Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ice cream, you scream (SPOOPY STORY)(redone)

Happy Halloween!

(This might format weird sorry)

Why is it here? Omisha thought. It’s not even summer, or spring.

She could hear it around the corner of the block, its eerie jingle.
The tune of “the ants go marching” playing out of old speakers.
Omisha peeked out of her bedroom curtains as it drove by her street.

The ice cream truck.

It looked so old, as if it was from the fifties.
Rust covered it and the speakers playing music hissed like nails on a chalkboard.
The truck left her street court as slowly as it came. When it was finally out of view and hearshot,
she opened her curtains again and continued her homework.

It came almost every tuesday. The rusty, eerie, ice cream truck. 

Seriously, is this thing up to code? Omisha thought.

No one ever tried to buy ice cream from the truck.
No one chased after it as it went down the street like a normal ice cream truck.

It comes everyday at around 3:00 pm, Omisha thought.
That's way too late in the day for anyone to want ice cream.
And it’s October! No one wants ice cream this late in the year either!

The ice cream truck didn’t seem to get the memo, as it kept coming,
up until the end on december.

It was December 27, and Omisha was busy in her room trying on
all the new clothing she got for Christmas.
She looked at her jewelry box, where she was keeping a pretty 20 dollar bill she had gotten
along with her little brother Libith.

Suddenly, she heard the eerie music. 
“3:00,” she said to herself, “Right on-” 

The truck suddenly hissed to a stop.

“What?” Omisha flew open her curtains and looked down at the truck.

Little brother Libith was handing a gloved hand of the driver his 20 dollars.
The gloved hand used his thumb to point to the back of the truck,
and Libith started walking around to the back.

“Libith!” Omisha gasped. She through on her coat and shoes and rushed down the stairs.

Libith through open the front door to see the back doors of the truck slamming shut,
with no Libith to be seen. The truck started to speed away,
but Omisha was hot on its tail.

All those track lessons were paying off!

“Libith!” Omisha screamed. 
Suddenly, the truck stopped, and Omish skidded to a halt.

The back doors opened revealing a cold fog.
“Libith? Are you ok?”

“I’m more than ok….” said a voice like Libith’s. 

“Libith, come out of there and back home,” Omisha said, stepping into the back of the truck.

The doors slammed shut behind her and a voice played through the speakers.

"Don't worry Omisha, you'll be happy at your new home," it said

“LET ME OUT!” Omisha screamed as she pounded on the doors.

The cold as beginning to get to her,
as she began to shiver and her eyesight began to become bleak.
Soon she was colliding with the ground,
never to be heard from again.


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