Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 A Galra mating call sounds like “Yee Haw” and thats why Krolia and Texas Kogane got together. Because he yelled “Yee Haw” when he saw her and she thought he was asking to mate. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Story Theives Oneshot — Story Theives appreciation Week — Kiel x Owen — Trip to Magisteria

No prompt here lol, just doing it cuz i drew this:

I haven’t read ST in forever so sorry if this is REALLY inaccurate

I was also Inspired by these two headcannons by “storytheivesheadcannons.tumblr.com”

This take place where the two go to school together lol. Probs after the last book. OK LETS GO BE GAY!


Owen Conners had been observing Keil Gnomfoot for the past few days. He seemed off. His winks were not as constant, and his smiles seemed forced.  He seemed upset, but masking it. It wasn’t like Keil to be upset. But then again, Owen had never seen Keil upset before. Guess this is what it looked like!
However, Owen still hated it. He hated seeing his crush-ER FRIEND! He hated seeing his FRIEND upset. He didn’t know what was causing it however. But he was gonna find out!


Owen found Keil in the school library after school. He was tucked in a tiny corner, his head drooping. His expression was empty. He seemed to be looking down at a book, longingly: It was his own book. Owen’s robotic heart ached. 
“Keil?” Owen approached Keil quietly.
“Owen!” Keil looked up and quickly put on a fake smile. “Hey buddy!”
Owen sat down next to him. “Whats wrong?”
“Wrong? Why would you think anything is wrong?” Keil winked.
Keil sighed, his fake smile dropping to a glum face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“I would worry about you either way!” Owen said. “You’re my friend! Now, tell me whats wrong?”

Keil clenched his book. “I...I guess I just miss home? I know its weird! Because like, its not even real! But...But it was real to me. Wether I was living on the streets, or with the Magister—“
“Of course it was real to you!” Owen said. “It’s where you come from! And its totally reasonable to miss it!”
Keil nodded.
“Why don’t you go visit? I’ll gaurd the book for you.” Owen smiled.
“Its just...My book series ended.”
“So it wouldn’t really... would just be reliving something thats already happened. It wouldn’t feel real.”

Owen supposed that made sense. But suddenly, he got an idea!
“How about I come with you?” Owen smiled.
“What?” Keil asked.
“You can tackle me with you! Show me all the things you miss from home! That would make it different from reliving something, right?”
Keil looked down, considering it. His face seemed to go a bit red. “Ok,” he smiled softly. “Lets do it!”


When Owen opened his eyes, he was in the bustling markets of Magesteria. The world was in a constant shadowy twilight, the galaxy visible above. The buildings were all spiraling black castles and manors. Owen had always wanted to see this! When he looked down, he saw that Keil and him were still holding hands from jumping in the book. They looked at eachother, blushed, and separated. 
“Wow...” Keil smiled softly. “I...Its so good to be home.” 
Owen loved to see that his genuine smile was returning. But when he looked past Keil, he saw something he couldn’t resist. He rushed past keil into their store.
“Owen wait!”


Keil entered the store to see Owen fawning over the wizard capes. He would feel their soft fabric in his hands, and gawk at the patterns. 
“Keil these are amazing!” Owen smiled. He picked up a purple one, with stars that shined like the galaxy. “Look at this one! Its so pretty!”
Keil chuckled. “We should get it!”
“Yeah! Can’t have non-fictional clothes walking around a fictional world!” He winked.
Owen smiled widely.

God Keil loved that smile. It was one of the only things that could begin to brighten his day. 
They paid for the cloak, and Owen through it on. It matched his dark skin perfectly, and the bright stars matched Owen’s own freckles.
“How do I look?” Owen smiled.
“Beautiful...” Keil breathed out without thinking.
Owen blushed and hid his face in the cape. “W-Well it matches your eyes!” 
Keil blushed at that.


Keil continued to show Owen around his home. They gained many trinkets and yummy snacks from the markets. Owen pulled Keil this way and that, excited by everything! Keil was finally. Signing to feel happy again!
There was a roar from up above, and a dragon and its rider could be seen in the sky.
“THATS SO COOL!” Owen yelled.
“It is!” Keil said. “That is, until your eaten!” He winked.
Owen laughed a bright and happy laugh. “Have you ever done that?”
“Ridden a dragon? I mean, once or twice.”
“Can we do it?”
“T-Take a ride?”
“I...sure, I guess.” Keil blushed. 


Owen held on tightly to Keil’s back as the dragon flew through the sky. Owen had never been so high up! They could see all of Magisteria from here! The markets! The libraries! The Majister’s tower! 
“Its amazing!” Owen cried against the wind.
“Hold on!” Keil winked. He willed the dragon to do a loop. Owen laughed in delight.

The galaxy above turned to a orange color as the data began to end. The two looked up at it happily.
“This is beautiful...” Owen smiled.
“...You are too.” Keil said.
Owen blushed. 

Keil couldn’t stop himself. He gave Owen a kiss.  
“Thank you for today, Owen.” He smiled.
“O-Of course!” Owen said. “You were so upset and-“
“You’ve made me really happy.” Keil stopped him with another kiss.
“dude, these kisses? That makes ME happy!” Owen laughed as he gave a kiss too.


(I’m dealing with a creative block sorry)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

MHA Self Insert oneshot —- WogWoman x Tenya Iida —- The Gala

(If you know the Artist please let me know!)

WARNING: Fat shaming, and ableism


Tonight was the night of the largest Pro Hero Gala of the year. Of course the Iida’s were invited, even if Tensei(Injenium)was out of commission. he had served many years as a hero, and it would be nothing less of atrocious to not invite him and his family. 
Tenya Iida wasn’t normally as excited as he was for these events. Except, Tenya had a date to this event this time! So how could he NOT be excited? However he was also very nervous. This would be the first time the public press would see him and his girlfriend. Most of the time, the two just hung out on UA campus. His girlfriend hadn’t even met his own family yet! He hoped everything went well.


Tenya Iida knocked on the apartment door. It opened quickly to reveal his girlfriend, Molly. She wore a simple but elegant dress. It was a plain navy blue cloth, with cream colored flowers on it. She wore no make up, and her pink hair flowed naturally. Molly had an amazing talent to look beautiful naturally. At least, thats what Tenya would say.
Tenya was still a little worried though. This gala was very...high class! He didn’t know how the public would react to his girlfriend in such a plain outfit.
 However when Molly smiled a sweet smile at him and said “I’m ready!”, all his worries washed away. He presented Molly with a bouquet of nice flowers. 

“Iida!” Molly gasped happily. “You didn’t have to get me flowers!” She looked at them sweetly, before placing them on her counter. She would put them in a vase later.
“You look beautiful Molly,” Tenya bowed respectfully.
Molly blushed. “Ah! I’m so excited!” She said.
The two entered Iida’s limo, and made their way to the gala.


The Limo pulled up to the red carpet. The camera lights were flashing from the crowd, and it was loud. Molly quickly put on her noise cancelling earmuffs, and Iida patted her shoulder. 
“Don’t worry,” he said clearly so that Molly could still understand him. “We’ll make sure to go quickly and only stop for a few phots.”
“Are you sure the earmuffs won’t embarrass you?” Molly asked.
“I could never be embarrassed of you.” Tenya gave Molly a kiss on the cheek. 

