Tuesday, June 8, 2021

MHA Self Insert oneshot —- WogWoman x Tenya Iida —- The Gala

(If you know the Artist please let me know!)

WARNING: Fat shaming, and ableism


Tonight was the night of the largest Pro Hero Gala of the year. Of course the Iida’s were invited, even if Tensei(Injenium)was out of commission. he had served many years as a hero, and it would be nothing less of atrocious to not invite him and his family. 
Tenya Iida wasn’t normally as excited as he was for these events. Except, Tenya had a date to this event this time! So how could he NOT be excited? However he was also very nervous. This would be the first time the public press would see him and his girlfriend. Most of the time, the two just hung out on UA campus. His girlfriend hadn’t even met his own family yet! He hoped everything went well.


Tenya Iida knocked on the apartment door. It opened quickly to reveal his girlfriend, Molly. She wore a simple but elegant dress. It was a plain navy blue cloth, with cream colored flowers on it. She wore no make up, and her pink hair flowed naturally. Molly had an amazing talent to look beautiful naturally. At least, thats what Tenya would say.
Tenya was still a little worried though. This gala was very...high class! He didn’t know how the public would react to his girlfriend in such a plain outfit.
 However when Molly smiled a sweet smile at him and said “I’m ready!”, all his worries washed away. He presented Molly with a bouquet of nice flowers. 

“Iida!” Molly gasped happily. “You didn’t have to get me flowers!” She looked at them sweetly, before placing them on her counter. She would put them in a vase later.
“You look beautiful Molly,” Tenya bowed respectfully.
Molly blushed. “Ah! I’m so excited!” She said.
The two entered Iida’s limo, and made their way to the gala.


The Limo pulled up to the red carpet. The camera lights were flashing from the crowd, and it was loud. Molly quickly put on her noise cancelling earmuffs, and Iida patted her shoulder. 
“Don’t worry,” he said clearly so that Molly could still understand him. “We’ll make sure to go quickly and only stop for a few phots.”
“Are you sure the earmuffs won’t embarrass you?” Molly asked.
“I could never be embarrassed of you.” Tenya gave Molly a kiss on the cheek. 

The door to the Limo opened, and they stepped out. The cameras turned to them, and the flashing got bright. Molly shielded her eyes, and held Tenya’s hand tighter. They walked at a quick pace down the red carpet. The Cameras were all on them. Who was this girl with Tenya Iida? What the fuck was she wearing?!
“Iida! Iida over here!” A cameraman cried out. “Let us snap a pic for the Hero Weekly!”
The hero weekly was a famous hero magazine, and Tenya Iida and Molly stopped for them. Molly held up a peace sign as they snapped the photo. After that they quickly entered the ballroom


The ballroom was calmer, but not any less loud. The classical music was almost downed out by the chatter. The press, the heros, it was a lot. But as long as Molly had her earmuffs, she was fine. She was having a great night so far despite the nerves(and it only had just started!). 
Tenya Iida led her over to his family. His mother wore a beautiful indigo gown, that sparkled like midnight. Hs brother Tensei(INJENIUM!), wore a normal suit. However, his wheelchairs was decked out. It was painted very sparkly and blue.
“Mother, Tensei,” Tenya straightened up. “This is my girlfriend, Molly.”
Molly smiled as she bowed. “Its wonderful to meet you!” 

As Tenya’s mother(Tango) began to speak, Molly lifted one of her earmuffs off to hear. It was even louder when not muffled. 
“Its so nice to meet you too,” Tango Iida smiled softly. “We are happy Tenya has found someone that makes him so happy!”
Molly blushed.
“I really like your dress,” Molly said. “And your wheelchair too!” She turned to tensei. “Its so cool looking!”
“Thanks!” Tensei smiled. “Iida helped me with it.”
Molly turned to Tenya and smiled. “You did really good Tenya! I had no idea you knew how to do stuff like that!”
Tenya blushed.

“Tenya, we need to go talk to the press,” Tensei said. “Will you be alright Molly? Or do you want Tito come?”
“Uh, I think I’ll be ok on my own!” Molly shrugged.
“Just be careful who you talk to,” Tenya warned. “Some Heros aren’t very....nice.”
Molly nodded. “Just promise to find me when done!”
Tenya nodded.


