Tuesday, March 15, 2022

MHA Self Insert Drabble — Tenya Iida // WogWoman — My Birthday

 Its my birthdaaaay!


Ok so enjoy hehehe!


“What do you mean ‘Your Busy’?!” 

Was the overall reaction to when Tenya Iida explained he would not be available the evening of March 13 and all of March 14. It was the weekend, and it was reasonable for the Class 1-A students to make plans outside UA. However it was quite out of the ordinary for Tenya Iida. He normally spent his weekends doing personal training and studying, or on calls with loved ones outside UA. 
And everyone would have assumed he was just visiting said loved ones, if it werent for the secrecy Tenya Iida seemed to be holding. He wouldnt say what he was doing those days, of who he was seeing let alone if he was. 
So when Tenya left that afternoon of the 13th; Mina, Jiro, and Momo followed with with snooping intent. Well, Momo went to supervise…


They followed Iida to the shopping distracts. He was in an area with no cafes or restaurants, or anything to do spending time with someone. He didnt seem to stop to meet anyone either.
“See?” Momo said. “He’s simply doing some shopping!”
“Look around Momo,” Jiro said. “Do any of these stores looks like places Tenya Iida would shop?”

It was true. The shopping area they were in was full of candy shops and chocolate emporiums. There were some toy stores and and few hero merch shops too. Overall a very childish product filled place. And it was a dead end too, meaning Teny Iida was here on purpose.

“See?” Mina said. “He’s up to something!”
Momo sighed. “I suppose. But should we really be—“
“Look! Look! He’s going into the HallMark Store!” 
“Well then! I’m sure he’s just getting some..stationary! Yee, just some new pens and such. They sell those!”
“Except they specialize in cards.” Jiro said. “C’mon! Lets go listen in!”

They snuck to the side alley of the HallMark store, and Jiro used her quirk to listen inside. A new method she had learned was slight echo location: so she could see shapes thus she could see TENYA. Along with what he was buying…
“I see Tenya-ish.” Jiro said. “He’s in the card isle!”
“What do you hear?” Mina cried.
“Its busy and loud in there, hold on…”
Jiro could make out a few bits of what Iida and an employee were discussing: “…Elp..ou?….Ye…ooking fo…..ir…ay Card….”
“Damn it!” Jiro cried out. “I cant make it out!”
“Oh well! We tried! Lets go!” Momo said.
“No way!” Mina said. “Surely he’ll go to some other stores!”

And he did. Tenya ended up going into the toy store, where they watched him carefully look through the stuffed animals. Be was very carefully in his choice. He looked for specific plushies; then felt, smelled, and hugged them each. Eventually he chose a cute little froggy, with a stout round body and big black eyes. 
Why was he buying a stuffed animal?
They watched from a window away as Tenya entered a chocolate store. Jiro was able to successfully listen this time. He wasnt careful in this one. In fact, he was picking up an order! And he even bought extra while he was there! He didnt even hesitate in his choice: buttercream. And lots of it! It wasnt like Tenya to eat so many sweets.
Why was Tenya buying Chocolate?
Lastly, Tenya entered a “Bath and Body Works”. Mina almost lost it, when Tenya started looking at the soaps and perfumes. He smelt things very carefully, and only certain scents at that. When he chose a scent, he bought an entire bath set(including Lotion, Body Wash, Hair Wash, Scrub, and Perfume). 
Why was he buying female hygiene products?!

Its only got more and more confusing, until Jiro was finally able to make out one thing Tenya said just before getting on his train:
“I hope she likes it all”

“He has a girlfriend!” Jiro gasped.
“WHAT?!” Mina screamed, grinning.
“How do you know?” Momo asked.
“He just said ‘I hope she likes it all’. How did we not realize?! He’s shopping for his girlfriend!”
“Wait, then….who is it?”


After discoverying Tenya Iida was not dating anyone female in Class 1-A, the girls all decided to spy on him the next day. So instead of going with the rest of Class 1A to the mall, they would  stay at the dorms and watch Tenya.

“Oh, you will not be joining the others?” Tenya asked on March 14(the next day).
“Nope,” Mina popped the ‘p’
“Is that ok?” Uraraka asked. 
“I suppose…”. Tenya looked nervous. “However, may I request the living room to myself?”
“Why?” Jiro smirked.
“I have a guest coming over.” 
“A guest?!” Tsu gasped.
“I was under the impression no one would be here today. So i am sorry for the inconvenience—“
The doorbell to the Dorms rang.
“Well, we’re pumped to meet her.” HagaKure’s smirk wasnunseen(obvi)

Tenya Iida opened the front door, and a young women stood there. She had short faded fire hair and was plump. She happily threw her arms around Tenya. She didnt say any words yet, but she happily cheered and giggled. 
“Happy Birthday, Molly Darling.” Tenya Iida said.
“Thank you!” Molly smiled.
“I got you gifts, let me go get them.” Tenya walked passed the girls again but didnt say anything.

The girls jumped Molly. Who was she?! How did she know Tenya?! How Long have they been dating?! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
But the questions were postponed when Tenya Iida gave Molly her gifts. Each one made Molly happily giggle and stim. They were apparently very thoughtful and romantic to her.

And so the overly nosy girls, relented and let the two have their Birthday Celebration alone <3


(Lol im dead)

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