Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Secret Orgins BOOK REVEIW


OK! Time for My review on Story Thieves Book three!

Story Thieves, book three, was an amazing book. The reveals, the pictures, and the funny dialogue was astounding !I will try not to spoil too much, but if you have not read the book, I advise you read it before reading the following essay.

    Starting two months, three weeks, and four days after the last book, Bethany comes to Owen's room(Where he was writing fanfic. I'm so proud of you Owen!) to ask for his help. A strange man has been spying on her house, and she's determand to find out why. Owen thinks she's just misses jumping into books, but he goes with her anyway. They learn that the man know was at Bethany's birthday when her dad vanished. They follow him down a manhole, which leads them to Jupiter City.
Jupiter City is a world of corrupt superheros, taken over by The Dark, which is the villein of the story.

     Knowing that they will need help to beat The Dark, they get help from other fictional characters. Including Earth Girl, and Charm. Charm uses her science to give them powers! She gives Earth Girl a jet pack, Bethany shape-shifting abilities, and Owen super-speed.

But when Owen tries to use his power, he gets transported to a distant relm-ish, thing, by Nobody! It's a world of big comic book panels, where he witnesses his friends from the sidelines(Kinda).

I don't think I should reveal too much past that! Time to talk about what the intro sentence said!

I loved the fact that this book had pictures. There weren't a lot, but because of the realm of Comic panels, we got to see them! it was really cool! I loved the big reveal at the end!'

This book was amazing, and I think you will love it! The next book(Pick the plot) is great too, but I think I'll wait to do that review!

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