Friday, June 7, 2024

Super Mario Bros Drabble — Bowuigi— Omegaverse AU (but also not???)

 Don’t ask me what this is, its 4 minutes til’ midnight so idk what im doing.

Its Omegaverse but also not? Im giving the koopas(aka BOWSER)omegaverse traits but not limiting him to just omega/beta/alpha traits

Ok lets gooooo


Bowser’s nest was missing something. He wasn’t sure what though. He had his best sheets, blankets, and pillows. All of his beloved children were cuddled within, waiting for their father to join them. King Bowser was a different Koopa Species than them, so when his instincts made him suddenly pick them up from their own rooms and into his they didnt protest. Besides, they liked the extra attention.

So what was missing?! Bowser was getting increasingly frustrated, growling to himself.
“Now, Now, your highness!” Kamek hoveree close on his broomstick. “Everything is alright. Everyone is here!” He reassured the thing.

Everyone is here

No. Someone was missing.

With this realization, Bowser sprinted out of his bedroom, out of the castle—out of the KINGDOM!—to go find him.


The mushroom kingdom was in chaos. Bowser had never attacked at such a late hour, let alone like this. There was no army, Bowser was by himself. And yet, according to the villagers reports he was completely feral. On all fours, setting buildings aflame, roaring like an animal.

Currently, Mario was trying to defeat him before he could reach Princess Peach. He left Luigi behind to comfort the Princess, who was terrified.
“I’ve never seen him like this!” Peach shook. “I am so scared of what he might do to me!”
“There There Princess,” Luigi held her hand. “Mario and I won’t let anything happen to you!”

In that moment the giant doors opened and Mario slid across the floor. He was in bad shape, and Bowser came stormimg in after him. Princess Peach screamed and Luigi rushed to his brother. 
Luigi looked up at Bowser, ready to fight. Bowser leaned down to meet his eyes, and then sniffed. His eyes dialated, and suddenly be began to purr. The tension in the rampaging monster lifted and he collasped to the ground like Mario. He continued to sniff Luigi, while Luigi was just very confused

I obvi have more but me sleepy bye

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Super Mario Bros. Oneshot -- Bowuigi -- The Princess and the Turtle

Hey Everyone! I got this idea when I first got into Bowuigi, and I'm finally sitting down to writer it! I'm taking it easy and not trying to put a ton of effort into this. Just gonna try and have some fun! ٩(^ᴗ^)۶



Without further ado,



Before Mario and Luigi discover the warp pipe and all that:
Luigi discovers a shrunken Bowser from some pipes, thinks its a talking turtle. The turtle claims he's a powerful and handsome king from a faraway land. And that if he kisses him--thus returning him to his true self--he will repay Luigi with a life of luxury and riches. Luigi doesn't believe him, but humors him and kisses him regardless
They eventually reunite in the mushroom kingdom, while the bros are trying to rescue peach for probably the first time. Bowser recognizes Luigi and remembers his promise, instantly dropping everything to fufill it.

Luigi had seen plenty of strange things in pipes before. Not just the gross waste and fatbergs. He'd seen wedding rings, goldfish, even false teeth! However he never expected to come across a talking turtle

"I am not a turtle!" shouted the reptile, in an angry voice that simply sounded too adorable for its tiny stature. "I am the Mighty King of the Koupas!"
Luigi giggled as he lifted the turtle into his hands, careful of his sharp spikes. He had never seen a turtle with spikes, but this was New York. 
"You are the cutest!" Luigi squealed, lifting the squirming turtle to his face. "La tartaruga più adorabile di sempre!"
"How dare you! I am not cute, I'm ferocious!" it let out a roar, which had it not been for its tiny vocal cords would have been very scary. 
It actually startled Luigi just enough to snap out of his cooing-trance and actually listen to what the turtle was saying. 
"I'm sorry," Luigi apologized, setting down the reptile. "I got carried away."
The turtle stood up bipedal, and shook the dust and grime from the pipes off of him. "I am King Bowser ruler of the Koopas and Darklands!" he declared. 
"The ruler of the what and where?"


Luigi gasped. Without thinking he grabbed Bowser again, this time holding him behind his back as his older brother apprached.
"Mario!" Luigi faked a smile.
"I'm all done with the pipes over on the left side," Mario wiped the sweat from his brow. "How you doing over here?"
Bowser squirmed and wiggled, tryingto escape Luigi's grip.
"A-Almost all done!" Luigi tightend his grip.
"I'm going to go start up the truck, meet me outside?"
"S-Sounds good!"
Bowser nipped at Luigi's fingers, sharp fangs startling the green plummer.
"What was that, Luigi? Stai bene?"
"A-Awesome! Awesome Job today!"
Mario grinned, and left the area.

Luigi dropped Bowser back to the ground, cradling his hand.
"That hurt!" he cried.
"Thats what you deserve! You should have known no one can hold the mighty Bowser at bay!"
"What kind of mighty king is so tiny?" Luigi didn't mean it as an insult. He was genuinely curios, he had never heard of a Koopa before today.
"I'm not tiny!"
"I'm actually a tall and handsome King!"
"Uh, yeah! But I was cursed and now here I am." Bowser crossed his arms. 
"Well, how do you break it?"

"Kiss me!" Bowser commanded.
"What?!" Luigi jumped back.
"You must kiss me! That will break the curse."
"I-I'm not kissing a turtle."
"I'm not kissing a Koopa."
"Do you know who I am?! I am King Bowser! I am the most powerful person in the world! How dare you defy me--"
Luigi lifted Bowser up into his hand again. "You were saying?"
Bowser growled. "Fine."
Luigi giggled again.  "Mario is waiting, c'mon!" Luigi put Bowser in his pocket.
"Where are you taking me?! Wretched Human!"


Turns out Luigi was taking him home. Bowser would have preferred his massive castle, but he had to admit Luigi's home was cozy. A step up from the dark and damp sewers. Luigi's spaghettis was also a much better than the weeds he was forced to feast on while on the pipes as well. And the soft cloths he rested with were a blessing after waking up soaked overnight.
Every night, Bowser would tell Luigi the same thing: "If you kiss me, I will give you millions in gold and a life of luxury in return." 
And every night, Luigi would chuckle and say he didn't need it. 