The door to the Limo opened, and they stepped out. The cameras turned to them, and the flashing got bright. Molly shielded her eyes, and held Tenya’s hand tighter. They walked at a quick pace down the red carpet. The Cameras were all on them. Who was this girl with Tenya Iida? What the fuck was she wearing?!
“Iida! Iida over here!” A cameraman cried out. “Let us snap a pic for the Hero Weekly!”
The hero weekly was a famous hero magazine, and Tenya Iida and Molly stopped for them. Molly held up a peace sign as they snapped the photo. After that they quickly entered the ballroom


The ballroom was calmer, but not any less loud. The classical music was almost downed out by the chatter. The press, the heros, it was a lot. But as long as Molly had her earmuffs, she was fine. She was having a great night so far despite the nerves(and it only had just started!). 
Tenya Iida led her over to his family. His mother wore a beautiful indigo gown, that sparkled like midnight. Hs brother Tensei(INJENIUM!), wore a normal suit. However, his wheelchairs was decked out. It was painted very sparkly and blue.
“Mother, Tensei,” Tenya straightened up. “This is my girlfriend, Molly.”
Molly smiled as she bowed. “Its wonderful to meet you!” 

As Tenya’s mother(Tango) began to speak, Molly lifted one of her earmuffs off to hear. It was even louder when not muffled. 
“Its so nice to meet you too,” Tango Iida smiled softly. “We are happy Tenya has found someone that makes him so happy!”
Molly blushed.
“I really like your dress,” Molly said. “And your wheelchair too!” She turned to tensei. “Its so cool looking!”
“Thanks!” Tensei smiled. “Iida helped me with it.”
Molly turned to Tenya and smiled. “You did really good Tenya! I had no idea you knew how to do stuff like that!”
Tenya blushed.

“Tenya, we need to go talk to the press,” Tensei said. “Will you be alright Molly? Or do you want Tito come?”
“Uh, I think I’ll be ok on my own!” Molly shrugged.
“Just be careful who you talk to,” Tenya warned. “Some Heros aren’t very....nice.”
Molly nodded. “Just promise to find me when done!”
Tenya nodded.


Molly made a beeline to the buffet. She was beyond excited to see what kinda fancy spread there would be. After all, this was the biggest gala of the year! The buffet had thousands of treats! Cakes, candies, truffles, balked goods, Molly’s mouth watered!
As she was scanning the buffet, a huge Hero approached the table. It was FatGum! Molly wanted to faint then and there. She was so close to one of the most amazing pro heros!
Molly lifted one of her earmuffs off. “Hello Mr. FatGum!” She smiled.
“Oh, hello!” FatGum smiled down at her. “Good spread huh?”
“Yeah!” Molly smiled. “It looks so good! I have no idea how to start!”
FatGum chuckled.
“I just wanted to say your a really cool hero and person sir!” Molly smiled brightly.
“Aw thanks kiddo!” FatGum smiled. “Whats your name?”
“My name is Molly!” 
“Nice to meet you Molly! You seem very friendly! I’ll have to introduce you to one of my interns one day! He’d love you!”
Molly had heard of Kirishima, but hadn’t met him yet. Tenya said he was very kind though. “That would be wonderful!”
“Come by my agency some time!” FatGum said. “I’ll hook you up with some lunch.” He started to walk away.
“YUM!” Molly cheered. “Thank you, have a good evening!”
FatGum waved goodbye. 

Molly smiled as she sunk her teeth into one of the cakes. It was amazing! While everything was muffled by her earmuffs, the taste of the cake almost made everything blissfully silent. 


A tune was heard through the earmuffs: it was one of Molly’s favorite Classical pieces! She rushed to the dance floor, but realized this was...a couples dance. Tenya Iida was still off with the press, so she would have to miss the dance. Her face saddened.
Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Todoroki, one of Tenya’s best friends! They had chatted on multiple occasions, and Molly trusted him.
“Todoroki!” Molly smiled, again lifting her earmuffs.
“Hello Molly,” Todoroki said, as Stoic as ever. “I noticed you seem to like this song. Do you want to dance to it?”
“You’d dance with me?” Molly smiled. “Thank you so much Todoroki!”

Todoriki grabbed her hand, and led her onto the dance floor. Molly slipped back on her earmuffs. The two began to dance and talk. because they were close she could hear him fine.
“I’m glad Tenya invited you,” Todoroki said. “He would often talk to me about how excited he was for you to meet his family.”
“Aw, really?” Molly smiled.
“Yes. Did you like them?”
“Yeah! We didn’t get to chat much though before they had to go to the press. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.”
Todoroki nodded.

The song was about to get to Molly’s favorite part, when suddenly Todoroki was pulled away. Endeavor towered above Molly, glaring down upon her. Molly cowered a bit. 
“W-What did I do?” Molly asked.
“Why were you dancing with my son?” He growled. 
he was so tall, he wasn’t close enough for Molly to hear. She lifted an earmuff off. 
“Wh-What did you say?”
“Take those off!” Endevor ripped the earmuffs off Molly, pulling her hair a bit. “This is a classy event, and those headphones are an eyesore! And obviously distracting!”
Her ears were filled with noise of many different volumes and places. It was overwhelmingly. She resisted the urge to cover her ears, or try to recover her earmuffs.
“Father stop!” Todoroki urged. “She has-“
“Silence Shoto,” Endevor hissed before he turned back to Molly. “Why were you dancing with my son girl?!”
“M-My favorite song was playing-“ Molly quietly tried to explain. “I-I didn’t have a partner and he offered-“
“My son would never ask someone like you to dance! He’s too good for you!” Endeavor pulled Todoriki away, carrying the earmuffs with him. Molly gave chase for the earmuffs, but got lost in the crowd. The large, busy, LOUD crowd. She tried to find Tenya, but the press seemed to be everywhere! Interviewing everyone! Where does she get help-


Molly flinched, but snapped her head to present Mic. He and EraserHead were being interviewed. Goodness she didn’t want to interrupt, but Present Mic was a hero all about sound! He would be able to understand, and even help her! She quickly made her way over. 
She timidly tapped Present Mic’s shoulder as EraserHead glumly answered the interviewer.
“Huh?” Mic turned to her. “Hi there little lister! Sorry, I’m busy right now-“
“Sir, I need your help.” Molly whispered. 
“What’s up?” He knelt down.
“Someone took my noise cancelling earmuffs, and I’m overwhelmed. Can you help me?”
Present Mic had a compassionate look in his eye. He nodded and handed Molly a pair of earplugs. 
“Thank you sir!” Molly smiled. “Sorry again for bothering you!”
Present Mic smiled softly, and continued the interview.


Tenya finally got away from the press. That simply took too long, and he wanted to get back to Molly. Molly was standing off in the corner. Where were her earmuffs?!
Tenya rushed to Molly. 
“Molly!” He cried.
Molly looked up and smiled. She quickly hugged Tenya.
“I’m so sorry it took so long. Were you ok? Where are your earmuffs?” Tenya said.
Molly pulled out earplugs from her ears. “I’m ok I guess, I’m just glad your back.”
“Where are your earmuffs?”
“Oh...uhm....they were confiscated.” Molly said sadly.
“What? Why?”
“They were distracting. And an ‘eyesore’.”
“We’re going to security to get them back. This is ableism!”

“No wait!” Molly cried. “We can’t cause a scene, not here.”
Tenya sighed. “Then what do we do?”
“Work with what we can,” she put the earplugs back in. “And have a good evening!” Her smile was forced.
Tenya could see Molly just wanted to be distracted right now. Tenya gave a soft smile. “Let’s go then!”


Tenya Iida and Molly walked around the gala linking arms. Tenya could feel Molly’s tight grip. She was tense, even if she didn’t want to be. Tenya led her back to the buffet. She smiled as he offered her a cakepop. 
“Thanks Iida,” Molly smiled as she took a bite.
Tenya smiled softly at her. She was beautiful, even if stressed. She soft plump skin jiggled as she bounced happily. Her eyelashes flustered as she blinked quickly. She did that when excited. 
“What?” Molly asked, her mouth full of cake.
“You’re...you’re beautiful.” Tenya said in awe.
Molly blushed. “Stop that!” She giggled.
Tenya chuckled. “I have to go the the restroom. Promise you’ll stay here?”
Molly nodded.


