Monday, August 24, 2020

MHA Self insert — Wogwoman x Tenya Iida PART 1

 So I made this series on tik tok and wanted to reverse it if that makes sense.

So this is a story where Tenya Iida comes to me! This features lots of my friends too!

Enjoy me pleasing myself!

Tenya Iida fell to the concrete. He was surprised, his glasses, let alone his RIBS didn’t break. He stood up, confused by his surroundings. Where was he? Nothing looked familiar. The cherry trees and campus of UA were gone, replaced with trees lacking of color, and a path of broken concrete.


Tenya Iida gasped. That voice. That beautiful voice he hadn’t heard since she left...
Tenya Iida turned around to see Molly, a shocked look on her face.

Molly sure looked different. Her purple hair was now teal, and she had put on quite a bit of weight. Not that he minded. She was still the most beautiful girl he had ever met...
He was getting ahead of himself. Molly lived in a different world! So how was she here? Unless...

“Iida! H-How did you get here?!” Molly walked up to him. She began to touch him to feel if he was real. 
“I...I don’t know? I don’t know where I am? But...its an honor to see you again...!” Tenya blushed.
“Y-yeah its great to see you!!” Molly smiled and blushed too. “ on earth did you get to my world?!”
“I’m not sure. I was training when suddenly I fell through the ground and ended up here! Can you help me get back?”
“Well first I have to go to school.” Molly said. “And I can’t just leave you here alone. I guess your coming with me!” Molly grabbed his hand and led him along the path.
“here, tell me the way and I’ll use my quirk to get us there faster!”

Molly looked at Tenya’s engines and paled.
“Shit, we’re gonna have to hide those!” She cried. She dug around in her bag and pulled out some medical tape.
“What? Why?” Tenya asked as Molly began to wrap the tape around his calves.
“Uh, in this world? There are no quirks.” Molly chuckled.
“No quirks?! But how-“
“Also, your in my world’s America. if people ask, your my friend who’s from Japan, and your touring the school with Me today.”
Tneya Iida nodded. “Sorry if I am inconveniencing you. I deeply apologize.”
“No No!” Molly cried. “This is exciting! Its...Its so great to see you again!” 

Tenya looked at Molly for a second, then kissed her cheek. 
“I-I’m sorry! I should have asked-“
“T-Thank Tenya...” Molly smiled. “Now C’mon! Lets go!”


Molly and Tenya walked in the school, holding hands.
They walked up to the table where Molly normally met up with-

Molly quickly silenced her BFF Kat. 
“Yes, it’s Tenya Iida!” Molly hushed. “I don’t know how he got here! But we I couldn’t miss school he is?”
“Nice to meet you Ms. Kat.” Tenya held out his hand.
Kat shook it. “This is insane! How are you gonna pull this off?!”
“I don’t know. But I’ll figure it out!”

Tenya grabbed Molly’s hand. 
“It is...incredibly crowded.” He said. “Are all American schools like this? With no order?”
“Just wait until we get to the stairs...” Molly chuckled. “It gets worse.”
“Well as long as I’m with you, I can’t imagine things going wrong.” 
Molly blushed. “Well Kat will be here to help you to,” she said. “Because I have a therapy in 6th period. But Kat is off and will be able to help you!”
“Yeah! Just ask me anything!”

Suddenly the bell rang and the Halls began too crowd even more!
Molly pulled Tenya to the first class.


Tenya had been doing well so far in the classes.
“Alright, next is culinary.” Molly said. “Its my favorite class!” She smiled as she held Tenya’s hand.
“Wonderful!” Tenya Iida smiled. “I can’t wait!”
She had noticed all day she was receiving weird looks for the PDA. Guess it was weird that the weird kid got a boyfriend. 

Tenya let Molly lead him inside the classroom. She walked to the front seats, and there were four seats, three already filled.
“H-Hi guys...” Molly suddenly seemed very timid. It was very unlike her. “T-This is Tenya Iida!” She tried to smile.
“What kind of a name is that?” One blonde girl snapped.
“Its Japan-“
“Its a very respectable name thank you very much!” Iida crossed his arms defending himself.
“Whatever,” said another girl with dark. “Your not sitting with us.”
“B-But he has to stay with me!” Molly cried.
“Well there’s only one seat and we don’t like you even sitting there. So figure it out!”