At first Bowser thought Luigi was annoying. The way he treated Bowser like he was a harmless pet. But slowly he began wanting to hear his giggling laughter. He began yearning for Luigi to stroke his finger through his hair. He became desperate to be held in his warm hands. He wouldn't mind if things stayed like this forever...
But Bowser had a Kingdom to run. Bowser had a world to take over! And a child to take care of! So he continued to ask every night, "If you kiss me, I will give you millions in gold and a life of luxury in return."

Until one night, Luigi agreed. He let out a pitiful chuckle, eyes sad. "I don't think my kiss will help all that much," he sighed. "But if you really want it that badly, I'll give it to you."
And so, Luigi's kissed him. His lips were soft and warm, but gone in an instant as Bowser was transported back to his kingdom in his regular size. 

The curse was broken! The Koopa subjects rejoiced at the return of their missing King, and were more excited than ever to continue their mission to take over the world. So excited they didn't think twice about why Bowser wanted a third of his treasure to be locked away in a secure vault. They didn't even question when Bowser introduced a new protocol called 'Code Green' let alone why it entailed what it did. They were just happy to have their king back!



The Darklands were just as scary and just as hot as Mario had always described them to be. Luigi had removed his gloves, using them as sweat rags. Mario however didn't seem affected, as he marched determined to rescue Princess Peach. Luigi knew his brother really liked the Princess, he could see why! She was beautiful, smart, and brave! But even she was no match for this Koopa King, who kept kidnaping her in an attempt to form a political marriage. And so Mario was once again going to rescue her, this time with Luigi by his side.
Luigi wasn't sure why his brother wanted his help, what help would Luigi be?! But Mario insisted that Luigi was the only one that could help him, and how could he say no to his brother and best friend?

After fighting their way through the castle they reached the throne room, where Peach was placed in a cage, swinging from the ceiling. And below her on the throne sat King Bowser, the one who kept kidnapping Peach.

"Mario!" Princess Peach cheered, seeing her rescuers. "And Luigi--"
"MARIO!" Bowser roared, cutting off Princess Peach. "You're too late! Soon, the mushroom Kingdok will be--" Bowser stopped mid-sentence, finally noticing the man in green.
The entire room was silent, and very very awkward. 
"Uhm, you were saying?" Mario motioned for Bowser to continue.


Koopa servants and solders flooded the room in a frenzy. Mario went to fight the soilders, before realizing they were releasing Princess Peach. Princess Peach looked confused herself, not sure what this code green was or why it meant she was being set free. Meanwhile the servants were surrounding Luigi, laying out a fancy red carpet from exactly where his feet stood to the throne. They also began lining it with vases filled with treasure. In minutes, the result was princess peach standing free on Mario's left, and Luigi on Mario's right surrounded by treasure and servants standing at attendance.
"What's Happening?" Luigi whispered to Mario.
"How should I know?!" Mario hissed, panicked. 
"You're the one that's been here before!" Luigi waved his arms franticly.

Bowser approached Luigi, and bowed to him. 
"Luigi, I have anxiously awaited the day we reunite." the King said.
"Wh-What?" Luigi gasped.
"As promised, I have prepared hundreds of fortunes worth of gold, the vases you see before you being filled with just a sampling of it." He motioned to the red carpet and the treasure along it. "As well as best servants the koopa kingdom can offer, all loyal to you and shall service you for as long as you shall live."
"It is an honor to serve you, Luigi." the servants declared.
"Wh-What are you talking about?!" Luigi cried.
"In return for breaking my curse, I promised you millions in gold and a life of luxury in return."

Luigi's jaw dropped. This was Luigi's pet turtle, from years ago. The one he swore could talk. The one who disappeared right before his eyes, a few weeks after he had adopted him. The one who claimed he was a a tall and handsome king, cursed to be tiny. The one who wasn't lying. 

"Luigi, what is he talking about?!" Mario shouted. 
"I-I can explain!" Luigi turned to his brother.

"Princess Peach, I regret to inform you that a political marriage will no longer be available." Bowser said.
Princess Peached rolled her eyes. "Oh no, I'm so disappointed." she said, sarcastically. 
"Thank you for your understanding."
"Wait, your just giving up?" Mario turned back to Bowser. "After everything you've done?!"
"I must, as now that the one I am in love with is here I refuse to peruse any political marriage. I will be focusing my efforts and resources on courting Luigi for a genuine marriage."

Luigi fainted.


Again, all of this was for MY enjoyment. and I enjoyed it! So IDC that the ending in unsatisfying! But thank you all for reading, and I hope you still enjoyed it regrardless!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sorry I've been gone since July but BOWUIGI happened

 Hi everyone! 

Sorry I've been gome since July lol.

After seeing the Super Mario Bros. Movie, I've been freed from my 7-8 year long Voltron Hyperfixation! YAY! Not to say I don't still love vld tho lol.

But yeah, Bowuigi (Bowser/Luigi) is my new most favorites thing ever! In fact I've already written a few oneshots and fics(Even some fanart and Animations)!But those were rlly long and I wanted to write something more chill so here we are, back on the wogweb! 

So yeah, expect some Super Mario Bros Content in the future! 

Friday, July 28, 2023

VLD LANGST Oneshot -- Lance's Birthday 2023 -- Happy Birthday To Who We Want You To Be

ヽ(≧ω≦) {☆HAPPY★BIRTHDAY☆LANCE}(≧ω≦)/

Its been such a busy July, and yet Celebrating Lance's birthday is still a priority. Not to be a classic 'AO3 A/N' but Gramps(my Grandfather)is literally in the hospital/rehab for re-occuring cancer issues right now and I prioritized THIS DAY over him...(-_-;)

Anyway, MAJOR THANK YOU to my Discord Friends @Idkjustaname & @applejuice463 for helping me come up with this idea, you two are the bestest!

- Angst With a Happy/Hopeful Ending
- Langst (Light)
- Klance if you squint

Without further ado...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANCE! 



Lance awoke naturally, with no emergency alarm or Shiro knocking on his door to wake him up for training. It felt nice to sleep in and not feel guilty about it for once! Lance stretched for a good few seconds, feeling well rested--Which was not often when your in the middle of an intergalactic war.
Lance took his time washing off his facemask and doing his morning skin care routine, before getting dressed and making his way through the Castle of Lions.