Molly shivered as she felt a tall shadow behind her. She slowly turned to see Endevor again. Oh god what now-
“First my son, now the respectable Iidas?” He grumbled. “Goodness, who let you IN here?!”
Molly took out the earplugs. “S-Sir I-“
“Quit that!” Endeavor took the earplugs and crushed them. “You are at a respectable gala, and should not be blocking out noise! It’s disrespectful!”
“Mr. Endevor I-“
“As I was saying,” Endovor continued. “I don’t know why someone like you think your not only good enough to be in here, but for ther young men of the heros. My son is too good for you, what make you think the young Iida isn’t? You are quite the ugly sight. Large and flabby, and what IS that dress?”
Molly trembled. She didn’t even think to wonder why no one else wasn’t stopping this. All she could think was how much she didn’t deserve any of this. Not the dress, not the gala, not Tenya Iida. 
“You are a disgrace to heros.” Endevor said. 
“Please, stop!” Molly whimpered.
“In think its time you left.”
Molly didn’t object. She bowed her head and started to walk to the exit. She didn;’t even get her god damn earmuffs back!


Molly didn’t bother to text Tenya Iida she had left. As she sat alone in the Uber, she resisted the urge to cry. She wasn’t going to distract the driver. Yet she could see the pity in the drivers eyes as he would glacΓ© back at her. 
When Molly arrived back at her house, she saw the bouquet still on the counter. She Held them to her heart, before throwing them against the wall. She wailed. She didn’t deserve Iida, why had she gone to that stupid gala?! She only embarrassed Iida, Embarrassed HERSELF! She collapsed her her bed, not bothering to remove the dress.
The dress she once thought was beautiful. The dress she thought she looked BEST in. Molly cried herself into a restless sleep. After all, how was she going to handle breaking up with Tenya Iida?


Tenya iida left the restroom and returned to the buffet, but Molly wasn’t there. Did she feel confident enough to wander? But she had promised to stay put! He scanned the ballroom, but there was no sign of her.
“Iida,” Todoroki walked up to him.
“Todoroki! Hello,” he nodded. “I’d love to talk but-
“Its about Molly.”
“yes! Molly! I can’t seem to find her! Do you know where-“
Tenya gawked at the earmuffs in Todoroki’s grip. Todoroki looked down at them sadly.

Tenya growled. “Did you-“
“No, Endevor.” Todoroki sighed. “He has been tormenting her all night.”
“I danced with her while you were with the press. Totally platonic-“
“Of course, I trust you. But what does that have to do with this?”
“Endovor stopped up. Ripped off her earmuffs and said they were an eyesore. Then he began to insult her saying she ‘wasn’t good enough for the gala nor the young heros there’. I suppose he got the wrong idea about her. Not an excuse however.”
Tenya clenched his fists. “Where is she?” He growled.
“...Endovor told her to leave.”
“And she did?! When-“
“A while ago. Its too late now.”
“Shit!” Tenya cried.

He tried to text and call Molly, but none of them were received. What he wouldn’t give to run to her now, but the bullshit gala was not over. And he was required to stay.


Tenya awoke the next morning to a text from Molly. He had been worried sick. Did she make it home ok? Was she safe? Was-

Molly: I think we should break up

Before Tenya could reply he received a “You have been Blocked” notification. Shit! No! No! NO! Tenya clenched the phone tightly. He should have never brought Molly to the gala! He understood why she wanted to break up, he had caused her so much pain that night.
Didn’t hurt any less though. He had to applogize. Wether she wanted him back or not was up to her, but she needed to know that nothing Endevor said was true.


Class 1-A had never seen their class president like this. Even after the Stain incident it wasn’t this bad: His hair was messy, his glasses her fogged and smudged, and his uniform was dirty. God what had HAPPEND?
“Iida,” Todoroki went up to his friend’s desk. “Whats wrong.”
“...Molly wants to break up.”
Todoroki saddened. “Oh..”
“Its my fault, I brought her to that disaster of a gala. I just wish I could apologize. But she blocked me.” He put his head in his hands. “Shit what is wrong with me?”
Todoroki put a warm hand on Iida’s shoulder. “I’ll help you apologize. Maybe she’ll even take you back-“
“I don’t deserve her.”


Tenya could see Molly in the hallway. She looked really upset. She was wearing her uniform, but it was under a really baggy sweatshirt. It was stained with tears and snot by the collar and sleeves. Maybe...maybe she was just as sad about the break up as he was...Molly slipped her hood above her head, and held her hands to her ears. She still hadn’t gotten new earmuffs.

Tenya knew what he had to do.


Molly received a text on her phone.

Todoroki: Can we chat?

Molly: ...ok

Todoroki: I heard you...broke up with Tenya.

Molly: Yeah

Todoroki: He’s pretty messed up

Molly: ...

Todoroki: I won’t ask you to give him another chance. Because its your choice. But he really wants to applogize.

Molly: For what?

Todoroki: For taking you to a gala where you were only hurt?

Molly: Thats...Thats not what this is about.

Todoroki: I won’t ask further. Just please, meet him at the UA Class 1-A dorms. There’s a nice backyard there he wants to meet you at. 

Molly: ...When?

Todoroki: 5:00 pm

Molly: Ok...I’ll go.


Molly didn’t bother to look pretty. She wore her baggy sweatshirt. After all, she fat. She wasn’t beautiful enough for Tenya. Her hair was brushed, but by the minimum. She had bags under her eyes, and her cheeks were stained from tears.

She made her way around the dorm building into its backyard. It was decked out with pretty lights, and there was a vintage record player. Tenya stood there in a simple button up shirt. Everything look beautiful, and Molly’s looked like shit. She hid in her hoodie.
“Hello Molly,” Tenya nodded.
“Hey...” Molly said quietly.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me.”
Molly nodded.

“Molly I wanted to say sorry.” Tenya bowed. “I brought you into an overwhelming situation, where you were ridiculed. I am ashamed of my choices, and I hope you can forgive me.”
Molly gripped her sleeves. “Why are you apologizing?” She asked. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Th-Then why are we breaking up?”
“Because I don’t deserve you!” Molly cried out. 

Molly could feel tears falling down her face. It wasn’t pretty, and she couldn’t stop wailing. “I don’t deserve you! I’m Loud! Fat! Autistic! Quirkless! I’m nothing but an embarrassment to the Iida name! To YOU! You deserve someone better than me!”
Tenya Iida took Molly in his arms. She continued to sob into his chest.
“Thats not true!” Tenya demanded. “You are beautiful. You are kind. You make me happy!”
“I don’t care what others say. You matter to me more than anything.” 

Tenya dug into his jacket, and pulled out earmuffs. They were much prettier than Molly’s old one. They had a blue galaxy pattern on them. They sparkled in the evening45 lights. Tenya slipped them over Molly’s head, and gave her a kiss. He went to the record player, and played Molly’s favorite symphony. It was muffled by Molly’s earmuffs, making it the perfect Volume. Tenya pulled Molly into his chest, and they began to sway softly to the music.

Even with the earmuffs, Molly could hear Tenya clearly when he said:

“I love you Molly.”


Monday, June 7, 2021

Voltron KLANCE oneshot — Love Flowers

 And here we gone AGAIN. 

