Wednesday, April 7, 2021

MHA Self Insert oneshot — Rikido Sato X Wogwoman — Rescue


(If anyone knows the artist please tell me!)

Ok lets go simp!

(Takes place with an aged up Sato)


Rikido Sato marched along the rooftops with the Lion Hero, Shishido. He was a sidekick dfor the number 13 hero. They lept from building to building, watching the streets below for danger.
Suddenly, there was a crash heard from a store below. A villain with a beast like quirk was wrecking his havoc down below! 
“Sato, go protect civilians!” Lion Hero called to Sato, and dove down to the streets.

Sato dropped into the streets and began to escort people to safety, casually smashing away derbies. 
Sato noticed a young woman sitting on the ground, completely overwhelmed. She wasn’t moving, and was bound to get hurt! 
He ran to her, just in time to smash away a bolder. The woman stared up at him in awe, snapped out of her fearful freeze.
“Are you ok-...” Sato trailed off, as he stared at the woman. 

The woman was beautiful. She was a plump girl with pink hair. Her eyes were a soft brown, like a Garnet stone. They shined in the afternoon sun. 

“Y-Yes!” The woman cried. “Yes I’m ok! Thank you!” 
“O-Of course,” Sato blushed. “Go get to safety!”
The girl nodded. “Thank you!” She shouted.


After all the civilians were far away, Sato began to help Lion Hero fight the beast villain. The beast sure was strong, with the body of a Lion but the thorns of a scorpion. Lion Hero was having trouble fighting it while avoiding them poisons spikes.
“We need to corner him to where the police can tranquilize him!” Lion Hero told Sato.
Sato nodded. He chugged a milkshake he kept in his canteen and gained some extra strength. He ran around to the beasts side where the police were, while Lion Hero tried to defeat him from the front. But the Beast was swift, and they couldn’t seem to get a good shot. What were they going to do-

“HEY!” The civilian woman shouted from the beast’s right side. 
The beast turned to the woman roared. He turned around to get closer to the woman, whom was taunting him. It launched his tail at the woman, stabbing her with a thorn. The woman screamed and collapsed.
But in that moment, the beast had been distracted! The police got around 3 tranquilizers in the Beast’s backside with a perfect shot. The beast collapsed.

“Sato, go help the civilian to the hospital. I’ll go with the police and handle the villain. You did good today!” Lion hero patted Sato’s shoulder.
“Thank you sir!” Sato nodded, as he ran off to the beautiful woman.


Sato ran to the woman and picked her up. She was very clearly stabbed with a thorn, and was now poisoned. It was very brave of her to help the heroes, despite being defenseless and getting hurt. Sato would make sure to find her in the future and bring her some sweets as a thank you.

The paramedics arrived, and Sato let them help her onto the stretcher. 
“Did she have anyone with her?” the Paramedics asked.
“No,” Sato said. “But Lion Hero asked me to help her to they hospital. May I please come with you?”
“Yes, you may.” They said. “What is your name?”
“Call me sugar rush,” Sato said.
“Come on then, Sugar Rush! We need to get the poison out of this girl fast.”


Sato sat next to the beautiful girl as she lay in the hospital bed. The procedure had been really long, but the poison was finally out of the woman’s system, and she would be safe. But it would be a while until she woke up. Sato didn’t even know the woman, but he knew he didn’t want her to be alone when she woke up. He kept his hero mask on, for security reasons.

The woman looked beautiful as she slept deeply. Her pink hair was messy, and sprawled out on the pillow. Sato could see her brown roots and bits of the pink fading into the blonde. Her skin was very clear, except for a few freckles on her nose. Sato felt weird admiring her appearance while she slept, but she soon awoke. 