Lance was the one who had pushed for days off on Birthdays. It was quite the fight, as Alurra and Keith insisted there was no time for such celebrations when the Galra could attack any moment. But after being given their own Birthday Celebrations by Lance, they agreed to his request.
"I suppose having Birthdays reserved for celebrations couldn't hurt," Alurra had said. 
"I guess Birthdays are fine," Keith had rolled is eyes. "Besides, it counts as bonding and stuff."

And now, it was Lance's birthday. Lance was very excited! He couldn't wait to eat Hunks' delicious cake and open all the gifts the team will have gotten him! What can he say? Lance was a Material Gurl!


Lance entered the kitchen, to see the room decorated in...Red? Normally the team decorated the room in the Guest of Honor's favorite color. And that wasn't necessarily their Lion's color either. Shiro's favorite Color was purple, and they had all decorated accordingly. But Lance's favorite color was Blue, and he was sure they all knew this...

"Happy Birthday Lance!" everyone cheered.

Lance smiled. Who cared about the decorations, he was just happy to be celebrated today! He rushed over to the team and gave each of them an extra tight hug. They quickly sat him down at the head of the table, and presented him with his gifts. Lance was so excited! He couldn't wait to see what his Space-Family had got him; maybe some new skin-care or face masks? Or a new attachment for his Bayard's sniper-rifle? Whatever it was, he knew he would love it! 

First was Corran's gift: A Custom Blue key to the Custodial Closet.

"What do you think my boy?" Corran smiled. "Now you won't have to use my keys when cleaning the pods! You can get the supplies all by yourself!"
Lance wasn't sure what to think, to be honest. But Corran was giving him such a proud smile. He was Altean, and probably didn't know that on Earth practical gifts weren't really for Birthdays.
"Thanks Corran, this is reallt thoughtful of you!" Lance gave Corran a hug. 
It really was, it Corran's own way. Lance complained about never being able to find Corran, having to look all over the castle for him just ask for the keys so he could get a wash-rag.

Next was Pidge's gift: An alarm clock

"I made it myself!" Pidge grinned. "What do you think?"
The homemade alarm clock was shaped like a planet with rings surrounding it, resembling saturn. However it wasn't painted or anything, and was clearly made from different scrap parts. But it still managed to look like something and stand upright. 
"An Alarm Clock?" Lance asked, not really sure what to say yet.
"Yeah! This way we don't have to wake you up every morning when you sleep in!" Pidge laughed.
The rest of the team let out a laugh too, and Lance faked a chuckle. 

Was this a gift for Lance, or a gift for the rest of the team? Was he that much of an inconvenience? If he had known he would have worked harder to get up on time himself. Pidge said that it could record a custom alarm, so it didn't have to be a loud scary ring, which was nice. But Lance still didn't feel too happy about this present. However he didn't want to appear ungrateful, so he faked another laugh and thanked Pidge.

"Oh! Oh! My turn!" Princess Alurra clapped her hands and gave a little hop or two. 
Alurra's gift was a sword.
It was very beautiful, colored with the traditional altean blue and a bright red--seriously, what was with all the red? It wasn't a bayard of any kind, so this was its own weapon.
"Isn't it lovely?" Alurra said with glee. "You can train to master the blade, how exciting!"
What the hell was this?! Lance was the Sharpshooter of the team! It didn't matter if he gave himself that nickname, it was clear to everyone that he used a gun, not a sword. The only one who used a sword was...

Shiro's gift was last, the most insulting of all: Fingerless Gloves. 
"To go with the sword," he put a hand on Lance's shoulder. "They improve grip and keep your hands from getting cold."

Keith wielded a sword. Keith wore fingerless gloves and ran cold. Keith's favorite color was red. It was all so clear now: These gifts weren't for Lance, they were for who the the team wanted Lance to be. The team wanted Lance to be more like Keith. Of course they did, why would they want a flirty goofball from Cuba when they could have Keith, a focused prodigy practically made for Voltron! 
This was supposed to be Lance's day, where he was celebrated for who he is. But instead, it became Keith's day, reminding Lance of everything he wasn't.

Hunk walked into the room, carrying a delicious birthday cake covered in red icing. Lance's eyes blurred at the sight of the powerful flames upon the candles, and whatever Birthday song the others sang him was muffled by Lance's own dread. He didn't even register blowing out his own birthday candles, and only snapped out of his own head when the others cheered and clapped.
Lance stood up from the table just as Hunk was cutting him a slice.
"Lance, where are you going?" Hunk asked.
"I was just going to go put these amazing gifts in my room!" Lance lied with his fakest smile yet. "I'll be right back for a slice of that delicious cake!"
The others nodded and all began digging into their own slices. 


Lance entered his room, and set his gifts on the floor. He numbly sat on his own bed, tears falling down his cheeks. He let out quiet hiccups as he hugged himself tightly.
He remembered all the gifts he gave the others for their birthdays: He gave Pidge a special neck pillow. So that she could code late into the night in comfort. As he hated her staying up late at night coding, he accepted that it wasn't something he was going to stop her from doing. Pidge had gave him a look that said, 'I appreciate your understanding even for something you hate'. He had surprised Hunk with a garden in Kaltnecker's room, growing all sorts of Alien vegetables and fruits he had never worked with before. Lance had spent a month growing it, and gifted Hunk with the special alien gardening guidebook he used so Hunk would be able to take care of them too. Cooking Tools were all fun and good, but being able to have ingredients at his disposal made Hunk cry from joy. He had given Shiro his headphones, because he knew Shiro was suffering from PTSD night terrors and hoped they would help him, calm him with music and meditation tapes. For Alurra and Corran--Alteans have a single holiday in which the royal family celebrates all their birthdays together, and Corran practically became a member due to how close he was with the royal family and Alurra--he gave them both an expensive space-internet subscription to a space-internet encyclopedia service. They were overjoyed to have the resources to catch themselves up on 10,000 years of history they missed while in the Pods. And Keith, Lance had worked tirelessly to find something the grumpy emo would genuinely appreciate. He ended up getting Keith a set of elbow/kneepads, so that he wouldn't have to wear his entire paladins armor while training. He used to not wear it, but after getting hurt one too many times Shiro instead on full armor or no training. It pissed Keith off to no end, having to get his heavy armor on just to exercise. So Lance spoke with Shiro before hand and got approval that Keith could train without his armor if he wore the Elbow/Kneepads Lance gifted him. Keith had looked up at Lance, whom always teased Keith about his endless training, and actually smiled.

