Wow, those 3 are the untilmaye hype-squad! I wonder if Nastasia actually did her job as a guidence counciler normally if she could have introduced them to Luigi normally?
And so here we are!
“D-Do you ever wish you were someone else?” Luigi asked, tearfully. “Anybody else? Anybody but…Well, you know.”
“You?” Nastasia, Nintendo High’s Guidence Councler, raised an eyebrow.
Luigi nodded, sniffling a little.
Nastasia nodded understandingly. “You’re not the only one to have felt that way, believe me. There are hundreds of students I speak to everyday about the exact same subject. You are not alone.”
“I-I wanna be cool and brave, just like my brother Mario!”
Nastasia stood from her desk, gesturing for Luigi to follow her out of the office.
Luigi’s hands gripped the strips of his backpack tightly, as Nastasia led him through the empty halls of Nintendo High. It was eerily quiet, as classes were in session and the only people roaming the halls were a student or two taking bathroom breaks or using a hall pass. Luigi himself was missing Geography class with Mario, but Nastasia assured him he would be excused and offered an extension on any missed assignment. The only question left was: where was Nastasia taking him?
“You’re probably wondering where we’re going,” Nastasia said, as if she had read his mind. Maybe she had.
Luigi nodded nervously.
“Everyone is special, Luigi. And everyone has amazing qualities to them, valuable qualities. But sometimes we just can’t see them outselves.”
“You said you want to be Cool and Brave like your brother, correct?”
Luigi nodded.
“Well it seems to me that you already are, and so much more! You just can’t see it. And from what you told me you don’t have anyone to help you see it either.”
Luigi was very lonley. While he had Mario, and Mario had loads of friends himself, Luigi had no one. He liked Daisy(really liked her)but didn’t want to be vunerable with his insecurities with her. He wanted to impress her not give her reasons to dislike him.
Nastasia and Luigi began to approach the door to a gym. It was a much smaller gym than the main one, used for storage for sports equipment and afterschool sports practice like wrestling. It wasn’t likely to be hosting a class during the school day, but there was a loud pounding noise being heard from inside.
“Well I’d like to introduce you to some students I think could really benefit you. And you them!” Nastasia smiled.
“H-How?” Luigi flinched as the pound was heard again. He didnt want to get beat up by more bullies.
“You see, the 3 students in here are incredibly confident and self assured. And I just know they could help you see the best of yourself and build you’re confidence!” Nastasia put a hand on Luigi’s shoulder. “But they lack simple paitence, and polite speaking. Not to say they are cruel or mean, just the opposite! They just come off that way due to a lack of manners. I believe you could help them in that catagory. See?”
Luigi nodded. “I-I’ll do my best, Nastasia!”
“Wonderful! Please, in here!”
O’Chunks rammed himself into the punching bag for the sixth time, getting stronger with each collision.
Dimentio was practicing a card trick with MiMi, who was currently painting her nails. When Dimentio asked her to pick a card, she’s use a dried finger to point to one.
The three we’re currently on their free period, and came in here for the quiet and solitude. They didnt like being in crowded and loud areas when they didnt have to be.
The doors to the gym opened, and their school’s Guidence counciler walked in with a shy boy in green beside her. Mimi and Dimentio grinned, while O’Chunks didnt notice right away.
“Hey Nastasia!” MiMi, waved her hand, greeting the teacher and drying the nail polish.
“Would you like to see a Card trick?” Dimentio asked.
“Maybe you can show Luigi here,” Nastasia pushed the boy in green forward.
Time skip to the part of the fic i actually wanted to write lmao:
Mario trudged into the crowded hallway, Peach and Daisy behind him. Luigi wasn’t in class today. Luigi never skips class, and he knows hes not sick. So where was his brother?
A commotion in the hallways interrupted those thoughts though.
“Oh great,” Mario rolled his eyes. “Its Bowser and his Goons again.”
“Except,” Peach stepped in. “I don’t think its Bowser this time…”
A giant muscular student stomped on the floor. “Step aside, you wee blubbery piggys!” He bellowed in a scottish accent.
“He’s coming! He’s coming!” A strange jester-boy used magic to push aside students.
“Yeah! Shut it Whiskers! He’s almost on his way!” A girl with pigtails cruelly snapped her whip on fellow students.
The three students agressivly cleared the way, parting the crowd.
“What? Who’s on his way?” Mario thought aloud to himself.
“You guys, stop it!” A familiar voice called out, chuckling.
Luigi walked through the parted crowd, a pink blush and giddy smile on his face. He helped up the fellow students knocked over in the chaos.
“You guys, I’m flattered. But please be more gentle!” Luigi insisted on the 3 trouble-making students.
“C’mon Luigi,” Dimentio slung an arm around Luigi’s shoulders. “You deserve respect!”
“A red carpet!” MiMi giggled, grabbing Luigi’s hands.
“A PROCESSION OF BAGPIPES ANOUNCIN YER ARRIVAL!” O’Chunks swooped Luigi into the air and placed him on his shoulders.
Luigi let out a laugh
“L-Luigi?!” Mario gasped. “What are you-“
“Hey Mario!” Luigi waved at his older brother. “These are my new friends! O’chunks, Dimentio, and Mimi!”
The 3 waved, looking a little too happy after having treated the students behind them like cattle in the way of the road.
“You’re friends?” Mario couldnt belive it. No way his sweet, kind little brother would ever be friends with these jerks.
“Yeah! Look, MiMi did my nails!” Luigi lowered his hands to show Mario the glossy red manicure.”
“Ooo!” Daisy squealed. “Slay Luigi!”
Luigi blushed.
“See?” MiMi smirked. “I told you you’re fabulous!”
“Luigi, you can’t be serious!” Mario exclaimed. “These jerks can’t be your friends! What about—“
What about your other friends? Thats what Mario was going to say. But thats when he realized he’d never seen Luigi with anyone else. He was either always with him, or waiting with Marios friends for him to arrive. Luigi didnt have any friends, and Mario had been so caught up in his own life he didnt even know. He didnt know his precious brother was all alone, and he didnt do anything about it.
im tired
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