The woman’s eyelashes flutered as she opened her eyes.
“Wh-Where am I...?” She mumbled.
“Hello,” Sato said softly.
“Hey...” the girl said. “Who are you?”
“I am Surgar Rush,” Sato said. “You’re in the hospital.”
“A super hero? I’m in the Hospital?” The girl smiled slightly. “Oh no do I have cancer?” She chuckled.
Sato laughed at her sleepy joke. “No, you are not sick,” he said. “You were poisoned by a Beast Villain’s thrones.”
“Oh yeah, I remember now!”

“Yeah,” Sato said. “It was very brave of you to step up to help the heroes. What is your name?”
“My name is Molly,” the woman sat up a little.
“Well Molly, Lion Hero and I thank you very much for your help.”
“No problem, you saved me first!” The girl said, blushing a bit.
“Well, I’d love too thank you personally.” Sato said.
“Y-You don’t have to do that! You already saved my life!”
“Please, I insist. I would love to get you a dessert to thank you.”
“Again, you do not have to-“
Sato looked urgefuylly into the girl’s eyes, and she caved.
The girl sighed.”....I like cheesecake.”
“Cheesecake is really good,” Sato chuckled. 
“My mom hates cheese.”
“No, all cheese! Its nuts!! She can’t eat anything with cheese! She even gets her pizza without cheese!”
Sato laughed. “Thats really interesting!”


The two sat together in the Hospital for a long time. They chatted for a while, until the nurses arrived.
“Hello Ms. Molly,” the nurse said. “You are cleared to leave the hospital. Here are you’re clothes. They have been cleaned and sanitized.”
“Thank you Ma’am!” Molly smiled.
The nurse nodded, and left.
“Thank you for staying with me,” Molly thanked the hero.
Sato nodded.

Molly tried to get up, but her legs were numb and she started to fall. But Sato dove quickly, and caught her in his arms. The two looked into eachother’s eyes and blushed. Their faces were very close. They quickly pulled away awkwardly.
“Th-Thank you!” Molly gasped.
“N-No problem!” Sato blushed.
Molly picked up her pile of clothes and went into the bathroom to change.


Sato hadn’t even noticed the nice outfit Molly had been wearing. It was a light blue shirt, flowy and silky. The sleeves cuffed her wrists, making the sleeves billowy. She wore a pair of light blue jeans, and black flats. She looked very nice. The shirt had a faint stain from the thorn, but only of you looked to closely.
“You look very nice.” Sato couldn’t help but say.
“Aw, thank you!” Molly smiled. “Thanks you for keeping me company Surgar Rush! It really means a lot to me.”
“Of course.”

The two started to leave the Hospital. They passed by the cafeteria.
“Hey look!” Molly smiled. “That area has cheesecake!” She chuckled. “Again, you don;t have to-“
“No,” Sato said. “I’m bot going to get you a Hospital food cheesecake,” 
“Then where are you going to get it?”
“I’m going to make you one.”

“M-Making cheesecake is so hard! You don;t have to go through that money and effort! I would feel so bad-“
“I’m actually a really good baker,” Sato said. “It helps my Quirk. I’ve made cheesecake a few times.”
“Thats really cool!” Molly gasped. “Still I wouldn’t want you wasting your time on me-“
“Its not a waste.”

“...You’’re a really nice hero.” Molly looked up at Sato, and Sato blushed.
“Technically, I’m just a sidekick right now.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Molly said. “You saved my life! You’re my hero!”
Sato blushed VERY HARD.
“Thats very kind of you,”


Sato escorted Molly to her home. So he could know where to drop off the cheesecake, and so he would have an excuse to spend more time with the beautiful woman.
“Thank you for today Mr. Sugar Rush,” Molly said. “I...I hope I see you again!”
“Yeah,” Sato said. “I....I hope to see you too!”


Sato walked into his apartment, with grocery bags.
Ojirio, his roommate, burst out of his room. 
“Do you know how late it is?!” Ojirio cried. “You got off work at 5 pm, and it’s 10 pm!!”
“S-Sorry, I was-“
“I was worried sick! Where have you been?! And whats with the bags?! We have groceries for the week-“
“Ojiro I was-“
“I was so scared you didn’t call-“
“OJIRO!” Sato yelled
Ojiro went quiet.