It was while he thought of Keith that Lance noticed the crate on his bed next to him. That wasn't there this morning? It was black and made of metal, the BOM logo on top of it.
Lance opened the lid with a squeak, and found an assortment of 3 or 4 bottles/jars, and a peice of paper. Lance raised an eyebrow and read the note:

I know its not much, but some alien was selling a bunch of this stuff at a market while I was on a mission. I don't know exactly what it is, but the lady said it was the skin-care basics and I know you like that kinda stuff. You probably already got some of this or better stuff from everyone else, sorry. Happy Birthday, and I'll try to visit soon

-- Keith

Lance didn't think such a basic note could make him tear up. Keith had taken the effort to get him a birthday gift while on a mission and write him a note! And it was an actual good gift! It wasn't some sort of gift for his benefit, or something he wanted Lance to want. No, it was the perfect gift for Lance. 
And if Keith could appreciate Lance for who he is, Lance knows that he's enough.

Lance wiped his tears and left his bedroom to go back to the kitchen. Red icing or not, Hunk's cakes were always amazing and not even Zarkon could stop him from eating his Birthday Cake!


(Happy Birthday Lance! Thanks again to @Idkjustaname & @applejuice463 for the help!)

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

MHA Self Insert oneshot — Tenya Iida // WogWoman — The Gala 2023

Its May, Springtime! And love is in the air, along with pollen!

Anyway I've just really wanted to recreate ‘The Gala’ forever. And I finally figured out a way to do so without making it exactly the same thing lol. So here we are!

Everyone is aged up(Curse being 20 years old now!)and are Pro-Heros and such. 

(Credit: )

(Also for my own outfit in the following story, I imagined this dress but a slight more silky and add a bit more glam to it)


- Ableism
- R-Slur
- Fat Shaming
- Cyberbullying
- Endeavor (He's a warning in and of himself lol)
- OOC for the better and worse 



Tonight was the largest Pro-Hero Gala in Japan. Only held once a year, the gala celebrated Pro-Hereos; those who have become the highest ranking, those who have become legendary and made history, and those who are just up-and-coming. Just its entrance's Red Carpet was known to make-or-break a stylist's carrier, if they could even get that far to begin with. All this to say, it was a very big deal.

Tenya Iida, also known at #6 ProHero Ingenium 2.0, was of course attending. However this year he brought a date, his girlfriend of one year.

Molly was a civilian cosmetologist, and Tenya Iida had met her when a villain fight ended up crashing into her salon. She had defended her patrons by burning the villain with a curling iron when they got too close. It ended up defeating the Vilian, as it pained them enough for Tenya Iida to finally tackle and incapacitate them. From then on, Iida would find himself in her salon for his hair/barber appointments. And soon enough he found himself in her heart too. 

Previously their relationship was kept away from the public eye. Until tonight...


Tenya Iida took a deep breath, and knocked on Molly's front door. Molly lived in a townhome in a quaint neighborhood. The Limo stood out from the other mini-vans and SUV's in the driveways. 

This was Tenya's first time attending such a large public event with a date, and he was very nervous. What if Molly didn't have a good time? What if she got overwhelmed? What if she decided she didn't want to date a ProHero, didn't want to keep dating Tenya! Before he could freak out anymore, the door slowly opened to reveal his girlfriend. 

She looked beautiful; with her golden hair done all fancy, and light makeup bringing out her already rosy cheeks and shiny brown eyes.

"Tenya! You're here!" she smiled. 
"Good evening dear," he bowed his head. "Are you ready to leave for the gala?"
"Yup!" she grinned, and closed the door behind her. "Let's go! Let's go!"
Tenya Iida chickled, and led her into the limo.


The Limo drove smoothlt through th bust streets of Japan, on its way to the biggest event of the year. 
"I'm so excited!" Molly flapped her hands happily.
"As am I," Tenya Iida said. "However I am also nervous."
"Why?" Molly asked. 
"This is the first time I've brought you to an event like this. The public will now know of our relationship."
"O-Oh..." Molly looked down sadly. "I don't want to embarrass you or anything."
"No, No!" Tenya Iida said quickly. "That is not what I was referring to! I could never be ashamed of you, no matter what the public could say."
"Then what is it?"

"I am worried that you won't enjoy yourself." Tenya Iida hung his head. There are so many strangers and uncertainties, and I fear that you may get overwhelmed or be completly miserable."
"Oh Tenya," Molly said soflty, and held his hand. "Thats so kind of you to be concerned for me. That means a lot to me."
Tenya Iida nodded.

"Well, you don't have to be worried about me getting overwhelmed! Check this out," Molly grinned, and dug into her purse. 
Tenya Iida watched as Molly pulled out a pair of noise-cancelling earmuffs. But they were not like her usual ones. These ones were bedazzled with colorful rhinestones-stickers, which made them look very glamours. 
"What do you think?" Molly slipped them on. "I made them just for tonight!"
"They look just as beautiful as you do," Tenya Iida smiled and kissed her on the cheek.


The limo pulled up to the red carpet. Cameras were already flashing, and they didn't even know who was in the car yet. 
Tenya Iida warned Molly about the noise and flashing lights, and she nodded. She agreed to tell Iida when they needed to leave the red carpet away from the cameras and go into the gala.
Tenya Iida left the car first to the cheering fans and paparazzi. He gave a polite wave, before reaching into the Limo to help Molly out. The paparazzi went wild over the new face.

