Monday, November 14, 2022

MHA Self Insert oneshot — Tenya Iida // WogWoman — Omegaverse

I've had a very hard night tonight, and I have a super scary appointment tomorrow! So this is for my own comfort


- Aged Up / Pro Hero AU
- Alpha! Tenya
- Omega! WogWoman
- "Omega Agency" kinda thing



Tenya Iida—AKA Pro Hero Ingenium 2.0–entered the Omega Agency.

Omega Agencies were a place where Omegas whom had no where else to go could be safe and cared for until a propper Alpha adopted them. Until then they were cared for and educated on propper Omega Lifestyles.

The air was much colder than Tenya was expecting when he opened the door. It wasnr freezing, but the A.C definitely on. The Lobby smelled sterile, with simple waiting chairs placed around. 

Tenya Iida approached the front desk, in which a secretary looked up at him in star-struck flusteredness. Tenya Iida explained he scheduled a tour in hopes of adopting an omega today. Fhe secretary nodded and quickly used her desktop phone to summon another employee.
"Hello, my name is Ryoko." The beta women offered a polite smile. "Follow me Mr. Iida, I'll show you around and introduce you to a few Omegas."

The woman led Tenya Iida around the agency, showing him the agency's group nest, cafeteeria, and finally a large lounge room where Alphas and Beta's we're interacting with Omegas.
"All the Omegas currently in this room are wonderful cannidates for a Pro Hero such as yourself." Ryoko said. "They are beautiful, nurturing, talented and skilled. Model Omegas."
Tenya Iida nodded, and scanned the room for a moment.

He spotted a large group of omegas near the wall, surrounding a young male beta. The beta was clearly a nervous man, and even more nervous near all the omegas. He was probably having a panic of sorts, and the omegas were trying to calm him. Many beautiful and kind Omegas sat by his side, releasing happy and calming pheromones. However there was one Omega who stood out to Tenya Iida. 
She was a plumper omega, who sat at a table across from the scene. She was clearly focused on the situation, but didn't move to comfort the Beta. Instead, she sat calmly and relaxed; she avoided eye contact, looking at the wall the other way. She was obviously still releasing a pheramone like the others, just not as up close.
And yet it seemed to attract the Beta, as he slowly stood and stumbled over to her. She didn't reach out to touch him, which was strange. Omegas were naturally cuddly people! She looked like she wanted to though. While she didn't move, she did lean slightly forward to ask the Beta if he was ok. He nodded, and thanked her before continuing to interact with other Omeags.

It was an act of comfort from an Omega that Tenya Iida had never seen. It was unnatural, she clearly wanted to do more for the Beta. But it was like she was holding herself back.

"What are you waiting for?" Ryoko smiled' "Gon on, Please take your time and interact with a few!"
"Who is that?" Tenya Iida asked instead. "That Omega there, by the vending Machine?"
Ryoko looked over at her, and frowned. "Oh do ignore her, she isn't supposed to be out here right now."
"Who is she?" 

Ryoko sighed. "That is Molly. She presented much later in life thus sufferes consequenses of said situation. She was kicked out of school once she presented, because she was in an institution that didnt allow Omegas."
"Oh thats horrible," Tenya frowned. 
"Indeed. However whats more disappointing is her lack of motivation."
"She is a very kind and compassionate Omega, cuddly with a marvelous scent! She is capable in offering an Alpha with a good meal and good time as well. However she simply refuses to cooperate in order to become the model Omega we know she can be! Such a shame."
"What do you mean? She sounds wonderful, whats missing?"
Ryoko scoffed. "Just look at her! Hardly a Beautiful Omega."
Tenya Iida looked over again.

Molly was a plump omega, hair that reached her shoulders. It was brown and shing gold, and slightly wavey. She wore a large and baggy sweatshirt(branded with the Agnecy's logo), however the fabric was thin and offered no warmth from the chilling A.C. But yet it didnt seem to take from her beautiful brown eyes and pink lips that were bound to have the most glittering if smiles.

"I think she looks quite lovley." Tenya Iida says. 
"Thats nice of you, Mr. Iida." Ryoko chuckled. "However she is simply not prepared to be adopted yet. We have tried everything to get her to improve her appearance, yet she refuses. Which is why she should not be in this room right now! However I will leave her for now, as not to disturb the others." 