Molly made a beeline to the buffet. She was beyond excited to see what kinda fancy spread there would be. After all, this was the biggest gala of the year! The buffet had thousands of treats! Cakes, candies, truffles, balked goods, Molly’s mouth watered!
As she was scanning the buffet, a huge Hero approached the table. It was FatGum! Molly wanted to faint then and there. She was so close to one of the most amazing pro heros!
Molly lifted one of her earmuffs off. “Hello Mr. FatGum!” She smiled.
“Oh, hello!” FatGum smiled down at her. “Good spread huh?”
“Yeah!” Molly smiled. “It looks so good! I have no idea how to start!”
FatGum chuckled.
“I just wanted to say your a really cool hero and person sir!” Molly smiled brightly.
“Aw thanks kiddo!” FatGum smiled. “Whats your name?”
“My name is Molly!” 
“Nice to meet you Molly! You seem very friendly! I’ll have to introduce you to one of my interns one day! He’d love you!”
Molly had heard of Kirishima, but hadn’t met him yet. Tenya said he was very kind though. “That would be wonderful!”
“Come by my agency some time!” FatGum said. “I’ll hook you up with some lunch.” He started to walk away.
“YUM!” Molly cheered. “Thank you, have a good evening!”
FatGum waved goodbye. 

Molly smiled as she sunk her teeth into one of the cakes. It was amazing! While everything was muffled by her earmuffs, the taste of the cake almost made everything blissfully silent. 


A tune was heard through the earmuffs: it was one of Molly’s favorite Classical pieces! She rushed to the dance floor, but realized this was...a couples dance. Tenya Iida was still off with the press, so she would have to miss the dance. Her face saddened.
Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Todoroki, one of Tenya’s best friends! They had chatted on multiple occasions, and Molly trusted him.
“Todoroki!” Molly smiled, again lifting her earmuffs.
“Hello Molly,” Todoroki said, as Stoic as ever. “I noticed you seem to like this song. Do you want to dance to it?”
“You’d dance with me?” Molly smiled. “Thank you so much Todoroki!”

Todoriki grabbed her hand, and led her onto the dance floor. Molly slipped back on her earmuffs. The two began to dance and talk. because they were close she could hear him fine.
“I’m glad Tenya invited you,” Todoroki said. “He would often talk to me about how excited he was for you to meet his family.”
“Aw, really?” Molly smiled.
“Yes. Did you like them?”
“Yeah! We didn’t get to chat much though before they had to go to the press. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.”
Todoroki nodded.

The song was about to get to Molly’s favorite part, when suddenly Todoroki was pulled away. Endeavor towered above Molly, glaring down upon her. Molly cowered a bit. 
“W-What did I do?” Molly asked.
“Why were you dancing with my son?” He growled. 
he was so tall, he wasn’t close enough for Molly to hear. She lifted an earmuff off. 
“Wh-What did you say?”
“Take those off!” Endevor ripped the earmuffs off Molly, pulling her hair a bit. “This is a classy event, and those headphones are an eyesore! And obviously distracting!”
Her ears were filled with noise of many different volumes and places. It was overwhelmingly. She resisted the urge to cover her ears, or try to recover her earmuffs.
“Father stop!” Todoroki urged. “She has-“
“Silence Shoto,” Endevor hissed before he turned back to Molly. “Why were you dancing with my son girl?!”
“M-My favorite song was playing-“ Molly quietly tried to explain. “I-I didn’t have a partner and he offered-“
“My son would never ask someone like you to dance! He’s too good for you!” Endeavor pulled Todoriki away, carrying the earmuffs with him. Molly gave chase for the earmuffs, but got lost in the crowd. The large, busy, LOUD crowd. She tried to find Tenya, but the press seemed to be everywhere! Interviewing everyone! Where does she get help-


Molly flinched, but snapped her head to present Mic. He and EraserHead were being interviewed. Goodness she didn’t want to interrupt, but Present Mic was a hero all about sound! He would be able to understand, and even help her! She quickly made her way over. 
She timidly tapped Present Mic’s shoulder as EraserHead glumly answered the interviewer.
“Huh?” Mic turned to her. “Hi there little lister! Sorry, I’m busy right now-“
“Sir, I need your help.” Molly whispered. 
“What’s up?” He knelt down.
“Someone took my noise cancelling earmuffs, and I’m overwhelmed. Can you help me?”
Present Mic had a compassionate look in his eye. He nodded and handed Molly a pair of earplugs. 
“Thank you sir!” Molly smiled. “Sorry again for bothering you!”
Present Mic smiled softly, and continued the interview.


