Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Voltron LANGST oneshot--Hugs

I had written this prompt a long time ago, and I'm finally writing the oneshot!

Found a great pic for this...

But KEITH ruined it so I cut him out.


It was horrible. It was an evil curse. For anyone like Lance it would be. A being who lived off affection, and not being able to give it.
A while back, Haggar had secretly cast a spell on him, saying that if he hugged any member of Voltron, they would die.

He couldn't bare to be that person. That person who would kill his team. So he stayed away.

And Hunk couldn't stand it! He could see Lance was hurting. And he couldn't help but feel like all he needed was a good hug!

So Hunk snuck up on Lance, and gave him a soft but tight hug.

Lance panicked. No! No! No! No! No! No.....Nnnn.......
Lance's heart stopped then and there.
"L-Lance?" Hunk asked as he felt Lance go limp in his arms. "LANCE!!"

Corran burst in, and checked his pulse.
"Wh-What did you do?!" Corran screamed.
"All I did was hug him!" Hunk cried.

Corran checked his body, and saw a mark on his arm.
"Oh that's what did it." Corran said sadly. "The touch curse."
"The what?" Hunk asked.
"Its a curse. Probably by Haggar. If one gets touched by another in an embrace, the victim of the curse dies instantly."
"I... I killed him!" Lance burst into tears.