This art may not have been INTENDED to be lovebug flowers:

(Credit in photo)


So here we go again!
(It starts out simpler to last time lol)


The planet was hot and humid. And even though neither would admit it, Keith and Lance loved it. With Lance growing up on the Cuban beach, and Keith in a the Arizona dessert, they felt a sense of familiarity. Like they were home!
However as much as they both wanted to stay on this planet forever, they had a mission. They were to retrieve an important piece of Ancient tech for Pidge and the castleship. The planet, along with the temple that the tech should be hidden in, was abandoned. 
The planet was overrun with natural flora. They soon arrived in a flower feild, that stretched for miles. They smelled incredible! Like Lemongrass, Vanilla, fresh laundry, Chocolate! Every happy scent a nose has ever smelled! The two paladins both would’ve loved to stay in the feild together. After all, they were both pining for eachother hard. 
But they had a mission, and in the very faint distance, the temple could be seen.

“This planet really is amazing!” Lance smiled as they walled through the flowers. 
“Its fine I guess,” Keith lied. He had to look cool, and get the mission over with-
“Oh come on!” Lance whined. “Pidge can wait a little bit!” Lance slowed his pace to enjoy the scenery. 
“No Lance,” Keith scolded. “We need to get this done quickly!”

Lance sighed, and followed Keith once again. The hot planet received a nice breeze, and the flowers flew in it. Some of the pestles flew off, raining down upon the two paladins. It was very romantic. Why did the two have to be so BLIND though?!
They had walked quite a bit through the feild, at a very fast pace. They were quite close to the temple now. However, both of the boys were getting tired. Dizzy, almost. The scent was growing stronger, overwhelming almost. 
Lance couldn’t focus on just one of the scents, it all smelled amazing. He could smell this happiness forever! Lance felt dizzier and dizzier, a happy headache coming into his mind. His legs weakened, and Lance sat on the ground to take a breather. Or rather, breathe in the scent.

“Lance, we have to keep going.” Keith said. He sounded a bit out of breath.
“Stop and smell the roses dude,” Lance picked up one of the flowers. “Literally!”
“Lance no, we’re close to the temple now. Maybe after-“ 

Lance picked one of the flowers, and held it out to Keith. The flower was a soft pastel pink, with coral red spreading out across the pettles. The pistels were a beautiful gold. It was beautiful, just like Keith. Keith’s beauty beat the flower by the long shot.
“The flower is almost as pretty as you,” Lance giggled, absolutely loopy.
Keith knelt down next to Lance, closer to the flowers. He seemed kind of loopy too. “I-I’m not pretty...” he said. He leaned closer and smelled the flower. Once he did so, a bright pink filled his pupils. It was very pretty and shiny. Lance never wanted to look away. 
“Yes you are...” Lance breathed hard, getting more out of breathe by every passing second. 
Keith flushed pink, and gave a soft smile before face planting into the dirt. Lance laughed for a second, before he fell to the dirt as well.


When the two awoke, it was nearly sunset on the planet. How long had they been out? Goodness it didn’t matter much. The flowers swayed in the hot wind. 
Keith wiped the dirt off his face as he sat up, Lance doing the same. They stared at eachother, in awe. Eachother were covered in flower petals, and had bright pink pupils. Keith was the most beautiful thing Lance had seen in his life, and vise versa. They never wanted to look away from eachother.
“God...” Lance finally spoke first. “Have you always been this beautiful?”
Keith giggled to himself, a dumb smile on his face. “You’re too sweet,” Keith crawled a bit closer, and he collapsed again. But this time it was on Lance’s soft lap.

“Weren’t....weren’t we here to get something?” Lance asked.
“Heh...Get some....thing...” Keith giggled at his dirty joke.
“I..I thought dirty jokes...were my thing..” Lance laughed too.

“I think...there was some tech?” keith said, some reason coming back to him. “It should be over there.” He stood up, a bit wobbly.
“Nooooo...” Lance whined from the ground “Come baaaack,”
Keith helped Lance up, and they both leaned tiredly on eachother. They were a giggling mess. Hand in hand, they walked into the temple. 


Inside the Temple was the tech Pidge needed. A tiny microchip, placed on a petistal. Keith quickly pocketed it, and took Lance hand again. 
They walked back through the flower feild. If they thought it was hard to not get dizzy before, it was impossible now. A few feet away from temple, the two collapsed once again. Expect this time, it was in each others arms. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sander Sides Logan angst oneshot — Gliches


No ships btw


The first time Logan had done what he called the “Glitch” was in 5th grade. Thomas was taking a test on biology. The rooms was silent as everyone took their test. However Thomas reached a question he was confused on. The wording was so strange, he wasn’t sure what it was asking of him. While Patton thought they should just ask for clarification, Virgil had began to panic. After all no one else was having trouble. But while that was happening, even Logan began to panic. The clock was ticking down and they couldn’t seem to move on from the question. Logan wracked his brain to understand it but he just couldn’t. He looked down and saw his own skin become fuzzy and jumpy, as if he was a computar glitch. 
In the end, they skipped that question and left it blank. Due to this, they were one point away from a B and ended up getting a C. Logan felt so guilty.

Logan had learned that the glitches were caused when Thomas or him were incredibly confused. Logan’s body would ache, and he began to fizzle into painful computer code. His vision would go blurry, filled with the text “ERROR ERROR ERROR” blinding, him. It was almost worse than Virgil’s panic attacks. At least those didn’t cause him physical pain every time. 

However it no longer happened often. Logan was Logic after all, and Logic can work almost everywhere! However there were the times where he drew blanks. He would quickly excuse himself and suffer alone. He couldn’t let the other sides know he was flawed. Logic was never flawed! IT WAS LOGIC FOR GOODNESS SAKE!
The others were flawed enough what with their feelings.

He couldn’t reveal he had them too...


(Roman demands new skills asap and logan panics)

The Light Sides were meeting with Thomas to discuss ideas for new videos. And Roman had had one of his “Brilliant epiphanies”.
“Roman, I don’t think you understand.” Logan tried to explain. “Learning the skill needed for that video will take lots of time and effort. The video is due next week-“
“You just hate that I came up with it before you!” Roman laughed. “Are you saying the Great Logic can’t LEARN something NEW?”
“That is not what I am saying. It is just that-“
“Oh Logan, it would be so cool!” Patton smiled. 
“I suggest if we really want to do this, we push back the video date-“
“But then Thomas’s fans will hate him! It has to be on time!” Virgil paniced. 
“I understand the concern-“
“Perfect!” Roman smiled.
“Then its settled! We’ll learn how to do this new skill, then make the video and release it on schedule!” Thomas smiled. “Thanks guys!”

The Sides quickly sunk out.


Logan wasn’t normaly one to curse. However all he could think right now was a combo of “fuck”, “god dammit” and “shit”!
This was insane! How was Logan to learn this entire new skill and talent in a WEEK?! Logan felt dizzy and achey for a second. Shit, it was happening!! Logan took a derp breath, and the glitch went away. No, he refused to lose control.
If Thomad and the other sides belived he could do this, then He would. He was Logic!

The skill required research, practice, and then experience. A week was certainly a time crunch, but he knew with the other sides help, he could do it!


Scratch that, the other sides apparently weren’t going to help. Virgil was doing his usual routine of panicking about due dates(which really rushed Logan), which yiu think would make him want to HELP Logan. But no. Patton was working on keeping Thomas from shuting himself in on work, keeping him social! This just frustrated Logan to no end.
And you woukd THINK Roman wouod make an effort to help Logan. After all this was HIS idea. However, he simply went to have adventures in the imagination. And rarely worked on the script. 

