Sunday, August 22, 2021

MHA Self Insert Drabble— Tenya Iida / WogWoman — Tenya’s Birthday





Tenya Iida had become the Pro Hero known as Injenium 2.0. Following the Legacy of his brother, Tensei Iida, he had become the No. 16 Pro hero. He was climbing the ranks fast, and a very fufilling life. He wouldn’t trade it for the world. He had a kind family. He had a gold agency to work with. He had loving and respectful fans. And he even had a committed lover.

Tenya Iida smacked his alarm clock off as it rang at 5:00 am. He had a very early day ahead of him, as he wanted to have as much time to celebrate his birthday later. He brushed his teeth, combed his hair, cleaned his glasses, got dressed, and rushed to his agency. He went on an average patrol, and got all his paperwork done in record time! He was all ready to head out, when an emergency mission was announced. 
He and many pro heros were called to the scene of a villain attack. The battle took hours, hours Iida didn’t have. He…he was missing his own Birthday party! When he was finally done, it was 11:00 pm. The party had started 8:00 pm. He had legit missed his own birthday party! He was very sad.  
Tenya Iida went home and got cleaned up. It was silly, but he got dressed in his best suit and went to the concert hall where the party had been held. The party would be long over by now.


Tenya Iida walked into the Concert hall. It was quite barren. All the decorations taken down, the food cold and put away, and most of the tables folded up and put away. He felt so sad. But he looked farther down the hall and saw a single table still up, with two people sitting at it. 
It was his mother, who pat his girlfriend Molly’s hair as she slept on the table. His mother looked up at him and smiled softly.
“She refused to leave,” she chuckled. “She knew you would be sad that you missed your birthday party, and wanted to be here for you. But she ened up falling asleep. I couldn’t bare to wake her.”
Tenya Iida sniffled. “Thanks mom.”
His mother stood up and hugged him. “Happy Birthday Tenya. I know it isn’t the same, but we will celebrate soon. I promise.”
Tenya nodded. “Go home mother. I will wake her.”
His mother nodded, and left.

Tenya sat down, and began to pat Molly’s hair a bit. He shook her a bit, and she finally stired. She looked up at him, and gasped sleepily.
“I-Iida…” she yawned. “Happy Birthday!” She tried to look away. “I’m so sorry you missed your party! And…And I fell asleep I’m so sorry!”
Tenya Iida nodded. “Today was a bad day. But you being here at the end of it makes it a lot better.”


Happy BDAY Tenya Iida!!!

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