Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Short story: Superpowers AU

Molly walked into her science class. 
“Hey Ethan!” Molly smiled as she walked up to her friend.
“Hello Molly,” he said in his silly/calm voice.
“Do you think today will be easy?” Molly asked.

“Ok everyone!” Mr. Stultz addressed the class. “Today we’re doing a lab!”
“Ok so thats a no.” Ethan said.
“Today we have gathered ‘bottles of lightening’ for you to test on these materials. Please, be careful and down’t start fires.” The teacher said and left them get their materials.

“Ok, I say we test the lighting on the rock first, as to not to start a fire,” Molly said, twisting the cap off of the lightning jar.
“Wait Molly thats not a rocky that’s-!”

The lighting zapped onto what Molly thought was a rock, but was actually a reflective mineral! It bounced off of it and hit MOlly right in the chest. She flew back and tumbled over the desk before falling on the floor.
“Molly are you ok?” Mr. Hofshire, the para, asked/
“I’m fine!” Molly stood up with alarming speed.
“I’ll take her to the nurse,” Ethan helped Molly out of the classroom.

“C’mon lets go,” Molly began to speed walk.
“Molly wait up!” Ethan called

Molly looked back and saw she was already down the hall.
“Wh-How did I do that?” She asked.
“I don’t know,” Ethan shrugged. “Have you been exercising or something lately?”
“HA!” Molly laughed. “Does it look like I have been exercising?! Lets just keep going, I’m sure its nothing.”


The nurse had dismissed Molly as nothing seemed wrong.
But that didn’t explain Molly’s sudden incredible speed!!

The bell rang and Molly sighed. The quickest stairwell to her class was all the way on the other end of the school. No way would she get there in time to beat the crowd!
Molly began to walk to the stairwell and could already see a crowd.
“Maybe I can jog a little-WHOA!!” Suddenly Molly was on top of the stairwell. “H-How did I just do that?!”


Molly ran up to Ethan.
“WHOA WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!!” Ethan jumped in suprise.
“The lunchroom?” Molly shrugged.
“But thats all the way across school! You didn’t even text me!”
“yeah I did.”
Suddenly Ethan’s phone buzzed with Molly’s text.

“Dude, something is up with me. I’m going so fast and I don’t even realize it! I think that lightning did something!” Molly cried.
“No duh!” Ethan said. “Lets go to track. Run some tests.”


Molly stretched on the turf of the track feild.
“Ok, whats the plan?” Molly said.
“Ok, you’re going to run a lap, and I’ll time how fast you go. Don’t hold back.”
“Got it!” Molly took a running stance.
“And...GO!” Ethan clicked the timer.

Molly seemed to vanish and appear again in an instant with a brush of wind.
Ethan clicked the timer and looked at the time. Then he wiped his glasses and looked again.
“What?” Molly asked.
“Molly...that was less than a microsecond!!”
“Is that...a good thing?”
Molly smiled. “Omg I have super powers!!”

The two bounced up and down in celebration.

Mr. Hofshire called Mr. Stultz from behind a tree. “Boss, we have a problem.


Molly and Ethan were walking through down town.
“Its nice out today!” Molly said.
“Yeah but kinds hot,” Ethan said. “I’m thirsty.”
“Oh over there! There’s a lemonade place!” Molly said.
Sure enough there was a lemonade stand over across the street.
“You stay here, I’ll go get us some!” Molly zoomed over to get in line.

As Molly paid and held the drinks walking back over to Ethan, a cry emitted from across the ways.
The light rail was headed straight for a little girl who’s pant cuffs were stuck in the railroad.
“Help! Help!!!” The little girl cried.
The light rail wasn’t slowing down! It was going to hint her!

Molly threw the lemonade in the air and used her speed too race to the little girl. She quickly ripped the pants off of the tracks and ran to where she had thrown the lemonade just in time to catch them.
The crowd around them cheered. Molly had saved the day!!
Ethan walked up and grabbed the lemonades while the girl’s mother retrieved her.
“You saved my child! How can I repay you!” The mother thanked Molly.
“Oh its no big deal,” Molly shrugged. “I don’t need anything in return! Have a nice day!”

Ethan and Molly kept walking with their lemonades.
“Molly that was incredible! You’re a superhero!!” Ethan said.
“I’m no hero,” Molly blushed. “I just did the right thing!”
“You did the right thing with SUPERPOWERS! That pretty much sums up a superhero!”
“Well don’t superhero’s have enemies? I’d rather not deal with that.”

“Too bad!”

Molly and Ethan looked up to see Mr. Stultz.
“Oh hey!” Molly smiled. “I don’t have the homework yet sorry-“
“You stole the power! That speed was supposed to be for me!” Stultz said.
“Hey how do you know about-“ Suddenly Ethan was grabbed by Stultz.
“If you wanna see your bro again, you will come to my lab tonight and let me expoeriement on you!

Suddenly Ethan and the teacher were gone!

“Well guess I am a hero!” Molly said. “never thought my enemy would be my science teacher though!


Ethan sat crouching the in the cage, so that he didn’t hit his head.
“Why is this cage so small?!” Ethan yelled over at Mr. Stultz.
“Its Mr. Hofshire’s,” Stultz said.
“You put him in a cage?!”
“How else will I get him to behave?”
“What is he, a dog?!”
“Actually yes!”

Mr Hofshire walked up to them.
“I was a puppy, but now thank to an experiment of Stultz’s, I’m human!”
“Thats right.” Stultz smiled.

Didn’t expect that, Ethan thought but shrugged it off.
“What do you want with Molly and her speed?!” Ethan asked.
“Easy, I want the speed so I can be the fastest man on the planet! MWAHAHAA!!” He laughed evilly.
“And just how are you going to get the power?”
“Once again, Easy! I’ll strap her down to this device and then suck it right out of her. It might kill her too but its a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
“You’ll never get away with this!” Ethan shook on the bars.


Molly took a deep breath and burst into Mr. Stultz evil lair/lab.
“Ethan!” Molly cried when she saw him in the cage. “Don’t worry! I’ll get you out!”
“No! Molly! It’s a trap-“
Suddenly strapped appeared from the ground a wrapped around Molly’s ankles. She tried to escape but it was no use!
Slow clapping was heard as Mr. Stultz emerged from the darkness.
“Mr. Stultz!” Molly sneered.
“Such a heroic attempt! Too bad you totally failed! Just like my class!”
“HEY!” Molly gasped. “Thats a low blow!”

Before Molly knew it she was strapped to a table.
“Now just stay still. I’m just gonna suck the power-and maybe life-out of you!” Mr. Stultz turned on the machine.
“You’ll never get away with this!” Molly yelled.
“You’re friend said the same thing! He was wrong too. Bye!” He left the room.

Molly pulled on the bindings but it was no use! She was given super speed, not strength!
“So I’m gonna die,” Molly sighed. “Sorry Ethan,”
“C’mon Molly! You’re basically Sonic! You can get out I know you can!”

Suddenly Molly had an idea! She rubbed here wrists on the restraints using her speed. The friction/heart she conducted melted the retrains!
“Ow that kinda hurts!” Molly looked at her brunt wrists.
“Good job Molly!” Ethan smiled.
Molly unlocked the cage. “lets go!”


After the two told the poilce, the evil science duo were arrested.
“I’ll get you text time Molly!” Mr. Stultz yelled as hew was shoved in the cop car.


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