Wednesday, August 11, 2021

TrollHunters ROT oneshot — Steve / Aja — Parenthood

 SPOILERS FOR “TrollHunters: Rise of the Titans”.

Takes place in the univirse Jim left behind, where Steve and Aja get to raise their little ones :D. Now hahah guilty me, I didn’t actually watch the movie. Just Aja/Steve scenes and the end. So I’m making some assumptions and changing things:

So AU time where the world wasn’t destroyed, however Jim still went back to try and make things easier and save Toby. So Arcadia is still in one peice and stuff and Aja and Steve are raising their kids there(for now). Everyone knows of the Wizards, Trolls, and Aliens. However no one is used to it yet.


Aja walked slowly and quietly up to Steve, a cup of coffe in her hands. It was a bitter tasting earth drink, made from beans and water. Aja thought it was absolutely disgusting, however Steve claimed it was an ‘acquired tase’. He also claimed it was the only thing keeping him going nowadays. That was fair, her boyfriend hadn’t slept in weeks due to the babies. But he still never failed to give her a smile. 
She softly handed her boyfriend the hot drink, and he happily took a sip. All seven babies had managed to fit onto his lap or chest and were napping on him. 
“Do you want me to take any off you?” Aja asked.
“No way!” He whispered. “These are my babies!” He huddled them closer.
Aja giggled, blushing a little bit. 

These were their babies. Their babies. In the middle of a battlefield Steve had given birth to what were now the lights of their lives. Steve was so energetic with their kids, always playing with them and teaching them new things. Aja took on the more responsible role of feeding and clothing them. However it was a team effort to get them down for naps. 
It had only been two weeks since the birth and Jim’s departer from their timeline. They were currently staying in a small home in Arcadia while it was recovering from all the damage of the Titans. Steve’s family knew he was staying with Aja right now. However they were under the impression Steve was injured and was being nursed back to health. Not that he had given birth to seven half alien children. They were unsure how to tell them…

The babies began to stir, and the day began. The babies babbled and shrieked for food. Aja chuckled as she lifted Maja, Baja, Taja, and Faja into her four arms. Steve stayed with Daja, Waja, and Eli Jr. 
“Are my little one’s in need of sustenance?” She cooed.
They cried out happily and Aja took them to the kitchen. Luckily it was open into the Living room, so Aja and Steve could see and talk to eachother still. Aja began to feed the little ones a mix of Earthling baby food and sustain eating pills from Akiridion 5. A proper diet for Human/Alein babies! They babies ate while Steve played with the other children as they waited for their turns. 
Aja sighed lovingly at Steve as he bounced Daja and Eli Jr. on his knees. Waja was still sleepy though, and kept resting on her dad’s shoulder’s. With all three balanced on his body, he was able to join Aja and the others in the kitchen. He reached on his tip-toes and kissed Aja on the cheek. Now that they had gotten past the seventh kiss, he took every chance he could to give her a smooch! Aja giggled happily and she pulled Steve closer to her. 
“DO you think we can give the babies some outdoor time today?” Steve asked.
“I’m not certain,” Aja said. “It rained last night, and our backyard is very muddy.”
“I um…I was thinking maybe, out of the house?”
“Are you sure?”
“I mean, it might be nice to take them to the playground? Have them make friends. After all you said their brains will develop faster, but their bodies with develop as a human. They need to be social.”
“Good point my warrior oaf…” Aja tapped her chin. “However what of the other earthling children? I and are children do not look as you would say ‘normal’?”
“I think everyone knows by now Arcadia is no normal place,” Steve laughed. “If it goes south we can always leave.”
Aja nodded. “Alright. We shall take them to this ‘playground’ you speak of!”


Steve was glad Akridion 5 online shopping delivered to Earth. He didn’t know how they would get by without their seven seat baby stroller! He and Aja pushed it down the sidewalk to the playground. They got some odd looks, as Aja didn’t bother to disguise herself today. However the people weren’t terrified, more as curios. That was good. 
They arrived at the playground. It was a pit filled with soft sand. The playground was simple and consisted of a structure with slides, swings, and seesaws. There were a few other parents and children at the park today. They looked up and saw the two new parents and seven knew playmates. They cringed, and ignored them. 

Aja started releasing the babies onto the sand, and they happily crawled around. Maja and Baja Waja played in the sand together. Aja watched them while pushing Eli Jr and Taja on the swings. Steve helped Faja and Daja down the slides. The babies were having a wonderful time, however no other child had come to them yet. Steve worried, and looked around.

Most looked at them with disgust. They guarded their babies from Steve’s children. However when Steve looked closer he realized the babies weren’t the ones being despised. It was him and Aja. Most of the other parents were in their 20s or 30s, while Aja and Steve were still just 16. They…they were teen parents. The realization hit him hard, and he almost didn’t catch Daja coming down the slide. This was a mistake, nothing social would be accomplished here. Steve wanted to go home. But he looked at Aja happily smiling as she played with her children. The kids were having the time of their loves today. He couldn’t bare to end it.
A mother came up to Aja, probably in her 20s. However she held a soft smile, along with a baby boy. She and Aja seemed to be happily chatting. He hoped she wasn’t being condescending to Aja and Aja just wasn’t realizeing it—

Steve felt a hand on his shoulder, and looked up to see a man. He looked the same age as the women, and was probably the husband/dad. 
“Hey kid,” he said. “I’m Mr. Damion. That’s my wife and son over there with your…?”
“Girlfriend.” Steve said.
“Ah, I see. Not married yet?”
“We are only 16.”
“And yet your have children.”
“Its…Its complicated.” Steve held Daja and Faja close to him. “Look if you’re here to ridicule us, just do it. No need to act nice—“
“No no! Not at all!” Mr. Damion cried. “Sorry if I came off that way.”
Steve nodded slowly. 
“We saw everyone else glaring at you. We’re all parents here, no matter how it happend.”
“It was an accident, mostly my fault.”
“Do you regret it?”
“No, not at all.” Steve looked at Aja and his kids, now playing with Mr. Damion’s son. “Although I do wish they didn’t come with these stretchmarks.”
Mr. Damion made a very odd and confused face. 
“Ah, A-Aja’s obviously an Alien and uuuhh…”
Mr. Damion shook his head around. “Do your parents know about this?”
Steve sighed. “No. We’ve had them since the Titan’s left and they don’t know about them. About…anything.”

Damion looked Steve in the eyes. 
“One dad to another, you can’t keep it all in.” He gave Steve a sticky note with his number. “If you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me. Ok?”
“Ok,” Steve nodded. 
“Besides, Thomas is gonna need a playmate! Or, seven playmates!” 
The two laughed, and joined their lovers and kids.

The children slept in the stroller as Aja and Steve walked them back home from the park. The sun was setting and the air was getting a little colder. They had spent all day out with the Damions. They had played at the playground, and they watched Thomas when the Damions went to go get them all Lunch!
“Oh Steve!” Aja smiled. “Today was wonderful! Ms. Damion was very kind. She offered to bring us more of the ‘coffee’ you like!”
“Awesome!” Steve smiled.
“And to ‘Babysit’! However I don’t know if Akridion 5 babies like to be sat on. Maybe its an Earth thing.”
Steve laughed. “Thats not it Aja. I’ll explain later.”
“They were so kind! I am happy to be parent with you Steve.”
Steve stopped. “I…I’m happy I’m a parent with you too Aja.” He gave her a kiss.


(There might be an extra part idk)

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