Saturday, May 11, 2019

Voltron KLANCE oneshot—Prom

This one goes out to u anabella!!

Lance had been so excited for prom. Getting his suit, getting a nice hairdo, getting tickets.
Only one thing was missing: a date.
Don't get Lance wrong, he was a man who could totally have fun on his own! But its always hard when at parties, especially something like prom!

So here he was, drinking punch in the corner while everyone else was dancing.
He just felt so awkward tonight!
Lance sighed, as he started to walk to a new corner.
Suddenly, he crashed into someone and his drink spilled!
"Omg I'm so sorry! I-" Lance looked up.
It was Keith! His friend!
"Oh! Keith! Hey!" Lance smiled. "I thought you weren't coming tonight?"
"Eh, Shiro made me go." Keith shrugged. "But now that you spilles your drink on me I have the excuse to leave!"
Lance frowned. "Sorry again," he said. "Bummer though. I was kinda bored here, i was hoping to hang out!"
Keith shrugged. "I suppose I could stay a little while."
Lance beamed. "Awesome!" Lance smiled and gave him a hug. "Thank you!"


The two spent the night talking and eating. Finally, Lance had to ask it:

"Wanna Dance?" Lance asked.
"What?" Keith looked up
"Wanna Dance?" Lance repeated.
"Oh, uh, sure!" Keith blushed a little.

The two stepped on the dancefloor...just as a slow song started.
But the crowd was too thick to get out of the floor.
The two blushed.
"" Keith stuttered.
Lance cut him off by placing his hands on his waist.
Keith blushed harder and wrapped her arms around Lance.
"This feels...right." Lance admitted.
"Yeah," Keith said. "I'm glad I ran into you."
"Me too!" Lance smiled.
Lance leaned down, and placed a kiss on Keith's lips.


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