Molly looked crushed to hear such hurtful words.
Tenya Iida was angry. No one should disrespect Molly like that!
“We will both be sitting there.” Tenya sat down on the stool and put Molly on his lap. 
Molly blushed heavily.
“Good luck keeping that up,” the blonde snickered. “She’s such a fat ass the stool will break!”
The two girls laughed and Molly stood up. “Th-They’re right. I-I’ll stand...”
“Its fine, really.” She forced a smile.


“Alright, today we’re making eggs.” The teacher said. “Get in your groups and start.”’

Molly and Tenya looked at the recipe carefully. 
“It looks like we need to add the milk first, and then the eggs.” Molly said.
“I’ll go grab them!”

Tenya grabbed the milk and eggs carefully. It enraged Tenya that those girls would treat the girl he loves like that! Molly was incredible! Beautiful! Respectful! She didn’t deserve this. he vowed he would do something.

“Wh-What are you doing?!” He heard Molly cry as he walked back to the group.
The group had started without them, adding the cheese and eggs and scrambling them.
“Wh-thats not the recipe!” Molly said.
“Whatever, its how we make it.” The dark haired girl said.
“But those aren’t the instructions.” Tenya spoke up. 
“Who cares?”
“WE CARE!” Molly and Tenya said in unison.

Molly Stomped up to the teacher, Tenya behind her.
“Sir, I don’t know what to do! They won’t follow the recipe!” She told him.
“You two work together. I’ll deal with them.” The teacher said.

(True story)


Molly sighed as they left the culinary room.
“Very brave of you Molly,” Tenya smiled. “To let the teacher know.”
“Its not true.” Tenya said.
“What they kept saying about you? Its not true.”
“But it is...” Molly sighed. “I know I’m larger than you remember-“
“I dont care! Molly your beautiful! I mean it!” Tenya gave Molly a kiss right there in the hall. “I love you.”
Molly blushed and her eyes got wet. “Th-Thank you Tenya!”


Molly sighed as they entered the gym hallway.
“What gym class must we attend?” Tenya asked.
Molly sighed and handed him swim trunks. “Swimming.”
“Oh, how fun!” Tenya smiled.
“It is fun sometimes!” Molly chuckled. “I’m on the shark team! FASTED TEAM!” She puffed out her chest.
“I’m so proud of you!”
“The boys locker room is over there. Be careful, and I’ll see you in the pool.”


Tenya entered the boys locker room. It was loud, but it went silent when he was spotted.
“Uh, who are you?” One of the boys asked.
“I am Tenya Iida,” Iida said. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Uu...I’m an exchange student! I’m touring with my girlfriend today”

It felt so GREAT to call Molly that!!

“Grace got a boyfriend?” One boy asked. “Cool!”
“I am not with this ‘Grace’ woman.” Tenya glared as he began to change.
“Oh, well what team is she on?”
“She’s on the sharks I belive.”

The boys stopped. Then laughed.
“No way,” one said.
“You can’t mean that thing!”
“She’s so slow!”
“You deserve better man!”

Tenya grabbed the boy. “No one is better than Molly!” He growled. 
“I was just looking out for you bro!”
Tenya faked a punch and the boy winded.
“Look out for that.” Tenya said. “Because say that again, and it will come.”


Tenya walked up the bleachers to sit with Molly.
“Your ok babe?” Molly asked. “You seem upset?”
“Those boys in the locker room are fools is all.” Tenya said.

Molly and Tenya jumped into the pool happily. 
“Shouldn’t you all get in?” Tenya asked. “The water is wonderful!”
The boys groaned. “Your just as annoying as her!” The gestured towards Molly. 
Molly sighed and went underwater for a second.

THAT IT!! Tenya was done! Everyone was mistreating his lover! And for stupid reasons! He was NOT bias! These people are just dicks! All of them! He was sick of it. 
He hopped out of the pool to fave the boys.
“I challenge you to a race.” Tenya said. “You win, I’ll leave you all alone and break up with Molly. I win, you all apologize to her, and swim in your best clothes next class.”
“deal! You won’t win!” The fasted boy said.

Molly looked worried. But Tenya winked as he peeled off a bit of the tape.
“Ok,” Molly said. “Ready...set...GO!!”


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