Molly was by no means wealthy, let alone as rich as a ProHero. So of course she wasn't wearing any designer dress or fancy suit or whatever crazy fashion would normally be found on the red carpet. However she did her best to find something extra special looking. She wore a silk-like Yellow Dress, which hung off her shoulders. She wore a shiny silver necklace with a blue jewel on the locket, which matched the fake silver diamonds weaved in her hair. She had done her hair in a fancy way, she was a cosmetologist after-all! The dress would show bits of her yellow tennis shoes she wore underneath, because she tried but she just couldn't find it in herself to wear heels. Luckily the dress hid them mostly from the rest of the outfit. 
Tenya Iida wore a dark blue suit, which matched the shade of Molly's necklace. He wore a tie that matched the yellow of Molly's dress. She happy flapped when Tenya wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled at her. Tenya loved that Molly wasn't too afraid of attention, as she waved happily to the cameras and did fun little poses with her hands.


However they did eventually find their way inside the Gala. It was giant, with hundreds of heros, sidekicks, media reporters, and event staff. Present Mic was acting as DJ, because of course even at a party for ProHeros like him you couldn't keep him away from the aux. Many ProHeros were on the dancefloor, and many others were scattered around, drinking and chatting. 

"Iida," ProHero Shouto Todoroki approached them. 
"Hello Todoroki, it is wonderful to see you!" Tenya smiled. "Have I introduced you to my date this evening?"
"No you have not," Todoroki said. "However I do remember her coming up in conversation quite often."
"Aw, baby you talk about me?" Molly grinned.
"O-Of course," Tenya Iida blushed. "It ius only natural to speak of you from time to time."
"All the time," Todoroki corrected.
"This is Molly!" Tenya quickly introduced Molly, in order to avoid anymore panic. 

"Hi, its nice to meet you!" Molly held out her hand. "Tenya talks about you and Mr. Deku a lot too, don't worry!"
Todoroki blushed this time, and shook Molly's hand. "I suppose that's karma." he said. "Speaking of Midoryia, I see him at the bar by Bakugou. I am going to go say hello before they break out in a fight. It was wonderfuk to meet you Molly."
Molly giggled again, and Tenya Iida sighed. 
"He was nice!" Molly smiled. "I'm really excited to finally meet all the people you talk about!"
Tenya Iida nodded.


Molly was having a wonderful evening. She had met the ProHeros Tenya Iida worked with, and talked with Tenya's best friends since U.A. She even got Mina's--ProHero Alien Queen's--number, as they had really clicked and Mina wanted to spend more time together. The food was absolutely delicuous, and while she avoided drinking she had had at least 5 of the gourme lemonades. She had dragged Tenya Iida onto the Dancefloor, despite both of them being horrible dancers.
It was around this time where Molly was getting a little tired, and overwhelmed. She decided to take a quick break by the quieter orderves table and put her nosie-cancelling headphones on. Tenya Iida promised to check on her in a bit, ad gave her a little kiss on the cheek. Molly was now snacking on the deserts while watching the crowd.

Suddenly a large shadow fell over her, and Molly looked up to see #1 Hero Endeavor. She gasped in awe and slight fear. Endeavor stared down at her, inspecting her almost.
"Who are you." he demanded.
Unfortunatley Molly hadn't taken her headphones off yet, and she didn't hear him. "S-Sorry, what was that?" she asked, as she slipped them off. 
"Give me those!" Endeavor snatched earmuffs out of her hands. He tossed them against the wall and they fell apart completely, shiny rhinestones scattering on the floor.
"Hey!" Molly cried out.
"Those are tacky and disrespectful," Endeavor scolded. "Who do you think you are, coming to an event such as this wearing those eyesores? Especially if they hinder your hearing?"
"Th-They're my noise cancelling earmuffs!" Molly said. "They're supposed to muffle my hearing! I have Autism--"
"Ridicuolus!" the ProHero scoffed. "You don't act autistic. Besides, if you were why would they even let someone like you in?"
Molly gasped in shock and offence: "Excuse me?!"
"I'll ask again: Who are you?"
"I am Autistic! And my name is Molly."
"I've never heard of you. You can't possibly he a hero--"
"I'm not. I'm here with my boyfriend."

"What kind of ProHero would bring someone like you here?" Endeavor looked down at her with distaste. 
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Molly asked, confused and distressed.
"Well, you're not much to look at thats for sure. Afterall other than FatGum people who look like you don't belong here. And you claim to be disabled too, what kind of ProHero would go so low as to assoisiate with you?"
Molly was shaking. "H-How dare you!" she shouted. "I'll have you know Tenya Iida loves me very much! And he said I look beautiful!"
"Ingenium 2.0?" Endeavor laughed. "Now this truly is sad. He has quite the legacy to uphold, and associating with you is surly going to destroy it. I'll have to have a talk with him,"
"You are being ableist, Body shaming me, and--"
"I think its time you left."
"I'm the #1 Hero, and I like to believe my advice is of very high value. And my advice ro you, is to leave as you are clearly not meant to be here."

Molly was crying at this point. And she did want to leave. Not because Endeavor was right about anything, but because she was hurt and upset. She knew she should go to Tenya right now, tell him everything. But hindsight is a bitch, and she ended up leaving in tears instead. 


Tenya approached the table where Molly said she would be, but she wasn't there. Only Endeavor stood there, which worried Tenya.
"Ah, Iida!" Endeavor greeted which a hearty chuckle. 
"Hello Mr. Todoroki." Tenya bowed his head. "Did you happen to a women in yellow? I last saw her here."
"Oh, that women." the Flame Hero scoffed. "Don't worry, I look care of her."
"Iida, you deserve so much better!" Endeavor put a hand on Tenya's shoulder. "Look around, there are hundreds of sidekicks and heros that could aid you in building your legacy! Why would you ever limit yourself to a stupid-in-the-head pig like that girl?"
Tenya Iida had felt rage once. He's felt upset, determained, and angry more times than he could count. But he had only ever felt rage once, and it was when he was fighting the Hero Killer Stain. And now he felt rage once again, this time aimed at the #1 Pro Hero Endeavor. 
"How dare you!" he screamed. 
"Oh c'mon little Iida, you don't have to defend her!"
"What did you say to her?! What did you do to Molly?!"
"I simply sent her away, she didn't belong at an event such as this anyway. She was wearing trash in her head afterall!" Endeavor gestured to the wall, where the remains of Molly's headphones still remained. 
"You destroyed her earmuffs?!" Tenya shouted.

By now the entire Gala was watching them, along with reporters. 