“There was a villain attack today,” Sato explained. “A Civilain girl helped up defeat them, but she was injured in the process. I was at the Hospital to make sure she was ok. I kept her company until she was released and I escorted her home.”
“Thats very sweet for you!” Ojiro said. “But please text me next time!”
“I’m sorry.”

“So whats with the bags?” Ojiro asked
“Oh! I wanted to thank her for her help, so I’m making her a cheesecake.” Sato smiled
“A cheesecake? That’s one of your most expensive recipes!”
“I know, and she even said I didn’t have to! But...But she got hurt because we couldn’t defeat a villain on our own. I don’t want Molly to get hurt again. This isn’t just a thank you. Its an apology.”
“Molly? You know her name?”
Sato blushed. “Well, we did talk for a while.”
“Does she know your name?”
“No, she only knows me as Sugar Rush.”
“I see...” Ojiro smirked.

“What?” Sato asked.
“I think you like this Molly Girl.”
“What? No!” Sato blushed.
“Sure, Sure.”
“I don’t!”
“You’re baking an expensive cake for a random civilain casualty.”
“...Ok maybe I like her a little...!”


Molly walked through the city streets. She was on her way back from her classes. She was studying psychology, and her brain hurt. She needed some company to unwind. But all her friends had work today. Maybe it would be a good idea to have an alone day? Molly didn’t know if she wanted that today, but its not like she had a choice.
Molly walked into her apartment, and set her class work down. She did have some homework she needed to get done. She opened her textbook and got her worksheet out-
There was a knock on her door. She wasn’t expecting anyone or anything? 

She opened her door, and gasped. It was Sugar Rush, her Hero! She blushed, as she didn’t look the best after school.
“Su-Sugar Rush!” She gasped. 
“Hello Molly,” Sugar Rush said. “May I come in?”
“O-Of course!” Molly let him inside. “Sorry I don’t look great, I just got back from class!”
“You look wonderful,” Sugar Rush said quietly.
Molly blushed.

Sugar Rush handed Molly a box. She opened it, and inside was a cheesecake. It was the classic flavor, but had buttercream rossests topping it.
“Oh my god you actually made me a cheesecake,” Molly gasped.
“I said I would,” Sugar Rush said.
“Th-This looks amazing! I can’t thanks you enough!!”
“I’m thanking you!” Sugar rush cried. “And...I’m also apologizing.”
“For what?”

“Because I failed to defeat the villain on my own you were hurt. And I don’t ever want it to happen again. So I am sorry you got hurt because of my failure.”
“Oh Sugar Rush...” Molly cupped his cheek. “You didn’t fail at all!”
“I’m safe and alive right now, aren’t I? And thats thanks to you! You got me to the hospital and kept me safe until I got home.”
“I suppose I did-“
So no, you didn’t fail anything. Now help me eat this cheesecake!”


Sato loved the way Molly looked when she took her first bite i of cheesecake. Her face softened as she melted in joy. 
“Its so sweet!” Molly said in glee. “And soft!”
“Do you like it?” Sato asked hopefully.
“I love it!” Molly gasped. “Thank you!”

After they both finished their peice, they both looked at the cheesecake. 
“...Do you want another peice?” They asked in unison. “yes please!” They answered in unison again. They laughed.
Sato cut them both another peice. “Thanks to my quirk, I can eat a lot of sugar.”
“Lucky you,” Molly chuckled. “I just get fat.”
“So?” Sato asked. “You’re still beautiful.”
Molly blushed. “You think I’m beautiful?”
Sato blushed, realizing what he said. “I...uh...!! ...Yes, I do.”
Molly smiled. “Thank you!”