Tenya finally got away from the press. That simply took too long, and he wanted to get back to Molly. Molly was standing off in the corner. Where were her earmuffs?!
Tenya rushed to Molly. 
“Molly!” He cried.
Molly looked up and smiled. She quickly hugged Tenya.
“I’m so sorry it took so long. Were you ok? Where are your earmuffs?” Tenya said.
Molly pulled out earplugs from her ears. “I’m ok I guess, I’m just glad your back.”
“Where are your earmuffs?”
“Oh...uhm....they were confiscated.” Molly said sadly.
“What? Why?”
“They were distracting. And an ‘eyesore’.”
“We’re going to security to get them back. This is ableism!”

“No wait!” Molly cried. “We can’t cause a scene, not here.”
Tenya sighed. “Then what do we do?”
“Work with what we can,” she put the earplugs back in. “And have a good evening!” Her smile was forced.
Tenya could see Molly just wanted to be distracted right now. Tenya gave a soft smile. “Let’s go then!”


Tenya Iida and Molly walked around the gala linking arms. Tenya could feel Molly’s tight grip. She was tense, even if she didn’t want to be. Tenya led her back to the buffet. She smiled as he offered her a cakepop. 
“Thanks Iida,” Molly smiled as she took a bite.
Tenya smiled softly at her. She was beautiful, even if stressed. She soft plump skin jiggled as she bounced happily. Her eyelashes flustered as she blinked quickly. She did that when excited. 
“What?” Molly asked, her mouth full of cake.
“You’re...you’re beautiful.” Tenya said in awe.
Molly blushed. “Stop that!” She giggled.
Tenya chuckled. “I have to go the the restroom. Promise you’ll stay here?”
Molly nodded.


Molly shivered as she felt a tall shadow behind her. She slowly turned to see Endevor again. Oh god what now-
“First my son, now the respectable Iidas?” He grumbled. “Goodness, who let you IN here?!”
Molly took out the earplugs. “S-Sir I-“
“Quit that!” Endeavor took the earplugs and crushed them. “You are at a respectable gala, and should not be blocking out noise! It’s disrespectful!”
“Mr. Endevor I-“
“As I was saying,” Endovor continued. “I don’t know why someone like you think your not only good enough to be in here, but for ther young men of the heros. My son is too good for you, what make you think the young Iida isn’t? You are quite the ugly sight. Large and flabby, and what IS that dress?”
Molly trembled. She didn’t even think to wonder why no one else wasn’t stopping this. All she could think was how much she didn’t deserve any of this. Not the dress, not the gala, not Tenya Iida. 
“You are a disgrace to heros.” Endevor said. 
“Please, stop!” Molly whimpered.
“In think its time you left.”
Molly didn’t object. She bowed her head and started to walk to the exit. She didn;’t even get her god damn earmuffs back!


Molly didn’t bother to text Tenya Iida she had left. As she sat alone in the Uber, she resisted the urge to cry. She wasn’t going to distract the driver. Yet she could see the pity in the drivers eyes as he would glacΓ© back at her. 
When Molly arrived back at her house, she saw the bouquet still on the counter. She Held them to her heart, before throwing them against the wall. She wailed. She didn’t deserve Iida, why had she gone to that stupid gala?! She only embarrassed Iida, Embarrassed HERSELF! She collapsed her her bed, not bothering to remove the dress.
The dress she once thought was beautiful. The dress she thought she looked BEST in. Molly cried herself into a restless sleep. After all, how was she going to handle breaking up with Tenya Iida?


Tenya iida left the restroom and returned to the buffet, but Molly wasn’t there. Did she feel confident enough to wander? But she had promised to stay put! He scanned the ballroom, but there was no sign of her.
“Iida,” Todoroki walked up to him.
“Todoroki! Hello,” he nodded. “I’d love to talk but-
“Its about Molly.”
“yes! Molly! I can’t seem to find her! Do you know where-“
Tenya gawked at the earmuffs in Todoroki’s grip. Todoroki looked down at them sadly.

Tenya growled. “Did you-“
“No, Endevor.” Todoroki sighed. “He has been tormenting her all night.”
“I danced with her while you were with the press. Totally platonic-“
“Of course, I trust you. But what does that have to do with this?”
“Endovor stopped up. Ripped off her earmuffs and said they were an eyesore. Then he began to insult her saying she ‘wasn’t good enough for the gala nor the young heros there’. I suppose he got the wrong idea about her. Not an excuse however.”
Tenya clenched his fists. “Where is she?” He growled.
“...Endovor told her to leave.”
“And she did?! When-“
“A while ago. Its too late now.”
“Shit!” Tenya cried.

