Friday, March 30, 2018

Austism: What it really is!

Lets talk Autism! Everyone is hating it at the moment, and I'm here, as an autistic myself, to set the record straight.

First, let's talk about this post:

 Please, as someone with high-functioning autism please make this a thing, I want to see super badass, autistic team leaders in superhero movies and Comics as well as in fantasy books

This person is completely right! I personally am not  s super genius, and not socially awkward Its true, that we autistic kids can focus a lot on a certain interest, and know a a lot about it, BUT NOT ALL OF US HAVE THAT QUIRK! And for those who do, who said that the topic is useful?! I could say I'm an expert on Disney, and want to work for Disney in them future, but that doesn't fit the characteristics of a genius! And I AM NOT ALWAYS SOCIALLY AWKWARD! I am actually pretty lively., and I knwo a lot of folks with autism who are also not awkward. And we're not CONFUSED 24/7! Sure, I'm confused often, but not all the time! The people in the film industry truly are cowards! They're too scared and Lazy

 Hey, this was pretty awesome! Yesterday, I went through sensory hell. I went into tears when I thought I had lost the twenty dollars in my purse, and ordering the food was frickn' digital! It was incredibly confusing! And The world pretends to care, but then why aren't they adapting to us? Even the schools(BRAAC, TJS, ECT.) are forcing us to adapt to the world, instead of teaching us to change the world!?
(note: I love BRAAC and TJS I just think they could be better)

And Finally:

I'm not autistic but holy crap people, how about we actually let the people who are define their own experiences.
 The second paragraph really stings. Because, I DO know what its like to be low-functioning, because I used to be! I used to not be able to talk, give eye-contact, or barley hear. But, look at me now! We need to know that kids aren't limited to what their born as! Just like trans kids!
And the last part is a good idea! I'm good speaker. I anounciate, and emphasize, and I think this would be a great way to show the public that we can do things, and that we're not helpless!

And just one last jem:

I hope you enjoyed this! For everyone out there, I wish you...

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