"Iida!" Mina ran up to the fight. "Iida look at this." Mina handed him her phone, which was open to multiple social media websites. 
A photo of Molly on the red carpet was trending, the one where she smiled brightly and held up a peace-sign with her fingers. The posts, the comments, they were all awful.

Ingenium3.0: what kinda contest did she win to go with inegnium to the gala?

HeroN3rd7075: she's flapping like a r***** lol

Ingenium2.0_is_my_husband_327: she so ugly Inegnium 2.0 can do so much better

And now after what Endeavor had said and done to her...Molly could not OK at all.
"Fuck." Tenya cursed. "Mina, have you seen her?"
"No, Endeavor is right she must have left!" Mina said. "We'll take care of this flaming pile of trash Iida, you go and find your girlfriend!"
Tenya nodded, and used his quirk to rush out of the gala.


Molly slammed her front door close, and immediately tore off her dress. She stomped up the stairs naked to her room, where she immediately put on a sweater and jeans. She went back down and picked up the dress before throwing it into the trashcan. She screamed and shouted out in rage and sadness, before collasping onto her kicthen floor in tears.
She was having such a good time, and now she was back at home crying like a baby, She felt so helpless. She tried to distract herself on her phone, but only kept seeing photos and posts of the gala which just made her feel left out. And it only got worse when she discovered the hate she was getting online. She threw her phone across the room and it landed far away on her living room couch. She shouted and screamed in rage until her voice was gone and her throat hurt. 
She knew Endeavor was wrong, she knew. But it still felt horrible to be called dumb, ugly, fat, and invalidated. She was sure Tenya Iida knew she was missing by now, and she should text him she was back home so he wouldn't worry too much. But just as she was about to stand from the floor, Tenya Iida burst through her front door.

"Molly!" he cried out and ran to her. "Oh My God, I'm so glad your ok!"
Molly cried into his shoulder. "I-I was just about to text you. I'm sorry I left without saying anything--"
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Tenya Iida squeezed her tightly. "I know everything."
Molly let out another sob. "En-Endeavor...h-he said--"
"Shhh...." Tenya cooed. "He was wrong, Nothing he said is true."
"I-I know! B-But--"
"But it still hurts." Tenya finsihed.
Molly nodded. "A-And the people online--"
"Are creeps who don't know anything."
Molly stayed silent.

After Molly was calmer, he went to her trashcan and took out the dress.
"You look beautiful," he told her. "You are beautiful in this dress, You're beautiful in those jeans. You're beautiful when you cry, and you're beautiful when you're happy stimming. I love you in every way you're you."

(I'm glad I was finally able to rewrite this. But I'm tired and got bored k byyyyyeeeeeee)

Friday, April 21, 2023

VLD Lance/Lotor Drabble — Bowuigi Art

 I saw this AMAZING Bowuigi art

(IDK who made this. If anyone knows and/or has credit for it, LMK!)

And Loved the vibe right away! So I wanted to try imagining something with VLD! 

Lol enjoy!


 Team Voltron was scattered all over the room, the battle against Lotor and his Generals wearing everyone to exhaution.
“I don’t see why we’re fighting,” Lotor smirked. “Just hand over the lions, and you all will live! Its quite simple.”
Lance threw off his helmet, covered in sweat. “Like hell we’d ever do that!”
Lotor turned his head and looked at the Blue Paladin’s face.
“Oh,” he said. “Now this changes things.”
“What?” Lance raised an eyebrow.
Lotor snapped his fingers. “Haggar, I’d like a closer look at the Blue Paladin please.”
Haggar, revealing herself from the shadows, cast her magic upon Lance. He floated off of the ground, and was sent straight over to where Lotor was standing.
“Huh?! Hey!” Lance cried out.
Lotor grabbed Lance’s chin, turning his head this way and that. Examining him.
“Hmm…yes, you will do quite nicely!” Lotor smiled.
“What are you talking about?” Lance squirmed in the magic. “Let me go!”

“Well Paladins, it seems I will be taking the Blue Paladin instead of the Lions today!” Lotor smiled at the rest of the paladins. “It was a pleasure doing buisness with you all!”
Lotor snapped his fingers again, and Galrab soilders appeared and began to escort the paladins off of the ship ‘peacefully’.

“What?!” Pidge shouted. 
“Let him go!” Hunk cried.
“You won’t get away with this, Lotor!” Alurra declared.
“Oh Alurra, I already have!” Lotor giggled.

Lotor turned to Lance, who while free from Haggar’s powers was being held in place by Lotor’s generals.
“Now my dear, you are sinply breathtaking!” He pet Lance’s cheek.
“Uh…thank you?” Lance found himself blushing.
“Come with me, we have a wedding to prepare!”


it is just drabble, lol

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Wizards of Waverly Place -- Angst Oneshot -- @uhmeeliahh Birthday Gift

Happy Birthday lol to @uhmeeliahh, one of my bestest web friends! 

And yeah, I know this is SUPER LATE! I'm so sorry! :((
But it's here now! So yay!

Anyway, Today we have an Angsty "Wizards of Waverly Place" fanfiction! Inspired by this convo we had:


And so here we are lol!


- Werewolf Heats and etc
- Depression
- Swearing
- Implied Murder

Happy Birthday @uhmeeliahh!



Alex Russo's and Mason Greybeck's relationship had been...struggling as of late. Alex may be a trouble maker, and has lied about one or two things to Mason in the past; however in the end she always came clean and really did work to become a better person for him. She had improved a lot and was open and honest in their relationship. But Mason was still so possessive of her. He became jealous so easily, letting out a growl anytime someone looked at Alex in anyway Mason didn't like. 
At first Alex liked it. The idea that Mason loved her so much that the mere idea of another boy made him hold her tighter. It made her feel beautiful and worthy. But somewhere along the line Alex realized it wasn't as cute as she thought.
Alex had worked hard to improve herself for Mason, but Mason would still accuse her of dishonesty anytime she talked to another man. Even just the cashier at the gas station! Why couldn't he trust her?


It was especially frustrating Alex this week. Mason was extra aggressive and extra possessive. He didn't hold her hand he held her wrist, not letting her out of his sight. She told him many times to stop, and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing. Mason would let out a growl at her and pull her into his arms, sniffing her hair. While Mason's were warm and loving; being held there forcefully, trapped in them even, was not okay with Alex. And what was with all the scenting?!