So this Left Logan all alone. Overworked an panicking. Because GOD DAMMIT WHY WAS THIS SO HARD?! 
He scanned had scanned the instructions five times, and Logan understood the bare minimum. He tried to find different resources, worded differently in a way he would understand. But nothing! Logan felt his vison go fuzzy, and he achednin agony. This was the 7th glitch in that hour. He didn’t like it,’oh god he HATED it! It hurt! It hurt! It hurt! But he had to push through!!

It was already tuesday, and Logan still was very confused. As Logan took a deep breath, he began to follow what little he understood of the intructions. He was messing up so badly, but also managing. 
Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. Logan stood and opened the door. It was Patton! Finally! Had someone noticed his distress-

“Hiya Logan!” Patton smiled. “Thomas is currently with some friends right now! But there’s som underneath stress coming from the fact he still isn’t confident in his skill yet. Just remember to keep working hard!” Patton smiled as he skipped away.
Logan closed the door and collasped to his knees. He felt so stressed and alone. While the other sides had fun, he was violently glitching in his room. Logan held up his hand. It was glotching so fast he almost couldnt see it. But boy he coudld feel it.

Through his agony, Logan lifted himself back onto his desk. Through blurry vision, he continued to learn the skill. But he simply couldnt understand! He was doing the bare minimum, getting it done. But it wasnt well done. And he just couldnt make it any better!


At least 3 days in, no matter hiw hard Logan tried, he simply made no improvement. The glitching is was closd to constant. Almost every other minute he glitched. Soon enough it would be every minute, a permenent episode. Logan had never felt so unappreciated. Ignored by his FamILY and in so much physical pain! No one had seen him sense Patton came in. 
Lost in his thoughts, Logan messed up. He ruined the project, and Logan the wanted to scream. All that confusion and pain, and he messed it up!! 
Logan couldnt see. It all went white. He could feel himself moving, yet he was not in control. He was shaking- no, spazzing in his chair. He had never felt so much PAIN! The ache was now a THROB! He wanted to scream, but couldbt find the air to do so.

He almsot didn’t feel the soft hands touch his shoulders. The muffled voice telling him “it will be ok”, almost wasnt heard. Janus’s soft reassuring smile, was not seen.
Soon enough, nothibg was seen, heard, or felt. The white, went to black.


Logan could suddenly breathe again. He didn’t feel a throb, but still a faint ache. He could feel a soft but unfamiliar cousion under him. When Logan opened his eyes, he could see again. He was not in his room, nor anywhere in the Light Side’s home. Where was he?
“Oh! You’re awake dear,” Janus/Deceit entered the room, and sat next to Logan on the couch he rested upon.
“Where am I?” Logan asked.
“In the Dark Side’s living room.” Janus said. “Sorry for not asking, but in the state you were in I had no choice but to bring you here.”
“Well thank you for your hospitality,” Logan stood up. “But i must get back to work-“ Logan began to glitch again just at the THOUGHT of the project. He stumbled.
Janus quickly caught him before he could fall. “You are hurting yourself,” Janus said. “You must rest, you are overworked.”
“Again, thank you for the consern.” Logan panted, trying to get a hold of himself. “However I have no time to nurse myself.”
“Goodness Gracious Logan! Look at yourself!!” Janus cried. “All sides have their drawbacks. For Virgil, its his anxious corruption. For Patton, its his frog form. This...this GLITCHING! Its YOUR drawback Logan! Surely you see that! When you overwork yourself-“
“Its not overwork.” Logan said.
“What do you mean?”

“I...I am fully aware that my glitches are my drawback, but it is not caused from overworking myself.”
“The what is it-“
“I...I don’t understand!!” Logan cried out. He couldnt hold it in anymore. He began to sob. “When I don’t understand something no matter how hard I try, I glitch. And i simply don’t understand this project! Ive done so much research and I simply don’t understand the intructions if what i should be doing!! And none if the other sides have bothered to help, only to tush me! I’m logic i’m supposed to understand everything! I have all the answers! But i don’t! I dont! I dont! I dont-“

Logan’s vision went blurry not only from tears, but glitching again. This time, it was his feelings he didnt understand.


Janus watched in panic as Logan fizzled in and out as he sobbed.
“Logan? Logan!” He cried, grabbing his shoulers. “Logan can you hear me?”
Logan’s eyes had gone blank, hut red. He simply mumbled “Error error error error error error” over and over.
“Logan! Logan snap out if it!!”
Logan didnt snap out of it.
“ERROR!! ERROR!!” Logan screamed out in pain.
“LOGAN!!” Janus slapped Logan across the face as hard as he could. 
Logan gasped for air. The tears didnt stop, but he was back.

“I had no idea,” Janus breathed. “H-How long has this been happening?”
“S-since...since Roman asigned me to learn this skill...”
“That was a week ago!”
Logan’s eyes widened. “A week?! THE VIDEO! ITS TODAY! I STILL DONT-“
Janus covered Logan’s mouth to stop him. “Shhh!!” He said urgently, but calm. “This skill for the video has been causing you physical agony Logan! I refuse to let you suffer any longer!”
“B-But I-“
“No. You will stay here and rest. I’ll make sure Remus stays out of your way.”
“But what about the video?”
“I’m going to talk to them. I will explain everything.”

“NO YOU CANT!” Logan screamed.
“Why not?”
“I-I’m logic! Th-they dont think I feel anything. They CANT know I feel anytting!”
“Logan that’s ridiculous!” Janus yelled. 
“Please you cant-“ Logan began to glitch again.
“I’m so sorry about this!” Janus grabbed Logan’s nose and pintched. Logan began to hyperventilate, and once Janus covered Logan’s mouth, he passed out.

Janus sighed. Looks like he needed to talk with the Light Sides.


The Light Sides stood around Thomas in the living room.
“Where is Logan?!” Roman scoffed. “He knows we need him for this video!”
Suddenly Janus rise up in Logan’s spot.
“Deceit!” Roman shouted.
“Ah!” Patton cried out in fear. 
“What do you want?!” Virgil hissed. “Where is Logan?!”

“Ah yes, Logan!” Janus smiled calmly. “Thats why I’m here.”
“What did you do to him?!” Virgil yelled.
“Not what I did, what you did.” Janus sighs.
“Excuse me?”

“Look, I would give anything to keep my ‘evil dark side’ act up right now. But Logan is in danger right now.” Janus explained.
“oh no!” Patton cried. “We have to save him!”
“Its not that simple.” Janus said. 
“Please, how can we help?”
“Logan is ‘glitching’. We all have our drawbacks, and this is his. He simply does NOT understand the task that was given to him, and he’s in agony because of it.”

Roman and Thomas saddened. 
“I had no idea this project was upsetting him so much...” Thomas said sadly.
“I...I thought he would be able to handle it!” Roman said.
“Maybe he could’ve,” Janus glared. “With HELP. But apparently none of you made an effort to!”
All the Sides saddened. 
“This may be last minute, but that is the cost of Logan’s health: Cancel this video.”
“WHAT?!” Roman yelled.
“Or do you want Logan in MORE pain?”
Roman went silent, and nodded.
“You will come up with something else to do for a video another time. But right now, Logan needs to get back to health and heal.”

It was at that moment all the Sides realized how much they had truly overwhelmed and overworked Logan. How much they had HURT him. They all collectively agreed that this video was OFF. And it was at that moment, Logan could feel the ache begining to vanish.