He tried to text and call Molly, but none of them were received. What he wouldn’t give to run to her now, but the bullshit gala was not over. And he was required to stay.


Tenya awoke the next morning to a text from Molly. He had been worried sick. Did she make it home ok? Was she safe? Was-

Molly: I think we should break up

Before Tenya could reply he received a “You have been Blocked” notification. Shit! No! No! NO! Tenya clenched the phone tightly. He should have never brought Molly to the gala! He understood why she wanted to break up, he had caused her so much pain that night.
Didn’t hurt any less though. He had to applogize. Wether she wanted him back or not was up to her, but she needed to know that nothing Endevor said was true.


Class 1-A had never seen their class president like this. Even after the Stain incident it wasn’t this bad: His hair was messy, his glasses her fogged and smudged, and his uniform was dirty. God what had HAPPEND?
“Iida,” Todoroki went up to his friend’s desk. “Whats wrong.”
“...Molly wants to break up.”
Todoroki saddened. “Oh..”
“Its my fault, I brought her to that disaster of a gala. I just wish I could apologize. But she blocked me.” He put his head in his hands. “Shit what is wrong with me?”
Todoroki put a warm hand on Iida’s shoulder. “I’ll help you apologize. Maybe she’ll even take you back-“
“I don’t deserve her.”


Tenya could see Molly in the hallway. She looked really upset. She was wearing her uniform, but it was under a really baggy sweatshirt. It was stained with tears and snot by the collar and sleeves. Maybe...maybe she was just as sad about the break up as he was...Molly slipped her hood above her head, and held her hands to her ears. She still hadn’t gotten new earmuffs.

Tenya knew what he had to do.


Molly received a text on her phone.

Todoroki: Can we chat?

Molly: ...ok

Todoroki: I heard you...broke up with Tenya.

Molly: Yeah

Todoroki: He’s pretty messed up

Molly: ...

Todoroki: I won’t ask you to give him another chance. Because its your choice. But he really wants to applogize.

Molly: For what?

Todoroki: For taking you to a gala where you were only hurt?

Molly: Thats...Thats not what this is about.

Todoroki: I won’t ask further. Just please, meet him at the UA Class 1-A dorms. There’s a nice backyard there he wants to meet you at. 

Molly: ...When?

Todoroki: 5:00 pm

Molly: Ok...I’ll go.


Molly didn’t bother to look pretty. She wore her baggy sweatshirt. After all, she fat. She wasn’t beautiful enough for Tenya. Her hair was brushed, but by the minimum. She had bags under her eyes, and her cheeks were stained from tears.

She made her way around the dorm building into its backyard. It was decked out with pretty lights, and there was a vintage record player. Tenya stood there in a simple button up shirt. Everything look beautiful, and Molly’s looked like shit. She hid in her hoodie.
“Hello Molly,” Tenya nodded.
“Hey...” Molly said quietly.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me.”
Molly nodded.

“Molly I wanted to say sorry.” Tenya bowed. “I brought you into an overwhelming situation, where you were ridiculed. I am ashamed of my choices, and I hope you can forgive me.”
Molly gripped her sleeves. “Why are you apologizing?” She asked. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Th-Then why are we breaking up?”
“Because I don’t deserve you!” Molly cried out. 

Molly could feel tears falling down her face. It wasn’t pretty, and she couldn’t stop wailing. “I don’t deserve you! I’m Loud! Fat! Autistic! Quirkless! I’m nothing but an embarrassment to the Iida name! To YOU! You deserve someone better than me!”
Tenya Iida took Molly in his arms. She continued to sob into his chest.
“Thats not true!” Tenya demanded. “You are beautiful. You are kind. You make me happy!”
“I don’t care what others say. You matter to me more than anything.” 

Tenya dug into his jacket, and pulled out earmuffs. They were much prettier than Molly’s old one. They had a blue galaxy pattern on them. They sparkled in the evening45 lights. Tenya slipped them over Molly’s head, and gave her a kiss. He went to the record player, and played Molly’s favorite symphony. It was muffled by Molly’s earmuffs, making it the perfect Volume. Tenya pulled Molly into his chest, and they began to sway softly to the music.

Even with the earmuffs, Molly could hear Tenya clearly when he said:

“I love you Molly.”


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