are an amazing Black Paladin! I was right to chose you.”

Right as Shiro said that, Lance finally entered the room. He took off his helmet, a sad expression on his face. He was so stupid, of course Shiro wouldn’t even think of anyone but Keith being the leader. Hell, Lance still didn’t even know why he was the leader. 

“Lance! There you are!” Shiro hadn’t even asked about him yet. “Where were you….” He trailed off when he saw the Black Paladin Armor upon Lance.
Lance just starred at him for a moment, before turning away and down the hall. Lance was so disappointed, he was hoping to make Shiro Proud. But of course he wouldn’t be good enough.


Sad Ending? Or Me being too lazy to Write one? You decide!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I always liked the idea of Lance as a black paladin, but I haven't found a story I like yet, so hearing that one of my favorite writers made my dream come true made me very happy.