Sato and Molly were on their third peice.
“My friends are wimps,” Molly laughed. “They can only ever have one peice. They say it’s ‘portion control’. But I say its them being pussies.”
Sato laughed really hard.
“Look, sometimes they need to challenge themselves! They need to widen their eyes to be bigger than their stomachs! A stomach ache, is just the reminder that you had an incredible meal. Its supposed to happen!”
Sato laughed more, as he stared in awe of Molly. She was really funny, and was a foodie! She was perfect in his eyes!

“Oh god marry me,” Sato sighed happily
“Wh-What?” Molly blushed
“I-I!I mean, uh...nothing!”
Molly blushed, but let it go.


“I should go,” Sato stood. “I’ve probably distracted you from you’re work enough-“
“No wait!” Molly cried. “I...I um...its not due til ages. I was just doing it because I nothing else to do. I...I would really enjoy your company. If your willing to stay.”
“I’d love to stay,” Sato smiled.


Sato and Molly were completely smitten with eachother. While there hadn’t been an official confession or label, it was obvious they were in love.
Molly still didn’t know Sato’s real name. However she did know, it was his birthday today! And Molly was determined to surprise him. 

Molly walked through the kitchen supply store. She wanted to get SugarRush a very special present, but she wasn’t sure what.
“Hello Ms, may I help you?” An employee came up to her.
“Hello,” Molly smiled. “I’m looking for something for my boy-Er, my friend’s birthday. He likes to bake, what should I get him?”
“Well, we have these custom engraved measuring cups,” the employee said. They come in many colors, and can be engraved in under an hour.”
“Those are perfect!” Molly smiled. 


Molly walked around the mall, while waiting for the gift to be ready. She entering the bakery, when she saw someone.
The man had spiky hair, and a mussel toned body. But would know those dark eyes anywhere.
It was SugarRush! It had to be! 

Molly tapped him on the shoulder, and he gasped.
“M-Molly!” SugarRush gasped.
“SugarRush?” Molly asked.
“Y-Yeah, its me...” SugarRush blushed.
“I’ve never seen you as your casual self,” Molly said. “I’m happy I ran into you!”
“Me too,” SugarRush said. “I...I guess you can call me Sato...”
“Sato...I like it!”

“Happy Birthday Sato!” Molly smiled.
“Thank you!” Sato smiled.
“I’m currently waiting for your birthday present to be finsihed,” Molly said.
“Y-You got me a present?”
“Of course!” Molly said. “I was also coming in here to get you a cake. But now I can ask which one you would like!”
“You don’t have to do that!”
“How else am I going to throw you a birthday party without a cake?!”
“A party?!”
“I just thought, you know-“
“Thats...thats very kind of you Molly. But...But I have a night patrol tonight.”
“On your Birthday?”
“I...I didn’t really have plans. I’m sorry-

“I-I’ll stay up late!” Molly cried.
“What?” Sato gasped.
“I’ll stay up late, so that after your shift you can come by and we can celebrate!”
“A-Are you sure? You’ve told me you fall asleep easily-“
“I’ll stay up! I promise!”
Sato chuckled. “Ok,”


Sato yawned as he approached Molly’s apartment. It had been a really busy patrol, and he was tired. But he wanted nothing more than to see Molly right now.
Sato knocked on the door, but there was no answer. he sighed, and walked inside. Just as he thought, Molly was asleep on the couch. he chuckled. He knew she wouldn’t be awake, but its the effort that counts.
He saw a delicious vanilla cake on the table, with a wrapped present. There were a few limp balloons too. Hey walked over to Molly, who was wearing a SugarRush merch T-Shirt. He sat down next to her, and ran his hands through her hair. His own eyes drooped, and he fell asleep...


The next morning, he awoke to soft singing. He opened his eyes, to see Molly setting the cake on the coffee table. The candle was lit, and she was softly singing happy birthday. He smiled, and blew out the candle.
“I fell asleep,” Molly said. “I’m sorry.”
In his sleepy state, Sato leaned over and kissed Molly softly. “I knew you would,” he chuckled. “Now give me a slice of cake!”
Molly blushed, but giggled as she did so. 


(Cute time tehehehe!!)

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