Friday, June 7, 2024

Super Mario Bros Drabble — Bowuigi— Omegaverse AU (but also not???)

 Don’t ask me what this is, its 4 minutes til’ midnight so idk what im doing.

Its Omegaverse but also not? Im giving the koopas(aka BOWSER)omegaverse traits but not limiting him to just omega/beta/alpha traits

Ok lets gooooo


Bowser’s nest was missing something. He wasn’t sure what though. He had his best sheets, blankets, and pillows. All of his beloved children were cuddled within, waiting for their father to join them. King Bowser was a different Koopa Species than them, so when his instincts made him suddenly pick them up from their own rooms and into his they didnt protest. Besides, they liked the extra attention.

So what was missing?! Bowser was getting increasingly frustrated, growling to himself.
“Now, Now, your highness!” Kamek hoveree close on his broomstick. “Everything is alright. Everyone is here!” He reassured the thing.

Everyone is here

No. Someone was missing.

With this realization, Bowser sprinted out of his bedroom, out of the castle—out of the KINGDOM!—to go find him.


The mushroom kingdom was in chaos. Bowser had never attacked at such a late hour, let alone like this. There was no army, Bowser was by himself. And yet, according to the villagers reports he was completely feral. On all fours, setting buildings aflame, roaring like an animal.

Currently, Mario was trying to defeat him before he could reach Princess Peach. He left Luigi behind to comfort the Princess, who was terrified.
“I’ve never seen him like this!” Peach shook. “I am so scared of what he might do to me!”
“There There Princess,” Luigi held her hand. “Mario and I won’t let anything happen to you!”

In that moment the giant doors opened and Mario slid across the floor. He was in bad shape, and Bowser came stormimg in after him. Princess Peach screamed and Luigi rushed to his brother. 
Luigi looked up at Bowser, ready to fight. Bowser leaned down to meet his eyes, and then sniffed. His eyes dialated, and suddenly be began to purr. The tension in the rampaging monster lifted and he collasped to the ground like Mario. He continued to sniff Luigi, while Luigi was just very confused

I obvi have more but me sleepy bye