This was so much fun to make!!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

MHA Self insert oneshot — Rikido Sato x Wogwoman — Snow White AU

 Snow White AU cuz i love stories like this. Sorry tho sis, i needed a villain. And as of right now ur being a bitch. So as I type this, I’m not sorry >:(


Once Upon a Time, there lived two sisters. Long ago, their father passed in battle, and the elder sister took the throne. The elder sister, Queen Maisy, was a very talented and beautiful women Despite this, her younger sister had remained the kingdom’s pride and joy. However, the youngest Princess was not as beautiful as Maisy. Queen Maisy was determained to keep this true, and stay the fairest of all! She forced the her sister to wear baggy rags, and do all the didtiest chores. Despite the princess getting no good food, she remained a plus sized girl. The queen revelled in this knoledge, that she was the most beautiful sibbling.

Everyday The wicked Queen Maisy, climbed the steps to her most prized possesion: a magical mirror that could speak only truth. Every day she would ask it, “Mirror Mirror on my wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
The mirror would always claim it was Queen Maisy, and she was satisfied.


Queen Maisy sat upon her throne. She looked down upon her servant, Izuku Midoryia. He bowed nervously before her.
“Oh Midoryia hon,” Maisy giggled. “Do me a favor, and tell my dear Sister to...clean the palace stairs!”
“B-But your majesty!” Midoryia gasped. “It’s boiling out! And there are hundreds of steps-“
“Did i stutter?!”
“No!” Midoryia cried. “Y-yes your majesty!”


Princess Molly was awoken by her curtains being pulled open. Princess Molly groaned.
“Hey Midoryia,” Molly yawned.
“Hey Molly,” Midoryia sighed. “Um...the Queen has asked me to tell you...you to...”
“What is it now?”
“To wash the steps of the palace.”
“Thats insane!!” Molly cried, Pulling on her rags for the day. “There are at least one hundred of them!”
“I know...i’m so sorry I-“
“Hey calm down!” Molly patted Midoryia. “Theres nothing you can do! I better get to work.”
“I’ll make sure you’re fed!”
“Thank god!”


Molly panted as she wiped her brow. It had been what, teo hours? And she had only gotten 6 steps done! This might be her sister’s worst task yet. 
Molly hefted her large bucket back over to the well. She took a breather under the shade of the trees. 
Doves came to perch near her. She turned to them. 
“I’m jelous of you guys. Free, get to fly whereever you want. I don’t know why you fly HERE....”
The doves cooed in confort.

Molly looked down into the deep abyss of well water. She would read of wishing wells as a child. Where people would hope with all their hearts for something, and the wish would come true.
The princess clenched her hands upon her chest. She squeezed her eyes shut, tighter than ever before. She made her wish:
Molly wished for relief. 
Relief from her tasks, her cruel sister, her lonlieness...

Princess Molly opened her eyes. The doves still perched, the water still there. What was she expecting? 
“Hey there,”

Princess Molly spun around in shock. She could see a young boy there. He was dressed in regal clothing and a cape. He had spiky brown hair, and large mussles. He was incredibly handsome.
“Who are you?” Molly asked.
“M-My name is Sato,” the man said. “Prince Rikido Sato.”
Molly bowed in respect. “Hey,” she smiled. 

Could this be it? Her wish for companionship come true?!

“Hey,” Sato smiled back. “What is your name?”
“I’m Molly,” Molly curtsied, despite her rags.
“P-Princess Molly!” Sato bowed. “Its an honor. Sorry ofr my mistake. You just...”
“Don’t look like a Princess?”
Sato shook his head. 
“Eh, its not my choice to wear this belive me.”
“Then why do you-“
“Well...chores ya know?” Molly lied. She didn’t want to reveal what her sister did. The consequences could be bad.
Sato nodded. Still confused, but nodded.

They stood in silence, just taking everything in. Sato kept staring at her in awe.
“What?” Molly asked.
“You are...beautiful, your majesty.”
Molly blushed. “I havent been called majesty in a while!” She chuckled awkwardly. “B-but thank you!”
Sato walked up to her by the well, and kissed her hand! Molly had never been so flattered-

“Molly! Princess Molly!” Midoryia could be heard crying as he approached. “The Queen needs to see you!”
Molly gasped. “Go! You must leave!” Molly said.
Sato nodded, and hid behind the bushes. 

Midoryia rushed up to Molly.
“Midoryia, what is it?” Molly asked.
“M-Molly,” Midoryia panted. “The Queen wants to see you.”
“What the-Why does she?”
“I don’t know. But we can’t keep her waiting!” Midoryia grabbed Molly’s hand and pulled her up the palace steps. 
Molly glanced behind her, as the young boy waved her goodbye.


Queen Maisy climbed the small steps to her mirror. She straightened her dress and fixed her hair. 
“Mirror Mirror On my wall,” she recited. “Who’s the fairest one of all?”
The mirror began to swirl magically. It didn’t normally do this! Normally it simply showed her own relefction, and sparkled a bit? What was happening?
The mirror suddenly showed the front royal gardens. It showed her bastard of a sibling, washing the steps.
“No...NO!” She screeched. “She can’t do this! I am the fairest of all! I AM!!! I WONT LET HER TAKE THIS FROM ME!!”


Queen Maisy tried to keep a calm face as Midoryia brought her sister before her.
“Hello Sister,” Maisy clenched her teeth.
“Look I swear I was cleaning the steps!” Molly began to defend herself. “In fact, you were the one that interrupted me-“
“SILENCE!!” Her voice echoed. “I seem to have made a mistake...”
Molly looked up, confused. 
“I can’t possibly expect you to do so much work without a reward.” Maisy smiled a wide, scary smile. “There is a nice dress waiting for you in your room. Meet Huntsman Kirishima by the steps of the palace, and he will take you out for a bit.”
Maisy couldn’t help but laugh at the surprise on her sister’s face. Her sister smiled brighter than ever before and thanked Maisy.

Oh, she had no idea what was coming to her...


Princess Molly had never worn something so pretty and confortable! It was a simple dress, the top being pink while the skirt was yellow. The Huntsman, Kirishima, was currently watching her as she enjoyed the fresh air of the flower fields.
Molly’s mind wandered to the Prince she had met, Sato. Surely he had been there to see the Queen, but Molly couldn’t help but want him to return. She was a little smitten with him. Molly sat down on the grass by the river, daydreaming. 
But there was a sudden shade, a shadow, above her. She looked up to see the huntsman with a Daggar aimed at her! Her life flashed before her eyes, as the blade came down. Molly held her breath instead of screaming, waiting for the stab-
Except it didn’t come. She opened her eyes to see the blade inches from her heart. She looked up into Kirishima’s crying eyes. 
“What...what are you waiting for?” Molly whispered.
“I...I can’t do it!” Kirishima threw the dagger into the river. “God I can’t! That would be so unmanly!”
“Wh-Why were you doing to kill me?!” Molly stood up, now that the dagger was gone.
“Its the Queen!” Kirishima cried. “She wants you dead! Ordered me to kill you!”
“Dammit I knew this day was too good to be true!” 

Kirishima rushed to the Princess and took her by the shoulders. 
“You must run!” Kirishima said.
“Run? Where?” Molly asked.
“Away! Far away! Anywhere but here!”
“But...but my friends-“
“I will make sure the servants know you are safe. Please, run! This is your only chance!”
Molly nodded, and darted to the trees.


Molly had never been in such a scary place. The trees seemed to look down at her as if she was prey. Dark eyes and figures darted around, and she couldn’t stop screaming. Finally she made it to a clearing, but was too exhausted from fear. She collapsed into the grass and it all went black.


Princess Molly takes Prince Sato’s hand in hers. They walked through the palace gardens. Sato says she looks beautiful, and Molly smiles. They make it to Molly’s wishing well. Sato leans in...

