Thursday, October 8, 2020

MHA self Incert — Wog Woman x Tenya Iida PART 2

 part 1:

Tenya ripped the duck tape off of of his engine pipes. Then, he dove into the water. The fasted boy had already gained a lead, and the other boys were cheering him on.
Molly looked nervous, biting her nails. 
her nerves were short lived, when Tenya suddenly and subtly activated his quirk. He zoomed past the fasted boy, making it back to the wall, hoping out of the water and embracing Molly all before the fasted boy even made it back to the wall.
The others looked shocked. Even people on the other teams had seen and were in shock!
“H-HOW?!” The fasted boy gasped.
“Now way, you cheated somehow!” The other boys yelled.
“I did no such thing.” Tenya said. “I used my body and my body alone. Now don’t you have something to say?” He gestured to Molly who was holding his arm.

The boys sighed and crossed their arms.
“We’re sorry.” They said.
Tenya cleared his throat. “No. Say her name. MEAN IT.” He demanded.
The boys groaned but under Tenya’s glare complied.
“We’re Sorry...Molly.”
“Th-Thank you.” Molly said. “You are forgiven.”


Molly and Tenya walked up to a table where Kat sat. 
“Hey Kat! I gotta head to my counter session! Will you sit with Tenya?”
“Heck yeah!” Kat smiled. “Hey Iida!”
Tenya smiled respectfully as he sat with Kat.

While Molly rushed to her councilor, Tenya and Kat sat together.
“I have a question,” Tenya said. “If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Not at all,” Kat shrugged closing her chrome book. “Ask away.”
“Everyone was rather disrespectful to Molly today. Is this a common occurrence?”
“Sorta,” Kat said. “It happens sometimes, but Molly normally knows how to advocate for herself. She knows when to tell an adult.”
“Well why hasn’t said something about the boys in her swim class?”
“Well was she with you when they were being rude?”
“No I was in the locker room.”
“Iida she probably doesn’t know then. She probably doesn’t know there were judging her behind her back...”
Tenya face turned red with frustration. “How dare they! I was a stranger to them! And they just spilled so many negative lies about her too me! How dare they-“
“Calm down! We’ll demo something about it. Don’t worry.”

“Hey I’m back!” Molly smiled. 
Tenya stood up and wrapped his arms around Molly. “I love you Molly. You know that right?”
Molly’s eyes got a little wet before she nodded. “Y-Yeah...I love you too.” She fell into the warm embrace.


Molly, Kat and Tenya all walked into the Lunchroom.
“What is that awful smell?” Tenya asked. “Its horrid-“
“That’s the food here,” Kat said. Kat handed him a tray with a Pizza on it.
“You eat this?” 
Molly chuckled. “Welcome to America in our world.”


Molly was trying to focus. She was trying to listen to Kat as she tried to figure out ways to get Tenya home. But all of hr words and noises of the lunchroom were mushing together. It just became loud nonsense. She tried to eat to distract herself but the texture was suddenly unbearable. She noticed her legs felt like jello, and realized what was happening.
“K-Kat,” Molly said.
“I-I’ll be right back,” she said nervously.
“Are you ok?”
“I think I’m having a sensory overload..” 
“O-Ok, go do what you need to do.”
“Wait whats going on?” Tenya asked.

Molly’s eyes widened. She had never told Tenya she had Autism had she?! Molly’s legs ached for stimulation, she had no time to explain as she ran to the restroom.


“Kat, what is happening to Molly? Is she ok?!” Tenya asked frantically.
“Oh! Molly has Autism,” Kat said calmly.
“What is that?”
“Ok, so its just means she thinks a bit differently than others. She wasn’t always this good at talking, advocating, thinking in general. At least thats what she says-“
“B-But whats happening now? The ‘Sensory overload’?”
“It means that all the little sounds, little touches and textures? they’re overwhelming her. What she does is she uses familiar sounds or songs to calm down. She’s probably in the bathroom auditory stimming.”
“B-But what about the touch?”
“I remember she likes pressure. A reason she loves swim class. But she says she sucks at giving it herself.”
Tenya stood up and rushed to the restroom.


Molly’s sat in the corner of the Girl’s restroom. Her overload had become a meltdown, which was not good. She was listening to her favorite children’s song at the moment, trying to stop the tears from flowing. Her eyes were closed, the lights to bright. She shook her legs, trying to get some sort of stimulation in them. But nothing was working! She started to pound her fists on her legs.
Suddenly something caught her fists softly. Her eyes flew open and she saw soft navy blue ones behind glasses.
What was Tenya doing here? Why was he in the girl’s bathroom?! Did he understand what she was going through-
But all those nerves subsided as he quietly started to apply pressure to her legs. pressing his hands softly, but firmly down on them. He gave a soft smile before looking away, as not to make her uncomfortable. She began to focus on her music again, and take deep breaths.

In no time, the meltdown was over. Molly removed the earbuds from her ears and looked at Tenya.
“How were you feeling?” Tenya asked softly.
“B-Better...” Molly sighed. “H-How did you know-“
“Kat helped, but I just knew I needed to help you somehow. I couldn’t leave you alone.” Tenya wipped her tears. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Molly said, hugging Tenya.


As Molly held Tenya’s hand as they walked out of the school, the day over.
Tenya suddenly stopped, looking at a poster.
“Whats wrong Tenya?” Molly asked.
“Whats a...homecoming?” Tenya asked

To be continued...

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