Ryoko smiled brightly at Tenya. "Please, go and mingle! I'm sure you will leave with a beautiful omgea!" With that she left the room.
Tenya Iida turned to look at Molly. "I'm sure I will."

Tenya Iida didnt stop to talk to any other Omega, he went straight to Molly.
"Excuse me, may I please join you?" Tenya Iida asked.
Molly's gaze met Tenya's, shock in her eyes. But she quickly nodded.
Tenya Iida took a seat. "My name is Tenya Iida, may I know yours?"
"My name is Molly," Molly said. "Forgive me for asking, but aren't you Inegnium 2.0? The Pro Hero."
"Yes, I am." Tenya Iida nodded. "I'm suprised you recongnized me. I am not well known enough out of uniform to be recognized."
"This is so cool!" Molly smiled a glittering smile. "I think you're a super amazing Hero, sir!"
"Thank you. However Please, you don't need to call me sir." Tenya smiled.
"Oh! Of course. Sorry Alpha." Molly bowed her head.
"Y-You can just call me Iida!" Tenya Iida said.

It was silent for a moment. Before Tenya Iida could ask any ice breaker question, Molly spoke up.
"You really shouldnt be speaking with me Mr. iida." She said. "I'm not ever supposed to be in here right now."
"Someone told me about that," Tenya Iida admitted. "I think its silly."

Molly sighed. "I really do want to be a good omega, so I can be loved one day. But I don't want to change the way I look so drastically to get there!" She hung her head
Tenya nodded. "I agree. They are being ridiculous, you are already a Beautiful Omega. You don't need to change anything."
Molly's head snapped up. "You think I'm beautiful?"
"I do." Tenya Iida said.
Molly grinned, and released a pheramone of pure joy. "Thank you, that means a lot to me!"

Tenya Iida and Molly continued to talk. Tenya Iida told Molly a little about his UA days, and what it was like being Class Rep. He told Molly about how he would sometimes go out to drink with his friends, and how he would end up driving everyone home because they were drunk. Molly told Tenya Iida about her(few)friends in the Agency, and that they said she was one of the BEST cuddlers because of her weight. She told Tenya Iida abour how she liked seeing him on the few Talk Shows he appeared on, and that it had made her smile. She continued to talk about the few TV shows she watched, as there wasnt much else for her to do. She watched the childrens show Pro-Hero Froppy produced and Pro Hero ChargeBolt's YouTube channel.

"This has been a wonderful time Molly," Tenya Iida stood up. "But I believe it is getting late, and I need to be getting home."
"Oh, right!" Molly said. "S-Sorry. Yeah, its late and you should go before traffic gets bad."
"Indeed. Do go pack up your things, I will meet you in the Lobby."

Tenya Iida smiled at Molly. "I would like to take you home with me, if you are alright with it."
"You…you're chose me? As your Omega?" Molly asked, as if it was too good to be true.
"I've enjoyed our time together Molly, and I don't think I'd like anything more than to have you as my Omega."
Molly jumped up and down smiling before leaping up to give Tenya Iida a hug. "Yes! Yes! Oh Thank you, Thank you Alpha! I'll be the best Omega ever, you'll see!"
"You already are, because you're yourself."


Tenya Iida led Molly into his apartment. It was a rather luxurious one, being a Pro Hero and all. Molly only had one suitcase, carrying what few clothes and belongings she had. Tenya Iida, and his deep Alpha Instincts, would certainly have to fix that.

Tenya Iida gave Molly a quick tour of his home. He showed her the kitchen and what was in all of rhe drawers and canneits. He showed her the living room, and explained how the TV remotes worked. He showed her the bathrooms, one was a guest restroom the other with a shower and all of Tenya's hygine items. He had gathered the basic femine omega products as well.

"Down this hall is the master bedroom and guest room." Tenya iida said. "It is your choice were you want to move in. And you can change your mind whenever you want."
"Uhm…can I unpack in the guest room but sleep with you tonight?" Molly asked.
Tenya Iida nodded. "Of course."
"Thank you!" Molly grinned.

(Its late and I'm satisfied)

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