When Princess Molly awoke, it was not to Sato’s lips. Instead, it was something...furry. Molly’s eyes open to see a little kitten. It was half white, and half red! It looked concerned.
“Oh!” Molly sat up. “Your so cute!” Molly picks up the little kitten.
Suddenly, she hears a growl. A larger animal, a blonde wolf! It was approaching through the dark woods. Molly hugged the kitten close, and shuffled back in fear. The wolf kept approaching, and the kitten freed itsef from Molly’s grip.
“No wait!” Molly cried.
However the kitten simply nuzzled the wolf. The wolf grumbled, but allowed it by its side.
Molly sighed. “Oh, you know eachother! Thank goodness!”

(Yes, thats Toderoki and Bakugo. We’re going to call them by their names, but they really are just a cat and wolf. I guess they’re kinda shipped here. ANYWAY!)

Molly stood up and wiped off the grass and dirt. She began to pace in the clearing. 
“Ok,” she said to herself. “My Sister the Queen wants to kill me, and I’ve-officially fled the kingdom, and everyone thinks I’m dead. Shit what now? I don’t know where I am! I wonder if Sato’s kingdom is nearby- No thats stupid!”
Bakugo barked loudly. It began to run passed Molly and farther into the woods. Todoroki patted along, becoming Molly to follow. Molly slowly followed along.


Bakugo and Todoroki led Princess Molly through the woods, until they arrived at a small cottage. 
“Shelter!” Molly gasped. “Thank god! I’ll explain whats going on to those who live here! Hopefully they’ll let me stay!”
Bakugo barked.
“And if they DON’T,” Molly responded to the wolf. “I’ll ask them to show me someplace where I can!”

Princess Molly rushed up to the door, and knocked. There was no response. Well, Molly wasn’t in a great place to WAIT. She was kinda on the run. 
She quietly opened the door and entered. The home had a small kitchen and dining room. A larger living room with a couch and large rug. Upstairs there were two beds. But the home was also quite dirty. Dishes were piled up, and dirty laundry was everywhere! The beds look like they hadn’t been made in what, months?! The Kitchen was barely stocked with food! Only some milk and bread! And almost out at that!
With all the chores Molly was forced to do, she became quite the clean freak. If she was going to try and stay here, it needed too be clean! Besides, if she cleaned it then the home owners would have to let her at least stay the night!

Princess Molly refused to get her new dress dirty. She just got it! She stripped herself of the dress, leaving herself in her bra and petty coat. She grabbed the laundry basket(probably never used)and got to work. She first gathered all the clothes on the floor in the basket. Then she swept all the trash and dirt from the wooden floors. After the floors were clean, she worked on the laundry. She scrubbed every peice of clothing just enough to clean it as there was quite a lot to do in so little time. After she hung up the clothes to dry, she used the left over water to wash the dishes. By the time she had finsihed making the beds, the house looked brand new! 
However, there was still no sign of anyone who lived there. She walked back down the stairs to Bakugo and Todoriki, who sat cuddled up on the couch. They perked up when they saw her. 
“Help me out guys,” she said. “Sure, the house is clean, but I feel I can do more! If I do, maybe I can get TWO Nights!”
The two animals sat at attention. 
Molly turned to Bakugo. “You’re a wolf, right? Is there anyway you can hunt something for dinner? Something I’ll be able to cook?” 
Bakugo barked and ran out the door.
Molly picked up Todoriki in her arms. He was a very tiny kitten. “And you!” She smiled. “We’re going to go find some fruit and water!”


Molly and Todoroki were able to find quite a bit close by! A nice apple tree and a few berry bushes. Even some wild potatoes and carrots! And  a fresh water spring! If this was all so close by, it was odd that the homeowners were so under stocked!
When Molly and Todoroki got back to the Cottage, Bakugo was there. he sat at attention, a dead animal next to him. he had managed to hunt a wild boar piglet. It might be gross, be she would be able to cook it into a pork soup. That would hopefully satisfy the owners! 
“Good job!” Molly patted Bakugo’s furry head, making bakugo nip at her a bit. Molly shrugged it off though.

She boiled the water and used what little spice the owners had to add flavor to the soup. Then she sliced poatatos and diced the carrots, throwing them into the brew. Finally, she cooked the pig and through it in as well. While the stew cooked, Molly set up the berries in a small bowl. She then sliced the apples and bread and added them to each plate. She set the table just as she heard people approaching.


Two young boys walked into the home. They were laughing happily, leaning on eachother. They seemed kinda out of it. But they snapped back to reality, when they saw Princess Molly.
“Who the hell are you?” The first one asked. He had messy black hair. 
“How did you get in here?!” The second one yelled. he had spiky blonde hair.
“The door was unlocked,” Molly said.
“IDIOT!” The first one smacked the second one. “You said you locked it!”
“I forgot!” The blonde cried. 
“D-Don’t be mad at him!” Molly cried. “I’m the one that broke in technically.”
“And why did you do so?!”

“I...” Molly sighed. “The Queen is trying to kill me. And I needed somewhere to go.”
The boys stayed silent. 
“I-I was hoping I could stay?”
The boys glared.
“Just for the night! I cleaned your home-“
The Black haired one’s glare eased a bit.
“-And I made you dinner-“
“YOU CAN STAY FOREVER!” The blonde one rushed to the table.

“Denki no!” The first one stopped the blonde. “She might’ve poisoned it!”
“C’mon Sero,” Denki rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t even have clothes on! Where would she keep poison.”
Molly blushes, realizing she hadn’t put her dress back on. “Oh my god I’m so sorry!” Molly rushed back over to her dress. 
“Nah Nah, keep it off~” Denki waved his eyebrows.
Molly blushed, and Sero smacked him again.

“I promise, I have no reason to hurt either of you.” Molly bowed. “I just want to be safe. Just for the night!”
“Why would the Queen want to kill you?” Sero asked. 
“I...I am her sister, Princess Molly.” Molly curtiesed. “I don’t know why she wants me dead, but she does.”
Denki blushed, realizing he hit on the Princess.
“I’m Sero, and this is Denki.” The black haired one said.

“I was lucky to receive mercy from my assassin, but no doubt the Queen knows I’m still alive somewhere.” Molly continued. “Please, I need shelter. At least for tonight, until I can find somewhere else!”
Sero seemed to think about it.
“C’mon Sero!” Denki smiled. “She COOKS! And she CLEANED!”
Sero sighed. “Thats a fair deal. If you clean, you can stay.”
“But what about cooking-“
“She’s not a housewife Denki!”
“Thank you so much!” Molly cheered. “


The three ate dinner together.
“You were gone all day,” Molly’s noted. “What kept you?”
“We were at work,” Sero said.
“Where do you work?” Molly asked.
“A bar.” Denki said.
“Oh, that explains it!”
“Explains what?” Sero asked.
“When you came in, you were all giddy and loopy! You were probably sneaking sips. Don’t worry, I would do it too!”
Denki laughed, while Sero blushed.

“Well, we work late into the night.” Sero nodded. “But now that your here, we’ll take morning shifts.” 
“Y-You don’t have to do that!” Molly said. 
“Hey, we have to protect you!” Denki leaned close to Molly. “A poor defenseless princess!”
Molly chuckled at Denki’s joke. 


The Queen stomped around her castle. Thats the last time she trusts a REDHEAD! The huntsman betrayed her, let her sister go! Looks like she was going to have to figure out a way to kill her sister on her own!


Molly locked the door behind her as she exited the cottage. She was given a key, and told “Use it better than Denki does”, which made her laugh. 
She held Todoroki in her arms, as Bakugo had gone off somewhere else as usual. She decided to go on a walk, but to stay close to “home”. 
The forest was much better during the day, and soon enough she came to a familer clearing. It was the one where she met the two pets to begin with. She looked into the darker woods beyond it. Her kingdom was beyond that. Her friends and her....”family”. She longed to return to her kingdom, maybe stand up and defeat her sister! But it was no use. She sighed. 