Well, Alex was going to find out!


Alex was surprised to be walking the halls after school alone. After all week Mason finally wasn't by her side gripping her wrist. And what was she going to do with this unexpected freedom? 
Go find Mason.  She was going to confront him about this crazy possessiveness, and finally get some answers and an apology!

The halls of the school were completely quiet aside from Alex's footsteps as she made her way to the art room. She was sure that's where he was, because why else would he still be at the school if not for the creative space?
As she walked through the hall, she began to hear strange noises coming from the art room. Growls, Wines, and held back howls. There was a tumbling commotion behind the door as well. What was Mason doing in there? Was some weird werewolf stuff happening? Alex finally made it to the door and knocked.

"Mason? Its Alex," she called. "Are you good?"
It got really quiet for a moment, before Mason let out one of the loudest growls she had ever heard.

The door swung open, and Alex jumped back. 
Mason was in werewolf form, his eyes glowing red. He was breathing heavily, sweating. Despite the sweat, he smelled overwhelmingly sweet. 
Mason reached out a clawed hand at Alex, and gripped her shirt harshly.
"Mason!" Alex cried out. "What are you--"
Mason pulled her into the art room and tossed her to the floor before slamming the door shut behind him. 
"Ah," Alex hissed in pain on the impact. "What the hell?"
Mason's red eyes stared into her soul, as if condemning her to hell himself, and began to stalk closer to her. He was...terrifying
Alex reached for her boot in an attempt to grab her wand, but Mason climbed on top of her and pinned her hands above her before she could. 
"Mason! What are you doing?!" Alex shouted. "Let me go!"
Mason leaned into her neck, his slimly tongue dragging across the skin. "Alex..." he purred.
Alex cringed and tried to pull away from him.
Mason had said her name, he clearly recognized her. So why the hell was he doing this to her?
"L-Let me go!" Alex struggled against the werewolf, but he was too strong.

Mason shifted to hold her down with one hand, and started using the other to grip at her clothes.
Alex squirmed and struggled and pulled and pushed against him.
"Help!" she cried out. "SOMEONE! HELP ME!"


Mason blinked, everything was blurry in his blue eyes for a moment. He looked down at Alex. 
Her skin was covered in sweat, tears, and awful hickeys and bitemarks. Her brown eyes looking at him with absolute terror, shaking in his hold.
"A-Alex?" he gasped.
Alex shoved him off of her and scrambled over to the door quickly. She held her undergarments and dress close to her chest, not taking her eyes off of Mason for a second.

Oh god...Oh god what did his heat do to him? What did his heat do to Alex?
"A-Alex, I..I can explain!" Mason cried out to her.

Alex ran out the door, fumbling to throw her dress over her head. She dropped her bra but didn't go back for it. She just sprinted out of the school as fast as she could, not even thinking to use a spell to teleport her home.


Alex burst through the doors of the Waverly Substation. It was dark out, she had no idea what time it was. Time didn't matter at this point. 
"Alex!" her father, Jerry Russo, exclaimed. "Where have you been?!"
"Si Carino!" her mother, Theresa Russo, rushed up to her. "Its so late, where were you?"

What was Alex supposed to say? That she was raped by her werewolf boyfriend? The boyfriend they warned her from the start was bad news? That she couldn't escape because she couldn't reach her wand? That She was the family disappointment, and that Justin never would have let that happen? 

So Alex did what she apparently did best: She Lied.
"Its nothing," Alex said quickly. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." 
Before her dad could scold her she quickly passed them and made her way upstairs. 

Alex ran upstairs into her room and tore the dress of herself. The fabric felt like it burned her skin, almost as much as the horrible hickies and bitemarks did. She grabbed her wand, the magic item shaking in her grip.
"Up and Atom!" she waved her wand and cast it on the dress. The shrinking spell made the dress as small as a napkin. Alex lit a match and burned the dress in tears.


Alex was known to slack off, but this was ridiculous. She hadn't left her room in days, let alone eaten. She hadn't worked in the restaurant, attended her dad's wizarding classes, or attended school at all. She had managed to cast a spell on her door to lock it completely. Not even Justin could break through the spell. Jerry had noted how impressive it was, before Theresa scolded him about it 'not being the time' for that.

But Harper was Alex's best friend. And no spell or lack of Wizard powers was going to keep her from the one she loved. 

That evening after the rest of the Russo's were asleep, Harper approached the door. 
"Alex? Its me, Harper." she said softly through the door. "I know your probably sick of your family trying to get through the door, and I'm sorry I didn't try sooner. The rest of house is asleep right now, so you don't have to worry about them."
Harper heard shifting from behind the door. That was a good sign, at least Alex wasn't dead!
"I want more than anything right now to beg you to open the door, but I can't. Because whatever is happening, whatever you're hiding from right now... I'm not going to ask you to face. At least, not alone."
Were those footsteps on the other side? Harper shook her head, trying not to get her hopes up.
"I'm here for you Alex, I always will be." Harper leaned her forehead against the wall. "It could be crazy life-threatening Wizard stuff, or a bad day at school. I'll be here for you no matter what it is, because I love you."
It was quiet.

The door glowed for a moment before finally pulling open. The inside of the room was dark, before Harper could look inside Alex finally poked through the doorway. 
Alex looked horrible. Her hair was messy and greasy, and she smelled even worse. She clearly hadn't showered since she shut herself in. She was skinnier than usual, she wasn't eating. That was worrisome, considering Alex's snack-stash Harper knew Alex always kept stocked. Her eyes were glossed over, and she had dark bags underneath them. She wore a giant hoodie--literally, she got it as a gift from Hugh--that stopped at her feet it was so long. Not a single inch of her skin showed other than her face. Alex was at her rock-bottom-lowest. 

"Hi Alex," Harper said sweetly. 
"Hey Harper..." Alex mumbled.
"Can I come in?" Harper asked.
Alex nodded, and led her inside.