About to retreat back to the cottage, she heard footsteps.
“Who’s there?!” She called out.
“P-Princess? Is that you?” Sato appeared from the woods.
“S-Sato! Its you!” Molly gasped.
“Your majesty!” Sato rushed to her. “You’re alive! They told me you were dead!”
“I-I’m fine,” Molly chuckled. “The Queen she...” Molly stopped. Should she say? No, she couldn’t risk her kingdom’s safety as it was under Maisy’s rule. “She has banished me.”
“What?! Why?!”
“I simply had no more use, not even as a maid.” Molly lied.
“I’m so sorry! But...I’m very happy you are alive!”

Molly smiled, and Sato cupped her cheek. 
“What is it?” Molly asked.
“You are just as beautiful as I remember,” Sato said. 
Molly blushed, as she held Todoroki tighter. “Y-You’re just saying that!”
“I’m not! You’re such a sweet girl. I wonder if...you taste just as sweet...”

The two leaned in to kiss, when the clock tower of the distant tower rang. It was around 3, which meant Denki and Sero would be home soon.
“I have to go,” Molly said sadly.
“I-I’m staying with two kind villagers,” Molly said.
“Come stay with me in my palace,” Sato said. 
“I can’t,” Molly sighed. “If the Queen found out she would declare war upon you. And I couldn’t bare to put a war appointment either kingdoms.”
“-Maybe...Maybe one day though...!”Molly gave a small smile, and retreated back into the woods.


Molly sat with Sero and Denki in the living room. They were passing around mamosas. They were giggling happily as they shared stories and laughs.
“C’mon Princess~” Denki giggled. “Just a kiss!”
“No Denki!” Molly laughed.
“Why nooooooot?”
“Yeah- hic! - Molly? Why noooooot?” Sero laughed.
“I like someone eeelse!” Molly slurred.
With that they all came to a little bit.

“Who do you like?” Sero asked.
“His name is Prince Sato,” Molly said. “I...I really love him.”
“Then...why didn’t you go to him? He would keep you safe!” Denki said.
“I want to but...I can’t. It would mean war between our kingdoms! And I can’t bare that burden.”
Sero and Denki saddened.
“But hopefully one day...it’ll be safe! And we can be together!”


Princess Molly stood by the living room window. She was petting Todoroki, as Bakugo rested next to them. It had been a few days since she saw Sato, and Denki and Sero were currently at work. She didn’t need to make dinner for a while, she she was just reading by the nice wether.
“Excuse me Miss?” 
Molly looked up to see an older women in the window. Molly jumped in surprise. 
“Oh, I didn’t mean to frighten you!” The women said.
“Th-thats ok!” Molly stood. “I’m just jumpy.”

“How can I help you?” Molly walked to the window sill.
“I live by here,” the older women said. “I was wondering what a young housewife like you is doing without pastries!”

Molly was confused by that statement. Housewife? And what parties?

“What Pastries?” Molly asked. She decided to focus on that part.
“Oh! You don’t know?” The older women gasped.
Molly shook her head.
“Those boys, ha!” The older women but laughed. “They have quite the sweet tooth!”
“I had no idea! I should make sure to bake something tonight-“
“No need! I just came from the market!” 

The women revealed a pastry. It was a vanilla cake with a very powdery frosting. 
“I just got an few too many of these. What can I say? They were on sale! Try it!” The old women reached to hand Molly the cake.
Bakugo barked and growled from the couch. His teeth were bared.
“hey! Calm down!” Molly yelled. “Sorry about him.”
“Don’t be,” the old women laughed. “Its simply a mut.”
Molly shrugged.

She inspected the cake. It smelled amazing! She lifted it ti her lips, and took a bite. It tasted amazing! The power got on her lips, so she licked it off. She almost took another bite, before the blonde wolf began to howl.
“H-hey!” Molly cried. “C-Calm...Calm down...”

Molly felt slightly dizzy. She had a limp smile on her lips though. HE feet began to stumble, as she dozed off. 
“What...Whats happening?” She breathed.
“Poor young girl,” the old women chuckled. “At least you got a sweet treat before your death!”
Molly turned to her, to see a glimpse of her sister. And then, it all went black.


Sero and Denki walked back home. They’re shift went well, and they were able to resist the sips today! So they were Sober for once! They were casually chatting and laughing, but a deadly howl interrupted them.
They rushed back to the cottage in fear. 

Molly lay on the floor unconscious, a wolf and kitten next to her. They recognized the wolf and kitten as Molly’s pets, but not the pastry next to her.
“Molly!” Denki cried out, running to her. “Molly wake up!” He shook her. “WAKE UP!”
Sero picked up the pastry and inspected it. “I-Its poisoned!”
“Shit!” Denki layer his head on Molly’s chest, It was silent. “Shit Shit Shit!”
“Is she...?”
Denki nodded, and Sero collapsed to the floor. They had failed to protect the young Princess. The young Princess was dead.


Despite her limp form and unmoving chest, the two boys could not bare to burry their princess. She was simply too kind and beautiful to be put in the deep dark dirty ground forever. So they left her in a glass coffin. Molly’s pets had led them to a nice clearing, where they decided to lay her. They brought her flowers everyday, and wept. 


Prince Sato rushed through the woods. He was on his way to his and Molly’s clearing, in hope to see the beautiful princess. he simply had to see her, he longed for her!
However when he got there, he wished he had never come. 

The young Princess lay in a coffin, with two young boys kneeling next to it. They looked up at him.
“Who are you?” The blonde one asked.
“i-I am Prince Rikido Sato,” Sato stumbled forward. “What...what happened to her?”
“You’re Prince Sato?” The black haired one asked.
“You know me?”
“Yes, she would talk about you a lot.” The black haired one smiled sadly. “She...she really loved you. Longed for a day where you could be together.” He and the blonde one burst into sobs again.

“But...but what happened?! How has she...how has she died?!” Sato cried out.
“She was poisoned,” The blonde explained. “No doubt the work of the Queen.”
“The Queen? But I thought she was simply banished-“
“Banished?” The blonde looked up. “No, she was all Sato’s murdered. She was hiding with us for safety. And we failed her.”

Sato finally looked in the coffin. Molly lay there more beautiful than ever. Her lucious pink hair laid out, and her soft hands laid on her chest.
“May...May I say goodbye?” Sato asked.
The blonde and Blackett nodded. They lifted the glass lid, then let them be.


Sato felt Molly’s cold cheek. 
“I...I missed you.” Sato said sadly. “I...I wish we could’ve had more time together.” He leaned down and gave Molly a soft kiss. “I will never forget you.” He hung his head as he began to walk away.
Suddenly, he heard a grown next to him. As if someone was...waking up?!

“Sato?” Molly yawned as she sat up. “Is...Is that you?”
“M-MOLLY!” Sato rushed to hug his princess. “You’re alive!”
Molly’s arms slowly wrapped around Sato to return the hug. 

Sero and Denki rushed back into the clearing.
“Molly!” They cheered. “You’re alive!”

Sato lifted Molly into his arms. Somehow he was strong enough for that.
“You’re coming with me,” he said. “To my palace, my kingdom.”
“R-Really?” Molly’s eyes widened.
“I will protect you there, form death til we part.” He kissed Molly again.

Holy shit, Molly realized. That was a proposal!
Molly nodded happily. 

Sato lifted Molly onto his horse, and they rode off into the sunset.
Denki and Sero, following behind them


This was fun!! :DDDD