Theresa Russo had often described her daughter's room as if a tornado had run through it. Alex never made her bed, and there was dirty laundry everywhere. Snack crumbs everywhere, and homework scattered on her desk. It would become especially bad after a breakup, where Alex would tear apart photos of her ex, destroy any gifts given to her and leave rubble on the floor. But Haprer could never expect what she saw:

Alex's room was destroyed. Her wallpaper had been torn and ripped, a few holes in the wall too. Her vanity mirror was shattered, and makeup was spilled all over her desk and week-late homework. The carpet was covered in old blood stains, and tiny piles of ashes. The only thing still intact, was her bed, blankets piled high as Alex tunneled her way underneath them.

"A-Alex..." Haprer gasped. "Alex what happened?"


"HE WHAT?!" 
Alex sobbed into Harper's chest. "I...I don't understand!"
"He raped you...Mason raped you!" Harper said in shock.
"He had completely wolfed out, it was like he didn't even recognize me." Alex said. 
"When I find him, he's dead. He's a dead man, a dead wolf!"
Alex continued to cry. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Harper asked.
"What was I supposed to do?" Alex whimpered. "Disappoint my family even more? If only I could have just grabbed my wand! Justin never would have--"
"Whoa Whoa Whoa, hold up!" Haprer pulled Alex away to look her in the eyes. "This has nothing to do with Justin! Who cares what he would have done, it wasn't him it was you! And none of this is your fault."
"But...but everyone warned me about Mason--"
"And you convinced them otherwise! Because you loved the sweet, artistic, boy we all thought Mason was. Whatever warnings ypu were given, no one could have expected this."
Alex started to cry again.

"We're going to fix this." Harper said. "I promise."


After an entire week, Alex emerged from her room. She still wore the same hoodie, she still hadn't showered, and she still hadn't eaten. Harper held her close, and helped her to the kitchen. She managed to convince Alex to come down to get something to eat. At least once. If Alex still didn't want to leave her room, Harper would bring her food up. But Harper hoped she could get Alex to tell her parents what happened to her. That Mason...Harper grit her teeth just at the name. Was it in pain, or anger? It didn't matter. She wanted to kill the guy.

They made it to the kitchen, and her parents weren't there. Only Max, and Justin. And Juliet, who was apparently with Justin this morning.

Wait. Juliet! Juliet knew Mason, and was just as much a vengeful ex of Mason as Alex was. It was perfect! Juliet would support Alex completely, and be someone for Alex to rely on!
It appeared Alex was thinking the same thing as Harper, because she perked up when she saw the Vampire. 

"Alex!" Juliet smiled and rushed to her. "Justin told me you hadn't left your room in days?! I was so worried!"
Alex openly embraced her, and held her tightly. 
"Juliet, I'm so glad you're here." Harper said. "We need to talk to you--"

"Alex!" Justin stood up. "What the hell? You shut yourself away for a week?! No school, No work, so wizard lessons?!"
"Also you smell." Max said.

They were just worried. But they were also brothers, and sucked at showing it. But before they could really upset Alex, Harper pulled both her and Juliet away.


"So whats up?" Juliet asked. "Alex are you OK?"
Alex shook her head.
"No, no she's not." Harper said. "Remember Mason?"
"Oh, him." Juliet groaned. "I hoped you two would be happier than when we were together."
Alex started to cry. "I..I thought so too."
"What did that jerk do?"
"Mason raped Alex, Juliet." Harper said. 
Juliet's eyes went wide and she went stiff.
"He was completely werewolf-ed out," Alex aid. "I couldn't get through to him....I couldn't stop him."

"Wait What?" Alex stopped her. "Heat?"
"Werewolves have a heat period, where they get the urge to mate." Juliet explained. "It can get dangerous, and all werewolves are trained in suppression before they are allowed out in the mortal world. So that they don't hurt anyone, especially their lovers. If Mason doesn't have the restraint, then he shouldn't be dating anyone let alone away from his pack."
"So what you're saying is," Harper spoke up. "Mason is an immature, Irresponsible, rapist." 
"Precisely." Juliet said. "He's also DEAD!"

Juliet marched back into the kitchen.
"Justin!" she hissed at her boyfriend. "C'mon, we're leaving. Now!"
"What's going on?" Justin asked. "Did they say something to you--"
"We're going werewolf hunting!" she hissed.
"Explain it to him," Harper called out. "We'll stay here and talk to Max."
Juliet nodded and pulled her boyfriend out the door.


Juliet and Justin walked through the woods, looking for any sign of Mason or werewolves that might know where he is. 
"Juliet!" Justin shouted, grabbing Juliet's hand and pulling her to a stop. "What is going on?!"
"Justin, do you care about your little sister?" Juliet asked.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Justin," Juliet looked him in the eyes. "I'm serious, No older brother talk. Do you care about your sister?"
"Yes!" Justin shouts. "She's my sister, I'd do anything to keep her safe."
"So what's going on?"

"Mason raped Alex."

Justin was silent. He looked to his feet, not sure if he could lift his head at all in that moment. His shoulders became stiff, and he clenched his fists. His entire body became to shake.

"Justin?" Juliet asked. "Justin, are you ok?"
Justin pulled out his wand, making the most serious face Juliet had ever seen on him. 

"Please Please, Tell me Now, Is there something I should know?" Justin waved his wand. "Deranium Deranius!"
A square of the sidewalk transformed to show an image of Mason. It was where he was at that very moment, his exact location.
Justin took a moment to glare at the werewolf. "You're dead...You hurt my little sister..."
Juliet put a hand on Justin's shoulder, and nodded.
Justin waved his wand again: "Transportium Nextorbitorium!"


Alex sat in the bathtub, bathing for the first time in days. The water was up to her chest, and she looked at the water with a blank look. Her little brother Max sat next to her, running his hands through her hair with shampoo. Once Harper explained to him what happened, he orginally wanted to go after Mason with Justin too. But Harper stopped him, and told him that right now Alex needs someone with her. Someone like her brother.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I wish there was something I could do to go back and stop all of this."
"Its ok," Alex mumbled. "You don't know how to do the Chronokinesis Spell yet."
Alex and Max chuckled.

Behind the Bathroom door, Harper covered her mouth as she held back a sob. Alex hadn't even attempted a joke until now, it gave her hope.


I worked my ass off to find all those spells, and at one point the wifi even went out! But here we are, success!

Happy--SUPER LATE--Birthday @uhmeeliahh , I hope you enjoyed!